The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 04, 1912, Page TWO, Image 2

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pLool (I Saturday, Jai V\ a n i jj a l lean sweep san ft Wool and Cotton Urn \\ next week, quoting p H A Clean Sweep Sal yl Pants and a large lin< f) closed out during thi ff prices next week. A Clean Sweep Sal fl Rugs and Art Squares v\ Look for big ad next fl Some of the Lever-Pi \) C If One case, 1200 yar< \\ 8c values, will go in t 11 T /\1 r /MT 4- AVi n i^uuiv uui iui f Jen COMES A BREEZE 'CROSS THE SEAS, THE RECORD A WELCOME VISITOR IN FOREIGN LANDS--A MESSAGE FROM BRAZIL. of Christmas we are going to have out here. My heart aches when I see the spiritual condition of the people of this country. Oh,that their eyes were opened and they could see the need of our living Saviour! While you are all rejoicing over the birth of Christ, don't fail to pray for Brazil; that He may be born in the hearts of these precious people! Kingstree has many sons and daughters scattered far and wide over this old world; but I don't think she has one anywhere who can possibly be more happy or more satisfied than is this one. I am so glad that I am here at this girls' boarding school, working for our Heavenly Father; I'd rather be here than any Editor County Record: ? This is just a note to tell you that The Record has found its way to me safely and that it is a most welcomed visitor. It came to me very faithfully the two years that I spent in Kansas City?1,200 miles from home? and I thought that I knew how to appreciate it then, but I know it now. Five copies have already reached me and, though they are over a month old, I am sure that I greet them with more joy than any of its readers who get them before the ink is dried, I think now that I know how dear old "Uncle Ike" (Mr Isaac Epps) used to feel when it went to him while he was teaching away off in a little country school and was so hungry for news from the folk back at home. I know you remember how he loved it. If any of its readers have a tendency to criticise it, you just tell them to leave their loved ones and their homes in Williamsburg: and go away six thousand miles across the seas and live awhile in a strange land with strange people of strange customs, then let a boat come in bringing in two or three copies of the old ' County Record and see if they still have the spirit of criticism. This note will reach you about Xmas time and may it be a happy, happy Xmas for every one of you in our old townl My heart almost overflows when I think of the many happy Xmas seasons that I have had there. I am sure that there are ttAtmor ii'Amnn HittilV > u11IC11 anu nuuivu there who will agree with me when I say that there is no feeling just like the "going home feeling" at Xmas, when they are tired of school work and their hearts are so hungry to be at home with loved ones and ^rionHc i am wnndprincr what kind marv 13, will mark %/ 7 c- of all Men's, Ladies' and Chil derwear. Look out for our t rices. e of all Children's Clothing, e of Men's Pants will and mi s sale. Look out for big ad qi e of all Blankets, Comforts, Sp 5, Window Shades and Curtain week quoting prices. Dwer That Will be Used in our lean Sweep Sale Is, Apron Check Ginghams, r< ;his sale at 6 l-4c. our big ad next 1 Rinse _ ^ where else in all the world. I get lonely sometimes and home seems so far away, but just then Jesus, seems to draw me closer to Him and j proves Himself to be a Comforter indeed. He has given me so many ! kind friends and such a lovely home . out here. i Next Thursday will be Thanksgiving,and it seems that I never had so much to thank my Father for. With love to everybody in our old home town, I am, Leila Flossie Epps. j Collegio Mineiro Americano, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, S A. November 25, 1911. TWe thank Miss Edds for her kind I expression of appreciation. On behalf of The Record and its readers, we invite this consecrated young woman, who is devoting her talents to the i Master's cause,to give us an occasional letter for publication. No doubt | her observation and experience in a foreign county would make very intertaining reading for The Record's i circle.?Editor]. WHY SO WEAK? Kidney Troubles May be Sapping Your Life Away KlnQslree People Have learned Tbls Fact When a healthy man or woman begins to run down without apparent cause, becomes weak, languid, depressed, suffers backache, head ache, dizzy spells and urinary disor- i ders, kidney weakness may be the , cause of it all. Keep the kidneys , well and they will keep you well. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and keep them well. Can < Kingstree readers demand further 1 proof than the following statement: ; Mrs H Rembert, 312 Cleland St, Georgetown, S C, says: "About a year ago I had kidney complaint and 1 I suffered severely from dull, nag- < 1 ging backaches, headaches and dizzy 1 ' spells. I did not rest well and morn- < ings had no strength or energy. Reading of Doan's Kidney Pills, 11 procured a box and it did not take them long to relieve me. I have had > no backache or trouble from my 1 kidneys since." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ' Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. ? Ever notice how easy it is for a man to get married who isn't able to support a wife? Death in Roaring Fire may n?t result from the work of firebugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen's Arnica Salve,the quickest, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues inflammation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives olf skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at M L Al len's. How much can the pullet? For 1 ; the opening day dren's >ig ad T\? 1 kRee p ?: | S ? Great UL week quoting price >n Bi ROAD IMPROVEMENT TRAIN IS COMING hdl'DaTrn dv > c nnt/cDiu. VI Kjltn AlJl/ W A V* l_Pa UWLinil MENT AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILWAY. The Atlantic Coast Line road im provement train, which left Rich mond, Va, on November 24, has en tered our State and will be with u until January 13. This train consist of an engine and four cars, as fol lows: Two coaches, one of which is use< for stereopticon views and the othei containing models of road-workinj machinery, operated by electricity and models of good roads, as well a a large collection of instructiv< photographs; aprivate car for the ac commodation of the Government ex perts and Atlantic Coast Line repre sentatives, and one baggage car. Large, enthusiastic crowds hav< met this train at every stop in Vir ginia and North Carolina and ex pressed themselves as being highl: pleased with the free illustrated lec ture and the exhibit car, both o: which proved to be very instructiv< as well as interesting. At a good manv nlaoes the crowds were 8C large that moving picture halls anc theatres had to be secured in ordei in order to accommodate them and at other places,when the halls could not be secured, it was necessary to give two lectures in the coach, so as to give all an opportunity to hear. As previously stated, this Lain is operated by the Atlantic Coast Line, under the auspices of the United States office of public rnads. We know our people will give this :rain a hearty reception and take advantage of the opportunity to earn all they can about the construction und maintenance of good r. ads, as there is nothing more important for the development of our State than good roads, well maintained. Below we give a partial itinerary of this train: Monday, January 8?Leave Florence 2:57 p. m., arrive LakeJ City 3:53 p. m. Tuesday, January 9?Leave Lake City 12:00 noon, arrive Kingstree 12:35 p. m., leave Kingstree 3:05 p. m. arrive Lanes 3:31 p. m., leave Lanes 6:01 d. m.. arrive *George town 7:27 p. m. Wednesday, January 10?Leave *Georgetown 12:00 noon, arrive * Andrews 12:38 p. m., leave *Andrews 3:08 p. m., arrive Manning 4:50 p. m. Georgetown & Western railroad. 12-28-2t v.i-' in the back a gt>od remedy i<- VJles* Anti-Pain Pills. L>r. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for sciatica. Tie Magi of our Great Clean Sweep I 1000 yards Pajar 2000 yards Sea L || to 3 1-2 pieces, 38 i |HK h 1000 yards fine c A large line of w 15c, our sale price .. .. -^^>.1 1 case of heavy 5 wejj worth 10c, bui Look out for our bi ;s. Look out and keep you: ros. Co X'-'^saBESc^-mrnn^vn aa T ( i ! t^i^zfl53H5dv^V vr^iMT??/i&xc&222i "SBp:> The bou of corn?p ^ P S oirbvnde i . '!-; the Ir.terst ^B^Siffilif i? w?uldhave i fc^?t?^.^?;Ai|| deaJsr?U>utMt :::<A IW*TAffl i |gp, cobpoi? ati on^0 m cjj RyS^,c?io^ ;rs>c.i{ t m \sBwt"**/* hoHn ? ^k - m%? tU Stays cannot siif ft ^ become one piece ''Don t allow your p MKMW JMBBMMESOMMMtBBBMMMMMU have heretofore X. Pittsburgh Perfec #pflr worth of standard zr Hr^ The hoop on the average so gar barrel in the isolated cour made in a large factory, ita tires were welded by electnci VH Washing machines, on many tube and buckets. Examine th< mSll PITTSBURGH PERFECT" fences are made by this mod FjC "THE WELD THAT HELD." *&f JUIm roMfMAK Us I Lit MOWI Every agon *&j] ma awa a iMiialCa fences is authorized to guaranh 3?5 That the wires are no* injured at the Joints?That the % 1 to uneven ground?That the stays will not separata 11 fence is all right in every particular. Could you ask any mora definite protection! Your comp! BUW^uwy mouiout ^ "Pittsburgh Perfect" Foi* g mjARWERS_SUPPLY_C The County Re START THE Nl ieticTl3^ Sale of all Winter Goods m K i na Checks, one yard wide, ortly 8c yard. v qH Bland Homespun in short lengths, 1 1-2 (( j inches wide, only 4 l-2c. A M m sland Homespun, 10 to 20> ^ -^;epes, y 5c yard. afl|| heck Dimity, yard wide, i. hite Madras, 36 inches;; *' only 10c yard. tea Island Homespun. t we let it go in this ? g ad next week quot |^H r eye on the ma^ ~ I mpai I hbh : LD'NT expedfc a hal' :g and strong, could you HKM^H [-making crop come from ; properly fed. 3 known have enough plant i cultivated. Exacting cro mm ia, Phosphoric Acid and Pc* Wm \ fl )il?some crops requiring a JJ I?/%?4^1?rrA9*n Ko m 1 AC dUUlIICl. 1C1UUM19 111 UOk LTV UUAWU ao ^ as a do&or's prescription to supply the |*| that are lacking, that the crop takes out J I ilizers made by us are conscientiously made, i J I cheapen them, and analysis would not shew | | ce. But we prefer to give you the utmfgt: | ds for the price you pay. For we consider I )ur richest asset I'j | ntiful yields of cotton?the mammoth yiel^Ll^ roduced by them, are winning fa j^H prestige. ; now for information about t HH ate Chemical Corporation- j^H them mixed?and the nam tate Chemical Coi jOH IAR LESION, SOUTH CA I 1' \ ii wmsmmm fl Science has developed so better titan the old styf "Pitisburuh. HH FEN 6 | > Welded by Eh th* modem method of conetrvetlon. Yes it.rough the elimination of aarloua tone H^M| olstore, cracks the galvanizing and allows the nount of displaced galvanizing on "PITTSBURG gainst rust at the electrically welded joint; ex |H|MH k They are always just where they were pnt when the union is madew The fence is like a oolu ry Rod Is Guaranteed P M rejudice in favor of the rapidly-declining and r own. to warp your good judgment. t" fences represent progress, because hundr laterial is daily welded by electricity. itry grocery store is an electrically welded pr? ty. You will find electrically welded boope em. HM era. simple and marvelous pt ocean, produt |9^HH t handling TITTSBURGM PfRfECT* ^ H| sethisa fence is perfectly adjustable otn the strands.?That the51 H lete satisfaction to ? ^26m ^ J 'PTTTJBORa icord $1.0 SW YEAR RIGH*v 1