f IU* tkd wisdom from above Daniel i, 18-20?Sept. 10 *It is good n. ,'fticr to tot Acs'* nor to drink trine, nor jnytUtng itcMoard of wise men, oou:i selors of the king. 80 different Is all this from the nepotism, "graft" and pool" of our day that i' seems almost incomprehensible. We may Ikhto learn a Dsson of ho-a Cod is able to make 0 1 n the disasters ' of life work out blessings for those who are truly loyui to JJiiu, even a< faithful Daniel and h;s companion ntit* uuu |iiv.>j?acu iu in*.- cue niles' laud. pw*. Advantages of Abstemiourness The young Hebrews were attached to the king's household and were pro vlded with extraordinary delicacies, including spirituous liquors. The policy of tlie king In providing sumptuously for all the students was that, being well nourished, they might be In their best physical and mental con dition. This lesson shows that it is a mistake to suppose that high living is specially conducive to intellectuality? not to mention spirituality. Prom the beginning, under God's providence, the deportment of Danle! brought him into special favor with the prince of the eunuchs, who hud In charge the temporalities of these stu' ,'v dents. There is something in a meek and quiet spirit that is impressive; and as a rule such a spirit coines only from a proper, religious training. To Pai iel und Thrve Compamwm. this eunuch Daniel, and his associate* through hiui, appealed, requesting that instead of the fine food and liquors provided they might have a plain vegetable diet. Their request was granted At the eud of the period of theit preparation, the king communed with the students "and among them all wa? found none like Daniel, Ilananluh. Mishuel and Azariah: and in eve-v matter of wisdom and underf standing concerning which the king Inquired of them he found them ten times better than all the magician* and enchanters that were Id his realm." The Secret of Daniel'* Success .What was the secret of this wisdom ? find understanding? Did not the secret lie tn the blessing of God and in the ffict that these young men sought to devote their lives to the doing of the Divine will?to the doing of righteoos/* Such minds anywhere, at any _ time, are scarce. Such minds always bespeak wisdom. On the other hand, sensuality, selfishness, the grinding of personal axes, always becloud the judgment. What we need today In every walk of life. Is consecrated men of the stamp of Daniel and his companionswhole hearted men?who will give their for the service of their fel* low men in whatever sphere their Jives may be cast Dare to Be a Daniel Although few of us today can be Daniels or have his hlgb position and wonderful opportunity, and though few are leading spirits as was Daniel, yet all may have the same spirit of devotion to the principles of righteousness, which devotion will be tested, under Divine providence, step by step, through the "narrow way," as they seek to walk in the footsteps of Him who set us nn example?our Daniel, our Leader, our Lord Jesus. Let all, then, who have nuined the named of Christ, depart from iniquity. Let all such be faithful. What is really need ed Is the Daniel spirit; and that is a possibility with every man and every f woman?young or old. "Dare to be a Daniel!" Alas! how fow appreciate the privilege, how few are enulating the Daniel spirit! Christians, throughout this Age. are in a position very similar to that of Daniel. The great King of Glory has them in the School of Christ. He wishes to select a few to be Joint-heirs in the Messianic Kingdom when it shall be established. The test of examination will come in the end of this J Age. Those who will men do rcrunu worthy will he such as have the Daniel spirit of devotion to God and to the principles of righteousness?'willingness to lay down their lives In the service of the truth?followers In the footsteps of Jesus. Of the6e i:he Lord speaks, saying. "They shall l)e Mine, saith the Lord, in that Day when I make tip My Jewels."?MaiachJ HI, 17. rV&A < V ' * j ?> 4 I jt Legal Notices ?' Citation Notice'THE M'A J KOKSOl TU AROMXA Cou.it y i f 'A'illiani>hurg. By P M Brockinton, Esq. Probate; Judge. j o ner- as. Mrs Fowler wraham and V | W Graham made suir t" ?i??- to grant, them letters nf admini-'ra!ioi? of the j state o! aiid effectsoi John S Graham. ! These are therefore to cite and ad-' monish all and sin$;u]ar the kindred and creditors of the sa d John S Graham,deceased, that they he and appear before me in the Court of Probate to be held at Kingstree, S C, on the liih day of November next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 28th day of October, Anno Domini, 1911. Published on the 2nd day of November, 1911, in The County Record. P M Brockinton, ll-2-2t Probate Judge. Citation Notice. ! THE ST M K OF S?VJTH C \ ROM\ A, County of Williamsburg, By I' M i'.r ? kitit*'ti, Probate J i l ud::e. Where.s. Benjamin Fulton m destl:: . i to rne I? Lri\.r.t RevG J Davis letters of j ad minis! rnt:nn ot the estate of and ef-J j feet- of Julius Fuiton. I liese are tlr.ron-re t cite ami ad-; ! mi nisli ad and singular the kindred j ; and creditor- Julius Fulton, i I deceas-d, tii t 'hey bound appear fx-, i j fore me in the Court of Probate, t<> be | i h^M at Kingsfr- e, S C. on the 11th day ' J of November next after publication j j thereof.a' 11 'clock it] the foreno?n,to show cause if an\ ?h?y nave, why the said adminisi :ati >n sh> uld n 28thdayof October. Anno Domini, If 11. Published of Sam Washington, Mingo June.Peter Burdick and Santee swamp. Terms of sale, cash. Purchaser to pay for papers, and if the purchaser fails to comply with the terns of sale forthwith% the property will be again offered for sale at his risk, on the same or some subsequent salesday. H 0 Britton. Cerk of Court of Williamsburg county*. 10-19-31 ' \ ! Sheriff's Sale under Foreclosure. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. col'.nty ok wjli.iamsbuko. H M Cooper, T M Ccoper and J F Cooper. co-partners traiing aud doing business under the firm name and style of Cooper Brother?, Plaintiffs, against M J Cooper, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a decretal order made and rendered by his Honor. Judge R E Copes, or the 3rd day of October, A D 1911, I wi 1 sell at public auction, between the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in November. 1911, the same being salesdaj, before the court house door in Kingstree, S C, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land, to-wit: All the right, title and interest of the said M J Cooper, defendant above named, of, in and to, all and singular, that certain piece,parcel or tract of land lying,being and situate in the county or Williamsburg and State of South Carolina, containing two hundred ;ind sixty-two (262) acres, Bounded on the North by lanas of Cooper Brothers; on the East by lands of Cooper Brothers; on the South by 1 lands or C W Cooper and on the West | by lands of Silvia Wilson, which said tract of land fornrerly belonged to James Cooper, deceased. G J Graham, Sheriff of Williamsburg county. Kingstree, S C, October 12, 1911. 10-19-3t Registration Notice. The oilice of the Supervisor of Re? I istration will be open on the 1st Mod- j | day in each month tor rne purpose 01 . registering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident oi the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling pre- ; oinet in which '.lit* elector offers to j vole four months before the day ol i election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both reau and write any section of the constilu| tion of 1895.suhnntterf to him by the j Supervisors of Registration, or whr ' can show that he owns, and has pai:- j a'l taxe-. collectable on during ih? 1 present year, pioperty in this Stat? I assessed at three hundred dollars or J more. .1, T. McGILL, Clerk of Board I ~ " Lands for Sale. i Near ennuirh to Johnsonville postoffice j for town lots. Prices r'ght, No better j land in county. 50 acres.about 15 under cultivation. 106 " " 30 " 500 " " 30 " Write for information to J H Chapman, M D, 9-7-tf Johnsonville, S C. K)leys kidney puis bamacmc kiom^tamobuwesa Citation Notice- ' THE STA'i K Or SOUTH CAROLINA, t'h my of m'.lia.v -b By 1 ,Y? Brockinton, F*q. Probate J iid.ee. Whereas, J C Hudson made suit lo me to grunt him letters of administration of the estate of and effect- of A O Hudson, These .tre therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ami creditors of the said A O Hudson, deceastd, tiiat they be and appear before me in the Lourt of Probate, to be held at Kingstree. s C, on the 13th day of November next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause,if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 30th day of October, Anno Domini, 1911. Published on the 2nd day of November, 1911, in The County Record. P M Brockinton, ll-2-2t Probate Judge. Election Notice. T.L 1 t ... *? i tne legal requirement iiatum ucch i met, an election is hereby ordered to R? ; held Friday. November 10, 1911, in Special School District No 22, to deter-! mine wbethei sari district shall be con-! stituted a State High School district. I By order o! Superintendent of Education 'Williamsburg county. T W Bin lk, J S Moxtgomkry, Fred Mishoe, ! 1-2 2t Trustees. ' Notice. Pursuant i > the order of the Honorable : i' ,\j Brockinton, Judge of Probate for} W illiamsourg county, dated October 28. 1911, the uudersigned will offer for sale j at the store formerly occupied by J F j Scott, in Williamsburg county, Southf varolina, on the loth day of November, i 1911, to the highest bidder for cash, the | following described personal property: 1 one-horse wagon, 1 iron-grey mule, 1 black mule, 1 black Jenny mule, 1 hlack horse mule. 1 pony horse, 3 oxen, 2 cows and calves, 1 sow and 5 shoats, 1 mowing machine and rake, 1 sulky plow. J F Scott, Administrator of the Estate of J F Scott deceased. ll-2-2t Executors' Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of Scipio Pendergrass, deceased, will present the same for payment, duly , attested, to the undersigned, and all j persons indebted to said estate are re- , quest?d to settle same at once. Ben Brockington, Ramon Penpergrass, i ll-2-4t Executors, j Administrator's Notice! Notice is hereby pivcn that all tier- i sons who are indebted to the estate of F G Green, deceased, will make oayment, to the undersigned, and all persons > having claims against the same will present them, duly attested. F P Gubrry, Administrator Estate of F G Green, i deceased. ll-2-4t Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for collection of taxes the 15th day of October next. Tax levy as follows: For State 1-2 mills ' Roads 1 " ** Bridges. 1-2 " ' Com Schools 3 " " Ordinary County 3 1-4 " " Stock Law Fence, 60 mills on all stock in Suttons and part of Anderson and Penn townships. A tax of 50c per head on dogs. " High School in Kingstree township, 2 mills. " Retiring bonds in Kingstree township, 2 mills. " ? ?i 1 neunng uunus m VJIccijr vine ovuwi district, 3 mills. All parties between the ages of 21 and 60 years, inclusive, are liable,unless exempted by law, to a poll tax of $1.00, also a commutation tax of $2. CO, Levy for special school districts as follows: Nos 8, 14, 19, 22, 25, 32, 34, 40, 43,47 and 49?2 mills. No 31?3 mills. Nos 16, 26, 27, 28, 29. 35, 36, 37, 89, 11, 42, 45, 46, 48 and 50?4 mills. No 23?12 mills. No 24?6 mills. I will be at the following places mentioned below for collection of said taxes: October. J L Gowdy's store, 21 Greelyville, 23 and 24 Gourdin, 25 Suttons, 26 Trio, 27 Harpers, 28 Benson,| 30 Bloomingvale, 31 November i Morrisville, 1 j Rhems, 2 W R Graham's store, 3 A i -tome, Lamberts, 6 Ard's X Roads, 7 Johnsonville, 8 Vox, 9 Prospect, 10 Leo, 11 Salters. 17 Cades, 18 Will be in Kingstree from October 15 to December 31, inclusive, except on dates of above appointments. Upon all unpaid taxes after December 31 a penalty of 1% will be added for January, 1 % for February and 5% to 15th day of March next,after which the books will be closed and executions issued upon all unpaid taxes. Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail would expedite matters by dropping the Treasurer a postal asking for the amount of their tax, so as to avoid sending the wrong amount,also stating the township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district where property is located; also state whether jjoll or road tax, or both, are wanted. After paying taxes examine your re*-A ' ^ n' I tmtir nrAnortv {? CeiJJLS UI1U sec 11 an ui juui piUt,v..; covered; if not, see about it at once. By following the above suggestions complications and additional cost may be avoided. J Wesley Cook, 9-21-tf County Treasurer. FOIXYS ^INOLfflmVE for siohtot "wocli-e and conitimtmm | Professions! Cards, DR. R. C. McCABE Dental Surgeon. in Hir>cli tnii!'ov**r Kin;.' tree Drug ' oniony "> M. A. WOODS. DENTIST. Oflic* over Sin^letary Bld^> ^'PHONE NO. 62.^? LAKE CITY, - S. W. Leland Taylor DENTIST. Office over Dr W V Bru kinsrton' ?< store, KINGSTREE, - S. C 5'21-tf. M. IX Xo*mill DEN T 1ST. UKECITV,.'. - Sv W. L. BASS, A ttorney=a !> Law, LAKE CITY. S. C. DR. R. J, MCCABE Dentist. KINGSTREE, , S.i BenJ. MclNNES, M. R. C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. I VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree tl first Monday in each month, at Ht ler's Stables. 9-28-tf I liacksr Manufacturing Go. Successors to fceorge S. Hacker & Son ? liarleston, S. C ^ r? ncciwiif.iiv, x shoeing and General Repair Work on short notice^ Bring Us Your Work t W. M VAUSE & SON. AAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAiAAAiiAA Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 11: day of November, at 12 o'clock noo I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judj of Probate of Williamsburg county, f Le tters Dismissory as Administratrix < the estate of Henry E Kennedy, d ceased. Mrs Lula C Kennedy, 10-12-4t Administratri; I We Mlanuftdure Doors, Sasb ami Hlinls: ColI utiins and Halusters: G-illes and Gable Ornaments; Screen ? Doors and Windows. We Deal In Glas-. ^ash Cord and Weights I FOR SALE ! 350 acre farm. 3 mfles north of Kingstree on Sumter road. 80 acres highly cultivated, and will pr. .'ace a bale of cotton, !or 75 bushers of corn to the acre. Excellent tobacco land. Pine timber 12 inches diameter sold, cut and removed. 75 acres !af island and in Black River Swamp and 75 acres of rich, fertile bay land that can be put in highest state of cultivation at small expense. Four room dwelling, each !/room 20 foet by 16 feet, with 10 foot hallway. One tenant house, barn, sheds, *tc. Conveniently located with respect to town. J county scat, churches, schools, railroad. + markets, etc. Price $16 per acre, NET. Purchase- to pay for papers. Apply I J. P. GILLAND, I At tornoy-at-Law | KINGSTREK, ... SC. [ Paint Your Buggy! ? We can make it look like ? new. Any Buggy, Car? riage, Wagon orother Vehicle can be improved One Hunt dred per cent in appeart ance by painting. : -#Mj -I ' ; A'. & U f,4 - -11 { - ; '{1 ^ A 1-/V U/UAAltir??i -yVif T-Tnrcp. ! 1L. J. STi @ ? ilie Coffins 3? s" ? 'jf offers hi i@ c| Day an ' 1 x in ? .:? FIRST OFFICE OVER STA s - @ Yours I 1? * L. J. ST - h | The Fal! 1 l| KINGSTREE GRADEI J will ~ 1 Septemb I AH departm* in Good Wo Parents who intend entei will please do so during the fi Patrons and friends of th to visit the school at an / ;i re i Any further inforr applying to (W. Swittenberg Superintendent. Kingstr : ~~ | Go To atimM l WHEN YOU NEED ANY j A record of more than 1 hind him. With a bund 5 on hand, he is always re; j Also Feed and t j J. L. Stuckey, 4 ?????' ^wm i ?vwyywvwwvyyywyyyw S|i Why Throw Aw Why Lose J 'J WHEN YOL s i Mower fc 21 J If A Rake f 4| ^ 11 BOTH FO a | Greelyville Live Stoi "e > Greeljrv 5 ? E. B. RHOD 1 ?MAMMAAAMAAAMAAAAM r* i f \Ci m service id Nig^H CKLEY'S DRY 6000S C0^^| to Serve, ACKLEY. AH ?;?.*?;? erm of the9 AND DlliH SCHML^H begin , p er 18. 1911 M I V.J J entfe are now ^ JM ??a? *, 9 ring their children in the school rst week of the fall term. e School are cordially invited ration mav be had by .E. C. Epps, Clerk Board of Trusteesec, S. C. Shirkw 1.1 ji\J THING IN HltoraSlI H twenty years stands bfc*. .1 f^i 1 of nice horses and mules|fc^jgj ady for a sale or a swap. WVWVVWYVV YVVYWVYWW? fa ^ay Your Money? 5 I Your Hay? 1 ? | CAN BUY A 5 k >r $42.50,1 ^ or $22.S0 I OR v S iR $65 00 I sk Go's New Stable, | ill?, S. C. ^ i} US. Manager, i *.' WM4MMMAMAA MMMM? Jj