I THIS is + . ' O u T j It is yc 4 . A X \ Is AFFAIRS AT ANDREWS. Building Going On?Items of Local Interest?Personal Gentlest. Andrews, October 30:?In the face ^ of the low price of cotton yon ca.: hear the ring of the car>ent r s hammer and the bricklayer's trowel in our little tcv n. Then. are tv -o nice buildings bem" erect, d >-n Main street. runninor an 1 wed <>. e, town. Mr John \ h;t<\ we are nK formed, is the p: -. ?. *er < f ihi: improvement, Mr Sam Wilson, formerly the mail carrier between Andrews anu postofnce, is very ill 'a Ves* . idrev.Sv Mr Wdson mo\y\ to r'\ F- . , , pari of town about a -. onto apt. h inp sick at that tiyr.e. and his malady fj' gradually prew woes-*. All sy.npa, thize with him ir. h.- affliction. Quite a nurnbei or ladie s fro--, this part of town visited Georgetown one j^f j 1 ? IH'i f/\r iSa nvrnnca nt shopping, viz: Mrs J A Alsbrooks Mrs D 0 Braorton, Misses Jinnie f Thompson and Mamie Pipkin. The Horse of the mail driver on the Trio R F O route became frigntened on Mr Register's trip ore day last week and damagt d his hungry top to quite an extent, the writer has beer, informed by one of the patrons of this mail routeOur popuia: county Treasurer and his assistant .young Mr Montgomery, were in our midst last Saturday. We are always glad to see Mr Cook, as he is near bis old home when he strikes our part of the county. Mr Eugem Graham, wh ? v as suddenly called home on account of the death of his father, lion John S ' Iraham, returned to his studies at the. Charleston Mt-.iieal College one day . last week. Ir. a short time Mr Gra" *> ham will graduate as a physician and we wish him success in his studies and his career as a medical practitioner. Subscriber. . ^ . | Have Yon Seen This Comet? ? - A comet is said to be visible every morning from five o'clock to daylight in the east. It has been visible for two months or longer. At first 1 % it appeared in the northern heavens! in the evening not far from the end star in the tail of the Great Bear. About the first of October it was so \ . \ near the horizon it could not be seen, 1 / but it soon appeared in the east about four o'clock in the morning. It will crow dimmer, and earlv in r November it will disappear from our vision. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yeare. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure-is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per oottle. Sold by a all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. aimmmmmmmmmmmm! & i ,| | See our r ? | PTPrices ? ? v ? k|&: r*? & 'I' the PLA( ir Goods are R >ar desire to got and Good lime NGSTRE ?A ijp ?ji A A I . A Card. Editor County Record:? In the "Final Presentment" of the 1 pram: jury published ir your issue 01 October 1? it i.- s.rit-ul that a' siv>r'?2o.? P is and in the 1 books of V G A "Uv tte. f:"~n rrate. Thin is entirely without r'or.Vatk n. as you \v'!i observe 'rot. the %'r.v-' in.' staic^n? rirne-.. by t.w* County' ' cnmissione-s, a:.ci j a " very much sj"v ii."! thi.' t a tatement shoul.. *e he.-j. " a<]<- r. the at . j Gry: 44We. - County Co.'.uiiissiuners of '.Vili'amsbuiy c-'jn'.v, haviny " eked up the criminal docket of V m Arnotte. Mav/istral e. with the . Vreas'urer's booKs, find that hu. colic -ted ir tines prior to September MO the sum of twenty-live dollars and that the same has been paid in to t he Tr* asurer." (Sgne f) P M Bkockinton,* (Siyne^) J J B Montgomery, (signed' j n 11 a?.; mkt, KiriKstree, SC. Chairman. Oc!oher 2S. 1911. Y~urs very truly, V Glenn Arnette ? Canes. October .11. '" here is little danger from a cold or i'roni an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this m-vm-happens v.hen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This n roedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For saie by all dealers. Selling the farm and coving into ; I town to join the store-box club is a I good deal like trading - 1 the best cow for a yellow dog. J n't do it, brother, as long as you cr.n ; low a straight fimrow. The other day we saw a lady go,* ing up South Academy street stopped" by a bull standing near the side walk,not even tit d or hitched. The I lady had to wait there until some one came to her rescu and drove the animal awav. And get. we are , , t . * tola, mere is some sort i town ordinance against turning live-stock ioose ir. the streets. If the lav is not! going to be enforced, better repeal! it and let everybody enjoy the same privilege. Hot Supper et Crtdes. i The ladies of Cades will serve i barbecue, ice cream and cake at the Cades school building Friday night, j November 10, for benefit of school, i All are invited to attend. 11 -2-2t ! i ? ? Don't wait for success to come in your yard. Grab it by the collar: and yank it inside the gate. "I am pleased to recommendj Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as the i best thing 1 know of and the safest remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial troubles," writes Mrs L B Arnold of Denver, Colo. "We have used it repeatedly and it has never failed to give relief." For sale by all dealers. Only the wealthy man can afford i to keep a poor cow. wnTOmntnjfflfWttwwnwni .1 I u \ line of L Goods, I to Suit the iiUttittttUttUUUUiKifeUiUUiiiiJ ;e to get aght! Our Pi our desire to give eve dollar you spe i to Put Us i t UKY jfl ^^^ *?" vtvlvvvvttvjtttttvvtttvtf a J At the Churches 3 5* 4 ?i A.i> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J h; The puhlie is cordially invited j u to attend any of the services of the , 0 various churches of Kingstree. j 3a ptlst Church. ^ W F. Hi*'ft. PA?T*>R. Service" every ' wb, ?, Hsv . lo.t ::ft Wi; - on. I'r.fTok. rVt?rr id .ord fourth Sunday nmrninsr prryer. sermon and holy communion at II a. m. c ir Ct1 ire b. vi Ryv '.V Fair*., Pastor. sf Prcachinj every Sunday morning ? a: : ' * '-'..vk an 1 ev ning ?f ?:0A ,J a; o'c! >ck. * . 2rJ Sonday-sch-T at 4:W m. ;*. c.vorth Fjcai; ue meets every Tues- ? da.- r.ighl at StoO o'cioc* ! $ - . - i * v?'v,>k prayer nv every ; Thursday n:.*ht at ' Clock. * .4! i.r i. i:>vs r:bh wui .vrf any ex** of Chiils 8nd Fever, 'r . 2?.c. < ^ I As the end of the year approaches 'el i;s be up ?i?>inar ail the out<'? v\'i . ioai has heen out off, i i les* winter eaten us unprepared. Our Clubbaig E..r .?$ j T V.- .:Ve> theni clubbing rates *"? w.t' i number of popular news- j *paj^. r.- and period'eals. Read care-11 ; u!iy 'u following iist and see 'tiet the one or mor< that you fancy a:/' tl wo shall be pleased to send in your order. These rates are of course a'i -ash in advance, v.hieh means dial uoiri The.Recokd anu the paper ordered must be paid for, not 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, but twelve months ahead. Below is the list of our best clubbing offers. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a month,) $1.35. The Record and New York World i (3 times a week,) SI.75. f< The Record and Atlanta Consti- n tution (3 times a week) $1.85. 6 * ? ?i r> t THE KECl)KL> unu r>ry A T1 - I rices are KigTit ry possible cent's wor snd with us. :o the Test i GOODS rr?val of Passeagar Trala* at H Klngstree. i Tlie .Atlantic Coast Line railroad as promulgated the following schedle. which became effective Sunday,' ctober 15, 1911: J North Porsn o 80 - - 7:42 a rn N'o 4' - 11:37 a m | o IS - *:10 p m jj IV-oTK f? 7i> ' - * - - '1:18 fcff, | \V.1 G:10 f m | 0 Hp - - 9:?>S p od -jf >f!lv tiXO*:-.!- StJTK ?; - y Sir* feh Tr^irif. - i it' i! perp'o that r^gleel of >nst:pation wou'd result in severe idigestion, vellov jaundice or irulert liver trouble they would j;>n take Dr King's New Lif ' Pills, K rtd "nci it. It's the only safe wa;. v est for biliousness, headache, vspvpsia, chills a..d debility. 25e at C 1 L Alien'sv. {** X',~, M I ! J| ! - ?? i ' to its Eczema?'$ a 5?.?r?la fan Tells Hit: ? Experience. k I v. as ai dieted with a very bad rk' isc oi Eczema *cr iv/enly-iive V" ears which \va? .r? my feel, legs O id hips. Throup.h . thi.; fiire i" tried different rvmeoies and r>oc- /\ >rs' prescripticn i?v Dr. W. V. BrccKing'ton, jj-*" Kin^stree, S. C. " {? UaKeaey-McCullcugh. Co, |;. Lanes, S. C. ; . _ j Splrrtism Said to Bo Demenism. A rnonf interesting Uttie brochure i v. as recently come oj the pyess setting ; jrth with Bible proofs that the com- ' ?T tunica t ions received by and through 1JT piritLst Mediums is of Demon origin. , he w riter traces his subject through j Iiy le Scriptures from tlie time when jrtain of the boly angels became dls- j bedlent. He proves from the Scrip- | ires that those fallen spirits per- j vJr mate the human (lend, with whose ast history, spirits, though Invisible, r; re thoroughly acquainted. He shows B iat they also frequently person- I te the Creator and the Redeemer, r >mrnandlng their deceived ones to [j ray, do penance, etc. This, however, Q i merely to lead them on and to bring I lem more thoroughly under demonical control. Sometimes by breaking ywu the natural barrier, the human ill, they possess their victim, and rule 1m more or less to his rain?Crequent' sending soch to the mad-house, Umeeons inustiatioo^ Scriptural and lMrvlaiS as? glrwtL The price of the ttfti bock Is but Ian cents; It should l hi the hands of all Interested In ptrtttem or who bare Mends Interrted tharetn. Enclose tve two-cent amps to the BEbie and Tract Society, r BMm street Brooklyn. N. T. m mwmmmhmmim i LOO lor Made ides and . 1? _ A rivex. 3UTLER DRY tButidkmnmicamitiMmmaiu PlHNI VUM?l4?i*lll4llfCllllvi*rllVMI0) I K I ' I 'INTER C ! Our Styles th of real value for s Right Noy if n a \ f? ? ?*1*?*f*?4??+?*f??* Remember | S We are now in the large 1 building fomrerly occupied 8 by Wilkins Wholesale Groc- j$ ery Co., where we are giad B ^ to welcome our old custo- 3 mers as well as new ones. ^ f8 We keep ? ^ All Kinds of Msata J in season at living prices, j also a choice line of Fruits. $ Vegetables and Canned Goods. SLppsi' Martlet C r. Acftdnoy (SX Mill Stu. H! ^ I on >ooood^oooooti FRESH O Horses an ; JUST ARF Come and see get your? YOURS TO Williamsburg Live Stock . Kings! re?, So all ;COOOOOCOCCOCS>> wnmmmnjwnwmnnnin DRUGS! MI Pure and Fresh Di and Toilet Articl Richard Hudnut's Toilet Preparatic Prescriptions and carefully prepare Pharmacist. SEND US TOUR > Kingsfree Dru< Next to Sta< M?w^iaiaMUiUiUMUi We Cordially Inv of Kingstree and Surround: fore buying and see Our We have the latest li Hats, trinm Planes, Wlags aid Feathers oft Beaver Cloth aid the lev Cords it wear, Belts, lair Hoods aid Notl< have, too, a liee Hie of the fanoi OUR PRICES A KENNEDY M1LLIN1 K1NGSTREE - SC K Suits, a Styles. GOODS COM )U71 Ri ^?*1* ^? %* ?f*?*? w ceipt Books, Black Rotes, Legal Blanks in demand, te Record office. If we rm you wish we can print it H||H When you want us to chanf^H^^^^^^H dress of your pa^er ts of trouble to* name well as the new postoffice. ar ui.ujj.-4 to u w so stylish. Ladles' Reck. us of all deseriptlois. We mk is Anericai Beaity Corsets. B ,RE RIGHT. A ERY COMPANY XJTH CAROLINA Jj 2^I 11 Newjj