The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 26, 1911, Page FIVE, Image 5

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<#> ? v * A Helpful Service is what we offer to the people of: Williamsburg. A service that; means something to each and every one of our customers?a real Bank Service. Each and every customer gets ' the benefit of our equipment for thp nrnteotion and safe-guarding of his money; the benefit of our facilities for the transacting of his financial affairs; and, on request, our very best advice on business matters and investments. This service will prove of value to you, why not open an account with us now and take advantage of it? Bank of Williamsburg KINSSTREE, S. C. AAJLkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ^ Cotton is quoted today at 8*c? 4 for strict middling; seed $17 per * ton, on the local market. ? "When wild grapes redden in the sun. A nd milkweeds spill their snowy down: When field-mice through the stubble run, And sumacs wear their crimson crown; When birds in bocks at even meet, Then autumn comes on flying feet." v Mr P G Gourdin has returned from Florida. Local news is scarce, or at least very little comes our way. Mr S L Courtney was in town awhile Friday from Lake City. What hps become of our Scranton and Greelyville correspondents? Mr R S Bell of Bell of Indiantown was noted on our streets Monday. Note the Governor's proclamation published elsewhere in this issue. Mrs S L Tindal of Denmark is visiting her niece, Mrs S A Nettles. The Misses Ervin left yestetday for a visit to their aunt at Darlington. Rev VV E Hurt will attend a ministerial meeting at Bloomingvale next Sunday. ^ Mr J B Bryant of Salters Depot called pleasantly at The Record office Monday. Attention is called to Superintendent of Education McCullough's "Notice to Teachers." Hon W L Bass of Lake City spent aj * the day here last Thursday on proi fessional business. ^ Misses Belle and Lillie Ervin spent last week at Indiantown with Mrs Thomas Cooper. Mr R W Spann of Timmonsville has been visiting the family of Mr W H McGee in town. Miss Marian Gilland has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs Louis Sherfesee, in Charleston. Capt William Cooper, of Cooper ^ postoffice, spent several days with relatives in town this week. We cannot publish articles of length that reach us later than Tuesday noon of the current week. Messrs G T Rollins and W T Askins of Lake City favored our sanctum with an agreeable visit yester-1 day. Prof S A McCull >ugh, principal of I Cedar Swamp Graded school, called pleasantly to see us Saturday of last week. Mr T J Cottingham. the courteous and capable cashier of Fanners A: Merchants Bank of Lake City, was noted in town last Friday. We are glad to iearn that Dr and Mrs M L Allen's little son, John P.odgers, who has been critically ill with pneumonia, is improving. We have heard much complaint about house-keepers being troubled by ants. Try a little essence of peppermint on the pantry shelves. Mr John Ashby Mouzon, who had ; . the misfortune to stick a nail jk through his foot a week or two ago, * ^ is able to be out again,we are pleased to note. Do you know that all the leading magazines will increase their subscription price between now and i January? Let us have your order \ for any standard magazine now, V either singly or in club, and we can ' \ save you money if you act promptly. \ We represent one of the biggest \ magazine agencies in the world and \ will meet prices on any clubbing ^ .combination. KAPPE?iNGS AT LAAc CITT AND VICINITY, HYMEN'S TORCH?A. C. L. STATION OUTGROWN?BARN AND STABLES BURNED-PERSONAL. Like City, October 23: ?Mrs C D Rollins has returned home from a risit to her parents near Dawson,Ga. Mrs Ida I Elliott has been on a risit to relatives and friends in and lear Bennettsville. The Baptist folk and friends gave Rev T J Rooke a pounding Monday light. Mr Samuel Bryan Wiikins of Ath- j e:.s. Ga. is spending s ;me days here; I with his family, who have been visiting Mrs Wiikins' parents. Mr and Mrs W T Wiikins, for several weeks past. i Messrs S J Langston and J H 1 White of Richmond. Va, were in town Tuesday. Mr Langston is a. son of Mr C W Langston. a former, resident of Kingstree. He and Mr j White came in their automobile j from Richmond to Timmonsville, 1 making the trip in two days. ^ Mr and Mrs S 0 Pegues spent the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs i M F Heller, while returning from l their bridal trip to their future home at Pinopolis. Berkely county. The bride, who was formerly Miss Nonie 1 Simons of Charleston, is well known , and admired in the society of our town. I r Miac Rlnn<*he Funk, who has been i under treatment in a Florence infirmary for several weeks for tuber- ^ culosisof the ankle bone, is so much 1 improved that she was able to re- ] turn home last week. With care and continued treatment her physician holds out hopes of her ultimate re- ' covery. i An old and valued friend from 1 Lake City writes thus in renewing 1 his subscription: "I can't do without your paper. Still feel like it is , my home paper." We appreciate these kind expressions and hope that as long as we are at the helm The 1 Record will be a welcome visitor to the home of our friend. Mr G M Beasley of Gourdins, one ' of our county's most extensive farmers, was in town Monday looking unusually proud and happy. Casual inquiry as to the cause for his elated spirits elicited the fact that he is the father of twin babies?a boy and a girl, the finest pair of twine in all the wide borders of the Palmetto State. Thanks to the thoughtful kindness of Mr H H Kinder the editor and his family have feasted on sweet potatoes every day for the past week. Big candied yams,the lineal descendants of the very same sweet potatoes that constituted the menu provided for the British officer by General Marion on a certain historic occasion. Mr. W K Mcintosh left yesterday for Clarksville, Va., where he with several associates will operate a tobacco warehouse during the season, which commences in Virginia about the time that our markets close. Mr Mcintosh is an experienced warehouseman and his numerous friends bespeak his success in his new field. A letter to the editor from Mr P S Courtney, who was operated on for appendicitis last week at a Florence infirmary, conveys the gratifying intelligence that he is getting over the operation as well as could be expected and it is hoped that the worst is over. Mrs Courtney and the children returned home the early part of the week. Mr "Bob" Tisdale, ot Cedar Swamp, and his son-in-law, Mr J C Kellahan of Belfast, Ga, favored the editor with a call Monday, Mr Kellahan being on his way back to his Georgia home. Mr "Bob" is one of our oldest and truest friends and it is always a pleasant sight to see his bright,genial countenance and grasp his honest hand. Rev E E Ervin received news Monday that his brother, Mr D M Ervin, who has been under treatment ' for several weeks in a hospital at Richmond, Va. had to undergo a se- ( rious operation and grave doubts are i entertained as to the outcome. Mr J Ervin is one of our best citizens and ; his host of friends are much dis- i; tressed to hear of his critical illness.; Town Oilicers Elected. Andrews. October 23. Social:?1: One of the most spirited municipal campaigns that has ever taken place J here ended today with the election : of the following town officers: In-1 tendant, Mr G L Grant; four wardens. namely: Messrs J K Jenkins,: Ben White, A B Crosby and L D Pipkin. The best wishes of the writer are extended to our new of fleers and we hope our town will I give them hearty support and co-operation. Tnis is the only way we can build up the town. w s c. j Don't trifle with a cold is good j advice for prudent men and worn- j en. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It is safe and sure. For sale by all dealers. Corn on the cob is more acceptable than corn on the foot. Try a barrel of American Queen Flour at I 10-19-2t Farmers' Supply Co's. Dr and Mrs L u Koinns spent Thursday of last week in Florence. Mr David Gaskins and Miss Belle ftutson were married on the afterloon of the 22nd instant, at Bethel Baptist church. The ceremony was performed by Rev J W Truluck, the pastor. The young couple will make their home at Lake City, vhere Mr Gaskins is engaged in business. Mr S W Epps, better known as "Jack" Epps, met wi*:h the misfortune Monday morning of getting his leg broken. He was working with the '"skidding" machine of the Wilson Lumber Co., which was in the woods getting in logs. On<? leg of the "skidder" broke; and Mr Epps, fearing that it would turn over on him, jumped. His left leg was snapped in two just above the ankle. At last accounts he was doing very well. Rev T J Rooke preached for the Baptists last Sunday morning and night. One of the most inteligent men ol our section remarked to the writer a few days ago: "Editor Wolfe getf out the best weekly newspaper ir South Carolina." (We doff oui chapeau to this kind critic). Friday morning of last week the barn and stables at Mr J P Sauls' place in town were burned. The fire was discovered a few minutes before 4 o'clock. Mr Sauls got all his live-stock out. but two hog* were so badly burned tnat tney are expected to die. All the feed, harness, etc.. which Mr Sauls values at some $300. were destroyed. The building, which belonged to Mr J S Rodgers, was worth about $500. The indications are that the fire was the work of an incendiary. Mr J SMurchison, superintendent of the Charleston Division of the Atlantic Coast Line, spent Monday ir town. Ostensibly the purpose of his visit was to look the situation with respect to the accommodations, or rather lack of accommodations, for this place. It is certainly high time that somebody was looking into this situation, and also doing something 'more than looking. The Atlantic Coast Line is not dealing fairly with Lake City and the community. This place is not getting what it ought to have, and no other town in the State would so humbly submit to this treatment, as Lake City has submitted in the past and is still submitting to it. "Uncle" Toby Graham, an old negro living near town, died last Monday. He was of very advanced years, probably about ninety, and belonged to that class < f rc-spected negroes that is rapidly passing away. Faithful to his master in slavery days, he was faithful to his duty as a man since he was declared free. Humble, industrious, law-abiding and peaceable, he has the respect and confidence of both white and black. Last Saturday some one slashed three eighteen dollar suits in the store of Messrs Stewart & Mcintosh. The suits were hanging on the racks that are used to display them to customers, and apparently the miscreant cut them in passing along by the racks. W'taat spirit of deviltry could have prompted the act is hard to conceive. Mr J E Smith of Florence and Miss Gertrude Thomas,a daughter of Mr E H Thomas of Lake City, were married at the residence of Rev A. W. Jackson, the officiating minister, in Lake City on last Sunday afternoon. W L B / THE SANGER SHOWS. ( I A Large Crowd from Town and County Enjoyed Performances. j Sanger's Combined Shows exhibj ited to a big crowd here last Thursday and their performance seemed : to give general satisfaction. While larger circuses have visited ; here, giving more elaborate per- ! formances.few.if any,gave a smoother or more pleasing exhibition than Sanger's. There were not so many i rings to see all at once, so that very little of the acting went to waste, so j i.. 1- TL- ? j:_ 1 I to speaK. ine riuiug anu uie acrobatic feats were hard to beat and the trained elephant's stunts were about as clever as any ever shown here. Two performances were given, afternoon and night, The management and attaches were most courteous and obliging and the best of order prevailed. If there was any case of drunkenness or rowdyism we failed to notice it. The Sanger show will be welcomed at Kingstree whenever it pleases to come back. Call at Hudson & Baker's and look ever their new lot of buggies and wagons just in. All standard and as low priced as the lowest. 10-12-3t. ' - . It dosen't require an axe to cut an acquaintance, i DON'T SUFFER WITH Neuralgia i when a 25 cent bottle of Noah's Liniment is guaranteed to drive ? this terror away?or money re- I funded. ?At the first twinge, h i ' applied as directed, Noah's I I 1 Liniment will giVe immediate | { nnd effectual relief. It quiets I | the nerves and scatters th-con- I' > gestion, penetrates and requires i very little rubbing. No?V? Liniment 1? the b??st remedy for I Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lame Rack, Still I Joints and Muscles, Sore Threat, Colds, I Strains, Sprains. Cuts, Brais'-s, Colic, Cramps, r -mmmm @8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Ho I Muscle Aches and Pains. M The genuine has Noah's end looks like this cut but has RED band on i(!vMlflblCT4 front of package anci AAadAMM MH " Noah'. Liniment" a] I M|jT )| &9 I ways In RED ink. Be-. ilUulfclu |5jSj ware of Imitations. l"tErj^ASI H Large bottle. 25 cents, H and sold by all dealers hi ?. . 1* medicine. Guaranteed SJiljSSRT or money refunded by ?'* "'? Hfcj Xoah Remedy Co., Inc., -?"w RM m?a.vS. Sold and Guaranteed by Kingstree Di*ug Co. I Remember I n We are now in the large I 3 building fomrerly occupied E 1 by Wilkins Wholesale Groc- I B ery Co., where we are glad t H to welcome our old custo- f i mers as well as new ones, f; I We k(.ep ? All Kinds of Meats g in season at living prices, I also a choice line of Fruits. I Vegetables and Canned g Goods. Epps' MarKet a S Cr. Academy St Mill St>. I ! MrPall'c Mncr^Jnp 1V1VVU1S V tnu^Mx>u V I and McCall Patterns For Women Have More Friend? than any other J magazine or patterns. McCall's is the j reliable Fashion Guide, monthly in one million one hundred thousand ! j homes. Besides showing a'i the latest '".esignsof McCall Patterns, each issue j is brimful of sparkling sho:t stories ! ..r.d helpful information for women. Sav-.? Money end Keep in S'yle by s bsrr-birt* l r Mc ,..r? ..e at oi.ic. C oniy 50 1 1 a vrir, iucii .ir-g any one i-f the celebrated | 1 lc'Ja.1 Patterns free. j McCall Patcerna Lend all nthrrs in style, fit, ' ? 1 - ?1 j \f^? i :mtv, cc->uomy at a mncn aviu. j tickers se 1 McCi-. Putterr* any ether two I -.'tf* roni'i:i"J. higher than ijcents. Buy j !;.n your dealer, or by mail from ^ McCALL'S MAGAZINE 233-246 W. 37lh St., New York City V .: C rNs'.vi tai friz, e-' zr & e- ^ ^ ?- e- s .^r jjj j jj \|/ We have the Latest! i jjj Suits, and a full line of L ili dren's Dresses. We aresti & styles in all kinds of Shoe Ui fore buying, as our prices fcij where and we have a con: it/ goods. No trouble to she it/ 1 Stack it/ $ Dry uooas . A pleasant am Make MO* Thousands o doing tills wo For# fall particulars o casli commli cash prizes, i etc., address Desk 9 I SCKlBIMtiK'S I 153 FIftli Ave. 1 |r A special offer open to ti IssnnRKjM nrneosM | AMELIE Now the Prince* has written a new novel tor L bids fair to overtop the rework. " The Quick or the Ce the scene is laid in Virgin.: The plot is one of the most that has ever appeared betwt get the October number Am^lie Rives' great storv a; taining " The Quick or the D< There will be an even bigger PUPP Three good n I E|h I new Am^lie L L L and Decemb j f J J scription to III number. & numbers for Lippiocott's Magazine Rote. After January tct the; Lippiacott'* Magazine will be \ fefi] *4 ||'] O I C sijkir A. fiTTTMTTTT HUP^ 9 3 Never Leak?Never Need Repaii some?Inexpensive?Suitable for all I representatives almost everywhere 9 locality, write us direct for samples, p ^ CORTRIGHT METAL 1 jj 50 North 23rd Street LIGHTNING RODS! H. L. Whltlock, La He City, S.C Special Sales Agent Representing the Largest Manufacturers ot All Kinds Improved Copper and Galvanized Section Rods (Endorsedby t >e IIighest Scientific Authorities and h ireltiMiranceCompanieg) Pure Copper Wire Cables, All Sizes Our Full Cost Guarantee given with Each Job. | 1 sell on close margin of profit, (lividcommission with rav customers. 9-29-3mp | Electric \ BiTTtiRS AND KIDNEYS , ' 'ri r- ^r- * ^ r- ^ S" tr ^ lit store1 ?*?? Styles ?in Ladies' Coat IP ,adies', Misses' and Chil- m ' ik *' 111 headquarters for latest W s. Be sure and call be- fa i will be lower than else- W . iplete line of all kinds of ? >w goods. it * ' * derfs A Company. JT i ^ jg d easy way to Some Receipt Books, Blank Notes, Mortgages and all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at rhe Record office. If we have not the form you wish we can print it on short notice. rtr.' f people are pk profits oly. f very lll>eral ; isions, extra free samples, 9 magazine: Vew York Clt> lose who write at once. 1 <4 ??- ? - . ' :-m RIVES m Troubetskoy ippincott's .Magazine wh;cb tuation oi her first great ad." As :n her tir^t story, a. her beloved Southland. . remarkable and absorbing ;en covers Don't wait to of Lippincot't's in which ?peurs. The number coniad" was sold out in a flash. # J demand for her new story. umbers?Octoberfcuntaining the Rives' story) and the November er issues with each yearly subbegin with the January., 1912 tnd $2.50 to-day and get fifteen the price of twelve. Philadelphia f early anbaciiptron price to advanced to $3.00 a year. * r* SHi .. ?r?Fin?pr^^?Stonnnr^DF?Hand-|j kinds of buildings. We have local H but if none in your immediate I trices and full particulars. fa ROOFING COMPANY ? Philadelphia, Pa. I of "P. / Kingstree Lodge mm No. 9i Knights of Pythias Regular Convention* Kvery 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights Visiting brethren always welcome, iristle Hall 3rd story Kounlin Building. J Wesley Cook, C C. Z W Boswell, K of R & S.