I Want To Talk With YOU If you are not carrying a bank account I want to talk with you about the help a bank account will be to you. You and I have a mutual interest in your carrying an account at this bank. Naturally I want tc see you identify yourself and youi financial interests with us. You want to get ahead in the world. Realizing that a banking connecVtion is an essential factor in car rying your financial plans through to success, vou are interested, vi tally Interested, in identifying yourself with a strong, serviceable bank. The amount of your present in come or the amount of your firsl deposit is of much less importance than the fact of your making the right start. Will you conib in and talk this matter over with me? I shall be glad to have you. E C Epps, Cashier. Bank of Williamsburg K1N6STBEE, S, C, Note election notice. Mr Lee Moore spent Sunday in Florence. G F Stalvey,Esq, was in town yesterday from Lake City. Mrs Lou Arrowsmith has returned from Sullivan's Island. A C Hinds, Esq, visited Hendersonville, N C, several days last week. Mrs S A Baker of Florence visited Mr and Mrs B E Clarkson this week. Mrs P 0 Arrowsmith and children returned last week from Sullivan's Island. All the "Innocents Abroad" came back safelv from "Little Old New York." Miss Gret Michie of Darlington has been visiting the family of Rev E E Ervin. Mr and Mrs LeRoy Lee and Miss Serena have returned from their summer trip. Dr A M Snider visited his daughter.Mrs Mabel Thompson,in Charleston last week. Mrs A M Snider and Mrs E C Epps and children have returned from Myrtle Beach. Miss Lyde Kennedy left this week RoltJmnrv* tn attend the fall mil f lV/i A^ntviuiv*^ WW ^ linery openings. Miss Minnie Bryan is visiting at the residence of Mrs L J Barr, in North Kingstree. Mrs Sol Peres and children returned home from their summer trip Sunday night. The little sprinkle yesterday revived all nature?man, beast and the vegetable kingdom. Miss Odessa Montgomery has resumed her former position with the Butler Dry Goods Co. Mrs Dell Sedgwick left Wednesday for Baltimore, where she will study the millinery art. Misses Bessie and Sue McKnight are visiting friends and relatives in the New Zion ueighborhood. Miss Delle Van Keuren of Lake Citv spent Sunday here with her mother, Mrs H Van Keuren. Mr J L Brinkley of George to wr visited the family of his brother, Mr C C Brinkley, here yesterday. Messrs B F Patrick and AC Swails were among the merchants who left this week for Northern markets. MJooae Mamie and Etta Jacoos *UlkX7VW have been visiting in Georgetown the past week. T1 Our I Bl ?uuuuiiummuuuiuuiuiu? % Mr and Mrs J W Swittenberg j spent a day in town the early part of . the week en route to Charleston. Mr Irvin Meyer has returned from a most pleasant visit to relatives and i J friends in Lexington and Batesburg. j Mrs B G Butler of Florence, who has been the guest of her son, Mr B : W Butler, returned home yesterday. Hon J Davis Carter of Leo at, tended the Trustees' meeting Satur- ; day and gave us the pleasure of a call. ( I Mr 0 J Hayes returned last night from a month's vacation spent at , various points in South Carolina and Georgia. I At last the iron fence has been , erected around the Confederate mon1 ument, which finally completes the ; i | ] .1 .! Messrs Clinton Clarkson and W K '] McKnight of Heinemann spent Sun'; day with the parents of the latter near town. ; Mrs J VV Riser and little daugh- , > ter, Serena, of New Decatur, Ala- , bama, are visiting the family of LeRoy Lee, Esq. j Mr B W Butler, who has been sick for several days, went to Charleston 1 this morning to '"recruit." His family accompanied him. Mr J A Kelley, who has been vis-1 < iting his sons, Dr E T and Mr J C | Kelley, returned to his home at Timmonsville Sunday evening, ' The Central tobacco Warehouse 1 presents this week a strong argu- 1 ment for farmers to bring their tobacco to Kingstree market and to < Central Warehouse. The Central j boys are hustlers and they are sure- ( ly doing the business on this market. , 1 Our Lake City correspondent, Hon j W L Bass, is eating pine-apples and ', catching tarpons in the sunny "Land J of Flowers", which is why we have had nothing from his facile pen within the past fortnight. We hope ] to have him back "on the job" by !| . next week. We acknowledge with appreciative thanks a copy of the Agricul- i tural Yearbook sent us by uongress-1 < man Ellerbe. This is really a valuable! ] book of reference and Mr Ellerbe i says he has several hundred to dis-1 ] tribute in this county, to be had for the asking. Saturday and Sunday we fairly feasted on melons presented us by ^ our young friend,Mr W H Foxworth { of Zeb. The cantaloupes, as well as the water-melons,were about as near perfection as we would care to see. , Not so large, but big a plenty and j the meat crisp, juicy and delicious. ( j We apologize to "Judge" Wallace ( for so long neglecting mention of ' that "tiny image of himself" left at his home some weeks ago by the 1 stork. We learned only recenttly of the popular bird's visit to this household, yet none the less fervent are our j congratulations to the happy parents.' I Mrs Susan G Witherspoon and I grand-daughters, Misses Elmer and , Venetia Dove, who have been visit- j ing the family of Mrs Witherspoon's j brother, Mr J N Hammet, returned ! j yesterday to their home at Rocky j ( Mount, N C. Mrs Hammet went i home with them and v.ill spend some j J days at Rocky Mount. King's warehouse makes its com- . petipors sit up and take notice in the j attractive ad for that warehouse we . +V>io nracilr I oL-o Pitv's mnr- ' ] piCdCUt tlilO TTCVU. UUUV v.vj W .... . ket is leading the State in quantity 1 of tobacco sold and King's Ware- j house has contributed largely in building up the market to its pres- 1 ent immense proportions. Read the I( statements of sales offered in evi- \ ] dence if you are "from Missouri." ] Somewhat of a pomological freak was brought us Tuesday by Mr C D ; Cottingham of Salters Depot in the i form of a twin cantaloupe. The melon resembled a huge figure "8" J placed horizontally, the upper and < J lower spheres being almost perfect- ] ly formed and about the same size. , When the "Siamese twins" was cut , 5 apart each twin made an average ; size cantaloupe, unusually sweet and 1 of delicious flavor. A little experi- j mentation might produce a breed of , ' melon to grow in clusters, which 1 would be quite a novelty. Here's a chance for a local Burbank. ; Entire Si An ltler [ iuuiuiiuuiiuiuaiiuiuiuiuiuiui 4 CITADEL SCHOLARSHIP EXAM. Only Two Applicants Competed for Valuable Prize. Two applicants appeared oefore the examining hoard last Friday to compete for the vacant Citadel scholarship, viz: Messrs Robert J Kirk. Jr, of Kinjrgtree, and Marvin L McCullough, of Benson, This scholarship is the most valuable one offered bv anv of the State institu tions of learning. It includes a four years' course of study at the State Military Academy, with board, clothing, books, medical attention and all other expenses paid by the State, the money value of which in four years amounts to $1,000. At the close of the examination the papers submitted by the two applicants were sealed up carefully and forwarded to the superintendent of the Citadel, who will pass upon them and award the cadetship. KINGSTREE DEFEATS LAKE CITY In Slow, Uninteresting Baseball Game. Kingstree defeated Lake City in a slow, uninteresting game of baseball here Tuesday afternoon. The home diamond is covered with weeds and ?rass and neither team showed up to good advantage. The initial inning led off with a 5eries of boots and bingles and this performance was continued up to and throughout the ninth, resulting in a final score of 11 to 3. Batteries: Kingstree, Green and McKenzie; Lake City, Askins and Matthews. Umpire, John Britton. McKenzie featured with a home run in the seventh, with two men on bases. Quite a crowd saw the game. An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, is a rule, be cured by a single dose Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy has no superior for bowel complaints. For sale by all dealers. Call up the People's Market when fou want fresh or salt water Fish. From now on we will have on hand ill kinds of Fish in good condition. It People's Market. For summer diarrhoea in children always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure is certain. For sale by all dealers. CHICHESTERSPILLS t" THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Ladlrat Alk joar Drusrtut (or /A Chl^bea-ter'a Diamond Brand/fVX IflU in Bri and Void mrt?lilc\\r/ bona, sealed with Blue Ribbon. \/ Take bo other. Bar of roar " vranint. AtkforCIII-Cin<:s.TER S DIAMOND BRAND PILLA, for IS years known as Best, Safest. Always Reliable OlD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Tax Land Sales, By virtue of execution to me directed [ have levied upon and will sell for taxes )n the first Monday in September, beng the 4th day of the mbnth, before die court house door in Kingstree, Wiliamsburg county, S C, the following described lands, to wit: Fifty (50) acres of land, more or less, n Ridge township, Williamsburg county, 5 C, belonging to the estate of Joe Harbison and oouhded as follows: On the tforth by lands of Eliza Gadson; on the East and West by lands of Joe McCutch?n; on the South by lands of Adam McKnight; Also twentv-four (24) acres, more or ess, in Mouzon township, Williamsburg c c Kolnnorintr to Cleveland .UU1H.JT, k-. w, D ?O " Jones and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Adam Jones; on the East and South by lands of Mrs TE Duke and on the West by lands of J H Reardon; Also (130) one hundred and thirty acres,more or less, in Ridge township, Williamsburg county, S C, belonging to John Anderson and bounded as follows: Dn the North, East and West by lands >f Thomas Wilson; on the South by lands of H S Poston; Also 1-4 of an acre, more or less, in Turkey township, Williamsburg county, 5 C, belonging to Hewitt Branch Lodge and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Cooper Bros; on the East and South by lands of Rasevel McCullough; on the West by lands of Norris Scott. Purchasers to pay for papers. George J Graham, M7-3t S W C wmmmmmmmmmmmm: tock of Si "UAJ )ry Q iiUiUUUUiitiUUiUUUUUUUUl GREELYVILLE GREETINGS. I People Coming and Going-Pleasant Social Function. , J Greelyville, August 14:?Misses j | , j Ada and Lena Lverlv are visiting1 ; j Dr and Mrs Beckman this week this j J week. i Mr Thtron Rankin is expected home tonight from his extended visit to his brother at McCormick. i Miss Carrie demons has returned heme fiorn her visit to friends at Lynchburg-. Miss Ella Montgomery? has gone on a \isit 1:o her brother at Elloree. Instead of Mr S V Taylor's store being 20 x 80 ft,as reported last week, the correc: dimensions are 50 x 80. We are proud of the nice buildings now going up, adding so much to the beauty of our fast growing town. Mr Jim Holleman and family of Charleston are on a visit to the former's brother, Mr Willie'Holleman. Miss Lila Spann of Lynchburg is visiting friends here. Mr Hiram Allen of Blvthewood is visiting relatives in town. Miss Sue Smith of Alcolu spent Friday night with Miss Carrie demons. Mr Darnie Hogan visited Columbia several days recently. Miss Allene demons left Saturday morning lor a few days' visit to Alcolu. Messrs Jake Williams and Chove I Clark of Manning spent the day Sat-1 urday with Mr and Mrs D Mi Williams. Mr M E1 DeLorme and family have returned home from an extended visit to G reenville. Misses Martha Gamble and Anna Footman spent last week visiting friends at Salters. One of the most enjoyable social i events of the season was the"tackey; party" given by the Misses demons i at their home on Main street, Friday ; evening, in honor of their guest, 1 Miss Lila Spann. After playing vaj rious games in the parlor,the guests , . were ushered into tne dining hall, j 1 where delightful cream and cake, j was served by the hostess. The oci casion was much enhanced by the ' delightful music played by Miss ! Cornelia Oliver. Those enjoying the i hospitality of the Misses Clemons were: Misses Spann, Sue Smith,Martha Gamble, Anna Footman, Cornelia Oliver, Carrie and Allene Clemons, Rena and Annie Johnston; Messrs Hiram Oliver, Richard Boykin, Henry Oliver, Robert Clemons, Pressley Hogan, Marvin Montgomery, Leonard Mishoe, Kilgo Godwin, Bob Footman, Dr Zeigler and S V Taylor. H. Spiritism Said to Ba Damoniam. A moat interesting little brochure i has recently come off the press setting forth with Bible proofs that the communications received by and through 8plrltlst Mediums Is of Demon origin. The writer traces his subject through the Scriptures irom iue ulu'; wucu | certain of the holy angels became dls-1 , obedient He proves from the 8crlp- ! tures that these fallen spirits per- 1 sonate the human dead, with whose past history, spirits, though Invisible, are thoroughly acquainted. He shows that they also frequently person- 8 ate the Creator and the Redeemer, n commanding their deceived ones to a pray, do penance, etc. This, however, b la merely to lead them on and to bring n them more thoroughly uadcr domonl- f acal control. Sometimes by breaking j down the natural barrier, the human ^ will, they possess their victim, and rule him more or less to bis ruin?frequent- ? ly sending such to the mad-house. Numerous Illustrations, Scriptural and 0 Otherwise, are given. The price of the 1 little book Is but ten cents; It should T\ be In the hands of all Interested in t ' Spiritism or who have friends InterJ ested therein. Enclose five two-cent ! stamps to the Bible and Tract Society, c j 17 Hicks street, Brooklyn, N. Y. immmmmmmmmfTimmmm ummer G< L C< oods ( amaauaaaaaaaauaaaaaaa ' The Last C 1911 Summ Still a large line or 10c Lawns on hand at 5c the ya Our remnant stock of L ford Ties and Pumps going Call and see. We still have on hand Gents' Gauze Underwear; B and short sleeve undervests the suit. Nainsook short dr to match at 40c each or 75c See the splendid values Men's Negligee Shirts; they r Still a large lot of that Sea Island Homespun on han to 3 yard pieces. Twentv-seven inch wid spun at 3 I-2c the yard. J Bleached homespun, 36 yard. I Yard wide Cambric, very Yard wide Lonsdale Car 12 l-2c. Splendid 9-4 Sheeting at 10-4 Bleach Sheeting at School Boys and We want you to know tl the best lines of Trunks ai found in this town. Call am bargain. Any kind of Trun need, we have it. Call and t Ladies, just bear in mine Spool Cotton at 50c. a dozei from one dozen to a hundrec Remember, this is the la Sweep Summer Sale for 1911 day night at 12 o'clock. Jenkinson Broth KQ3HE] ? Easily laid?can be laid right over w< proof?Stormproof. Last as long as the b We have local representatives almost ever mediate locality, write us direct for samp CORTRJGHT METAL RCX 50 North 23rd Street Attack Like Tigers. In fighting to keep the blood pure he white corpuscles attack disease ;erms like tigers. But often germs nultiply so fast the little fighters Tire overcome. Then see pimples, ers' oils, eczema, salt-rheum and sores pore nultiply and strength and appetite ail. This condition demands Electric fitters to regulate stomach, liver, cal 1 ;idneys and to expel poisons from egat he blood. "They are the best impc lood purifier," writes C T Budahn unj0 f Tracy,Calif, "I have ever found." gQu( 'hey make rich, red blood, strong terves and build up your health. Try othe hem. 50c at M L Allen's. Uni( ? - - addi 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any pub! .oqq <->f PKiilla tmH Fpvptv Price. 25c. 5-4-lyr J Mou mmmmmmmmmmnWmmtr >ods to go 3ST ompan UliUaiUitiliUUUiUUiUlUlUiUlMU all For er Goods and 12 l-2c figured . l adies' and Gents' Oxat very close prices. \:':g a nice assortment of . V. D. short drawers ?, at 43c each, or 85 c awers and unaervests ... m\ the suit. we are showing in nust move. See them. famous 40 inch wide d at 5c the yard; 1 1 -2 'm e Sea Island homeNone better, inch wide, only 8c the y good, at 10c the yard, nbric, the best, only t 25c the yard. /j 30c and 35c the yard. School Girls "U hat we fcave one of id Suit Cases to be d see if you want a ik or Suit Case you see. i that we sell Coats' i to all who Come, I dozen. st call for the Clean. Sale closes Saturv vi ters Comp'y. ??? - " 1 ? JUgMgiljj | ' |||' |j jj jj jj^ 3od shingles if necessary?Fire* uilding and never need repair*, ywhere but if none in your imles, pricea and full particular!. )FING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. FARMERS' UNION MEETING Be Held at Pinev Forest Thursday' September 7. ie Williamsburg County FarmUnion will meet with Piney st local union on Thursday, Sep)er 7,at 10 o'clock a. m. All loinions are requested to send deles, as there will be business of >rtance to come before the n. E W Dabbs, President of ;h Carolina State Union, or some r representative of the State >n,is expected to be with us and ess the union, also to make a ic address. J T Frierson, Sec'ty. izons, August 14. It immmmmmmntmmjg at | 1 2 3 y | ' tUUiUUUUUUUUUUUtUR j /.. 'I