?? ^ sf. sf. I' ^ *f ? 9 ????? I ? a H 9 ( I ^ -if I? ^ J " jR ! ! t I \ ; ~ ~ , , t f SHOCKING AFFAIR AT ANDERSON Aged Confederate Veteran Found Beaten to Death. Anderson, December 29:?David Hutto, a Confederate veteran, about 65 years of age. who kept a store at the extension of Greenvilie street, just beyond the city limits, was found dead in his store room today, with /he left side of his face and head smashed to a pulp. The last time he was seen was on Monday afternoon, and judging from the decomposition of the body, the murder must have been committed Monday night. Mr Hutto was eccentric.and the fact that he failed to show himself since Monday among his friends ond relatives was no occasion for alarm, so no search had been made by his family to locate him. A negro woman, who went to the store this morning to purchase some groceries, noticed that blood had trickled through the floor of the little building and that a sign reading, ^ "There is a man dead on inside," was tacked on the front door. She notified Sheriff King and he, with Deputy Martin, forced open the door, which had been locked from the outside, and in a crouching position, partly on the cot in the rear of the store and partly on the floor, was found Mr Hutto's body. The lick over the man's head was a terrific one, as his brains and blood were bespattered all over the cot,the floor and the walls nearby. There were evidences of other licks also, possibly after Mr Hutto had fallen on the cot. A blunt instrument, possibly an ax was used by the murdeier, but no instrument has yet been found by the officers. Evidently robbery was the motive, for no money was found by the officers in the man's clothing or in the cigar box, in which he was accustomed always to keep some change. Mr Ilutto was probably called from hi* cot after he had retired Monday night, ftm woen found today he was in his night clothes. The man who committed the deed very probably called for sardines and crackers, for on the counter were found two boxes of sardines which had been opened, and in the arms of Mr Hutto was found a bag of crackers. The cracker box was sitting near the cot and the first blow must have been dealt from his rear, as he was leaning over the box in the act of placing the crackers in the bag. Mr Hutto's body was removed to Tolly's morgue, where Coroner Beasley began an inquest this afternoon. The inquest was adjourned tonipht until Monday, when the taking of | Mav 1 liuuiuiiiiuiiiiuiuiiuuiimii. f-?^?-?J??*??-??f?*??*f ?^.i? ? testimony will be resumed. The officers expect to gather something tangible by that time. At the inquest this afternoon two negro children testified that th?y saw two young white men go up to the store door about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon and write the sign which was found tacked on the door todav. It is believed by the officers that the young: men intended this as a joke, having: no idea that the information given in the notice was correct. This clue is being followed, however, but developments incr minating other parties are expected to occur soon. Mr Hutto is survived by his widow and several children. The News Al: Nesmlth. Nesmith, January 1:?Christmas passed off about as quietly as usual in this section,there being very little amusement on account of the rainy weather, although many seemed to enjoy the holiday season anyway. Mr S H Cooper,now of Hartsville, spent Christmas day at home. Mr J E Johnson has returned from Rarnpsville N C. where he has been spending tbe Christmas holidays with friends and relatives. Mr Eli Weaver was noted in this vicinity last week. Misses Kathleen Graham and Myri tie Nesmith, who have been attend1 ing school in Charleston, are spend: ing the holidays at home. Miss Leora Gamble of Kingstree is visiting her grand-parents in this j section. Mrs Alice Dicker and children and Miss Ola Johnson of Lake City spent a few days last week with their parents near here. Miss Carrie Cooper of Mouzons is visiting her sister, Mrs J M Rogers. I of this place. i j:r E B McElveen and family have j returned home from a visit to friends land relatives at Timmonsville. Mr Charlie Brockinton of Andrews spent a few days with relatives in this section the past week. Dr .Marion and Mr Striven Brockinton. of the Indiantown section, passed through town last Saturday en route to Choppee to spend some time with friends there. Many of the young folk from here ! attended the party last Tuesday uwonlnt/ onvpn at thp home of Mr .1 j V ft* ' W Waldron at Rhems. All reported a very nice time. Mr Eugene Graham is home for the holidays from the medical college in Cnarlesion. Yellow Jacket. nmtnmmmmmrommromfT ing enjoy we wish thanks t-, BU 1'LfcK UUliUlUiiUiUiUlUUU'UIUllltiU Hymeneal. , a Married ?On Tuesdav afternoon,! i * December 20, 1911, at the home of! the father of the bride, George J hi Graham, Esq, Miss Hallie Graham and Mr Sail! Snowden. Rev F H ^ Wardlaw officiating. Shortly after i v the ceremony the newly-wed couple left for Savannah,Ga.on their bridal- * trip. i N i MARRIED?On Sundry, Decern- ^ her 24.1911, at the home of the offidating clergyman, Rev S T Russell. ?Bloomingvale, S C, Miss Nita Fulton ?j and Mr T J Morris. !tr^ When vou want a reliable medi-i 'h Fc cine for a cough or cold take Cham- i the publi id Prospe nov nri 1-/ 1\ M. iimuimuiuuuuutiuiUuJauilu rrival ol Passenger Trains at KInastrce. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad is promulgated the following sched-! ie, which became effective Sunday, ctober 15, 1911: North Bound. o 89 - - - 7:42 a m j \To 4h - - 11:37 a m ; o 78 - - - 8:10 p m South Bound. o 79 - - - 11:13 a m! S'o 47 - - - - 6:10 p m 1 o 89 - - 9:09 p m' )ai!v except Sunday. rhere is more Catarrh in this section of thecoun- 1 linn nil other diseases Dut together. and until I e last few years was supposed to be incurable, ir a srreat many years doctors pronounced it a :al disease and prescribed local remedies, and by nstantly failing to cure with local treatment, onounced it incurable. Science has proven carrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore luires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh ire, manufactured bv F J Cheney & Co. Toledo, lio.is the only constitutional cure on the mart. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and icous surfaces of the system. They offer one ndred dollars for any case it fails te cure.Send circulars and testimonials. Address: F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. old by Druf?(fiats. 75c. ake Hall's Family Pills for constipation. FI RE! 866 1911. I am pleased to _ nnounce to my old " atrons and t h e j n rvl1 n o f 1 q vera fVlQt I i :ellent H> i our m ic, and wi ;rous NE^ >ODS CO UiUiUiUUtUUUUiUUiittlUUiUi W'msml~ f 1/ioRpuGH 1<-V . ?^?berWeen I North .ANDFlorida?< A passenger service tine and comfort,equipped with Dining, Sleeping and Thor For rates, schedule, maf tion, write to WM. J. CR^ General Pi l A L vauucBcasRvvK '.onriwrramm > THE MASTERPIECE C^THB: ' CONFECTIONER'S ART \ ost gracic ish you al W YEAR. MPANY. uuuiuiutuiuiuiuiuuiuiuiiuitiai c^r -'WeI y uC j f iiiirl j m^OH; # fC'j DEAR! J I Whc n you were engaged | WSy r.ot now ? 1 THE BAILEY-LEBBY CO 0| WL ^^*RUB6?R ^ ^ /roofing _ f^hpi CHARLESTON, S. U ! / oliday tra cone near disproving Lincoln's Li famous saying by fooling all ol the people all of the time for the last haif dozen years, and the people seem to enjoy being fooled. Lin this way at least. A* good magician is popular always, and M Mr. Brush is plainly in that, class. Those who enjov a wholesome, forget-your-troubles enter t a i nment should make it a point to ^ see and hear Mr. Brush. He believes heartily in the mission oi mirth and holds that a laugh is no less sacred than a tear. Mr. Brush comes with but one _ ... assistant, but he brings with him a large quantity of baggage and stage settings that will please the eye and add to the attractiveness j of the entertainment. ? Edwin Brush will be at Union, Hijfh School Saturday, January 27, q|| at 8:30 p m. Admission 75e and 50c. Come see the greatest entertainment j ever presented. 1-4-It, 9-' UU11L CIt lUigV txiuv After the lOth inst. will be fully preared t,o _ carry on ie practice of I DENTISTRY j 1 all its depart-1 lents. | [ Call on me if you \ rant | / First Class WorK ^ J at ( * Prices to Suit. ^ _ Respectfully, L M. Snider. ^ ice over 6ambte & Jacobs' Drug Store, Opposite The Record Office. r-tf niffl!i?Hii?n?w?wwTmwnf -4?4 4*?4?4?4?ii ??"V; ?s * ^ ^ '' M :h ??? h. m .H V-A H -r.rrarsc &a3E&**r?UPr.:?.??7^ Hj i (i^-ST lifiEj 1 IFAl^oFlR/lVEL I ^ Ifie? I SOUTH \ ^oba. ixcenedttfrluxiny the latesTPuifman oujrhfare Cats. M ===== 3 3 I 3 ) de, 1 2 I >us 4 | j IJ 3 I ' 3 M iUiiUiUUiUlUliUUtUiUR H ' *^3 Kiogstree Drug Co: | No Groceries, No Dry Goods, No Hardware, but j anything in pure fresh Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery, etc. Waterman's and C o n k I i j Fountain Pens. We will j send for and deliver all, j orders on short notice. A full and complete 3 j line of Trusses, etc. i Agents for H u y I e r ' s . Chocolates and Bon-Bons. Kinasfrpp lima P,n. 1 niii^wu vv wiu^ v? King'stree, S. C 1ICHESTER S PILLS a THE ViAKONO BRAND. A /J WN Lidlrt! AikroirUninUUot A\ yi r-Shi I'lii-rkM-ler'l INuioia urul/A\ / :r^wO\ Fill* la Red and Void tr.etalilc^/V _J!wl bo*e?, sealed sritfc BIlc Rlt boo. \/ I: v Toko no otker. Hot of roar ? , f-\ . - rtr Bro?1.?. A for CHI-CTnCH.TEH ? * BU Jt DIAMOND ,'IRAM) PILLH,foet5 \ O years kiom m Best, Safest, AJ ways ReUablo -r S01B llf OfitGGISTS EVERYWHERE I oSalsfc's CGei^h iu.'-iitiy * ? c . u;*" ' ^ -ri-.i i^??^ MtititiitHiiiifiHHii tttftf a ? or issenger Agent, Wilmington, N. . J