I The Tobacco the Attention That they now have the lar who have large orders for al and are prepared to pay the (consisting of all the Wareh tion of the law, with heavy This measure was tak< baccos at the barns, at pric< The buyers for the largest firms ha they bought at the barn, whereas ha< i prices, and much complaint of prices it We have Three (3) Large Warehou of buyers whose names are herewith at Now, Growers, do not be misled by buy same if they could not buy it chea| City, which market will not only lead t Bu L. 0. Holloway, Am. Tob, L. A. Winston, Im. Tob. E. W. Willingham, B.-A. Co., Ltd. . L. L. Strause W. I ? Cooner V " " 1 f Thos. L. Lea Co. 1 KING'S I Why Does GRA\ 1 First: Because we I tobacco to the best a< i| Second: We have t I for bids until the hig 1 Last, but not least, I terest in the State, ai I passed, if equaled, by j| Below we quote you a fev . H W. R. Alford W. L. Whitloc jl I SO at $12.00 ? 100 at 9.00 132 at ^ 120 at 11.50 ??.. |j 72 at 19.00 P 138 at 35.00 154 at |j All we ask is a trial to ? H is true, so, when you load y H driving until you reach the I I Lake City, k Buyers of Lake City, of the Planters of Tc gest number of Buyers on their market sin< 1 grades from the commonest to the finest wi highest prices for same on the warehouse fl louses and all the buyers, have recently pi r penalties, for any one to go into the count in to protect the growers of tobacco who ha is much lower than it was bringing for the s ve on account of this country buying been compelled to pay bi J same been placed on the floors and been sold to the high< * naet nnt Hiivp orriipred. 1 LIIV VM1V? iivrw mm+m. w wvm. ses that will exert themselves to get for you the highest price: ttached is a guarantee that you will receive at their hands the any representations the men may make who come to your b* per than on open market with the strong competition we hav he State in quantity but also in averages, and your tobacco sc yers on LaKe City, S. C., . Co. Dibrell Bros. & Co. Co. J. S. Satterfield T. E. B. Picklin Tobacco Co. J. D. King & Co. W. T. Barbour Richardson & Moss J. L. Cockfield WAREHOUSES | ORAVELY'S I (ELY'S WAREHOUSE Lei have the best lighted House in t\ ivantage. he best Auctioneer in the State, < hest notch is reached. , M. K. Gravely is the hardest wo rid as a judge of the true value living man. / of our every=day prices, and there are othi k J. A. Turner W. T. Wiggins 140 at $26.00 S2,-5? 130,130.00 17.50 122 at 16.00 36 at 14 00 10.00 120 at 9.50 56 at 18.50 ;ubstantiate our claim, and we will prove t< our wagon, head your team for GRAVELY' ---- - - ' f t ? _ A _ re, which is headquarters tor nignesi price; wely's Ware! j ^ i . m- ___ S. C., Wish to Call j >bacco to the Fact I :e tobacco has been sold in the State, f rappers, whether graded or in leaves, 1 oors. Our Tobacco Board of Trade, | assed resolutions making it a viola- I ry and buy tobacco at the barns. ( ve in the past been selling their to- 1 ame grades on the warehouse floors. I ig advances to the country buyers for the fine crops ( est bidders, the growers would have received these K s you have received in years, and the large number full value for your various grades. m irns to buy your crop, they surely would not try to m e on our market; but bring your tobaccos to Lake K )ld on that market will prove what we have said. j Market: I W. M. Edwards & Co. I Moore, Skinner & Co I T. J. Gentry I M. V. King & Co. I . C. B. Penry & Co. I M. K. Gravely f 0. T. Hall ( | STAR I id In Highest Prices? f ie State to show up your I and he never stops begging Jj rker for the Farmers' in= ;s! of tobacco, he is not sur= | ers too numerous to mention. i B. L. Brooks M. Ard ?| 332 at $12.25 42 at $22.50 22 74 at 25.00 124 at 17.00 j? 124 at 12.75 188 at 8.50 S W. M. Benton W. C. Sauls 22 56 at $10.00 430 at $22.00 22 f124 at 14.00 362 at 20.00 22 ' 3 you that every word of the above || 'S WAREHOUSE and never stop i 5 and best accommodations. ii louse | >outh Carolina. 1 .. . . ..... y