The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 14, 1911, Page THREE, Image 3

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1 ONLY jgj $ Cold weather ? goods for less pr X and it won't tak ^ est bargains eve ^ to occupy yoijr i * - ??? f A I Ai g) ^UU UU^lll iu ? ? ?:@:@:@:@:@:?.?:?:@:@ The Seed Cottoa Qiestloa. (Received loo late for laet week' teasel Editor County Record:? Allow me space to congratulate Mr Huggins for his sound ideas regarding the seed-cotton license. While I do not feel competent either to judge or to make laws, I do feel that the farmers of Williamsburg county should have the right to sell their seed cotton to whomsoever they please and tha merchant! to buy from whomsoever they can. If, however, the farmer cannot sell his seed cotton at will, then why ahould be be allowed the privilege of telling anything else which he make!? Look out, farmers, and do not be cheated I out of your rights, otherwise you mry regret it. I am sorry ta know that ninetyfive per cent of our people are signing away their God-given rights,only leaving five per cent to mourn their loss. If Mr Jenninga 'will circulate a petition to dispense with the present seed cotton license, he will certainly be congratulated by a large majority of the people of our county. So far as the liquor traffic is concerned, I do not think that the aeed cotton license has anything to do with the sale of whiskey. At least, it doesn't around Vox, as we are all good people. Now, if Mr Jennings does tot succeed in the high license petition, I trust he will take the same interest in the no license petition which I am sure will be patronized as well as highly appreciated by the people of Vox. Very respectfully, i M Snvsr. Vox, December 5. y? Uflbtilnfl Ulls Fat In 1906 lightning killed only 169 people in this whole country. One's chances of death by lightning are less than two in a million. The chance of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater,but not if Electric Bitters be used, as Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, la, proved. . Four doctors gave him up after eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yellow jaundice. He was then completely cured by Electric Bitters. They're the best stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c at M L Allen's, Lot Sale Postponed. Editor County Record: ? Please state in your next Issue the big sale which was to have been pulled off at Nesmith on December 14 has been postponed until about March 1?on the occasion of the first passenger train going over the completed "Andrews & Mullins railroad". A big day is promised alj who will attend. R J N. Nesmith, Decerber 11. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are excellent. ForSaie by All Dealers. The Trains at Lanes. -TV. J ? |Dfn U1Q OO Wtw a uvvic iowvy nJ? First "80" was on time. They met at Lanes at early morn With "89" a few hours behind. The boys had waited there all night "Cussing" their luck, as ne'er before; When every twenty minutes the agent . marked up: "She's late, just twenty minutes ?? more. ?Xews and Courier. You will find that druggists everywhere speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. They know from long experience in the sale of it that in cases of coughs and colds it can always be depended upon, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For Sale by All Dealers. H ' I ' I; > ?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?.?:?<? 10 SHOP is now here. We < ice than you can 1 e much of your va :r shown over our < mind. The next tl Dk nice; you can'l J r-: FOR SALE .-? j 4 S5U acre farm. S mile* north of ling*- 4 tree on Sumter road. 80 acre* highly eul T tivatod. and will produce a baia of cotton, 4 a or 75 basher# of corn to the acre. Excel lent tobacco land. Pine timber 13 inches * . diameter sold, cut and removed. 75 atrw 4 4 of island land in Black River Swamp and 4 75 acre# of rich, fertile bay land that eaa * 4 be put in highest state of cultivntloa at ^ t small expense. Poor mem dwelling, each 4 room 3D feet by 16 feet, with 10 foot hsIV * 4 way. One tenant bouse, bar*, shads. Hi 4 4 Conveniently located with faspant to towtt 4 4 markets, sto, Mss HI ?m tm% M A 4 Purchaser to par for ysgai Apply 4 ; J. D. GILLAND, 4 * Attto p-dt-LdW I 4 KINGITBBA, ... . J HHkif Uuifiitiriii Ct. I Smocctaora to j fctrp I It** k Ui ' htorlrdUa. b. C W Kaa? Ik 4 ? *? Doori, Saah and RQ^Is; Column! and Batastocv; Grillea and Gcble Ornament!; Sceaan J>oor? and Wiatiova. . W. BmIU Glasv ^nab Coti imd Walffr**. . . . HUNT'8 . . .f||| Lightning UIL I? the aac nfafllng acleatlftc drea&ing which InaUctly relieves and permanently cures - I I I- k?.l.u mi nm i?, mt?, wm u?, ?/? sprains and wounds cf every kind. Pain leaves at once because the air is excluded, and the oil covering acts as artificial skin. The quickest, fastest healing oil known ? HUNT'S LIQHTNINO OIL. 25 cents and 50 cents bottles. A.B.RICHARDS MEDICIIE CO.aSfeirail0T?i. fflywiiiiFuwm ^y?a?aB SOLD BY Dr. W.T. Brockitvgtoa, HlaSatvec. S. C. ]31aK?ley-McCullough Co, L*a*a. I. C. Remember We are now in the large building fomrerly occupied by Wilkins Wholesale Grocery Co., where we are glad to welcome our old customers as well as new ones. We keep All Kinds of Meats in season at living prices, also a choice line of Fruits, | Vegetables and Canned I Goods. | Epps' MarKet B Cr. Aoadaay (& Mill Sit. B FORSALE Brick in any quantity to suit purcha* er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made A: BEICZ. v Special shapes made to order. Corre. pondenee solicited before placing your ordera. W. R. FUXK. Chamberlain's Cough flemedy dm Cold*, Croup and Whooping Cough. ?:?:?:?:@:?:@:@:?:@:@:@:@:?:?:?:?.?:? ?:?:?:? 'PING DAYS TIL can help you through it If you will le Find elsewhere. We can do it; this is Iuabie time to decide whether or not i :ounters. Table Linen, Blankets and liing is to have a nice Hat and Coat : afford not to. S. MARCUS s>:@:@:?:@:@:@:?:@:?:?:@:@:?,?:??:?:??:?:?:? J I I I i MSHIMNHC MSI UNE jl^JUOHFARE J-ltyrvtL ^l^d^enlfeeN?RTH.*iu>SOUTH Florida?Cult a. A jjaase^ger service imracefled fctfluxmy and ccmfort,equipped with the latest Puflmaa I Wnta|^ Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cart* Par rates, schedule, majs or tap Infonpa* tftt. vvrha t# S Win. J. CRAIG, I Oowra) Pawenpr Agent, 1 Wilmington, N. C. I w?buiji!,|i* i.'hum***-trnmmmm??t^??i ! j I The sharp knife of low prices is going to pierce )' \\ every article in our STORE. Come and see. \\ JJ Watch the date. Find the place, and be tj ft on hand for this great sale. // u Every Article in Our Store Has Been Marked * K Down in Plain Figures h s>:@:??:@-?:?:?:@:?:?:@:?:@:?:@:?:?:@:@:?:? 1 ,L CHRISTMAS | 1 j* , t us do it, by giving you better ^ tij ; no idle boast; come to this store ? sou can better yourself; the greatI Comforts are the first requisites yl Suit or a nice Cloak. You know ? v ? ? f ? s>:@:@.?:@:@:?:?:?@:@ :@:?.?:@:?:@:?:?:@:@i?' , m 1?^??^? t supplies funds when needed, promotes system in conducting money A matters, suggests economy, ^ furnishes receipts for bills paid, increases prestige and is m , the modern way to handle OSIIK finances. Keep your check account here. Account ??<i ?p*n? n NOW! . I Dependable . '*! I?? Wee Nee Bank i =J >f| ^ f Fresh Beef, Ground Beef for Hamburger Steak, Game, Poultry in Season. I II From now on we will handle fresh and salt I water fish. Everything fresh and clean. THE PEOPLE'S MARKET LaanaBOHHMnwnnH ^m?n?fHT?mmTmTf?nfnyTnTiTfmwtTyytMM | ^ A Progressive Bank : conservatively managed, yet snffitiently ^ JtSar* ^ interested in the WELFARE AND Ur- * t ^^j^T^J-RlJILDING OF THIS COMMUNITY to ? " *' ^''mhelp in the work, is the kind of bank you r want to use "for the PROTECTION and * SAFETY of YOUR MONEY.. ? I 11' i1 The personal interest of the officers and t 11 f!1 '1 : j directors oi THIS BASK in the upbuilding". t > oi onr community is well known. > . ? p1* YOUR ACCOUNT is none too small, nor Sf' jijWWi ' Hflj 11 *?? ^Se' t'? receive the same careful at- . * *^~Tr?j?ffaS V?aM-jl tention we give to the accounts now on our . ? v* ? books, Come in and open an account with ^ ? y ^ aTW-^cg ' m us; it ja to YOUR interest and WE aball be glad to have you with ub. BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG, [ Klngstree, S. C. > 1 C W Stoll, President. E C Epps, Cashier. r t F Rhem, Vice-President. C W Boswell, Asst Cashier. > i * Headquarters for BARGAINS We carry a full line of the very best Groceries and make our prices to suit the low price of cotton. When in need of Groceries don't fail to see I us before buying. No harm to compare prices. When in need of Shoes we have the very best * that can be bought. Look at them before buying. Nice line of Wool and Cotton Blankets, also a very nice line of Ladies' and Men's Underwear, both wool and cotton, and a nice line of Calicoes, Percajes and Homespun at mill prices. Buggy Robes I aril Whips and the very best line of Gun Shells f and Shot-guns. / p In fact, we have almost anything in the way of General p Merchandise. Trade with us and we will save you money. ? We give to each and every one a cordial invitation to call and see us when in town. We are here for business. ^ Yours to serve, j* J. W. COWARD. N 4 !renoergrass Bros, r Company. I SPECIAL SALE FOR SEVEH GAYS ONLY | Hera is the point: Your cotton was sold very j) ; cheap, and, naturally, you want to buy your goods It cheap. . It Here is Your Chance \j Watch the date and be on hand (( Saturday, December 16. \\ nnncc iwh it a a u % !uuuiiu uitn ni u ni mi n We positively mean to give the public the if chance of buying the very best goods at the lowest || prices ever offered in Kl^stree. \\ Now, my frfends, you must have goods for. the H Christmas holidays and why not buy them where ft you can get them cheapest? To be sure you will. ll So watch the date of this sale and come to V\ Pandergrass's Special Sale f Remember, you must get in on time, for the JJ sale will positively last but seven days. _ ft OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF )] Groceries, Dry Goods, Fruits, l\ Cakes, Candies, Fire Works \j Toys, Glassware Etc. ((