; FARMER BOVS OFFERED PRIZES For Biggest Yield ol Corn b> Kingstrec Drug Company. Editor County Record-? ! Having been reared In the hn>e of stimu'ating greater effort among the members of the club and the young farmers of the - l - ~ ? L To the Williamsburg boy producing the next greatest quantity of corn and complying with these conditions. one Conklin self-filling fountain pen, worth To the Williamsburg boy prouucI ing the third greatest quantity ??f corn and complying with these conditions, one Conklin self-filling or Waterman Idea! fountain pen.worth $3,00. These are standard and the most popular fountain pens to be had and are on exhibition and sale at our ' store. Hoping to have a letter from each member of the countv's c u-n growing club, we are. Kixgstree Drug Co. Chas J Epps. Sec-Treas. j The Quest of Happiness. This is a time of special religious activity in most Southern farm communities. We hope that it will ever be so. We hope that the South will never show the lack of regard for organized Christianity that has become the rule in so many other sections. No man can do his best work, can live his best life, unless he is in oroper relations to his environments this is as true of the things of *vhe spirit as of the things of the krt/K- Wo Iffimv that this lift^ is not WUJ f? v I?MV ?? all. Our very senses teach us the existence of the God; our reason also teaches us, what it taught even the old Greek poet whom Paul quoted at Mars Hill, that "We also are His offspring." We are the children of a Great Father; and just as no man can live a normal, wholesome life who is not in proper relations with his earthly father?who ignores or keeps away from his earthly father, so can no man live a normal, well-rounded life who is not in proper relations with the Great Father of us all. This is not a matter of maudlin sentiment, but a matter that should appeal to the plain, every-day common sense of every thoughtful and intelligent man. We shall be glad if this little note shall cause any reader to treat it as such. Life is in the main a quest of happiness: and there is no more bitter tragedy than that of the man who misses the only Way that this old world has ever known. ? The Progressive Former. In traveling through the South one is more and more impressed with the fact that the very best land in nearly every State is not vet in cultivation: It has not been drained, ' Into these wet bottoms the fertility of the hills has leached down, and yet our people have too often balked at the little extra work of canalling and ditching that would make these lowlands outyield the prairies of the West. Very likely on your own farm. Mr. Subscriber, there are branch bottoms or creek bottoms which if cleared and ditched would give you S3 for your labor for every $1 the poorer hillsides will pay you. And in th'at case isn't it folly to keep hiring yourself to the unappreciative field? The Progressive Farmer. Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema Are cured by Chamberlain's Salve. One apphca, tion relieves the itching and burning sensation. k i county, we will oner tnrougu mc Kingstree Drug Company three prizes.one each to the boy producing the greatest number of bushels of corn on his acre of land, under the rules governing the contest in this county and the following: Kach contestant must write us a letter, using ink and in his own handwriting, giv" ' 3 in# the name of his parent or guaruian and postofiice address, same to be mailed to the Kingstree Drug Company on or before October 1 of this year. To the Williamsburg boy producing the greatest quantity of corn and complying with these conditions, one Waterman's Ideal fountain pen. w.-krt-h 00 YUU OOJ* * VM rtUVU JVM M4V MVUU, I H run-down and failing in health, day p< by day, but you must work as long *5 as you can stand. What you need is f( Electric Bitters to give tone.strength and vigor to your system, to prevent t\ breakdown and build you up. Don't . ~ be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the p first dose. Thousands bless them for p their glorious health and strength, ic Try them. Every bottle is guaran- p teed to satisfy. Only 50c at M L bi 'Allen's. tJ JAMES THARPE DEAD. 'j Was The Record's Pressman for Several Years. James Thar]te.a we!! known negro in town, died Saturday and was buried Sunday ir. the colored cemetery, after the funeral services at Mt Zii>e. where toiling is no more. m THE KEY CF KNOWLEDGE. | l Thirds Yen Oufht to K.iow?E?p?- ' cially Why God Has Permitted Evil. | Ever) Cliristi.iu Iiibn- Student | SHUl'LI * KNOW th satisfactory d proofs that ilie Di'ole is a l>iviue Revelation reasonable and trustworthy? I i revealing :t l'i. n which is systematic, | full of Just: e. Wisdom and I.ove. The Key of Knowledge of the S' riptures. long lost K.uko ll:o2?, is found, und gives citd's faithful people access | | to the "Hidden Mystery". (Col. 1?G.t | YUl" SHUUI.lt KNOW that the 1 I Lord Jesus una i.js runuiui are iu ue ? I not only I'ri ?sts tat Kings. YOU SHOULD KNOW that this ' Kingdom is to come and God's wlli be done at the Second Advent. YoU SHOULD KNOW that God's Plan is to select and save the Church in the Gospel Ape. and to use this Church in blessing the world during the Mediatorial reign on earth. YOU SHOULD KNOW that a "Ransom for all" implies an opportunity for Restitution to all. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the 1 Day of Judgment is 1,000 years long ?the world's Trial L?ay. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the | Spiritual and Human natures are separate and distinct. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the "Narrow Way" of self-sacriflce will J cease with this age. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the ~ "Highway of Righteousness" without suffering will be open to all of the redeemed race during the Messianic to reign on earth. w YOU SHOULD KNOW that the hi Kingdoms of This World are but for I re an ordained period and must then give g, place to the "Kingdom of Heaven"? "j "Thy Kingdom Come." Especially YOU OUGHT TO KNOW why God , J. has permitted evil for six thousand j. yean, and the relationship of God's | m people to this reign of sin and death 0) and to the results. " These subjects and many others of deep Interest to all of God's people are | discussed fully and In language easy jj of comprehension In "THE DIVINE 0 PLAN OF THE AGES." i 880 pages, cloth bound, thirty-five cents postpaid. Address orders to Publishers, Bible and Tract 8oclety. 17 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. i 4 As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as | the injury is received, and observing 1 the directions with each bottle, a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by all dealers. ?> ? ? < : S-S FOR SALE s-s : I . j * 25" acre farm. 3 miles north of Kinqrs * -J ki.klv.nl, : irrv un ^uiuwri iv?u. ox- ovi va n>a?v A ? I T tivated. and will produce a bale of cotton. a I [ or 75 bushers of corn to the acre. Excel- I ' * lent tobacco land. Fine timber 12 inches * ^ . diameter sold, cut and removed. 75 acres 4 ? of island land in Black River Swamp and _ * 75 acres of rich, fertile bay land that can * I 4 be put in highest state of cultivation at a small expense. Four room dwelling, each * room 20 feet by lk feet, with 10 foot hall- * a way. One tenant house, barn, sheds. *tc. a p Conv eniently located with respect to town. * * county seat, churches, schools, railroad, * ! a markets, etc. Price $15 per acre, NET. a a Purchaser to pay for papers. Apply P| J. D. GILLAND, * Attorney-at-Law ! I j * KlXiSTKEK, ... ft p. a 1 ? ? - al "I have a world of confidence in IjChamberlain's Cough Remedy, for I al have used it with perfect success." awrites Mrs M I Basford, Poolesville, Md. For sale by all dealers. p No NeedTo Stop Work. j!i When your doctor orders you to ^ stop work.it staggers you. "I can't." ' so" Vnn brum- vnn oro veoolf j AreY \ A Won S TI I in j Woman'; i Noah'* L i n I m n 11" the v ? ???best remedy (or RheumarTWT^T?^ n tlsm. Sciatic*, Lame Back. TSKg S113 Joints and Muscles. n*JP5Lv H Sore Throat. Colds. Strains. fSlair'i:*:- H Sprains. Cuts, Bruises. Colic. Cramps. Neuralgia. IP |(ua Toothache, and all Nerve. , 1 11,1 "EJ Bone and Muscle Aches [ V]m\jj! Hani Pains. Thegenulne I tiniJff has Noah's Ark on every I i|lwl|,l package and looks like this t MaaMMa* cut. But has RED band on 1 front of package and "NoJl*. Umimant" always ' _ in RED Ink. Beware of In ^.-jns.Ttr Imitations. I^rge fettle, SL mTmi. H V> cents, and sold by all * mm miM de a 1 e r s 1 n m e d 1 c i n e. 01 M,.77n~ Guaranteed or money reITBHBPWH funded by Noah Remedy Mpmp^M Co., inc.,"Richmond, V?. bl Sold and Guaranteed by !er ar Kingstree Drug Co. | to A Dreadful Sight n! H J Barnum of Freeville. X Y.; *1' as the fever-sore that had plagued s life for years in spite of many A medies he tried. At last he used acklen's Arnica Salve and wrote: v t has entirely healed with scarcely scarcely a scar left." Heals Burns. J lils, Eczema, Cuts, Bruises, Swell-1 gs, Corns and Piles like magic, lily 25c at M L Allen's. . ' ! II a a I. a r llnntilnnliiriniv Pn I 1 nauKt. mdiiutduiuiiiig uu. Successors to George S. Hacker & Sen Charleston, >. c ~-iiiirn^F W Mtnufidur* Doors, Sash and Blinls: Colmiiiis and Balusters: Grilles | , and Gable Ornaments: Screen i Doors and Windows. ! ! W. Dm ml In | , Glas*. as!. Cord and Weight*. j I HE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION i OF THE jl ^Jew York World. Iv aclically a Dally at Ilia Price ol a Weekly.; r? otlie- in tlie world ci\e? ??< ' ^ in ut'ii at ??>low a i?rit e. I | H The great jiolitical campaigns are now ; tl : hand, and you want the news accuitely and promptly. The World long nee established a record for imnarti- ai ity.and anybody can afford its ThriceA\ eek edition, which comes every oth- n day in the week, except Sunday. It ill be of particular value to you now. ? he Thrice-a-Week World also abounds i other strong features, serial stories, el jmor, markets.cartoons: in fact.everyling that is to be found in a first-class e' lily. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S gular subscription price is only $1.00 n eryear. and this pays for 156 papers. < e offer this uneoualed newspaper and R he County Record together for one year D >r $1.75. ' The regular subscription price of the vo papers is $2.00. 0 Diarrhoea is always more or less revalent during September. Be r repared for it. Chamberlain's Col- y . Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is 1 rompt and effectual. It can always ? ? depended upon and is pleasant to ^ ike. For sale by all dealers. #u ? I1 ian {] KE 5!i | I ^^^| ^^B MIA B B B || l| B B B ^^| |||l |^| ^|h n SB Hi SH HH -e i lv J i 5 I OriC * ; / > OSJSSfl# ! i iiW fin Sfi Disease? He would be a heartless father deed who did not allay baby's ifferings as did Mr. E. M. Bogan Enterprise, Miss. He says: "My baby was troubled with eaking out. something like sevi-year itch. We used all ordin y remedies, but nothing seemed i do any good until I tried UNT'S CURE and in a few days I symptoms disappeared and >w baby is enjoying the best of ;alth.'' Price 50c per box. Manufactured and Guaranteed by . B. RICHARDS MEDICiNE CO. Chfftnan T?vn( OLD KV Dr. W. V. BrocKington, Klnbstro*. S. C. l&Keley-jHtcCullough Co, La aas. 3. C. | THE Gentleman's watch 1 must combine reliability ivith beauty. Discriminating; men the world over carry WALTHAM COLONIAL SERIES. Walthams of the Colonial Series re- | present the last word in watch-making. ! They are made as thin as it is safe to make a reliable watch. They possess | great beauty and will give a life long service of accurate time-keeping. ( We ate headquarters for fine Wato?m Wat-hes. All vrades at a wide price range?each grade the best at it* price. YATTS & WATTS THE KINSSTREE JEWELERS /e are now receiving something new in Decorated Art Ware insisting of Floor Stands, Vases, anging Baskets and Japanese oods. Diamonds. Cut Glass, Wedding nd otaer presents, all at modeite prices. Also a fine assortment of batches, Clocks, Silverware,JewIry and Fancy Goods. Call and gamine our Stock. Clocks. Watches and Jewelry eatly repaired. A Fine line of Ladies' Shopping lags just received. Watts & Watts, opposite the Depot. HERRY WIDOW is a ich man's tobacco, but ou get it at a poor man's rice from the People's Mercantile Co, Kingstree, > C. 7-27-st I TTITfTTfTTfTfTTTTTVTfTfTftfT1 FOR S house and Lot in Kingstree. One high. dry. healthy. New seven and stables on premises. TERMS RE A! Address B .vji'-tf. King'stree > A A A AAA A A AAAAAAAAAAA AAj Fthe?pi 8 TO Bl 8 RiinniPQ 8 WAGONS, H I SADDLES, $ RAKES, ^ IS AT T 8 Williamsburg Live Stock S Kinsrsfree. *Miih ^xxxxxxxxxxxxjx: I Here's /j||& toYonrGood Health and PI IPgsSj Come?follow the arrow 'til y L&aSrj the merry throng of palate pleai i " and women who have quit seel ' \ the ooe best beverage because II (M& M Real satisfaction in every glass?sn and go. Quenches the thirst?c Dtliciooi?Refreshiif5c Eotryal our inter:*-THI COCA-COLA ia| booklet. AtUnt*. Go. The Truth 53 About Cocn-Coia" SL 0 y>? *yy> y?v >??? tvvr yy^ 1 Loss ani C [rplHE man who spend; ^ income, no matter > [t^l er than he who sa > matter how small. That ^ sense. ^ <3 This advice is just as sount ^ dollars, as often as you car ^ the strong box of the : ? wee nee bank, ^ Officers ? HUGH McCUTCHEN. ^ President ^ W. V. STRONG, w Vice-President ? L. C. DOVE, w Cashier: 0 AAMMMAAMMAMAMMAAW | 3ST O * is the time to open your eyes. Uur nri We have on hand at all times a full, x g-eoce: Everything kept cool, fresh and invitinj RICE and F Compare our prices with otl Dry Goods, Shoes, H are up to date. Everytl SHOES! SHOES They are made to tit the feet, combini Prices range from $1.00 to $5.50. HATS, HATS from 25c to $4.00? the kind that are m head to fit the hat. We ask the ladies to call and look ove DRY GOODS and Satisfaction or money back". We alsc SS Slielf lEEa: It will pay you to si Are you open to conviction? If so, c have the goods?all we ask is a trial. YOURS TO PL t. cot7 I Wholesale am A L E!;:] ; block from high School. ? -room dwelling, with barn 4 SONABLE. 3 OX 402, 3 . s. c. 3 >00000: 1 Retail. j i * . i - 1 M