The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 05, 1911, Page THREE, Image 3

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WINTHROP'S FINE OPENING. Teachers and Students BusyReception to New Girls. Winthrop College,September 30;? Winthrop College opened on Septem-' ber 20 with an enrollment of 735 j girls, out of the 1,349 that applied j for admission. Wednesday morning the auditorium was filled with girls looking rested and ready for work. | Rev Mr Hardin, of the Methodist i Jl ^ church, gave a welcome address to i the new students in behalf of the churches of Rock Hill. Mayor Rod-1 dey welcomed them as the "Star and Pride of Rock Hill", in behalf of the citizens of the town. I After the opening exercises the regular details of classification were taken up. This was done very promptly and everybody was given something to do at the very begin-' ning. The girls and the teachers seem to; have entered into the work in excellent soirits. Looking down the halls one sees girls with pencils and notebooks in hand, going to and from classes with a briskness which differs perceptibly from the usual languid saunter noticeable the first days we were here, when everyone seemed to hate to part with vacation. Saturday night the Y W C A gave a reception to the new girls. Everyone was requested to wear her name and address on a card, so that introductions were not necessary. President and Mrs Johnson and nearly all the teachers were in the parlors to I receive the girls. Refreshments were served on the front campus,where it was delightfully cool and pleasant. Sunday morning everybody went to church. The line of girls in the march up town was several blocks long. The uniform hats had been de. livered and the girls made a fine ap. pear an ce for the first Sunday. There are a number of last-year seniors back at Winthrop taking post-graduate work this year. They have been given department scholarships, which pay most of the college expenses. These girls assist the regular teachers in 'the departments ft from which they have been given the i??scholarships. I Dr Johnson has provided a new i banking system for the benefit of the I girls here this year. Those having m money can deposit it in the treasury for safe-keeping. Check books are given out and the money can be drawn when it is needed. This will r give the girls some experience in ^ .banking, so that no one need be like lady who thought she had money in the bank as long as she had any leaves in her check book. E H. Averts Awful Tragedy . Timely advice given Mrs C Willoughby of Marengo, Wis, (R No 1, ' prevented a dreadful tragedy and - . ' T-V-.i , saved two lives, i^ocuuro uau ?iu L her frightful cough was a "con& sumption cough" and could do little to help her. After many remedies failed, her aunt urged her to take Dr King's New Discovery. "I have been using it for some time," she wrote, "and the awful cough has alI most gone. It also saved my little H boy when taken with a severe bronK chial trouble." This matchless medicine has no equal for throat and lung ^^^troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial F bottle free. Guaranteed by M LAIY len. ! I [ The price of subscription for The : Record is $1 25 a year; we allow 25 cents discount when a whole year is f. . paid in advance. If you are six months or a year behind don't expect a receipt for a whole year one dollar. This applies to all. tf j ?:@:?:@;@:@.?.@:?.@:@ rf m i Im A~ w9 1 We' | NO CARDS. ?:?:?:?:@:@:@.?:?:?:fi I | Are { A Wo ! T ] Woman BAD FIRE NEAR SCRANTON. Mr. J. C. Lynch's New GInner and Rice Mill Destroyed. Scranton,September 30:?The ne ginnery, cotton press, rice mill ar building of Mr J C Lynch, who livi about six miles from town, wei burned to the ground last nigl about 10 o'clock. The machinery h? been in operation all day and wi ginning a bale of cotton belonging I Mr A A Matthews when the fire w; discovered emerging from the coi denser. Before anything could 1 done the entire building was flames. This plant was situated about tv and a half miles from Mr Lynch - * -i. *11 xl residence at fns old water mm, u ginnery being nan by water powe It is quite certain that matches wei in the cotton arid were the cause < the fire. This machinery was ail new ai modern, having a capacity of thir* to forty bales per day. It is claim* the loss will be about 85,000,with i insurance. The grist and flour m: is situated only a few feet distan and it was by hard fighting that th {was saved from the flames. Mr Wiley Bass,the manager of t) plant, during the fire fell into t) mil) pond of water,a depth of thir feet, and came near being drowne but through the assistance of Mr A Matthews was brought to land ai medical assistance at once summone Mr Bass is resting fairly well toda This water trill is one of the be known in the eastern part of tl State, apd the accident is regrett* by all. a a Its Equal Doesn't Exist. No one has ever made a salve,oin ment or balm to compare with Bucl len's Arnica Salve. It's the one pe feet healer of Cuts, Corns, Burn Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcer Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Soi Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands < Sprains it's supreme. Unrivaled f< Piles. Try it. Onlv 25c at M Allen's. When you want us to change tl address of your paper it will sa\ lots of trouble to name the ol as well as the new postoffice. Pleas bear this in mind. tf L L 11 Yo dnesday &:?:?.?:?:?:?:?:?:?:? You 0 | man | AKE S IDUI he | i's Tonic | MMOM&CMMi w -HPHE Gentleman's watch n- J. must combine reliability )e with beauty. Discriminai ing men jn the world over carry WALTHAM "> COLONIAL SERIES. '8 WsJthams of the Colonial Series represent the last word in watch-making. They are made as thin as it is safe to r. make a reliable watch. They possess great beauty and will give s lite long service of accurate time-keeping. Uf. ?. for fin* WaJ. them Watches. All grades at I wide price range?each grade the beat at ^ Cta price. * WATTS & WATTS * THE KIN6STREE JEWE .ERS We are now receiving something 1,1 new hi Decorated Art Ware A8 consisting of Floor Stands, Vases Hanging Baskets aad Japanese 16 Qoods. 16 Diamonds, Cut Qlass, Weddinj ty d and other presents, all at mode^ rate prices. A ten a fine assortment 01 id " j Watches, Clocks, Silverware,Jewelry and Fancy Goods. Call and y" examine our Stock. st Clocks, Watches and Jewels ^ neatly repaired. A Fine line of Ladies' Shopping Bag? just received. Watts & Watts, t- Opposite the Depot, kr LIGHTNING RODS! S, H. L. Whitlock, Lalt* City, S.C s, Special Sales Agent e Representing the Largest Manufacturer era of All K inds 3r Improved Copper and Galvanized L Section Rods (Endorsedhy the FTighest Scientific Authorities and Fire Insurance Companies) ie Pure Copper Wire Cables, AH Sizes 'q Our Full Cost Guarantee given with Euch Job. 1 sell or. close margin of profit.dividcommission with my customers. 9-29-3mp vi c n t i> C : u are cordially and Thur S. MA i:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:? I Grand Air 1 Thursday I Our Opening Will I We have studied th( | care. Our buyers spent | that showed of freakishn | Our Millinery Parlor | in Style and Thoroughly M Thiircdflv jf M IIMI k/MMJ i KENNEDY Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for co lection of taxes the 15th day of Octobe next. Tax levy as follows: For State 5 1-2 mill " Roads .*. 1 " " Eridges 1-2 " " Com Schools 3 " " Ordinary County 3 1-4 " " Stock (aw Fence. 60 mills on a stock in Suitons and part of Andei son and Penn townships. A tax of 50c per head on dogs. " High School in Kingstree townshii 2 mills. , r " Retiring bonds in Kingstree towr ship, 2 mills. " Retiring bonds in Greelyville scho< district, 3 mills. All narties between the ages of 21 an 60 years, inclusive, are liable,unless e> empted by law, to a poll tax of $1.0( also a commutation tax of $2.00, Levy for special school districts t follows: Nos 8, 14. 19, 22, 25, 32, 34, 40, 43, 4 and 49?2 mills. No 31?3 mills. Nos 16, 26, 27, 28, 29. 35, 36, 37, 35 41, 42, 45, 46, 48 and 50?4 mills. No 23-12 mills. No 24?6 mills. I will be at the following places mei tioned below for collection or said taxei Octobei J L Gowdy's store, 21 Greelyville, 23 and 24 Gourain, 25 Suttons, 26 Trio, 27 Harpers, 28 Benson, 30 Bloomingvale, 31 Novembt Morrisville, 1 Rbems, 2 W R Graham's store, 3 Kome, 4 Lamberts, 6 Ard's X Roads, 7 Johnaonville, 8 Vox, 9 Prospect, 10 I Leo, 11 i Salters, 17 Cades, 18 Will be in Kingstree from October 1 . to December 31, inclusive, except o ' dates of above appointments. Upon all unpaid taxes after Decen ber 31 a penalty of 1% will be added fc January, 1% for February and 5% t 15th day of March next, after which tb ' books will be closed and executions ii i sued upon all unpaid taxes. Those who desire to pay their tax? through the mail would expedite ma T ters by dropping the Treasurer a post , asking for the amount of their tax, so s to avoid sending the wrong amount, alt stating the township or townships (i j property is owned in more than one and if possible give school district whei property is located; also state whethe I poll or road tax, or both, are wanted After paying taxes examine your r< ceipts ana see if all of your property i r covered; if not, see about it at once. By following the above suggestior complications and additional cost ma . be avoided. J Wesley Cook, 1 9-21-tf County Treasurer. Arrival of Passenger Trains a Kingstree. ! The Atlantic Coast Line railroa has promulgated the following schec ule, which became effective Sundaj October 1, 1911: North BoLnd. I No 80 - - - 7:42 a r *No 46 - - 11:39 a r No 78 - - - 6:28 p r South Bound. , No 79 - - - 11:18 a r No 47 - - - - 6:03 p r ' No 89 - - - 9:09 pr * Daily except Sunday. ?:?:?:?:?:@.?i?'?:@:? / OP invited to att sday, Oc1 ROUS :?:?:?-?:?@:?:? ?:?:? iumn Millinery and Friday. October I Be An Exposition of the B i style tendencies of the coming sea much time in the style centers, rej less, purchasing only what they dee . tttUI itt-i T-T ao /I rtrnn flftr win uc iiiicu wiuii iicauvvcm vjci. Dependable in Quality. We invit and Friday, October , ' MILLINERY C( I OitffliirtiiiiiiiiitriiiiWIi I How People lose Their - || I Money. sons; bystowing it away in mugs, jugs *7^SrfcS H and jars; by sewing s it up in skirts and and carpets; in cupboards and bureau **n!1111?^ drawers. WEE NEE Olllcers HUGH McCUTCHEN, President. Q $ : ? 1 x 5 | ? jjj ? | 5 w. V. STRONG, ), ^ Vice-President > L. C. DOVE, ^ Cashier. > QAWAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW r. pHBgpHHniMDBHBnHBi ^ Fresh Bee Hambur From now on we will hi water fish. Everything fi THE PEOPLE'S n H. A. MILLER, PRC >r ?? ??? le jI Keep Y ! BUSINESS i. on : THIS SI and look f , Next Week's An : J.W.C0 : ] r@:@:??:?'@:?:@:@:?:@:@:? RNIN end tober 4 and k > Opening . j 5 and 6 j est Fall Styles j, I son with the utmost m iecting every fashion.? med absolutely right. ? luinely Authoritative || e your inspection. 2 5 and 6. i 3MPANY I '1 vyyvyvvvvyyvvvvvvvyvp low People Save Their |j a Money. i\ 4 By depositing it ^ ^llll* in a good, reliable ^ .. m b.M,k'1 I mat mm oann ^ 0 meets the public ^ needs, we tender ^ the services of our yl |Pw bank to all who believe in keeping on ^. r ??3 the safe side. ^ ' BANK || | Directors > W. V. Strong Hugh McCutchen ^ [ T. K. Smith J. K. Smith ^ W. R. Scott <1 ^ H. E. Montgomery > W. B. Cooper ...: .-*! ^AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO f, Ground Beef forger Steak, Game, try in Season. FISH indie fresh and salt esh and clean. MARKET IPR1ET0R our : EYE 'ACE K'f% v; or our nouncement WARD ?:?:?:?:@:@:?:?:@