The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 17, 1911, Page THREE, Image 3

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*f- ^?*f??f?-f?^ 'f*?"f* "f v: lM)^ I J/j/m cm ^ILtr i ^ , i w ( J ipujf mjc/1 Ji ^ Ji '^i '|^ TOWN'S FINANCIAL STATUS. !, _ l( Statement as toProbablelncrease of Taxes II Bonds Be Issued. Editor County Record: ? At the request of a number of , those interested, we submit for pen-; , eral information the following state- . ment of the town's resources with; regard to the proposed system of water works and sewerage for , Kingstree: Total Real Estate in Kingstree $244,500 00 j Totai Personal Property. 213.770 (X?' Total Railroad Property.. 61.300 00 J' Total Pullman Palace ? ar Co 270 00 Total Southern ExpressCo 59 "0 j. Total Telephone 2.000 00 Total Telegraph 20 00 I Total Taxable Property in Kingstree ." $531.899 00 ' which is taxed as follows: Stale,County,Roads and Con- 5 stitutional 13 1-4 mills ] Special School Levy, 6 Special Levey for School Bds 2 " { Town Taxes 8 " < 291-4 " j The 2 mill tax above referred to , ?.'@'?.'?!?.*?.?.'?!?.?;? < 4 M I D = ? @ I Dr-' ^ 40-inch homespun, Sale I w 7c Gingham, Sale Price ? ? ? Hundreds of other ? ?:?:??:@:?:?.?:?:?:?:< |k .y? 11^1 'jki .y.? WARNEl Thei ide from the shape, stless virtue, and its wear as long as any i the celluloid-tipped <INGSTR mercantile building, 90c per $100. The rates on persona! property will be decreased in the sam*3 ratio. I It is believed that the reduction in insurance will more than pay the slight increase in taxation, and when 1the advantages to be derived from ) the two svstem- are considered in 1 i connection with the above facts, we v think it looks good as a business \ proposition. r W T WlLKINS, I n ... I P H Arrowsmith, t Committee. t - " i Ultr IIJUICl >;raid anu nai ucoo ami a 14 ;ood new wagon. I' "Shoes for wimmen ten pairs but- ^ on shoes rights and lefts ten line >airs button shoes number seven and 51 en pairs fine button shoes number ai ixes and ten pairs fine string shoes lumber seven. Yerry true. *T S. please send mc 250 lbs tub , tl b lard and ten sack of corn and ten * rl acKs or oats. ' S Mr Lever has not yet complied i" vith the naive request. One plug ot MERRY'al A'IDOW tobacco bought tiro m the People's Mercan- ^ ile Co.kingstree, 5 C, will onvince vou that it is',!! _ ? \ III he best 10c plug on earth. m 7-27 -M i.-^a ?!?.'?!?.*?!?."?!?.?!??.'(< SUMM WE MUST / Goods Departmer 3rice 5c yd 40-inch Lawn, I5i 5 l-2c yd 10c India Linen L 50c Marquisette, Sale Price 39c items are not advertised as < v ?>:?.?:?:?:?:?:@:@:?:?:( / \ for school bonds was issued in Sep- j tember, 1906, for $10,000.00, drawing i interest at the rate of 6%' per an- } num. There remains a balance due on these bonds of about $7,900.00. j They will be retired in about eight ] years. ( The present rate of insurance in j Kingstreo is as follows: ( For a shingle roof, frame dwell- < ing, 90c per $100; with metal roof, < 65c per $100, For a shingle roof,; i frame mercantile buiiding, $3.25 per i $100. For a metal roof, brick mer- ? cantile building, $1.50 per $100. Under the existing law Kingstree j may issue bonds for an amount not t exceeding 8"- of the total assessed \ valuation of all taxable property j **$531,899.001 which is $42,541.92. j The proposed bond issue is for an t amount not exceeding $42,000.00, t which, if disposed of for a 5"<- inter- r est profit to the purchaser, will re- t quire an additional tax of 3- mills to s pay the interest. r The statute under which these r bonds may be issued provides for a c sinking fund of 1-40 part of the to- ^ tal amount to be set apart annually fi for the purpose of retiring the bonds, $ which sinking is believed,can be raised out of the net proceeds of t the operation of the water works p and sewerage systems. t From the present condition of the s streets of the town and the town n treasury it is reasonable to suppose that within the next two or three 0 years the present S mills town tax s may be reduced very materially. The installation of the proposed v water works system will have reduced the above rates of insurance to the following: ^ For a shingle roof, frame dwell- f ing, S"c per S10<>: with metal roof, t ooc per For a shingle roof, c frame mercantile building. $2.7"> t per $100: for a metal roof, brick LEVER'S MODEST tUl\S?lllUti\i. f t The Funniest Story In a Hundred ^ Years?The "Requests." A letter which would undoubtedly oe considered a hoax perpetrated by t some professional waff, if the docu- ^ tient itself did not bear unmistakable ^ ?vidence of its seriousness, was re- t :ently received by Representative A fc F Lever, of the 7th South Carolina * district. This missive has caused a 15 e ?reat deal of hilarity among those ivho have seen it in its original in- e locence. Is During the debate on the farmers' e free list bill, recently passed by the tfouse of Representatives, Mr Lever delivered a speech, of which he was iustlv proud. He mailed a number )f copies of the speech to his con;tituents in South Carolina. His refn ?rence to the measure as puuing N various agricultural necessities on ^ :he "free list" brought this remark- t ible requisition from his district: ^ "To the Hon A F Lever. Wash- . ]( nprton, D C: Kinde frend, I read in ^ :he book you sent Me that a prood Many importance is on the free list ^ Mease send Me 10 pairs oil tan brorans numbre nines and ten pairs oil an broprans number ten for Men,and en pairs tine button shoes for Men 0 s lumber nine and ten pairs fine but- v ,3n shoes for Men number ten flour { ind bacon please send me five bar- d els first patent Hour and five bar- v els second patent flour and five hun- ^ Ired pounds chunk meat and five mndred pounds side bacon and two h m n**?l or?/l n T. - - ^ ij R'S RUS". e are many points WARNER'! which is conceded t< service reliability, fabric can wear: no I hnnes break or nur L VXl rv/*. v EE DRY IT S YOUR KIDNEYS. I lon't Mistake Ihe Cause of Your Irou- \ bles. : 1 Many people never suspect their i" lidneys. If suffering from a lame, ^ ceak or aching hack they think that f t is only a muscu'ar weakness; Vhen ? irinary trouble sets in they think it rill soon correct itself. And so it is " rith all the other symptoms of kid- (4 ley disorders. That is just where { he danger lies. You must cure < hese troubles or they may lead to 1< lial?etes or Brignt's disease. The j { >est remedy to use is Doan's Kidney * 'ills. It is for ills which are caused < >y weak or diseased kidneys. Resi- \ lents of this vicinity are constantly I < estifving to benefit received. I < C A Ardis, 34 N Liberty St, Sum-, < er, S C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills ? icted promptly and effectively in my ' ? ase. I was subject to attacks of J lackache and my kidneys did not do ? heir work as they should. Getting a J >ox of Doan's Kidney Pills, I used hem and the results were very sat- I sfactory. I willingly give this rem- j J dy the praise it deserves." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, lew York, sole agents for the Unitd States. Remember the name?Doar.'s? nd take no other. Public NoticeI hereby give notice that on and fter September 1, 1911, I will sell othing on credit or charge anything. Jo orders filled unless accompanied ! y cash. My reason for doing this is, hat my losses the past year have I teen so great that I cannot afford inger to sell on credit. Note the j ate. I have given fair notice. P S COI'RTNEY. Jingstree, August 8. 8-10-41 | Thirly Y?ars Together. Thirty years of association?think f it. How the merit of a good thing tands out in that time ? or the . orthles'sness of a bad one. So here's no guesswork in this evienee of Thos Ariss. Concord, Mich. ho writes: "I have used Dr King's | Jew Discovery tor 30 years, and it's j he best cough and cold cure i ever i sed." Once it finds entrance in a j ' ome you can't pry it out. Manyj amilies have used it forty years, j :'s.the most infallible throat and .. ,. , i V mg medicine on eartn. uuequaieu , )r lagrippe, asthma, hay-fever, | roup, quinsy or sore lungs. Price! *c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. i?uar- C( n.teed by M L Allen. . m __ n Notice. o I have a few hundred copies of le latest publication of the U S Ag- a cultural Yearbook 11910). 1 will ri nd a copy to any one requesting it. S-17-lt J. E. ElJ.fclRBK. V I I Cuts and bruises may be healed in )out one-third the time required by e' le usual treatment by applying; hamberlain's Liniment. It is an an- n< septic and causes such injuries to | -ai without maturation. ' his lini- 1 ^ ent aiso relieves soreness of the] uscles and rheumatic pains. For le by all dealers. O E R C MAKE ROOM 1 it c grade 9 3"4c yd awn 8 3-4c yd 1 our space is too small. It 3. MAI ?>:@:?:@:?:?:@:?:?:?:@:< I I i ? tin iji r^i r?i rjt *|r r-PROOF worth knowing al 5 CORSET 3 excel, the pliant n CWe guarantee it t to tear or pull aw ich through. C.A GOODS ?*f f ?f ? '?T? fWhy do you spend your noney for inferior tobacco vhen you can buy HERRY WIDOW from the People's lercantile Co, Kingstree, j ? C, at the same price that :he common kind will :ost you elsewhere? 7-2'Xt : FOR SALE :-i , Two-story brick store building 4 opposite the Kellahan Hotel and " on the corner of the Court House * , square, fronting 32 feet on Main 4 ? street with a depth of 105 feet. ' First flo'T handsomely furnished * I with counters, shelves, etc. Sec- * > ond floor divided into nine (9) ' confortable rooms. Second floor * | rents for $25.00 a month. Also lot 4 ? in rear of building fronting 52 1-2 | feet on Calhoun street, with a f ! depth of 105 feet and fronting ? ? 521-2 feet on the Court House J 1 square. This is a great bargain, J for cash or on easy terms. For ^ , price and terms of sale apply to 1 ; J. D. GILLAND, Attorney-at-Law * | KINGSTKEK, ... S C. 4 M ?44?4^? 4 4 44 4 ?44>???44 'T^HE Gentleman's watch X must combine reliability with beauty. Discriminating men 1 the world over carry WALTHAM COLONIAL SERIES. Valthams of the Colonial Series represent the last word in watch-making. They are made as thin as it is safe to make a reliable watch. They possess great beauty and will give a life long service of accurate time-keeping. We are headquarters for fire Wattham Watches. All grades at a wide price range?each grade the test at ttt price. iVATTS A WATTS THE KIN6STREE JEWELERS Ve are now receiving something new in Decorated Art Ware i onsisting of Floor Stands, Vases, langing Baskets and Japanese ioods. Diamonds. Cut Glass, Wedding; nd other presents, all at mode-! ite prices. j Also a fine assortment of batches. Clocks. Silverware.Jewry and Fancy Goods. Call and (amine our Stock. Clocks. Watches and Jewelry L'atly repaired. A Fine line of Ladies' Shopping I ags just received. g Watts & Watts, S pposite the [)epot. a ?>.'?!?.'?!?.?!? ?!@.'?!? LEAR] FOR OUR FAL1 Lace 5c Laces, Sale Price 10c Laces, Sale Price 8c Embroideries, Sale Pric 75 will pay you to visit our si =ICUS ?:?'?:?@:?:@ ?;?;?!@; t >l? >!> ijl ?j> >ll >j> ' CORSET bout a ature of the boning, i not only to fit well, b ay from the boning; n large shipment just i COMPANY tr tr tr </ C ti tr t/ </ ?"i?t?T ?f?r ?i? t?p ?wyyyywyyyyyyirvtwvyvvv:^ | COKESBURY CONFER > CoKesbury, ^ High Grade Preparatory Scho< ^ Preparatory Work, Music, Exp ^ Excellent Environment. Heall ^ $120 Pays Board and Tuition. ? ber 21. 1911. Write > L. E. HINKLE, B. A., ?WMMAMWAWMMAAAIAM FTheIPL 8 TO BU 8 BUGGIES, S 8 WAGONS, H.' 8 SADDLES, 1\ 8 RAKES, Q IS AT TH Q Williamsburg Live Stock ( Q KlDjfstree, South f ax>oooooooooo?x> TTTTTTVTVTVTTTTTTTTTVTTTy TTTl | Protection of us offer you ^ convenience j .1 i | i 11 i will be of a< u 'Zmlr ~**~^ ^e'r ^ 7^ ab 1 e' to sup "*^5^7;-i'.'" - ' call today? BANK OF WILLI King'stree, C W Stoll, President. F Rhem, Vice-President. C AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?AAAA i From now on we will ha water fish. Everything fr< THE PEOPLE'S H. A. MILLER, PROI ?-??:?'?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?*< INCi S A _ GOODS s and Embroideries. 3c 15c Embroideries, Sab 6c 25c Embroideries, Sab e 5c 50c Embroideries, Sab ic Embroideries, Sale Price 48c. tore. ??.< ?4* *j* *1' ^ its JiS&v \ Ut I or Vf\ I "' Im f :' *m t j ? W ?> ft <* .3 -f?r?:?i-?~i? i'*Vw'o iV*'* V*V? tVw'w *VuV? i ;"] 1ENCE SCHOOL 5 S. C. | ]\ dI. Courses in College ^ iression and Business. ^ th Record Unexcelled. ^ Session Opens Septem- ^ , Headmaster. 5 ^AAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAA? | iURREYS, | \RNESS, 8 :J LOWERS, 8 J ETC., 8 Company's Stables 8 : | arolloa, O sooooOOOOOCK rTrrfvYTTfYrrrrrTTrm Our Safe : | ve money about your home let 4 the protectiou of our safe and ^ of security that are built to 4 y where it will be out of reach 4 and fire, and always ready for ^ , 'anted. We want you to feel 4 nk is for your use and that our 4 is are for your use; to that end > >ur account. It is our business ^ people. The service we offer 4. dvantage to you. Others tell * 4 ; ;atisfaction. This makes us be- ^ ou also will receive the same 4' j om a hank connection herer.? < _ jjH le situation with us. whatever ^ us you may have we may be 4 1 ply your demands. Why not ^ I AMSBURG, 2 S. C. ? I E C Epps. Cashier. ^ ' .J? W Boswell. Asst. Cashier. 2 1 f, Ground Beef for jfl :er Steak, Game, 1 ry in Season. =ISH ndle fresh and salt 2sh and clean. j MARKET ... 1 ?!?!?.'?!?.'?!?.'?'@ LE | @ ? ; Price 11c ^ e Price 13c ;? jl e Price 39 ? fl ?!?.'?!?.'?;?.'?.'?*? I / JH