She (i'ctaui) llerord. KINGSTREE. S. C. C. W. WOLFE, 'DiTOR AND PROPRiETOR. Entered at the postoffice at Kingstree, S C as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83TERMS ~~ ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year $1 25 | One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 1 One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks 1 and ail other reading notices,not News, , will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for each insertion. ] * ii nHvortispments and I < All tuon^co v/*. ??. -? _ ( all communications must be in this office before TUESDAY NOON in order to appear in the ensuing issue. All communications must be signed i by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements to be run in Special t colum, one cent a word each issue, mini- j mum price 25 cents, to be paid for in advance. Legal advertisements, $1.00 per inch first insertion. 50 cents per inch each j subsequent insertion. Rates on long term advertisements very reasonable. For rates apply at t this office. j In remitting checks or money orders j make pavable to v * THE COUNTY RECORD. ? *'In men whom men condemn as ill, I find so much of goodness still; tn men whom MEN pronounce divine, r 1 find so much of sin and blot? f ( hesitate to draw the line Between the two?whereGodhas not." 11 f KINGSTREE?THE GATEWAY j TO OPPORTUNITY. THURSDAY. SEPT. 14. 1911. 1 TRIALS OF AN EDITOR. ?* i: Disasters Come Not Singly, Bat Tread On One Another's Heels. * ? v A ween or so ago our very competent foreman, Mr Christian, resign- j ed. The offer lie received was so much better than we could afford 0 to extend him that, while loth to 1 lose his services, yet we could not ^ blame him for accepting the prop- . osition made him. That was the J beginning of our series of misfor- J tunes, however. 1 As stated elsewhere in this issue, c ilast Thursday, when we had printed a couple of hundred papers, and everything seemed to l>e running r smoothly, suddenly and without S warning?owing to the intensely 1 hot weather?the rollers (which au- c I tomatically supply ink to the press) * lilted and we had to stop. Im- f mediately we wired two printers' 1 supply houses, only to 1* told that t [ they could not repair the rollers and c get them to us in less time than a j ( week. Meantime we had about 1,500 papers of last week's edition with only one side printed. We next sent a man to Dillon ? The Herald, of that place, having a press like ours?to try to borrow V the roller we needed most. Editor ^ Jordan kindly loaned us a spare one, but unfortunately our man brought j [ back tin- wrong roller. His train being late another whole day was lost and we were no better off than S [ before. By Saturday we managed, by some ingenuity on the part of ? the force, to patch lip the old roller enough to print one page at a time. We usually print four pages at a Q time, so this process took just four times as long an 1 the paper could j not l>e sent out till Saturday afternoon . 1 Monday we received assurance from the printers' supply concern C that the new roller- had l?een shipped that day. (Monday) .which should * have brought them to u- not later than Tuesday or Wednesday. But ^ ftlie jwckage of rollers got lost in trail-it, so here we are Thursday, -] the paper ivar.,, It IS Mlijx i-s;i?ie I" will '< . \\ c li;: v-?!<'in and arc do- ' ; :ng ail in our ?po\\er, having -jx-iit ? a. ;i. t!:? value ? ;' tin- rollerf trying t" f"|huv dam, and while it 'J isoteoiu-e annoying al) and when we we get thing.- going again we shall -trive to give them a I I K-tter pafH-rthan ever before. D STATE and GENERAL K A TOPICS H i-r.-r. .Tz-r-r^T.-r.-r.-r.-r.-r.-r.h VVinthrop College will open September 20. There are said to have1 been 1,342 applicants for admission. ! XXX Twenty-five Governors met in convention this week in New Jersey, Governor Wilson's State. Governor Blease, it is noted, had "other fish to fry." XXX W T Crews of Laurens has anlounced that he will start a weekly lewspaper at Greenwood,September 12, to sustain the Blease administra:ion and promote his re-election text summer. XXX Chief Justice Ira B Jones, whose lome is at Lancaster, has tendered lis resignation to the Governor to be jffective January 9, 1912. Tnis is aken as an indication that Mr Jones nil run for Governor next year igainst Mr Blease. Concerning Candidates' Cards. Among the candidates for mulicipal offices in the recent primary ill'lC 3CVIU.T |7&V?UI4 v..v ----- rlea that the town of Kingstree pays or their announcement cards pubished in Tlic Record. The town council did agree to pay he assent went* of candidates?$2.00 or Mayor and $1,00 for Alderman? >ut no provision was made for paytig for their cards published in the taper. Out of the entire twelve men rho announced their candidacy for he respective offices, less than half tave paid, up to this time. The harge for publishing these antouncenients is $2,00 for Mayor and 11.00 for Alderman. We are under a heavy expense ust now and need every cent due is, so we hope those who have not ret paid for their announcements vill 'come across" at their earliest :onvenience. Notice. The county Farmers' Union will neet at Kingstree on Saturday, September 16, at 12 o'clock, m. All ocal unions are requested to send lelegates. Much important business vill come before the union. Brother mion men, if there ever was a time or the farmers to be aroused and ook out for their welfare, now is hat time. Meet the county union m Saturday, September 16. J T Frierson, rlouzons, Sec'ty. September 8. lachinery for Sale?W S Camlin, Andrews. Ceep Your Valuables in Our Safety Deposit Boxes?Farmers & Merchants Bank, Lake City, tatement of Condition?Bank of Kingstree. tatement of Condition?Bank of Williamsburg. 1 tatement of Condition?Wee Nee 1 Rank |, Statement of Condition?Bank of : Greelyville. l Year's Increase?Bank of Williamsburg. The Power of Money?Wee Nee Bank. )nly Two More Demonstration Days ?Kingstree Hardware Co. Jew P'all Dry Goods, also Groceries and Hardware?People's Mercantile Co. 4ew Fall and Winter Goods?S Marcus. 'hree Notices of Election?Mayor and Council of Kingstree. ?ax Land Sales?George .1 Graham,/ Sheriff. dule for Sale ? Kingstree Town Council. Corporators' Notice W C Homing-: way, H L Baker, Lambert. executor's Notice?E F Prosser. Notice to Trustees and Teachers J G McCu'lough. teachers' Examination .1 G McCul-1 lough. '.n Unequaled Instrument Stieff. Piano Co. "all Goods Arriving ? Jenkinson i ioso Fulton ft al vs Mose Adams et: al ?Summors for Relief. ^rgest Sale in County?S S Aron-! son. Lanes. < THE WHYS AND WHEREFORES Appertaining to Not Publishing Editor Stokes' Card. Editor County Record: ? On seeing the publication week before last that the Lake City News had been suspended 1 immediately dropped you a card denying the same. My denial did not appear in your last issue. Kindly give it the same publicity that you did the rumors of suspension, and oblige. Yours truly, W S Stokes. Lake City, September 11. The card referred to follows: I see my friend, Mr Bass, writes The Record that The News is out of business. It is true. My son, who had charge here, is gone and left us rather "balled up," but we will be out on time next week and you may expect our usual visits, as I will take charge myself. It was our intention to publish Dr Stokes' correction last week,but out of courtesy to our Lake City correspondent, we awaited his letter, thinking that he would probably have something to say about it. We did not get his letter until Wednes For Sale?One tract of land within 3 miles of the railroad now being built from Marion, S C. to Andrews, S C. Tract contains 97 acres, more or less, about 40 acres cultivated, William Cooper, 3-31-4t Cooper P 0, S C. No other high-i.1 at such a mc< I IMYLUNi i Vj * (>nly the best Hour ami other first $ these biscuii VouM be dtiij; Sc!x' in Blllk Gt * or in air-fight t | Ma | CHARLESTON BISCUIT Death ol Mrs. 5. 1 'e smith. ! | \ Departed this life, at the family ; home, in the in liantown neighborhood, on Monday nv, September 11, 1911. Mrs S L Xesmith.aged ; 41 rears. She was a sister to Mr R * i D Gamble, and others of that name, i well known in Williamsburg. Somewhat of an invalid for the last few' years, her fatal illness was of a; month's duration. Besides others nearly related, she leaves a husband to mourn her loss, and six children, the eldest of whom is not yet grown, who will greatly miss her, and her loving ministrations. She was an approved member of the Indiantowr Presbyterian church, where the funeral services were con ducted oy Kev t, t, c,rvin, iuesaay forenoon, and her remains laid to rest by many sorrowing friends and kindred. V* WWwv? wwv* v? v% v? vw* ~ Dots ft II Suiter ; H SU l?! He would be a heartless father I indeed who did not allay baby's ; sufferings as did Mr. E. M. Bogan 1 of Enterprise. Miss. He says: "My baby was troubled with breaking out. something like seven-year itch. We used all ordinary remedies, but nothing seemed to do any good until I tried HUNT'S CURE and in a few days all symptoms disappeared and now baby is enjoying the best of health.'* Price 50c per box. Manufactured and Guaranteed by ! A. B. RICHARDS MEDICiNE CO. Sherman, Texas. SOI-I) BV Dr. W. V, BrocKington, Kin?atte?. S. C. BlaKoley-McCulJough Co, Lanes, S. C. | DON'T SUFFER WITH i Rheumatism i It is the most distressing and discouraging of all troubles. Nine cases out of ten can be cured by Noah's Liniment. Where there is no swelling i or fever a few applications will relieve you. It penetrates? does not evsporate like other remedier-req uir es little rubbing. Nosli's Liniment Is the best remedy for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back, Stiff Joints and Muscles, Sore Throat, Colds, Strains, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Cran ps, i Neuralgia, Toothache, Hfl aud all Nerve, B)ne ^S55Tvl and Muscle Acnes inu Pains. The genuine has I Dj Noah's Arlc on every ~ B9 ' package and looks like [TRVVVKj ^Hj i this cut. but has RED li |(fi]|klH band on front of pack- Illl/^IIPU age and "Noah's Line- |Jn||T|j1|| EH meat" always In R ED Ink. Beware of Imlta- Bp Hons. Large bottle, 25 fa awa kut ^Bj cents, and sold by all dealers In me dlcl ic. rrirtrc B| i Guaranteed or money "I"?"*.I refunded by N ah ? mnemm B Remedy Co., I .e., H| Richmond, Vs. i. ?Jyt?) ,>.1 I L?W I 5old and Csuaranteed Dy ! Kingstree Drug Co. k Look For This F Trade-Mark lit Means ? Better Biscuit I : For Less Money I! ^rade biscuit sells 3 ierate price as n Git BISCUIT || -class materials are used in baking 9 jhted with their delicious taste. ?* f 15c per lb. J* C | packages at ij 1 de by 1 WORKS, Charleirfoi^^^^^J I ??fl L of 1911 j * It Bring? , * * to us all in proportion , > o our business. our own behalf that i [ led from the Northern ill and Winter stock. , > * Innr in nn Avon; train ni? in vii v vi j vi unif j ie in we will have a > 1 be worthy of the at- J ition of the public of f ods, Silks and Trim- ' > ong Coats will be very II the new things, and \ I give us a look before Hen's and Children's the best ever shown > Shoe on our shelves is id those who buy our i [ ' wearing qualities as i I ! Dry Goods, Winter Bp islin Underwear, will t j i every respect. ' || e are anxious to show , > *t whether you buy of ways anxious to show ^ BROS. CO. " ?! Ar ? A' ? Vlr m VW' w B id Trip to I . ;ston. LA its Pay Your Fare I ne to Charleston, stay from itres, visit the Island resorts, leir railroad fare paid for the 5 to be complied with are: lases amount to $25 or more, point twenty-five miles or ^ fare must not exceed 5 per Fourth, that you must buy a ' t from your railroad agent at t you purchased a ticket carry large and well assorted r is easy; you have a variety kept fresh by being replenasonable, considering quality. i want in your home town, in Charleston. members of this refund plan m fund BooK Furniture and Dry Good*. Buell & Roberts 573 Kinn 8, ^ J. H. Hesse Montague and Coming The John Hurkamp Co Kingand Broad streets Guns. Bicycles and Sporting Goods. The B. H. Worthen Arms Co 230 King street M.H.Lazarus Kingand Hasell streets A. McL. Martin 363 King strteet Strohecker& McDermid 2CT King street Ball Supply Co 377 King steet Ij^^B Jas Allen & Co 2S5 Kin? streak - W,? Corrinjrton, Thomas & Co | 251 Kin? street | Optician and Optical Supplies. ^ 1'arsons Optical Co ..244 Meeting street W Pianos, Organs, Music and .lusicnl Mer- I Selling's Music Store .. ... SO KinStoves Cookir.? Utensils Minni? Stove Co ^^^B Kin? a1 ^^^^B Robert E. Martin J. Williams Robert Martin .131 A. A. Hirsch 2 D. O'Brien & Sons W. F. I.ivin?ston ^|^^B Jacob's Shoe Store ^^^^B ^^B Charleston Trunk Compai Typew riters and Off Edward J. Murphy lff!i*e: j^?wwtffymfr'?r?raaga I THE FAL | What Will | It will bring success S to the efforts we put int | We want to say in 9 our buyer has just returi | markets, buying our Fa S Our goods are now com l and when they all con < stock of goods that will attention and considers < # Williamsburg county. Our line of Dress Go > mings, Coat Suits and L ( attractive, containing al I we hope every lady will * she buys her fall suit. t Our line of Ladies', I * Shoes will rank among in Kingstree. Every 5 1 absolutely all leather, at & Shoes can rely on their J well as shape and fit. ? Our lines of Staple i Underwear, Ladies' Mi S be up to the standard in i Call and see us. W i our goods, it matters no 1 us or not. We are al i our goods. | JENKINSON Free Rour CharU The Retail Merchar Out-of-town shoppers may coi one to five days, attend the thea etc, do their buying and have th round trip. The only conditions First, that your combined purch Second, that you come from a more distant. Third, that your cent of your total purchases. ] round trip ticket or get a receip your home station, showing thai The merchants of Charleston stocks. The matter of selecting to select from. The stocks are ished often. Prices are very re; If you cannot find just what yoi remember you can always get it The following merchants are i and will be very glad to serve y< AsR Fop Re ^[rtStores""- j" Lanneau's Art Store 238 2ng street Antique Furniture. Morgenstern F urniture Company 62 Reid street Bakers Condon's Bakery 153 Rutledge avenue Book Stores. Walker. Evar.s & Cogswell 3 Broad street C L Legerton 263 King street Carpets, Mattings. Etc. Mutual Carpet Company 247 King street China, Glass and Queenware. Charleston Crockery Company 299 King street Cigars and Tobacco. Follin Bros Co...- 260 King street Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. B?ntschner& V'isanska ... 232 King street Hirsch-Israel Company Kin?and Wentworth Bluestein Bros. 5*>i-Km? street W. S. Coo!: Conj any 232 K;ng street S. Br-.'tvn S>>ns 3">4-"r.6 King street Hanov & Volaski . 385 King street Department Stores. M. Furehrott & Sons. ...... 24:>-242 King street Uiuii Coh< n & Cc 222-231 King street and 2>Meeting J. K. Read Co ... 249 King street The Kerrison Dry Goods Co 80-82 Hasel street Druggists. 5 1'antgen Drug Co .2S0-2?> King street 2 Fish unj Oysters. Terry Fish Co . 133 Market street Fin. ists. Connelly-McCarthy Co 296 King street Furniture i'hoenix Furr.iture Co 187-19! King street Huell and Roberts 573 King street ! A. G.Rhodes & Son. j 359-361 King street J / I > day and it made no reference to the matter. Meantime an accident in our press room delayed the issue of The Record till Saturday and for a time it seemed that we could not print the issue at all. What with the worry and confusion attendant upon this status rerum and the responsibility of looking after six or seven carpenters trying to re-model our dwelling, which, by the way, is roofless and makes the interior a reservoir every time it rains? we overlooked Dr Stokes' card and several other important matters. We hardly believe our sin of omission did any great harm, however, since the re-appearance of the paper last Saturday was itself the best evidence that it had resumed publication. We have thus gone into details, as we feel that we owe our readers, as well as the editor of The News, an apology.?Editor The Record. SPECIAL NOTICES Phone us when you want to get a notice under this rffig heading. Price one cent a m/A word for each insertion. No v ad taken for less than 2oc. Phone S3. Wanted?To employ for coming year a single or married man without children. William Cooper, 8-31-4t Cooper, S C. For Sale?House and lot in East Main street, Kingstree, SC, property of W _ T T I A tsnlit Mrs j j uranam. rvjjp?v A w Chandler. 0-14-4t Gourdins, S C. Notice,-Mrs E B Hawkins has reopened her sewing room at Mrs C M Cnandler's boarding house on Mill street, where she will be pleased to serve her friends. 9-14-lt Boarders Wanted ? Regular or transient boarders can find nrst-class accomodations at Mrs S H DuBose's, 9-7-2t Mill St. Next to Mrs Chandler's If You Wish to Sell that farm, timber land, store or residence, write us at once and send full description, as we have an attractive proposition to offer you. Ligon Land Co. 7-20-13t Sumter. S C