^ Spi 130 Days P m/ I and Cl? ? The sea; | now cut and | mer stuff o' | weil, Wedne | choice barga I Black Voile | Panam, Ladies, we just want to tel our line of black Voile and bla< I \ to do this prices combined with I we ask is a call from you and quality, wonderfully low prices ' ? | $5.00 black Voile and Pan $10.00 black Voile Skirts \ come and look. | SHOES UNDEF I HAM i Our Entire Line of Ladi i Low Cut Shoes will be J ing Bargain Hammer. I Look. | A Trip to the Se < f it to the Mou Either place you will need " > ters not what you need we car : Come and see! We are alway ' ' Ribbons a I Our Ribbon and Hosiery c * > to all who visit them. Prices [ to you. * * Some Price-Smashinj White Lawn Lin * * LISTEN, CC A beautiful assortment of fwill go at 98c. A beautiful line of white will go at 89c each. Ladies' 65c white Lawn w Do Not i! Best and purest Talcum P Unbleached towels (secon Wire Hair Pins only lc tl i Aluminum Hair Pins 7c tl Safety Pins 3c the dozen. X Adamantin Pins 2c the pa | Best Brass Pins 2c the pa{ C Pearl Buttons 3c the doze: I Best Ocean Pearl Buttons | dozen. ? Yellow-brown Homespun ^ I allowed to each customer. \ I Sea Island Homespun, 4C C pieces, only 5c the yard. 1 In conciusio ' ?* -4-Vmr\ ofi J 10 give Iu me 911 1 endeavored to e | time we have e 1 perfect vocabuh I Je I Clean Sw ing and JULY 19 of Real Bargair ;an=up of All R< son of profit=taking for I slash prices, preferring ^er to another season, sday, July 19 to Saturd* dns, big bargains. Co amummmmmmmmaaammBmmmtmmmm*?a?p?r i n ? tmm in ! i ???? - ni i i Skirts, DiacK \ a Skirts. i 1 you that we intend to close out wW f l :k Panama Skirts and in order ffip jS^fWr/ quality must do the work. All of / we will do the rest?splendid ama Skirts will go at $3.75. vill go for 57.50. Come and see, * the bargain imer. A Slaugh es\ Men's and Children's of Chi Put Under the Wither- A large line of chi Come See! Come and values, smartly priced < A large line of chii A large line of chil ????????? and Linen effects, 65c \ a Shore or a Vis- and gnee of the pnttitll . n . dresses ever shown here intain Resorts. An exquisite Line < beautiful quality, niceh a Trunk or Suit Case. It mat- now go at 51.29. i please you. Come and look! Set the line of chili s glad to show vou. offering. 65c and 7 pick up some marvelou; """"" " harm to call and look. md Hosiery , ' ICURL ounters will De very lmercsuuB . and quality must and will appeal ^ * Bargains in Ladies' jjf||jf~ 'Of gerie Shirt Waists. J// )ME and SEE! f| /I ladies' $1.25 white Lawn waists ^jj j Lawn shirt waists, 1.00 values, -aists, smartly priced down to 48c. ill] / |k k 4iss These. * /mUniifl owder 10c per can. H I'll 1 ds) 9c the pair. ' , the 10c kind, will go at 7c the ^ 3 l-2c the yard, only 10 yards Xow, Gentlemen, if terested in pants, either , i ?. -i iio. } i or common pants, we i inches wide, 1 1-2 to 3 vard tU- t L,V e-\ v - thing that will be of inte Come and see! Come ? n, we want to say to the peopli <-?i- AL!^ lopping puDiic a season ui imn xagerate nothing; we mean th ndeavored to tell our story in try. Remember the dates at WEDNESDAY, JUU MiKinson % i . . v ** m ijw%-wy v w ^ w i^w? N BROS eep Sale of all Summer G TO AUGUST 19 1 Giving-=A Qeners sm nants and Odds this summer is a thing of r to carry the cash in bank t Remember the days anc A - - ^ 1 fl O aH 1 knut/vnltl iy, AU^llbl ly, ivcai uai^aiu me one, come all. Look! list . t t 1 ?* fl season, will now ter and Slash Sale pr'?d ?8.i,"3c ";e-v U onderful value' Hf-ACCAC range of Colorings at lCIl1til S only b l-3c the yard. ldren's Gingham and Chambrav dressej, 65c Handker< lown to 48c ' ,n ? b??u,lful n?e j . ? . 0, and patterns, advert dren s Rompers at 2.>c the pair. , . # ,, dren's Wash Blouse Suits in blue Chambrays ^ magazines i r i * .o .. : r>~jL 20c the yard, our sale allies, now going lively at 48c the suit. -Come 15c the A]] ^ t lines of children's Chambray and Gingham *? 's t0 come an(^ ;, real Si.25 values, yill now go at 98c each. casy Chevic of children's and Misses white Lawn Dresses, es wide, in beautjfu , trimmed in embroiderv, Si.50 values, will A piece of goods for ladies' dresses, etc, siren's white Lawn and Pique Dresses, we are *a'.l price 12 l-2c the 5c values closing at 48c. Now is the time to price them down cle\ mitus ? oKiWron'c rirecede Tf will do von no tnc yard. 5 \ CXI UV.O ill VrilllUi vu uivuwvw. ... j Our Hydegrade lir i tea Cloth will now g< p?l A beautiful line o $9.00 ocajcamtkbd 1 I Zephyr Ginghams, BI* I (^j^STOCKINGiS wide, beautiful st_\ c?^?rs an<^ s^.a^es? I I Calicoes and dress fty^h The Buster Brown Stock- Coes at 5c the yar fy 3 . - M ... them is to buy. ings for Men, Women and children; , a wonderful and We are pleased and delighted to 1/olno in Ulinlr 1 announce that we ire the sole 1 agents in this town for the sale of 100 dozen white H the famous Buster -Brown Hose. Towels, 18 x 42 inch A trial pair of these hose for Men, real 1j? w'\' ... - , . each during this sale lad.es or children will convince want t0 say that you of their superbment. Come been in the dry goo< nmm,-*-- an(l look! Come and see. Al- since early boyhood wavs glad to show you. and never have offei , offered, such a value ^5*5 CORSET COVERS H"ck Towe'sVrnot cotton was oc the pc The prettiest lire of beautiful think of it! A Ik -curjicummSaa quality white Nainsook corset Towel, nicely bleach 1 covers" ever shown in this town inches in size, at the you are in- onlv each P"fe ?f 10c.?a,ch'fine pants 1 ' ' . . A beautiful line have some- ^s0 :i Prett>' l,ne ?* "oc cor- Huck Towels at 23c rest to vou set covers smartly priced down . Scftne wonderful vi md look! to **8c- ^le Damask to close e of Kingstree that we are desperatel y days of bargain-giving of unusua le whole truth and nothing but the as forceful imanner as we could c id remember them well: { 19 TO SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 Bros. Comj ? ' CO'S >oods 1 1 il Round=up| ' ; and Ends j the past, and wel ^ han to carry sum- . * | 1 remember them ; | is, lively bargains, 'j :en! be convinced! i J eries and Ihsertmgs j j st values of the season will now be handed f -_j r ? }_ .: j ana mseiuugs. ? embroidery and Inserting in 6 3-4 inch strips, i I go at 5c the yard. -e; of Swiss Embroidery Braids, Edgings and |. t sacrifice prices, Call and see. ^ ous Domestics! Domestics! t ured Mus- I 3W cleverly At Wonderfully and Marvel- ? ously Low Prices- Listen! Us- \ ured Wash f ?d Lawns, J the early Sea Island Homespun,27 inch* ^ go smartly es wide, only 3 l-2c the 'yard, * ard. 20 yard limit to the customer. * id'Patterns Listen! Listen! Look! Look! Splendid grade Sea Island :hief Linen Homespun, 40 inches wide, in l \ i of colors i i-2 to 3 yard lenghts, put up ,, iseW in all jn 5. 10 arid 20 yard bundles, is spring at only 5% the yard. This is cer- > . ^ , .Si : price only tainly a very smart value. 1 * ve ask you A lot of apron check Ging- ! see. hams in Brown, Blue and Green >ts,27 inch- checks only 5c the yard. Better I [ I" patterns, goods at 7c and 8c the yard. ' . ? , utility use, One case of yard wide Bleach regular re- Homespun,absolutely no starch, > yard. We soft finish only 8 l-3c the yard. , ' -erly at 9c 10?4 Bleech Sheetings only I 25c the yard for this sale, le of *Gala- One case white Madras, 36 c o at 16 2-3c inches wide, sold everywhere at T , ~ 12 l-2c, smartly priced for this I f imported sale at 10c the yard. The very L 32 inches thing for making nice white * -les, lovely skirts foj summer and white ; ^ard. waists for fall. Come and see n a full nin this splendid line of yard wide | ? 20c values, Madras cleverly priced at 10c \ at 15c the the yafd. ' A splendid line of shear j irting print white goods in a full range of > print Call- prices from 10c to 25c the yard, d. To see all smartly priced down for this O special clean up sale. ^ Marvelous gowns, etc. I P 1_ Piva Hn7pn larlipc' wliitp ft loweis. Isook slips finished in fine tucks, f luck Cotton only. 19c the pair. tes in size, Better grades, trimmed in em- ; go at 10c broidery, at 39 and 48c. Now we _ we have Ladies, it will pay you to see K is business the sPlemljd line of night gowns I (24 years) s^ort an(* sleeves we are I -c>A nr senn showing, cleverly priced at 48c, A t. in Cotton 69c *"d 98c- ? even when Last in the list, hut not least, ? >und. Just a line of white Muslin petti- I eavy Htick coats?the wonder of all who see ^ ed, 18 x 4? them? X : marvelous Trimmed in Torchon lace, 43c. f # T** w w /-?/I i?i XTo l 11 minion ill iviuuifiu^i > auvi of Linen tucking, at 48c. f each. Trimmed in fifteen inch flounce # ilues in Ta- of deep embroidery, real, $1.25 1 out. value, will go at 89c. c y in earnest and intend | I interest. We have T truth, but at the same 1 ommand from our im- | * j )any 1