The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 09, 1911, Page FIVE, Image 5

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A Helpful Service is what we offer to the people of Williamsburg, A service that means something to each and every one of our customers?a , - real Bank Service. Each and every customer gets the benefit of our equipment for the protection and safe-guarding of his money; the benefit of our facilities for the transacting of his financial affairs; and, on request, our very best advice on business matters and investments. This sendee will prove of value to you, why not open an account with us now and take advantage . of it? Bank of Williamsburg KIN6STREE, S. C. k 4 ? Cotton is quoted today at 8*'c? 4 for strict middling; seed $17 and P * $18 per ton, on the local market. ? Well.we haven't got that pumpkin yet. L W Gilland,Esq, went to Charleston Monday. Magistrate Crooks was noted in ' town Monday. Pay for your paper; don't wait for a statement. Have you paid your subscription? If not, why not? Mr W T Rowell of Trio was a county seat visitor Monday. Hon W D Bryan of Taft was a county seat visitor yesterday. Hon J C Graham of Gourdms was noted in town "first Monday." Sheriff Burch of Florence was in town Tuesday on official business. Mr Edwin Stokes of Lake City was in town Saturday between trains. C Jackson Gasque, Esq., of Florence had business in Kingstree Monday. Mr J J Evans, of the Cades section, was a pleasant visitor at our sanctum Friday. The open season for hunting partridges and wild turkeys will begin November 15. Mr J M Nettles of Florida is visiting the family of his brother, Mr S tA Nettles. Mr R C McClam of Scranton has accepted a position in Gamble & Jacobs' drug store. Mr J E Burch of Lake City was ' here Friday attending the Baptist Association meeting. Mr F C Thomas, a well-known business man, of Manning, spent Tuesday here on business. Mr W E Snowden went to Florence Monday to attend court as expert witness in a land case. Remember, please, the price of subscription is $1.25 a year. One dollar if paid all in advance. Mayor Kinder's many friends are pleased to see him able to be out,after several days of illness last week. We had several promises of a pumpkin and haven't yet given up hope of a Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. Mr W H Matthews of Georgetown ^ came over last week to attend the funeral of his sister, Miss Olive Mat* thews. v Born, on Friday, November 3, 1911, to Mr and Mrs Ralph Waldo Crosland. Kingstree. South Carolina. a girl. Mr J V Burgess of Mouzon, while in town Monday, took occasion to enroll his name on our ever growing mailing list. Mr Eugene Hirsch, who spends most of his time on the road as traveling salesman, was in town several days last week. While in town Friday Mr J S Rodgers of Cades came in for a pleasant call and shoved up his subscription to 1913. Mr J H Ilderton has a new ad in this issue. Mr Ilderton comes here from Florence and his reputation is that of a skilled machinist and an honorable man. We are pleased to welcome such citizens as Mr Ilderton and his family. | Mr W E Jenkinson pot his foot [painfully mashed while helping to move his piano out of the house during the fire Sunday night. Mr Boyd Thomas,who has been at a Florence infirmary under medical treatment for the past month,is able to be out again and seems to be much improved in health. We regret that our efforts 1o obtain a report of the proceedings of the Southeast Baptist Association, which convened here Thursday to Saturday of last week,were unavailing. Several young hunters brought in a string of seventeen rabbits Tuesday, which were killed in the river swamp. The rapid rise of the river cut off their escape and many have <5lana-hti?rpd recentlv. Mr S J of our esteemed subscribers at Scranton, came in Thursday and renewed his subscriptipn. Mr Kirby says that although he now lives in another county, he can't well do without The Record. We have had no authentic report of frost being seen as yet,but several persons say they saw natural ice here Saturday morning. If they saw any ice at all in Kingstree Saturday morning it was probably the kind formed bv Dame Nature's hand. A series of meetings is being held at the Baptist church this week, Rev W E Hurt, the pastor, being assisted by Rev Dr J S Dill of Gaffney. The mee'tings will probably continue through the week or longer, services being held at the usual hours. Two tracts of land were sold Monday at public outcry. The 246 acres in the case of Ravenel vs Roper were bid in by Lee & Fishburne, attorneys, for 51,005. The tract of 202 acres (one-seventh interest), in the case of Cooper Bros, vs M J Cooper was bid in by Cooper Bros, for 5400. The Palmetto Greenhouses of Florence have an advertisement in this issue. This concern is prepared to prepared to supply the needs ol people of the Pee Dee section or shore notice and satisfaction is guaranteed. Clip this ad out and file for reference,if you don't need anything in this line just at present. Last week we were presented wit! two fine,large potatoes raised by Mi William Epps on his farm near town They were the nicest potatoes w? have tasted for a long time and of such size that thei two lasted us every meal for nearly a whole week, Mr Epps, we understand, has aboul two acres of these big yams. In conformity with the plar agreed upon at the Farmers' Unior meeting held in Columbia last week, forms for pledges to reduce the acreage of cotton next year are being sent to each county seat for distribution. Clerk of Court Brittor iiao a iiutuuci vx vnvuv v. hand, which he will be pleased tc give out to all interested. We have a dozen copies of the "Woman's Wrorld" to club with The Record for 81.15 a year. You get the two papers a whole year and i beautiful art picture, or illuminatec text as a premium,all for $1,15. We have only one dozen copies to give under this offer, so act promptly Sample copies of the paper and pic ture may be seen at this office1, tf The editor and his family cast i unanimous vote of thanks to Mr M E Snowden, our clever and versatile Benson correspondent, for an elegani barbecued ham with which he pre sented us last week. It was certainly I a treat,coming as it did,to break the monotony of fried bacon and goods, which dainty menu has beer ours for many moons. Oft in the stilly night here lately we have had our slumbers disturbec by the tintinnabulation of bells? - >i i u! i ii n n_^ not, me goiaen weuain^ uens ui rue : iridescent dreams, but the blatant discordant notes of the kind hung tc the neck of a cow. A few nights ago a half dozen cattle (it soundec like) camped in our back yard, anc the one with the loudest bell musl have invaded the back porch. Is there no relief to be had trom these bovine marauders? Quite a swell function in juvenile society was the birthday party ol little Miss Mary Catherine Epps Saturday, four till six o'clock p. m., celebrating the fourth anniversary of her natal day. Many of her little friends and playmates gathered at the hospitable home of the youthful hostess and a couple of hours of un-li 1 i : 1 L.. -11 4.? auoyeu Happiness speu uy an wv, soon. All wished Miss Mary Catherine "many happy returns" when finally they reluctantly took their leave. Skim the fat off the chicken broth and use it to shorten biscuits. These are much more delicious than wher you use lard. LAKE CITY NEWS NOTES. j ? '! !J Hallowe'en Party?Farmers Hold , 4 Cotton?Local and Personal. | Lake City, November 8:?Rev J E p Rushton, whose pastorate is at 11 Smoaks, spent a portion of last week f in this community. We are always! ^ glad to see this noble minister. ^ Mr A J Ridley, now of Charleston, ^ . C b Was 111 LU W11 OUHUajr anu uiuuuai. Therefore a certain young lady was ? "sweet as pie," Mr W Edward Eaddy, of Ard's ^ Cross Roads, wag a visitor here Fri- q day of last week. Mr J S McClam has l>een in St Louis, Mo, for about a week. Mr R M Webster, who removed F from this section to Clarendon coun- b ty some years ago, paid a visit to a relatives last week and gave us a F pleasant call. e Miss Ruth Williams' is visiting friends at Columbia and Batesburg. * The Civic League gave a "Hallowe'en masquerade" lfest Friday night. Oysters, sandwiches and coffee were t served. There were several booths. N i at which various articles were sold and games engaged in. The proceeds k I are to be used for certain improve- ' ment> at the graded school building. .k Among those who visited the State , Fair at Columbia last week were: Messrs W L Matthews, J W McCut- { chen. Claud Taylor, 0 S Baldwin, L , M Belk, Mesdames H V Epps,? Haigler, Misses Margaret Winston, > Isabelle Taylor. ( Miss Beulah Hinnant was brought < home from the College for Women, Columbia, last Friday night. She was very ill and is still quite sick. 1 Her father, Dr T B Hinnant, and 1 sister, Miss Janie,went after her and ] accompanied her home. < 5 A great many bales of cotton are I ? being held in this section?in the i fields. We hear of one farmer who bought eighty tons of fertilizer last spring and has actually gotten out so far twelve bales of cotton. Wouldn't J you like to be the one who advanced that fertilizer? ? On the 6th instant there appeared in the News and Courier an editorial under the title, "A Wasteful 1 People", which it were well that it were read and seriously pondered by ^ every man, child and woman in the j United States. It would make a fine , chapter for every school reader and an excellent Friday declamation piece. j Mr E F Prosser.who always seems j to feel so good that his breezy > presence makes others feel good also, was noted here Monday afternoon. To all the remarks in last week's ; Record about the "'possum" and so t forth, we say, "me too," and so 1 forth. Miss Hattie Rodgers of Conway, i j Ark., who spent several months . visiting relatives in this State, re turned home last week, she was ac- , companiedby Mr Thurmond Rodgi ers, her cousin, who has secured a 1 position in Conway, where he will ? remain. Of course we are sorry to t lose Thurmond. } Mr Liston Hatchell of Florence j ? spent Sunday in town. i 1 We hear that some who "took in" i 1 the Fair last week, also "took in" i both sides of the road on the way 7 home. \ ' Mr and Mrs A P Hatchell came down from Effiingham Tuesday and i 5 were in the town during the day. ; W L B s i I { |I THE GOOD AND THE BAD. ! I One ought to balance the good ? with the bad and also the length of i ! time a man has lived to form a true } estimate of his character. Polybius, . the Greek historian, says, "There is ? no reason why we should not some- , c i times blame and sometimes com- v mend the same person, for, as none f is always right, neither is it probable ^ that he should be always wrong." [ ? t 9 RTreasurer J Wesley Cook has kind- s ' ly consented to collect subscriptions s ' for us while making his rounds over " the county. He will issue a temporary receipt to all who pay and when ? the money is turned over to us a c permanent receipt will be given. 1 Try to remember, then,when you go ' ! to pay your taxes, to take along an i extra dollar or so to pay the hard- j worked printer-man. tf | KINGSTREE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. * > ? - - - - ??? The Wee Nee Literary society held ts regular meeting last Friday evenng. Mr Donald Montgomery having esigned the office of president, Miss darian Hurt was elected to succeed iinr> Mieo K'llKl'n TVlftPn wfld olpptpH iterary editor. The query for delate was: "Resolved, That the War f Secession was a benefit to the iouth." After some splendid points ?ere brough forward on both sides he decision was rendered in favor f the affirmative. Deatb ol Miss Matthews. Miss Heler. Olivia Matthews died Yiday at 2 o'clock p m, and was uried Saturday following at 11:30 . m. at the Williamsburg cemetery, lev W A Fairy conducting the fun". a ral services. Miss Matthews was a daughter of he late W W Matthews and had >een an invalid for a long time, al- 1 hough not confined to her bed un- I il the last few days of her life. She \ vas thirty-s:x years of age and \ eaves as her nearest relatives two \ listers and two brothers, viz: Mrs \ VI C Stutts, Mrs W H Edwards of \ savannah, Ga., and Messrs W H \ ind Allen Matthews. I For many months she bore her I iffliction with Christian resignation ' ind at the last assured her loved ' snes that it was well with her soul. 1 Get the stoves ready for the first 1 lold snap, wien you really feel the 1 lold more than in winter weather. 1 When cake icing is too hard so i :hat vou cannot spread it on, add a \ ittle water, a drop at a time. When \ it is too thin, add sufficient powder- i ;d sugar, first rubbing out the i Inmns 1 ? ~ 1 For the Hair Are you so fortunate as to be well satisfied with your' hair? Is it long enough, thick enough, rich enough ? And your hair does not fall out ? Well, well, that is good. But you may know of some not so fortunate. Then jus* tell them about Ayer's Hair Vigor. They will surely thank you after using it, if not before. Remember, it does not color the hair, Show the list of ingredients to your doctor. Let him decide their value. He knows. SPECIAL NOTICES Phone u* when you want tjr to get a notice under this heading. Price one cent a IK word for each insertion. No ad taken for less than 2oc. Phone ft3. We want 25 good working men with families to settle here;can give steady work and good wages. Call to see us or write us and we will give full particulars and information. D. W. ALDERMAN & SONS CO., a i?i.. c r Ll-2-8t /aicuiu, o. w. For Sale?Seventy-five (75) acres rood farming; land, well drained and enced. Situated 2l.j miles from Union digh school cn good road. Comfortable Iweiling, stables and several out-houses >n premises. Land will produce a bale >f cotton per acre. Price and terms easonable. Apply to James D Munnerlyn, 0-19-tf Choppee, SC." For Sale?5,850 acres of land within >ne to six miles of Helena, Ga; twentyught dwellings and out-buildings, all vired in. Cut to suit purchaser, at $30 >er acre. Term, one to five years. Box 4. 0-26-4t Helena, Ga. Bargain?Webster's Unabridged Dicionary, edition 1910, with stand, for ale very cheap. Dictionary cost $12.00; tand $2.50. Both for $8.00. Can be een at this office. 10-19-tf The County Record. WiVTPn?Persimmon loirs 8 inches md up in diameter, 4>2 feet long. AdIress, Box 218, 10-26-2tp Sumter, S C. For Sale?Two second-hand baby :arriages in good condition, cheap. Ap>Iy. XX c-o The Record. 10-19-tf the fertilize that will furnish a balanced ration to i of the soil. To do this the fertilizer POT J as Phosphoric Acid. Our note boo in farmers' meetings and plenty of sp that you hear. Let us send one to j A supply of these is furnished by request We will be glad to send a supply delivered b or Fanners' Club Officer on request. It con GERMAN KALI 1 Continental Building, Baltimore, Md. 93 Nassau Street 1 The Dap ft ? ft ft We have the Latest S jj Suits, and a full line of \a ft dren's Dresses. We arestil ft styles in all kinds of Shoes ft fore buying, as our prices where and we have a com] ft goods. No trouble to sho1 ft ft 5 Easily laid?can be laid right over proof?Stormproof. Last as long as th< We have local representatives almost e mediate locality, write us direct for sa CORTRIGHT METAL R 50 North 23rd Street We Cordially Inv of Kingstree and Surround fore buying and see Om We hare the latest In Hats, trimm Flames, Wings and Feathers of; Bearer Cloth and the new Cords n< wear, Belts, Hair Goods and fc'otii hare, too, a nice line of the famoi OUR PRICES A KENNEDY MILLIN KINGSTREE - S< I Stack Jj Dry Goods I ^ Oi^pKlr MOI if ^-owi i* ! > V tint rrjko * jt?-a w UKtocotuswc)*. Each * || Joma cl tia gr;??l j jj ncftiianSjhortstrK} It? content! ; : twafW aewars: ? *1 to cause the r 1 v| the ne::t LI i* . ~ " ~ .j field of discr -i i i it that which is 0\~ YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION 1 2 GREAT COMPLETE NOVZLi 50 TIMELY ARTICLES by comp 75 SHORT STORZES-clever, c!e 1 50 PLEASING PCER1S that need 200 PAGES OP A.-.ltXItri Wine," the most widely quoted 1 2000 pages yearly of? 25 cent* per copy Send all or den to I R We*Wnr^8n ?3 ? "*"* T""f> nriTTWirra Ufa **''A iIlM * mes> gw ; Things s' meeting should be / r formula the crop and keep up the fertility should contain at least as much ^SH k has condensed facts essential >ace to record the new things rou before your Institute meets. to every institute held in several states, ree of charge to every Institute, Grange tains no advertising matter. WORKS, Inc. If 1 I. D1 L r*! fflt lYionaaoocB dioc&, v^oicago, ill* I , New York j j lit Store; m tyles in Ladies' Coat idies', Misses' and Chil- ^ 1 headquarters for latest IP Be sure and call bewill be lower than else- W ffl plete line of all kinds of jji w goods. it _ \t * -ipv'c! Company. J -Ml?1?? ?^?^????^????? ocrf Heading Get PINCOTT'S MTHLY MAGAZINE Issue Complete in Itself is of such a compelling nature as eader to buy one number and want PPINCOTTS now covers a wide iminating readers who seek only best in Fiction, Fact, and Fun. HILL BRING TO YOD 5?one in each issue, eteat writers, an-cut, and vital. no interpreter. v lN HUMOR in " Walnuts and humor section in America, izhilarating reading. $2JW a year it.*. j na paper ur 10 T * Philadelphia, Pa. KX .h \i>. c, wood shingles if necessary?Firee building and never need repairs, verywhere but if none in your im- a mples, prices and full particulars. A OOFING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. J ' "A ite The Ladies ing Country to call be Fine Line of Millinery ed and untrimmed. Willow H all kinds. Ribbons, Velvets, M ow so stylish. Ladies' Neck- fl dbs of all descriptions. We J is American Beauty Corsets. /% LKL Kiuni. 1 ERY COMPANY I 3UTH CAROUNA. | ' j