The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 23, 1911, Page FIVE, Image 5

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: All Property: Owners i should realize the value of iden- i tifying themselves with a HOME bank, of joining interests with those who are working for the , f advancement of this town and , vicinity. This matter is of real , and actual importance to each and , every one of us. If you are not , a property owner and would like to become one (every man, every woman and e\ery child has a ] right to and should have a home ' ?a home in which they can feel ' a personal interest and take pride:' in adding the little improvements 1 which make for the beauty and i pnmfnrt of lifp> start an account with ihis bank, it will assist you ] to conserve and save a larger \ part of your income and is the , first .step toward a home of your ] own. Begin NOW. , Bank of Williamsburg KIN3ST3EE, S. C. > < 3 Cotton is quoted today at Sic ? ' m for strict middling; seed $17 per ? ^ton, on the local market. ? i TTTTTTTTTTTVTVTTVTYTVTT* I Give your business a tonic?adver- j tise. Mrs Lucile B Griffin of Greenville j is visiting at Mrs L J Barr's. ' Hon W D Bryan of Taft was noted , -?* in town Friday. J The slot machines in town have ] ' / been outlawed. ^ Mr W H Harmon of Chapman [ was noted here Tuesday between , trains. Mr and Mrs H Foxwortb, of Cades vicinity, were noted in town , Saturday. j Messrs S A and F P Guerrv of 1 Zeb uere welcome visitors at our 1 sanctum Saturday. 1 Mr D E McCutchen. of the Indiantown church vicinity, was in town Saturday a few hours. ' LeRoy Lee, Esq, was in Florence j 1 j? i? n , I me iuuuwmx; 11 IUOJ , utuif, w.v after Thanksgiving, will be a holiThe local telephone company has made a contract with the Bell people to furnish long distance connection 1 to all subscribers of the local service 1 who desire it. ! Wouldn't it be better to adopt 1 some other kind of fire alarm than i the shooting of pistols? A good town i y bell would be quite as effectual and i far more seemly. _ < Dr J C Beckman of Greelyvill* paid u? a pleasant call Monday while here in attendance upon the Count} Medical association. The old reliable Siegling Musk House, of Charleston, has a new ac in this issue. Don't fail to read it and write them if you need anything in the music line. We are requested to announce that there will be a temperance address at the auditorium by L L Pick?tt of Wilmore, Ky, Friday evening at 7:30. The public is cordially invited to attend. The Kingstree Social Club will entertain its friends with a Thanksgiving dance to be given at the Kellanan hotel on the evening of Novem 3er 29. Music will be discoursed by the First Artillery band of Charlesion. Kingstree is to have a new "M D", l)r E 0 Taylor of Greelyville laving decided to cast his lot with as. The Doctor's othce will be over Dr W V Brockington's drug store, Are understand. We are glad to welcome Dr Taylor in our midst. Dr C D Jacobs and Mr R W Crosand went to Charlotte, N C, Saturiay evening and drove home through :he country in Doctor Jacobs' new iutomobile, arriving here Tuesday ifternoon. They made the trip in 24 lours. Mr Sam Stackley, who is a student it Wofford College, came home last light on account of a mishap on the ilay-ground, causing his foot to be iroken. His physician advised him :hat it would be several weeks before he could use the injured member. We had the pleasure of shaking tiands Tuesday with our boy-hood friend, Mr W H Dickson, who now lives at Johnsonville. Mr Dickson was our next door neighbor at Cedar Swamp for several years and the while he was our "guide,philosopher and friend." f Sunday night, just after the close of a spiritual revival, the Sabbath stillness was shattered by the discharge of fire-arms and other sounds of disorder. Is there no remedy for this lawlessness? Such things should several uays iom wtreN aiicuum^ mc | court of common pleas. ( We've got the finest town of its size to be found anywhere. Let the world know it?advertise. Mr S T Nesrnith of Morrisville fa- j vored our sanctum with a pleasant ] call Saturday while in town. < . -f. We were pleased to have a visit 1 Saturday from our friend, Mr R I) 1 Gamble, of Indiantown postoffice. ' Mrs M F Swann and daughter, Miss Eula, returned Thursday night j from a delightful visit to Tampa, ' Fla. 1 i < j . An advertisement in The Record 1 f \ goes into the hands of eighteen hun- \ dred people ? the best people on < earth. If you don't want this paper dis- I ] continued, we will take it as a favor ,; to so notify us, but please pay what j ] you owe first. j < Mr E D Sallenger,one of the News j' - & Courier's "bright young men,"^ was in town Friday in the interest of ; that popular daily. ] Mrs W H McGee and Mrs C W Wolfe and little Miss Stella Wolfe J' are spending several days this week ], in the City by the Ocean. Col W B Logan of Charleston and 1 George P Logan, Esq, of Columbia : nj spent several days in town this week 1 with their mother's family. Mr H J Brown of Cades brought us last Saturday two fine large po^B"^ tatoes of his raising. We thank our B9 friend for his thoughtful kindness. Mr Jesse Hawkins of Sumter arrived in town Saturday night on a H visit to his mother,Mrs E B Hawkins, B who returned with him on Sunday. B ^ Several bunches of partridges ^rirtiave passed us recently in the hands B* \ of some one else. Who will bring us , B a nice string for love or money, or , B Kingstree High and Graded school B will be in session next Saturday, as T??n'rleir Kninnr thn Hqv I ' not be tolerated in a law-abiding community. Mr F L Willcox and Mr Sharkey, nis assistant, were here Monday on professional husiness. Mr Willcox is the junior member of the well known firm of Florence attorneys, Willcox & Willcox, whose large clientele extends throughout the entire Pee Dee section. Another new town site on the G fc W extension has been laid out and a big auction sale will take place lext Tuesday and Wednesday, the 28th and 29th inst. The big page advertisement in tnis issue gives the particulars about the sale of lots in the promising town of "Henry". Mr J W Chapman, proprietor of Florence Marble Yards, is offering monuments and tombstones at a sacrifice for two weeks. If you need anything in this line to mark the net rp^tinir nlace of vour loved ones. :his is your chance to get a nice stone cheap. Note ad elsewhere. We are pleased to see that our business men are making practical application of Dr Dili's advice: "It pays to advertise." Among our hunired or more State exchanges, we ;an always pick out the progressive towns by the number of merchants tvho advertise in the local newspapers. When you pay your subscription a year ahead let us send you the "Woman's World," a first rate mag * J " wvwrt'nrtlittw ?-v% /?f 11 %?/rx oil V ; ?* *? Jh2 question J[ \uf\ 'or potatoes j V-i. :,y' ; nVl'j^rrn^-??.J;. ? fnlf The conclus on is that V3 ST~ ammonia, 8"o phosphoric i 1 POl Ujl for early potatoes and 800 Ihs the in the form of Sulfate. Many prowers use double i Such brands can be had if v< so-called potato fertilizers of Write us for Potash prices i r . . a:,d directions. Cf *' GERMA1 V&: . Contmental Bide., Bui tetassSh*.-, He looks well and hearty, much im1 proved by his summer trips. Between now and January of the I new year we are going to try to 1 send a statement to every subscriber in arrears. Meantime it will save us lots of trouble and expense if you 1 will pay what you owe without requiring a statement. Moreover, if ' you don't want the paper next year : we would esteem it a great favor to : so advise us?only,if you are behind, pleasp enclose money order, check, j stamps or something to balance your account, I Mr E D Epps of Central presented us Saturday with a sackful of sweet potatoes and turnips, which, it were needless to say, was a most accept able gift. As Thanksgiving draws near we are daily more forcibly reminded of how many things we should be grateful for, especially the manifold kindnesses of our liberalhearted friends. Mr Epps says that he will have some better turnip? later on, but the kind he sent us is plenty good enough for us, thank you. Within the past two weeks we have had two half-page advertise1 ments and one whole page, all ol which came from other counties,except one page. Friends,if it pays the business men of Florence and Georgetown to use our space, how much more profitable should it be to the business men of our own town and county, where the circulation of The Record is so much greater? Don't get demoralized by the supposed "dull season"; now, as never before, is the time to advertise. Most weekiy papers published on Thursday, the day The Record goes to press,require "copy" for communications of length, or advertising,to be submitted not later than Saturday or Monday. We have strained a * * * i i ir : i. i. ^ u And you would like long hair? Rich, heavy hair? | Beautiful, luxuriant hair? i That is perfectly natural, and i we are here to help you. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a great aid to nature in producing just the kind of hair you desire. Do not be afraid to use it. No danger of its coloring your hair. The ingredients are all given on each label, thus enabling your doctor to wisely advise you concerning its use. Consult him freely. He knows. Kk1? by th> J. O. ATIE CO.. Low?U, Km. , ' j point ana extenueu cur nmii lu I Tuesday noon of the current week, i yet nearly every week we receive advertisements on contributions Wednesday and even Thursday, accompanied always with the request "to be sure to publish in this week's paper." We are sorry to have to make excuses again for the paper being late, but there cam^ in a rush of belated matter after our time limit, all of which we were asked to be sure to . publish this week, as it was very im| portant. We endeavored to comply, ; but although we worked overtime, | we could not get the tyye set and J the paper printed on time. It is 1 physically impossible to avoid being i late unless we adhere strictly to our | rule not to publish' an\ thing that I comes in later than Tuesday morning. This week we had over two columns to come in Wednesday and I Thursday. Now, friends, we are do] ing all in our power to give yoi good service, won't you please help ,; us by not asking us to publish length} | articles submitted later than Tues,' day morning? Unless our rule be ! adhered to, we shall be forced tc | change our day of publication tc Friday, instead of Thursday. Want Lona Hair? I Et/.IIlf, 21I1U tt picilliuill MIVIU1C, Ci 11 1U1 the trifling sum of fifteen cents extra. You get the magazine the whole year and the picture besides, all for fifteen cents. Sample copies may be seen at this office. Presiding Elder Meadors and Rev W A Fairy will leave Monday for Bennettsville to attend the annual conference of the Methodist church, which meets there next week. Mr Fairy savs that the report from Kingstree church shows more progress along all lines than was ever shown before in its history. Do you take The Progressive Farmer? Every "progressive farm-" er" should read this excellent agricultural paper. It comes 52 times a year for only one dollar, or in club TUrt DnoAvrl tllQ ftTA T^QTV^rC W J til X lie IVCLUi \A y tllV v??w may be had for $1.75. This is a special club offer and every one who wants a good farm paper should take advantage of it, as the price will be advanced later on. Drs William and Isaac Boyd, of the Hermann section, than whom there are few more welcome visitors here at any time, were in town Monday exchanging greetings with their friends. Dr William Boyd was !n a sanitarium at Battle Creek' Michigan, during most of the summer months, and has also spent several weeks at the North recently. of the most profitable fertilizer ! ).as been the subject of very I acrt: of 5 "u ^ acid and 1(J"? fr 'ASH I . of 3-6-S for the late crop are the J ij : conditions. The Potash should J IJi hese amounts. \rl >u insist upon them. Do not accept fT low prade. ~1~t and for Free hooks with formulas j-l N KALI WORKS, Inc. TI timore Mo.iadr.ock Slock, Chicago \ A House Party. Miss Helen Scott gave a charming ' house party last Saturday evening in honor of her guests, Misses Wake, field Mattison of Winnsboro, Annie m : Lee McNeil of Florence, Margarette W Michie and Flora Ervin of Darlington I j and Christian Hawley of Charlotte, .JL ' N C. Those present were: Misses Jimmie Britton, Harriett Crouch, a J Margaret Youmans, Agness Erck- 9 mon, Alma Davis; Messrs E L Fishburne, S P Harper, Dr R C McGrbe, W W Barr, P G Gourdin, J H Scott, D C Scott, W R Scott,J L Brocking- j| ton, and T G Boddie of Florence. f PROPERTY FOR SALE! THE ANDERSON HOUSE? ! TWO STORIES, EIGHT 1 ROOMS. House itself cost $2,400, when built several years ago. Same ' house couldn't be built for $2,800 ; now. House was not built for rent, no shoddy work in it. Built | of first class lumber throughout. I ' It is built on exactly the same | plan as other houses in Kings- | tree that couldn't be bought for | 1 twice the amount asked for this B house. Large lot, barn, stables M and good fences. A ,first-class home. House (alone) insured d for $1,800; could therefore be | mortgaged for the same amount I 1 cow with three weeks ?alf. Apply to vM R H Kellahan, ; ll-23-3tp Kingstree, S C, . For Sale?Cabbage plants. Ready at any time. H J Brown, ? ll-23-3tp Cades, S C. For Sale?Several desirable building lots in Kingstree for sale cheap, for cash. See Philip H Arrowsmith, attorney-at-law, Hirsch Building. 11?16?tf For Sale?Two second-hand baby carriages in good condition, cheap. Apply. XX c-o The Record. 10-19-tf We want 25 good working men with families to settle here;can give steady work and good wages. Call to see us or write us and we will give full particulars and information. D. W. ALDERMAN & SONS CO., ll-2-8t Alcolu, S. C. Receipt Books, Blank Notes, Mortgages and all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at TTie Record office. If we have not tha form you wish we can print it on short T*1 notice. 1 J Lot consists of two original lots, I and worth, without house or out- 1 buildings, from 600 to 800 dollars. I Barn and stable worth several hundred dollars. Fences alone cost over a hundred dollars. Can be bought now for $2,500. Terms reasonable. Look at the proper- > * ty yourself, and investigate every statement made in this arti- w i cle, and if interested, I can give \|/ you some information relative to this property. House will rent a; i for $18.00 per month. Property will bring $3,500 if held. This offer will soon be withdrawn, w other arrangements being made, \b and if you want the property for (j/ $2,500, act at once. , MOTHER KINGSTREE PROP- a; ERTY FOR SALE. J? W. W. BARR, Jr. g Real Estate and Insurance, t K"ir>fr?h*pp S. 0. \v. ' ll-9-3m W SPECIAL NOTICES jjj I Phone us when you want \|/ (jr to get a notice under this j|/ 1 heading. Price one cent a it/ ' Ac3 word for each insertion. \|/ . v , ad taken for less than 2oc. \)/ Phone S3. ((/ For Sale?One fine Jersov milch it/ Don't Miss Jenkinson Bros. ( Thanksgiving 0 2,000 yds of 6?c Calicoes in 2,( a beautiful run of styles and spi patterns, all put in at 5c yd. jn( 2,000 yds Outing Flannels in Th a beautiful run of styles and ^ patterns, all put in at 5c yd. 2.000 vds Ginghams and ! o r w jj Chambrays, well worth 7c j] yard, but we put them all in |j at Thanksgiving prices only |;i re* 5c yd. I; 8c 2,000 yds Sea Island Home- j spun 38 to 40 inches wide ' ^ in lengths from li to 31 yd i. will go at 4*c yd. jj in Jenkmsonl M MEMORIAL STO I November 20, Oi to! if you expec pjj Memorial, come i Y*' I have in stocl 88 some obligation ||j count 20 per cer ;?j! cember 2, | Florence II I mlR Florence vm?m mi w n if i iinniini'inmi / S?- JU; J: 3J; ^ StacK Dry Goo Just received the following Ladies' Voile Skirts, worth $10, Ladies' Panama Skirts, worth $ Ladies' Serge Skirts, worth $6.0 In Blacks and Blues, no two Ladies' Coat Suits from $10 to $1 Made to fit the customer. A large line of Children's ar 50c to $3.50. Would like you 1 guarantee the price and quality to show the goods. KEEP YOUR EYES stack Dry Goods < L ' ^1S 3 ? : $ 3 S 6 ft ^' l^tUilM 1 Buildings covered over twentjryears never needed repairs. Fireproof?Storm] We have local representatives almost ev< mediate locality, write us direct for sam C0RTR1GHT METAL RO 60 North 23rd Street he Record and Worn ?? 1 ? A fferings. KK) yds Sea Island Homejn in full pieces, 38 to 40 j| ;hes wide, will all go at anksgiving prices, only vH. K)0 yds best Sea Island k >mespun 36 inches wide, ?ular 10c seller, will go at the yd. si . ; Dozen Bleached Huckerck Towels, 18x40 inches size, will go at 10c each. _____ * H 3ros. Co. I J NFS P.HFAP! H I IllkaV VIIHIII y I ? y ecember 2; 1 I t to buy a Jp md see what ra c. To meet 58 is, will dis- ?j it until DeMarble I i . s r 1 'J *"*m 11 IJL 23 jssaas | : < & & ^g'lg1 ley's | >ds Co. $ in , - fli new goods: ;|; now $7.50 ;J: 8.00, now $6.50 (ft 0, now $4.00 (ft alike. Ifi 20. New styles, new colors. /f\ id Misses' wash suits from ;o call before buying; we (ft of the goods. No trouble (ft (ft (ft ON WINDOWS. J) ley's: Company. $ gg ago are as good as new and have ?roof?Handsome?Inexpensive. :rywhere but if none in your imples, prices and full particulars. OFING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. an's World $L15. 4