? f all is the profusion of rotting melon rinds thrown uliout with seeming reckless disregard of consequences. Surely the occupants of the places from whence they come must know that they are a menace to health and a breeding place of noxious inserts und disease germs. Physicians have more than once within our knowledge accounted for a typhoid fever epidemic by the prevalence of rotting rinds and decaying vegetables about the premises of the victims of the scourge. This is not a pleasant subject to discuss and we have deferred doing so, hoping that conditions would grow better; but they do not seem to improve. We appeal to the town authorities, to the Civic League, and to each and every house-holder in town to hack us up in this matter and make Kingstree a cleaner town. Nature has been lavish in her gifts to us; are we going to trust it ill to Providence? Take care, lest we realize too late, that such i policy is little worse than sui ciaai. Iiet us make every day, as far is we are able, a "clean-up" day. An ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of cure. No Need for Guns. We agree with Governor Blease :hat there is little or no necessi:y for adding a military department to the high schools of the State. He is right in his argument that our schools should train x>ys in arts tending towards peace ather than war. As usual, how?ver, the Governor mars a commendable utterance by injecting nto it an appeal to prejudice and ace hatred. His contention that :he military high school would mean the placing into the hands >f the negroes guns and ammu lition is too absurd to'be taken | eriously. All the school trustees ire white men and Governor Please knows well enough that hey will never consent to equip iegro students with weapons of iny kind. His high-flown declaution as to being unalterably op>osed to arming negroes and eaching them how to shoot is as >anal as it is demagogic. The Governor need - not get excited, "he negroes are not going to get ifles and cartridges at the extense of the State. With all his ast power and assumed prerogaives, not even his puissant self ould bring about such a condiion. The people would never ubmit to it and, moreover, noody wants them to do so. The possibility of any such thing hapening is too remote to consider veil as "raw material" for the lanufacture of political thunder. Watermelons. The best watermelon we have seen Ins season, and we have seen some cry Hue ones, was presented to us ist Saturday l?y Mr J F JJarton.one f the progressive farmers of the Jethel church section, on the old harleston road a few miles lielow his city. It weighed nearly fortvix pounds and was deliciously Haored, being very sweet. A finer nelon cannot l?e grown anywhere. -Orangeburg Times Democrat. Our friend's melon was a line one loubtless for Orangeburg, but in ertile Williamsburg a forty-six' \ pound watermelon at this season i? a common-plaee sight. Within the past week or so we've hail two meloiis presented us weighing re?i>ee- J tively -hi and 50 pounds, and a few . years ago we ^ had one given us?a sure enough hig out?that tipped the scales at (55 pounds. The county publishes quarterly! reports of receipts and disburse-' inents?why shouldn't the town?; 1 i Isn't it possible to carrv even a; good thing a' little too far? For in- j I stance, .h rry Moure and hi- wonderful doings. ? | Meaning no reflection uponthej town council?for whom we have: tin* highest regard personally? 1 they owe it to themselves to let the citizens of the town know how the money received in taxes and licenses is h?ing spent. We have ample reason to lielieve that the tax-payers want to knowhow their money is spent. We sympathize most sincerely with Col E H Aull, editor of the Newberry Herald and Sews, in the death of his wife Mrs Alice K Aull, which occurred recently at Newberry. Mrs Auu was well known to most of the newspaper men of the State, to all of whom the news o" her death causes a feeling of profound sorrow and! regret. Some Rare Bargains ? Jenkinson Bros Co. Plant Your Cash in Bank?Farmers & Merchants Bank, Lake City. Cheap Excursion Rates ? Atlantic Coast Line. Trustees' Meeting?B B Chandler et al. The Individual Piano?Stieff Piano Co. Hunt's Oil?Dr W V Brockington, Kingstree;, Blakeley-McCullough Corp, Lanes. Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, &c ?J W Coward. Evenything in Hardware?Kingstree Hardware Co. Summer Goods at Cost?Butler Dry /" i /i Lee Fishburne. Attorneys, 7-27-tf Kingstree, S C. Wanted?THe public to know that I am ready to do any kind of Hauling or Dray work. Teams furnished on short notice. Will also take a few boarders. Am at Singletary house bevond the canal. 7-27-tf ? R Snipes. * j1 Lrooas uo. Warner's Corsets?Kingstree Dry Goods Co. Office Days?P M Brockinton. Importance of a Bank Account? Bank of Williamsburg. 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c. SPECIALNOTICES Phone us when you want QT to get a notice under this heading. Price one cent a [AC word for each insertion. No ad taken for less than 25c. Phone 83. For Rent?One store, 23x72 feet, on Main street Nicely finished. Apply to 8-3-11 L D Rodgers. Lumber for Sale - 10-inch Board and Ceiling, value S55.00. will sell for $35.00. Also 20 sacks Cement going cheap. 8-3-11 L D Rodgers. For Sale. ? I have for sale 400,000 Dry Press Machine Bricks. Any quantity delivered on short notice. W B McCullough, 8-3-2t Taft, S C. For Salk?Scholarship in Bryant & Stratton Business College, Louisville;. If interested let us hear from you. 8-ll-tf Thk ( ounty Record. For Sale?Two lots in North Kingstree 50x150 feet, suitable for building lots. Can be bought at low figure. 4-24-tf R N Speicner. Mgr. If You Wish to Sell that farm, timber land, store or residence, write us at once and send full description, as we have an attractive proposition to offer you. Ligon Land Co, ' * 7-20-13t Sumter. S C For Sale?714 acres of land in Williamsburg county, eight miles east of Gourdin, fronting one mile on Santee j public road; 150 acres under cultiva-; tion, with sufficient timber on balance: for plantation purposes. This property can be bought cheap and on reasonable terms. Annlv to H STAl'^a^d'^ERAL K H TOPICS H H-rr^^-r^rrrr^-rrrH J 0 Griffin.Supervisor of Colleton county, died at his home at Walterboro the early part of this week. XXX The first bale of Georgia cotton was sold last week at Savannah for 26 cents a pound. The bale weighed even ">00 pounds. X X X Alfred Jackson, colored, is in jail at Orangeburg charged with killing Anderson Taylor, another negro, as the result of a drunken row Sunday, July 16. X X X Edward M Shepard, a prominent New York attorney and Democratic leader.died Friday of pneumonia at his summer home at Lake George, New Yorx. XXX Mrs Ella Pursley. of York county, committed suicide Monday night by cutting her throat with a razor. Ill health is supposed to have caused the rash act. XXX Three hundred live alligators were shipped last week from New Orleans to Los Angeles, California, to start an "alligator farm" for some enterprising promoter. XXX On account of lack of power, caused by the long-continued drought, 155 manufacturing plants have shut down and 70,000 operators are out of employment in North and South Carolina. XXX Returns from the Mississippi pri Specialist, *.vill be at Watts' Jewelry! Store Moncav to Thursday, August: 7*10, and will furnish you with a prescription for any refractive error with the latest glasses to suit allj ages. Dor't fail to see him. Office Days. Regular office days are Mondays and Saturdays. Parties" wishing to secure [ marriage licenses will please govern j themselves accordinglv. P M Brockintov, 3-3-tf Judge of Probate. ' rrury, which was held Tuesday, indicate that former Governor J K Varda man has been elected United States Senator over his two opponents, LeRoy Percy, the incumbent, and C H Alexander. XXX The New York Journal of Commerce reports the general condition of the cotton crop at 86.9, the highest average for eleven years. According to the Journal's figuring, South Carolina has gained 2.5 points within the past month. XXX A H Osborne of Anderson, who was a member of the Palmetto Sharpshooters during the Civil war, visited Antietam battle field, in Maryland, last week, for the first time since the famous engagement in 1862. Of the 140 men composing Mr Osborne's company only 10 or 12 are now ten. XXX Two fatal shooting affrays occurred in Fairfield county within the past week. Saturday at Champion Cross Roads a negro named Camack killed another named Williams because j Williams stepped on the former's ! toes. At Monticello church, Sunday, | during services, Press Rabbi broke up the meeting by shooting to death another negro, Jim Coleman. XXX South Carolina's official delegation to the 31st annual session of the Farmers' National Congress, to be held October 12, in Columbus, Ohio, was appointed Tuesday by Governor Blease, as follows; Messrs Jos B' Traywick, Cope; Albert J Schroder) and Alex D Hutson, Newberry; C P Goodwin, Laurens; James S Wilson, Lancaster; J H Courtney, Edgefield; Joshua W itshley, Honea Path; W V Vincent, Bluffton; James Kirven,' Darlington; John D Bivens, Givhan; J John H Harrison, Greenville; G J i Holliday, Gallivant's Ferry; W A. Stuckey, Bishopville; J H Claffy, Orangeburg. IL i n? the well-known Eve; Free Rou; Char] The Retail Merch. Out-of town shoppers may one to five days, attend the tl etc, do their buying and have round trip. The only conditi< First, that your combined pui Second, that you come from more distant. Third, that yc cent of your total purchases, round trip ticket or get a rec< i | your home station, showing t The merchants of Charlestc J stocks. The matter of select to select from. The stocks a: ished often. Prices are very If you cannot find just what; remember you can always get The following merchants ai and will be very glad to serve AsK For E Art Stores. Lanneeu's Art Store 238 King street Antique Furniture. Morgenstern Furniture Company 62 Reid street Bakers Condon's Bakery 153 Rutiedge avenue Book Stores. Walker. Evans ft Cogswell 8 Broad street C L Legerton .263 King street Carpets. Mattings, Etc. Mutual Carpet Company ? .247 King street China. Glass and Oueenware. Charleston Crockery Company 299 King street ? Cigars and Tobacco. Follln Broo Co J80 King street doth tag and Oasts' Furnishings. Bentachner ft Visanska. ? .252 King street Hindi-Israel Company ? .... Xing and Wentworth Bluestein Brae 594-496 King street W. S. Cook Company 332 King street S. Brawn Sons ... 364-356 King street Ban or ft Volaski 385 King street Department Stores. M. Furchgott ft Sons .240-242 King street Louis Cohen ft Co 232-234 King street and 203 Meeting J. R. Read Co 24? King street The Kerrison Dry Goods Col. 80-82 Hasei street Druggists. Paragon Drug Co 286-288 King street Fish and Oyster*. Terry Fish Co 133 Market street Florists. Connelly-McCarthy Co ? .296 King street ParaHare Phoenix Furniture Co. 187-191 King street Buell and Roberta - 678 King street A. G. Rhodes ft Son. .369-861 King street * M ^* | I^Ty' Eideai and Ita delicic consideration i Order a aack today?II it i the floor yoo arc now naing, j upon return of partially naed j So THE FARMERS' OMHHHHHinUHHHllHlHWl | DRUGS! Pure and FresK ~ and Toilet Arti< D ! ??v* o ?r1 Hiidnuf IMVllUi M aa w?.._ _ . - Toilet Preparat ^ Prescriptions an carefully prepa: E Pharmacist. ? SEND US YOUR % Kingstree Dr ? Next to 5 duiuuuiimuiuuuuuuuuui i nd Trip to . Aefnn ints Pay Your Fare come to Charleston, stay from, leatres. visit the Island resorts, their railroad fare paid for the j Dns to be complied with are: rchases amount to $25 or more, a point twenty-five miles or >ur fare must not exceed 5 per Fourth, that you must buy a iipt from your railroad agent at hat you purchased a ticket. )n carry large and well assorted ing is easy; you have a variety re kept fresh by being replenreasonable, considering quality, pou want in your home town, it in Charleston, re members of this refund plan (you. tefund BooK Furniture ind Dry Goods. Buell A Robert! 573 King street Grocer*. J. H. Hesse Montague and Coming The John Hurkamp Co King and Broad streets Guns. Bicycle# and Sporting Goads. The B. H. Worth en Arms Co ? .230 King street Hardware. M. H. Lazarus .King and Haaeil streets A. MeL. Martin .363 King strteet Strohecker A McDermid 3X1 King street Ball Supply Co 377 King steet Jewelers. Jas Allen 4k Co J8S King street Corrington. Thomas A Co ...3*1 King street Optician and Optical SnppHss. Parsons Optical Co -244 Meeting street Pianos. Off*m. Mmic u4 .lasical Mefrhaadlei. Seigling's Music Store. .243 King street Stoves Cooking Uteaeifs, Etc. Minnis Stove Co King and Burns lane Shoe Stores. Robert E. Martin .286 King street H. J. Williams 148 King stost Robert Martin 139 Market street A. A. Hirsch 181 King street D. O'Brien 4k Sons *381 King street W. F. Livingston .346 King street Jacob's Shoe Store 510 King street Trunks and Bags. Charleston Trunk Company. 270 King street Typewriters and Office Supplies. Edward J. Murphy 157 lasting street . If The ' H jf Door to ' I Better j iiaking i Is ELDEAN PATENT I FLOUR. ] It is the door >'iat i lets iu certainty iu !i .k- , jug results and lets out ' worry, disappointment, < T!"~."N| dark, soggy loaves. ?-tc. . Good digestion aud 1 health go with every loaf ; of bread baked with * a Patent Flour >us, palatable flavor is another lot to be ignored. does not please you better than mrchase price will be refunded >ackage. Id by SUPPLY COMPANY ! IEDICINES! | j Drugs, Medicines ^5 cles of All Kinds. 3 t's Perfume and 3 ions. 3 d F amily Recipes 3 red by a Licensed 3 MAIL ORDERS 3 ug Company 3 Jtackley's. iuuiuuuuuuaiuiuuiuttiud I - ' '