V/K jf*?^?if??f??y? 'f?^ ;; } ^/ui t ^i ! shoe i K1IN * +. *. ? ! -i MANY GASES TRIED ' AT COURT OF SESSIONS, a JUDGE SHIPP'S CHARGE?LIST 'i OF CASES AND THEIR a DISPOSITION. P The court of jreneral sessions for' n Williamsburg county convened here j fi MonHav mornine at 10 o'clock with tl Judge S W G Shipp, of the Twelfth j circuit, presiding; all other court of- a ficers were at their accustomed posts, k In his charge to the grand jury a Judge Shipp stated that it was d quite a pleasure to him to appear in Kingstree as presiding Judge, this sj being his first appearance as such. V He,however, has visited this town on r< many occasions as attorney. He did not charge the grand jury at length. ]? as they had been previously charged g relative to their duties, but he did fi refer to their duties as to looking after the respective county offices and officers and seeing that they per- g form their duties, and especially the fi offices of magistrate, Superintendent of Education and county Super- a: visor. He also spoke of the rumor C) that people were dynamiting fish, j jr which he considered a very serious! ai offense,and asked that they look into j d the report and present these who F were carrying on such operations. The first case tried-was that of J ? P Wheeler, charged with receiving, ai accepting and storing liquor. This p rasp was heard at the last term of! a court and a mistrial resulted. This I u time the jury, after a half hour's de- cl liberation, rendered a verdict of guilty and sentence was imposed? ^ $400 fine or six months' imprison-! ^ ment. The defendant was repre-! ^ sented by E L Hirech, Esq. We are | ^ informed by Mr Wheeler's attorneyj ^ that this case will be appealed to the1 supreme court. ! ^ The other cases that came up and were disposed of by the court follow: j jr The State vs Warren Giles; viola- t( tion of labor contract; appeal from : t( magistrate's court. Judgment re- ? versed and new trial granted. At- j torneys for defendant, Messrs Lee ^ & Fishburne. The State vs Henry McFadden; cj assault and battery with intent to: kill. Plead guilty and sentenced! al to $25 fine or 30 days on public j works. . j sj The State vs W N Powers; biga- j my. Plead guilty, sentenced to 9 months in penitentiary or chaingang. The State vs Ben Montgomery; A larceny of livestock. Plead guilty gi and sentenced to 2 years' imprison- oi ment or $10 fine. m The Town of Lake City vs Joe g< Burgess; violation of dispensary law; in appeal from Mayor's court. Appeal oi @:@:@:?:?:?.?:?:@:?:? < ? <6) $ We have the 1 @ of the ordinary it ? Also a big lint g Don't fail to k . ? sonable prices. k 1 > employ one, the court appointed tl > ronrpwnt him Philio Arrowsmith, n sq. c< With the case of Johnny Cooper le business of the criminal court t< as concluded and the jury was dislarged Tuesday afternoon. The e,' )urt of common pleas was opened tl id continued until Wednesday af- ti rnoon, when the court adjourned, tl ue die, c: Side Lights on the Court. a P At this term of court, Philip H s< rrowsmith,Esquire, a recent honor raduate from the law department I South Carolina University,was ad- Cl litted to practice and immediately it down to practical business. Beg assigned to the responsible duty sj ' defending an alleged murderer on tn: ?:?:?:?:?:?:@:?.?:??j S biggest range of Fa: is hard to say whict 3 of Alpaca and Blu< dsit our Millinery D s>:?:@.?:?:?:?:?:@:?:@: The Town of Kingstree vs Frince v fcClary; violation of dispensary v iw, appeal. Judgment of Mayor t ffirmed. ; p The State vs Ben Montgomery; h irceny of livestock. Plead guilty ; h nd sentenced to 3 years' imprison- a iunt anrl ?1(1 finp 7 V*v The State vs Joe Hrown; perjury; t lead guilty and sentenced to 6 t lonths' imprisonment and $100 t< r.e. E L Hirs?-h, Esq, represented o defendant. The State vs Hazard Whitfield;, a ssault and battery with intent to t ill. Plead guilty of simple assault> S nd sentenced to pay $25 fine or 30 : t ays on chaingang. \ h The State vs J Asa Barfield; as- p ault and battery with intent to kill, e rerdict, not guilty. Defendant re{>- s ssented by Messrs Lee & Fishburne. n The State vs Willie Nesmith; vio- d ition of dispensary law. Plead : v uilty and sentenced to pay $100 ne or 3 months on chaingang. c The State vs Willie Nesmith; vio- g ition of dispensary law. Plead h uilty and sentenced to pay $100 c ne or 3 months on chaingang. h The State \s Samuel Jones; assault t i ?y Coi > ( DRY ?+?? ?pi YOU PRO ? An invit&tic I owners of cylindc 9 _ w n woiumoia no< Wc could argue the q Indestructible Cylinder B I from now?but what g< you could not prove it for into our store and seein We could print a whole day about the special an i bia processes of manufa< \ where at all if the Recor evidence. colui1 INDESTRUCTIBL1 reco: won't break, no matter how i they won't wear out, no matl played. Moreover, their ton more brilliant than that ol record made. Don't merely come inside our store and lisl Carolina Furi / * ' ' * ^ Why not give us a chance to figire on your job printing? We have B j rood printers and one of the best er ' ;quipped offices in the State, and we guarantee satisfaction, or no charge. >Ve do not send out solicitors, be:ause we have none to send; but we pom lo give vou the benefit of what we orde iave by not sending out agents, ?? t stands to reasdn that if we pay igente 25% commission, the custom-! r has it added to his bill. Out of bool ?wn orders for $5.00 and over deliv- will ?red free. tf ty. i>:?:??:?'?:?:?:?:?:?:?:wns, Tans and Blue ? aw shapes of the late; s>:?:?.@:?:?:?:?:@?:@ >ur 1 J ?T*?^?'f*?*f*? , ;jH H@l A l^pg 9 *9 mbBu^KZBEIHH^IBHIHHH^^^^^H >VE IT! 1 n to all 1 tr xuachinea? | d others. | uality cf Columbia Records until a year xxi would it do if ' yourself by coming . ;'i g and hearing it? newspaper every J d original Colum:ture?and get nods did not bear the ifa 1BIA 1 e? /*vi ttrnvnS / E# W * blllV KUMT ^ i .a RDS | roughly they are used, :er how often they are e is far purer, clearer, " any other cylinder take our word for it? tea Cost 35 cents I liture Co. J ? / >v1 ?Bu hh^hf _ j FOR SALE. , k in any quantity to suit purchas rhe Best Dry Press Machine-made x brick:, v :ial shapes made to order. Correiem-e solicited hetore placing yonr re, W. R. FUNK. fe have printed up a lot of note ts and receipt forms, which we sell at ten cents the book of tf^ >:?:@:?:?:@:?:@:@:@ ' ? ? <6> W i colorings out g Merges. ? V i ? i st style at rea- g ? @ ? ? ?>.?:@.?:@:?:?:@:?'@