?:@:?:@:@:@.?:?:?:@ ? . M A ? ? ^ jg j| We are ready 1 g prepared t n I If you see a man thro wing a banana < ^ peeling or any other rubbish on the < y sidewalk, call a cop and tell him \ ^1* yrice rat;gi?each grade the ix-6t at us price. ? WATTS & WATTS n! THE KIN6STREE JEWELERS iy iy We are now receiving something se new in !j Decorated Art Ware t. consisting of Floor Stands, Vases, ar Hanging Baskets and Japanese )y Goods. Diamonds, Cut Glass, Wedding re and other presents, all at modeeg rate prices. Also a fine assortment of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewin elry and Fancy Goods. Coil and at examine our Stock. r Clocks, Watches aad Jewelry neatly repaired. A Fine line of Ladles' Shopping 17 Bags Just received. e. Watte & Waits, Opposite the DepciL as aDout it. in doing mis you may oe ; taking a step which will save some < person a broken limb. If you had < done this in the past that poor man ( e- would probably not now be in the < id hospital a helpless invalid. * o. This is a very easy law to obey. < Its enforcement cannot be too strict. < . ?Greenville Piedmont, jf ' We are, none of us, any better _ than we ought to be and many of ig of us are a great deal worse. at Don't waste your money buying strengthening plasters, Chamberlain's Liniment is cheaper and bet>n ter. Dampen a piece of flannel with ig it and bind it over the affected parts r- and it will relieve the pain and soreS( ness. For Sale by All Dealers. ill ' JPHE Gentleman's watch I lt] J: must combine reliability v.'thbeauty. Discriminating:men the world over carry WALTHAM : COLONIAL SERIES. "Walthams of the Cr! nial Series rej resent the last word iti watch-making. es They are made as thin as it is saie to )C. make a reliable watch. They possess great beauty and u ill give a life long 51- service oi accurate time-keeping. We are headquarters for fire \VaiWatrhfc All rrrvi^R ai n wide :@:@:?:@:@:?:@:@:?:?:?:?:@:?:?:@.@:@@:@:@^ PILLED TO OVEI New and Stylish in Wearal son's Freshest and Newest Merchant! and our reputation in the way of low previous efforts, and more than ever CUSTOMER IS A GOOD ADVER S. MARCUS >:?:?:?:@:@:?:?:?:?:?:?:@:@?:??:?:??:?:?:1 books, Come in and open an account with ^ IMP "".V , us; '* *s *? YOUR interest and WE shall t be glad to have you with us. I BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG, 1 Kingstree, S. C. ? C W Stoll, President E C Epps, Cashier. ? F Rhem, Vice-President C W Boswell, Asst. Cashier. ? a^mmamm^maam^amammaaamammmmamma^^^mammm^mmammmmm^maamam^^mm^amamaama^ammmmaamammm^mmmmmm^mamm Headquarters for BARGAINS \ g^?????????ma^?am We carry a full line of the very best Groceries i and make our prices to suit the low price of cotton. When in need of Groceries don't fail to see us before buying. No harm to compare prices. . When in need of Shoes we have the very best that can be bought. Look at them before buying. Nice line of Wool and Cotton Blankets, also a very nice line of Ladies' and Men's Underwear, both wool and cotton, and a nice line of Calicoes, Percales and Homespun at mill prices. Buggy Robes and Whips and the very best line of Gun Shells 3 CL ?A- I anu oiiuiz-guno. In fact, we have almost anything in the way of General Merchandise. Trade with us and we will save you money. We give to each and every one a cordial invitation to call and see us when in town. We are here for buainesa. Yours to serve, J. W. COWARD.