At This THE END OF the year 1911 it is essential that we we study conditions, compare j earnings and outgo, get at the NET earnings for the past twelve j months. And?study ways; and means to improve our financial condition for 1912. This is easy for the man who has banked his earnings with us and paid his bills by check. The stubs in his check book furnish him a handy, condensed yet complete record of his financial transactions for the year. A careful anaysis of this record will frequently show where one can cut expenses here and there ?making a considerable saving. A check account at this bank has many other advantages in addition to this very material one. If you are not banking your money, why not open an account with us NOW and handle your business matters in a safe, systematic manner? Bank of Williamsburg KIHGSTREE, S. C. ^ Cotton is quoted today at 8?c ? 2 for strict middling; seed $15 per ? J ton, on the local market. ? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTT* ^H&Some say it's old-fashioned sending HH greetings Christmas day; HHlBut some of us cling fondly to the old nl Accept old-fashioned greetings for the sake of Auld Lang Syne? happy, joyous New Year?good luck HHi Christmas Greetings all. The carnival next week. HHB Miss Ada Brockinerton of Winthrop Itis at home for the holidays. k Mrs W L Taylor and son are visits' relatives in Atlanta. V Mrs James Patton is the guest of ker father, Mr James EppsB Mrs P 0 Arrowsmith and children Pave returned from Due West. Miss Christine Tribble is visiting her sister, Mrs P 0 Arrowsmith. B Young of Mouzon was a visitor to the county seat Saturday. Dr W S Lynch and Mr M L Gasque were noted here Monday from Scranton. Mr W P Young of Florence visited his home folk at Mouzons this week. Mrs Florence Hall and daughter Julia are visiting relatives at Newberry. l Mr W L Altman of Suttons was a welcome visitor at our office this horning. Mr W R McConnell of Lares called pleasantly at our sanctum Tuesday bf last week. I Mr W G Carter, Jr, of Vox postIffice was an agreeable visitor at our bffice Monday. I Messrs Alex and Hugh Tisdale of pedar Swamp were noted on our Itreets Monday. Rev J 0 Carraway of Rome was in own Saturday and favored us with , pleasant call. Misses Elmer and Hallie Hinds, tuder.ts at Coker College, are home or the holidays. klf you want flowers for Xmas and i?w Year write De Witt House, Drence. See ad. Miss Janet Gale Henry of Sumter 111 spend the holidays with her I nt, Mrs J S Jennings. I Col W B Logan of Charleston is I ending the holidays here with his I 'ther's family. I Attention is is called to Road EnI \eer Eadoy's notice published in I 5 week's issue. I fir Henry Gilland of New BedI d, Mass, is visiting nis aunt, Mrs I gh McCutchen. I Ir J F Montgomery of Greelyville I d us his respects while in town I dnesday of last week. I 'Viq manv frionHc nf Mr D M Fr. I are greatly pleased to see him again, after his severe illness. vlr A M Gordon,Jr, who has been ending a business college at Mai, Ga, returned home Tuesday. Messrs W A McCrea and nephew,! I Mott Tisdale, of the Central church | neighborhood, were noted in town Ps Monday, Mr D C Howard of Benson, a "tried and true" friend of The Rec- r( ord, was in town yesterday and wj called at our office. PO The Rural School Improvement association has awarded the school at Trio, in this county, a prize of | $50 for improvements during the th present year. v.h Prof and Mrs Swittenberg will spend the Xmas holidays in New- lo^ berry and all the other teachers, we hii understand,will visit their respective W( homes. oil Special attention is called to Or- en *-nlotitrn frv 1 iaIf rAfim. UlliailUC 1 ClObl ? V. WV ilfv 9WVU * I njl ing at large. We are informed that there is also a State law against stock running at large. n(; Messrs T S Hemingway, B M Montgomery and W C Rogers, stu- ?f dents at Charleston Medical Col- co lege, are home for the holidays, fr which will continue until January I wl Rev R L Holroyd of Greenville, w< 1 the new presiding elder of Kingstn* jn district, arrived Tuesday evening QQ with his family, and they were most cordially received by the people of an Kingstree. ha Special Christmas services will be m held at the Methodist church next ov Sunday morning and evening. Rev R L Holroyd, presiding elder, will ea preach at 11 o'clock a. m., and the pastor,Rev W A Fairy, at 7:30 p.m. an Mr W T Wilkins was called to th Charleston Tuesday by the illness of jg his son, Cadet W T Wilkins, Jr, at ^ the Porter Military academy, who has pneumonia. He is now somewhat improved, and his father has returned home. Messrs John Baker and J W Conklin, proprietors of the Van Amberg N; Amusement Co, were in town yester- 0f day arranging for a one week's; an stand at Kingstree. These shows will start here December 25. They m: are now exhibiting at St Stephens, di: We understand that the contract for waterworks and sewerage for the town of Kingstree has been let pr to the D H Meeks Construction Co, inof Atlanta, Ga. We have not been gr able to find out the amount of the bids submitted by any of the contractors. w' These are very busy days for us and we have very little time to 1 "chase locals." At the same time a we want to publish the happenings lil around town and mention visitors coming and going, so, won't you please tell us, telephone us, write us , any little items you think would be 0 news? Presiding Elder Meadors and fam- po ilv left Tuesday for their new home at Greenwood. Mr Meadors bears mi with him the kindest wishes of the ho people" not only of Kingstree and Williamsburg county but of the whole district, which he has served on with signal zeal and fidelity the a ' past two years. All wish him God- ris speed in his new field of work. ju: We had intended getting out a & holiday edition of The Record,something like that of last Xrnas, only more elaborate; but we have been put to so much trouble and expense by accidents to. our machinery that eri we were afraid to undertake any on work not absolutely necessary. These jQ( holiday editions are nght expensive . and to "fall down" on issuing one ce would mean a ioss of about fifty co dollars to this office. Inadvertently we have heretofore omitted to mention the fact that Road Engineer and his family have 12 moved to town and are occupying ? Sheriff Graham's house on Jail street. We are glad to welcome these good people to town and we apologize both to them and the public for our i oversight in not announcing their ; arrival sooner. An accident to our j machinery last week took up nearly , all of our time which should have been given to chasing locals. de in On January 1, we understand, Mr of J W Chandler, who has been lessee and manager of the Kellahan Hotel a[| ; for the past two years, will be sue| ceeded by Mr S A Nettles, who has otl | for some months conducted the Net- at | ties House, near the railroad. Mr j Nettles will retain his lease on the ! building he now occupies, and will su use it as an auxiliary to the hotel, iho While we regret to lose Mr Chandler j and his family as citizens of Kings- rt^, j tree, we are glad to know that the ; an | leajing hotel of the town will still t.'r be in capable hands. i Treasurer J Wesley Cook has kind-, co ly consented to collect subscriptions j m( for us while making his rounds over tir the county. He will issue a tempo- j ?r rary receipt to all who pay and when ^ the money is turned over to us a permanent receipt will he given. na Try to remember, then,when you go ar to pay your taxes, to take along an bj extra dollar or so to pay the hardworked printer-man. tf J JUDGE ALDR1CH DEAD. ? !: issed Away Tuesday Morning ? at Florence Infirmary. ' Florence, December 19:?Judge )bert Aldiich, after a hard fight r th the ailment that seized him me weeks ago, died this morning the Florence Infirmary shortly af- r r 2 o'clock. Upon the advices of e attending physician and realizing at the end of this brave and fears man was soon to be reached, his G /ed ones who had gathered around ? krt/Ini/ln f AV pnvo^ol ^ Q \7d Judge Aldrich was 67 years old id had held the office of Judge of f e Second Circuit since January, 08. His death is sincerely mourned roughoutlhe State, especially in irnwell, his native county. * M a M eadors-HInds. Kingstree, December 16:?Miss annie Marshall Meadors, daughter f Presiding Elder W P Meadors, id Mr Albert Clifton Hinds were arried Wednesday evening at the strict parsonage, the bride's father s (iciating. It was a very quiet 11 ime wedding, no one being esent except the members of the mediate families of the bride and j oom. The parlor of the parsonage is decorated with pot plants and lite carnations. The bride was at- ( ed in a gray traveling suit with " ,t and gloves to match, and carried Jj large bouquet of bride's roses and ies of the valley. Immediately after the ceremony . e happy couple took the south- I und train for a tour of a fortnight y the coast: of Florida and other j ints of interest. Upon their re- rn they will be at home to their { iny friends in their elegant new C me, on Academy street. The bride, while having lived here s ly two years, has won for herself ^ lost of friends. The groom is a :ing young attorney, being the' nior member of the firm of Kelley o Hinds of this place. j Notice The Williamsburg County Farm- ? 3' Union will meet at Kihgstree f< Thursday, January 4, 1912. All ia\ unions are requested to send legates, as important business will a me before the union. l: Respectfully, J T Frierson, c Sec'ty W C F U. e -21-1t 1 Ordinance. f ? Ordinance to Prohibit the Wander- a ing, Roaming and Running at Large of Stock or Other Animals upon the Streets of Kingstree, S C, and to c Provide a Punishment for Violation p of This Ordinance. Be It Ordained by the Mayor and Airmen of the Town of Kingstree. S C, Council Assembled und by Authority ! i the Same: 1. That from and after the passage j i d ratification of this Ordinance, it 2 all bt' unlawful for the owner of any .. g,goat,sheep, cow. mule, ox. horse or 4 her animal to allow the same to run '1 large on the streets of the Town of . ingstree, SC. >,f 2. That the policemen of said Town '1 all immediately seize and impound any ch hog, goat, sheep, cow. mule, ox, 4 rse or other animal found wrndering, 4 aming or running at large on any ? reet or streets of said town and shall < tain and hold any such animal so seized 4 id impounded until the owner or own- <; s thereof shall have been discharged * r the violation of this Ordinance. 4 3. That any person or [a rsons violat- 4 g the provisions of this Ordinance and * nvicted thereof, shall be lined not . ore than Ten Dollars (:>lti). or be con- 4 led on the public works of the Town ' the County chaingang or town Cuard . ouse, in the discretion of the Court, 4 v rrw*rt? tViQrr Tu?*?ntv i * That all Ordinances or parts of Ordi- 1 inces inconsistent with this Ordinance 4 e hereby repealed. 1 ^ Passed and ratified in Council assem- * ed this fifth day of January, A D 1909. j 4 L W Gilland, Maj or. ; ' D Gilland, Clerk and Treas. 5 MCUOIUC I1CIC XVI OVT^iat UHJO ire joined only late last night by hers, and iust in time to be Dres- * t to see the last vital spark of life as out. r Coming to Florence from Ben- n ttsville and Darlington, where he a d recently held the winter terms the Marlboro and 'Darlington urts, Judge Aldrich was suffering 3m rheumatic fever and from a lich he had become considerably jakened. He went to the Florence firmary, where everything that uld be done by skilled physicians d nurses was provided, but disease d already fastened its fangs deep q to his vitals and he was unable to ercome the ailment as he continuly grew worse until the end came rlv this morninar. For Sale?A Good Family Horse, lso buggy and harness. Apply to D m Ervin, 2-7-tf Kingstree, S C. Notice ? Call and see onr line of Christmas Goods. The prettiest line ver displayed in Greelyville. S V Taylor, 2-7-3tp Greelyville, S C. For Sale?Several desirable buildig lots in Kingstree for sale cheap, or cash. See Philip H Arrowsmitn, ttorney-at-law, Hirsch Building. 11 ?16?tf For Sale?Two second-hand baby arriages in good condition, cheap. Aply XX c-o The.Record. 10-19-tf FRUIT FOR XMAS, j Cigars of All Kinds! 50c Boxes for Xmas Presents, t ? OUTH'S | DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES ? put up in all size fancy boxesfor Christmas. ? + ?&y-When in town come to: see us if you want f ^ A Good Meal at a reasonable price. nnnnTurvfO nirr 1 uuunmn o uwrc, KilNuSTREE, S. C. 12-21-21 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA j Business Locals. ? Seeded Raisins, Currants and Citon for your Xmas Cake. i2-i4-2t People's Mercantile Co. Seeded Raisins, Currants and Citons for your Xmas Cake. i2-i4-2t people's Mercantile Co. Huyler's is the best Candy made fet it from It Kingstree Drug Co. Headquarters for Xmas Goods. 2-15-2tp B F Patrick. Breakfast Food ? Rolled Oats, !ream of Wheat, Corn Flakes, Oatleal.Graham Flour,Wheat Hearts? ir Fresh and Sweet. 12 i4-2t People's Mercantile Co. Finest Souvenir Postal Cards ever ieen here for sale by It Kingstree Drug Co. Cabbage Plants?Frost Proof?at 2-15-2tp B F Patrick's. Breakfast Foods ? Rolled Oats, Iream of Wheat, Corn Flakes, Oatleal,Graham Flour,Wheat Hearts? II Fresh and Sweet. i2-i4-2t People's Mercantile Co. Box Stationery makes a nice Xnias 'resent. From 25c to $5.00 a Box. i2-i4-2t People's Mercantile Co. Xmas and New Year Cards, Fancy 'andy and best Perfumery in town ,t Dr Brockington's Drug Store. 12-14-2t Box Stationery makes a nice Xmas 'resent. From 25 to $5.00 a Box. i2-i4-2t People's Mercantile Co. You never did,and you never will, ee a more beautiful line of Christ nas Cards than we are now showing. It Kingstree Drug Co. Christmas Cards and Souvenir ^stals at Kingstree Drug Co's. Of course you like Huyler's Candy. Jet it from Kingstree Drug Co's. SPECIAL NOTICES Phone us when you want rjT to get a notice under this heading. Price one cent a word for each insertion. No .Ay, ad taken for less than 25c. hmno fiq iiv/aa^ uu. For Sale?My business stand located i the business section of the town of 'ades, facing on Main street A twotory store-house and dwelling attachd; 3li rcres of land, inclosed with 7trand iron fence. For particulars write o J H Grant, 12-21-lt Cades, S C. Wanted?To employ on farm a single nan or man with with wife, no children r children too small to abuse house. William Cooper, 2-21 -4t Cooper, S C, Lost?BeVween Cades and Lake City, unch cottonv account sales; while not aluable, are important. Would appreiate return of same by anyone having aund them on the road. 19.14.1t r wii.i.ire .Tones & Sons. i -DavltoM ^Ti7a^ifc,BiiM;l'T7??wrlwiaaii;r?ina Iw E beg to extend tktt; ings to all on customers, wishing tt Christmas and a Hapi thanking one and all for We have a choice sele< Christmas ( and Nove and during the two shop to fore Xmas these goods w very cheap. to Yours trul> ! Wilkin.Wholesale Gro< iOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to / o to \|/ All Roads Lead Christmi \kit . _ | SantaClaus'Hec (jj We have one of the large! ili of Christmas goods to s ever was shown in our cit you wish for a gift from W to the oldest, and you will iff suit the times. Please cal \i/ virced. You will be sati and prices. jjj KEEP YOUR EYES 01 I Stack! \k # Tl**v Cnnr % ? IREAL ES' Bought and : INSURA Life and F MONE Invested in R< Mortgages Pay terest. Guar W. W. BA O Kingstree. S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> The County 1 "we _a.:k A^r HARCO U RT &l Q11 MANUFACTURING E* Prirpc Oiiifp RpacrmaMp ac Cnncicf r. ^ ^r. Store-! jf\ ?? # as Shoppers to (f* idquarters | ======= ff* .