AFFAIRS AT ANDREWS. Farmers* Day, August 26--Some ^ Fine Crops -Unequal Rain tall. Andrews, July 17:?August 26 is "Farmers' day" 'at Andrews and experienced men from Clemson College will be present to make addresses to our farmers and instruct them on stock-raising and farming. 1 only hope that our people will turn out in full force; they will be benefited by what they see and hear. The great trouble with most people is that they feel that they are graduates in farming, when as a fact we know nothing beyond the elementary principles. Mr W H Andrews will have the meeting in charge and will appoint a managing committee. The full arrangements will be given later. This will be our Farmers' day for this year and we hope to have a good crowd from both Georgetown and Williamsburg counties. Also, Mr Editor, we shall expect you to be with us on this occasion. (Thank you kindly for the invitation?Editor The Record). Mrs W S Camlin and daughter, Miss Gussie, have returned home from an extended visit to the former's daughter, Mrs W T Cliff, near Brunswick, Ga. We are glad to report that both of our grand-children were convalescing when last heard from. Our neighborhood has been visited by rain at last, but still we suffer for lack of it. The following progressive farmers have very fine c^ops ' ' 1 ?:*i and have Deen oiesseu >vi til I <11 HO 1U1 I the past 30 days: Messrs R M HaselI den.T A McCants, W A Moore, G W y \ Camlin and others in their neighborhoods. In a small strip of territory those men have excellent crops. We had our first rain here last week. We have good farmers.whose farms are within three miles of those of the men above named, that will not make five bushels of corn to the acre. Thise crops have been in no way neglected,but failed for lack of rain. Our fields are clean in this immediate section and we cannot expect a crop now, for it is too late; but Providenoe will provide. Mr J T Johnson, a very old deaf and dumb white man on the plantation of Mr D W Avant, has totally lost his sight. I judge him to be 4 about 70 years of age. The old man is pitied by all who come into his presence. Misses Mamie Pipkin and Ossie Camlin spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs T G McDonald, at * * * Trio. "The Prodigal" at Trio knoweth not of the loneliness of a man when , his better half and the baby girl are in one State and he in another, but, Mr Editor, if all accounts be true, "The Prodigal" will erelong be in a position to sympathize. Subscriber. The Baby. Who brings deiight to daddy's breast! ^ The baby. Who always is a welcome guest? / The baby. wv.?t roointr.llautrhing. prattling mite Is king of all the household there And keeps its parents, day and night. Divided 'twixt joy and despair! The baby. }. For what does daddy toil all day? The baby. And mothers wear their lives away? < . ' , The baby. What little dimpled, rosy face Dispels the gloom when ways are drear? What tiny toddler on the place Becomes more lovable and dear? N The baby. i What brightens every home each hour? The baby. What is the household's sweetest flower? The baby. What little hand leads sturdy feet In paths of right along life's way? Who makes the journey smooth and sweet "itneKiiio OVOVV HflV? Willi iUlf OUU Builaiiiuv V 'V.J V.?J . The baby. , ' What is the future "coming man?'' The baby. And for whom do we dream and plan? The baby. Oh, home is but a dreary spot. And desert on the plains of life, Unless there dwells that tiny tot To cheer it through the daily strife? The baby. ?Los Angdes Express, Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. ^ For sale by all dealers. Legal Notices f; Registration Notice. c The office of the Supervisor of Reg- ! ? istration will be open on the 1st Moi-1 day in each month for the purpose ofi I registering any person who is quali> M fled a*1 follows: Who shall have been a resident of | the State for two. years, and of the r county one year, and of the polling pre*} t cinct in which the elector offers to ^ vote four months before the day of e election, and shall have paid, sis months before, any poll tax then due i and payable, and who can both reao 7 and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the j Supervisors of Registration, or whi j can show that he owns, and has pan j all taxes collectable on during th? j present year, pioperty in this St*t? assessed at three hundred dollars ot ! t more. -L Y. McGILL, f.lerk of Board | Registration Notice. 1 " ? ? .1?* ?u.. ^ Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of August, A L) 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, I will apply toP M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for a Final Discharge as Guardian of Edna Mouzon, nee Thomas. J E Duke, 7-13-4t Guardian. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the ' estate of Mrs M R Heminepvay. deceas-\ ed, will present the same, duly attested. to the undersigned, and all indebted to the said estate will make payment to j T S Hemingway, ; 6-2?-4t Administrator. I ter the service hereof, exclusive of the p day of such service; and if you fail to ? answer the complaint within the time f aforesaid, the plamt'ff in this action will ? apply to the Court for the relief de- P manded in the complaint. J Dated July 3,1911. C Mitchell & Smith, P Lee & Fishburne, i Plaintiff's Attorneys. ? To the absent Defendant,Milton Brown: P Take Notice: That the original sum- f mons in this action, of which the fore- p going is a copy, together with the com- P plaint, was filed in the office of the Clerk f of the Court of Common Pleas for Wil- ? liamsburg county, State of South Caro- P lina, on the 3rd day of July, A D 1911. F Mitchell & Smith, z 7-6-6t Lee & Fishburxe. P Plaintiff's Attorneys. ? Sale under Foreclosure j STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ( williamsburg county. p Court of Common Pleas. J S B Poston. Plaintiff, p against P J A McCants. Defendant. ? Pursuant to the order of foreclosure p and sale made in the above entitled P cause by the Hon S W G Shipp and * dated June 21. 1911, I will sell at public auction in front of the Court House at Kingstree on salesday in August next. being Monday. August 7,1911. within the usual hours of sale. "All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lving, be ing ana situate in muian umnamp, county of Williamsburg and State of South Carolina.containing Fifteen acres and bounded as follows: Northwest hy land of George Spring; Northeast by land of Solomon Davis; Southeast by land of Martha Hanna and Southwest by land of Martha Hanna. the above tract of land being fully described by plat drawn bv H E Eaddv, Surveyor. April IS. 1904!" Terms cash; purchaser to pay for papers. George J Graham. 7-20-3t Sheriff of Williamsburg county. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the estate of John G Pipkin, deceased, will present the same, duly attesu-d, to the undersigned, at Bloomingvale. S C, in the county of Williamsburg in said State, or to Lee & Fishburne, h:s attorneys, and all persons indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. S R Pipkin, Qualified Executor of the estate of John G Pipkin, deceased. > Julv 20. 1911. 7-2TATE OF Sol' I II CAROLINA. county ok williamsburg, Court of Common Pleas. ' J R Pringle Ravenel and John H Roper, co-partners as Ravenel & A real college with high standa ter. Excellent equipment. Ur Expenses moderate. Loan fur ty-ei?btb session begins septem J. A GAi Wofford College F~i-r sparta n b u rg, sc A high-grade preparatory scl Individual attention. $155 pa: September 20. :-2'MP A / Wmsml I a,-? IK \ lflQpOL , hfKv'FF Norths FloridaA passenger service and comfort,equipped w Dining, Sleeping and T For rates, schedule, i tion, write to WM. J. i Genei Remember We are now in the large 1 building fomrerly occupied , by Wilkins Wholesale Grocery Co., where we are glad to welcome our old customers as well as new ones. We keep All Kinds of Meats in season at living prices, also a choice line of Fruits, Vegetables and Canned Goods. Cpp?' MarKet Cr. Academy (St, Mill Sti. MM 1 YTTfTTffff? ? ? ? ? ? Paint Your Buggy! \ We can make it look like ;j new. Any Buggy, Car- ;j riage, Wagon orotherVehicle ;J can be improved One Hundred per cent in appear- ;j ance by painting. J 3 Notice. On August 12,1911. at 11 o'clock a.m. he County Commissioners will let conract to lowest responsible bidder to tuild a house for storing cosl. Specifi- 1 ationson file in this office. J N Hammet, -13-2t County Commissioner* Administratrix' Notice All persons having claims against the state of John F Register.deceased, are equested to present vhe s.ame to the inaersigned, duly attested, and all paries indebted to said estate are request d to settle same. Mrs Mary G Rec.ister, Administratrix, -20-4t Greelyville, S C Help Yourself by Helping Us. We hope the friends o:f The Rec>rd, when they come to town to do ;heir trading,will patronize the busiless houses that advertise in this ' japer. Remember that without these iberal merchants, bankers and other 'ntprnrisinir husiness men. the Drice >f subscription would be at least $3 i year for such a paper as The Re<> >rd. You'll find, as a rule, that the nen who advertise are wide-awake md on the alert and can give you >etter bargains than those who do tot advertise. This applies not only o Kingstree, but many live and uj>o-date business men of Lake City, 1 * Jcranton and Greelyville recogni2e 11 he pulling power of an ad in The : tecord. tf j P-i-SSSiaii!] I Professional Cards. I ^ DR. R. C. McCABE Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirscli building, over Kingstree Drug < 'ompany's. M. A. WOODS, DENTIST. Ofiic* or?r Sln^l?Urr Bld^i 'PHONE NO. 62..T ! = LAKE CITY. - 3. C i r W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST. uffii e over Dr W V Broekiiifrton's store. kingstree;, - s.c. 5-21-tf. Ajf n AT^Qmrfh! 1 and been cured, jnow we are after that one 1 person that's hacking I away and cure him also. I Are you the one? If so, ^ then-you want the cure ? for sale by * The New Haselden Drug Company Greelyvllle, S. C. E leceipt Bdolis, Blank Notes, Mortgages and ill Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at The Record office. If we have not the orm you wish we can print it on short lotice. rtanbl rg, s c. 4RY N.SNYDER, PRES. rds of scholarship and characisurpasscsd health conditions, ids for worthy students. Fifber 20. Write for catalogue. MEWELL. Secretary. riNG CHOOL 3UTH c. a RCLINA iooI for boys. Small classes. ;s all ex]>enses. \exl session MASON CuPRE, Headmaster j ^ IC^STIineI I IGHFAteorTRflVtL I in ffre? I dSouth | ?Cuba. i unexcelled for luxury 5 ith the latest Pullman 5 horoughfare Cars. > maps or any informa* ^ CRAIG, ? raJ Passenger Agent, ^ Wilmington, N. C, 5 ' ? * jL XJL . J / , i.V W VJ 1111 J | ' DENTIST, J LAKE CITY, - - - S. C. |J W. L. BASS, Attorney-at-Law, j LAKE CITY, S. C. DR. R. ], MCCABE. Dentist. KINGSTREE, ; S. C EVERYTHING IN JEWELRY < at Watts & Watts' The Kingstree Jewelers NEAR THE DEPOT REPAIR WORK DON1: ON SHORT NOTICE Have You a Gold? j About one in every ten j you pass has. The lucky nine have probably taken our White Pine and Tar Syrup 1 \T nimudintc ijimucu m will begi September All department: in Good Workii Parents who intend entering tf will please do so during the first we Patrons and friends of the S;h< to vnsit the school at an i r f T T T T T T fTff sHandsomeNewE Buggy House and Harness Rc Buggies, Wagon Harrows, Mowers Prices to Suit?Cash or Come see us. We nee Satisfaction G' Yours to pie Greelyville Live E. B. RHODUS. J fAAAAAAAAAAA MMMMMAAAAMJ Any further iiifj.-irar'c applying to jlw. Swittenberg, Superintend =nt Kingstree,' Go To Si A WHEN YOU NEED ANYTHINI . A record of more than twer hind him. With a bunch of n oo hand, he is ahvavs ready f< Also Feed and Live J. L. Stuckey, ZwVwVwVW wVvV W*wVvVwVwV?V?VwW\ iCHOFIELD mm ? "Have Stood the Te They have no superior in point of DURAB for Saw Mills, Oil Mills, Cotton Gins; ????"i required. Write for prices < M*^ac"re BOILERS. We carry fo Ts^tt4(Jp?ltk*, Constructed. Boilers, rangir s?iiSipporti?t Write today for 01 Steel Stacks, j- S. SCHOFIELD'S SONS CO., W Branch Office, 307 West I 5P5 POSITION! T T TE will OUARj a W write ua real a li " ~ dents at once Jbg/km for our sraduatee. . ^ number of students t write at once for peri BUSIN1 9BO. VT. SCHWARTZ 1 nUCIMfc KSTABLISHED 1*?The Fall Terr i/iAirnTnrr rninrn 111 3 IN HORSEFLESH ity years stands beice horses and mules or a sale or a swap, ry Stables. Lake City, S. C. =j rvvvwyy vvvywvyvvvv? Irick Stables, I )om is full of choice is, Surreys, | i Rakes, &c. I Approved Papers. | id your trade. 5 uaranteed. J ase, J Stock Co., I Manager, 5 Ui.WAMM* maaaaaa? ? A S m BULERS' ?st of Time" ??. ilLITY and are Best Adapted in fact, where Heavy Duty is j >n Saw Mills, Shingle Mills,etc. 1 r immediate shipment the Best 1 lg from 12 H. P. to 150 H. P. 1 lr illustrated catalog. I erks and Head Office, MANN. HL ^ rade Street, Charlotte, N. C. 1 1 ) GUARANTEED aNTEE you a position If you oon. We need many more stuto supply the enormous demand as soon as we get the required his offer will be withdrawn. So dculare. ?SS COLLEGE i n of the D HIGH SCHOOL 0 n 18,1911 / s are now ng Order. / lei? children in the school ek of the fall term. o x)l are cordially invited m may be had by E. C. Epps, Clerk Board of Trustees5. C. J tuckey I