The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 18, 1911, Page FIVE, Image 5

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IN THE TOWNS Where people make use of their banks, depositing their money and paying bills by check, you will find a progressive, "Get-there" spirit which stands for the upbuilding of that town and community. ?feis is our home and we take an active interest in watching and aiding nit: material prvofjcutjr ui both town and surrounding country. We would like to see every man and woman, particularly every farmer and every man working for wages in this community, start a bank account?it would mean a better town, a better market, a better county. Will you join us in this work? The amount of your first deposit isn't so material as the fact of making a start now?in the BANK OF WILLIAMSBUR6, KIN6STREE, S. C. ^ ..-l Dr J G McMaster of Florence was in town Sunday. Mr 0 J Hayes visited his home folk in Dillon this week. Mr Lee Moore visited his home in Durham, N C, this week., Mr W R Scott made a business trip to Charleston Friday. Mr Olin Epps offers a reward for recovery of church record book lost. See ad. Mrs H C Hanahan has returned from a visit to ber parents in Pennsylvania. Capt Charles Wallace of St Stephens visited his father, Dr Wallace, here this week. Mr James Allen of Florence has been visiting his son's, Dr M L Allen's, family in town. Miss Margaret Fleming of Charleston was the guest of Mr Louis Jacobs' family last week. We had the pleasure of a call from Dr M A Woods, Lake City's popular young dentist, Monday. Mr John Riser and daughter, Miss Dell, of Greenville are visiting the family of LeRoy Lee, Esq. Miss Roberta Coker will return this evening from a visit of about ten days in Lake City and elsewhere. Dr E T Kelley was called to Timmonsville Sunday on account of the illness of his sister, Mrs T M Ingram. Dr R C McCabe is away on a business tnp to Georgia and Florida and will be out of his office several weeks. Mr J N Sauls of Monck's Corner was here this week with a force of hands moving a house for Dr W L Wallace. Rev W E Hurt and Mr C M Hinds left Tuesday night for Jacksonville, Fla, to attend the Southern Baptist convention. Messrs Kelley and Hinds, L W Gilland and E L Hirsch visited the State capital last week on professional business. Mrs W G Gamble, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs J G McMaster, in Florence, returned on Sunday, Mrs McMaster accompanying her. We are obligated to Mr 0 M Mitchell,principal of Union High school, Rome.for an invitation to the eighth annual commencement of the schooi May 26-30. ^ Miss Lucile Brvan has returned 11 SLIP ? ? sr I wkup * feu to thecommencemeniexercisesoi vajlumbia College,which take place May 28 to June 1. Miss Eppo is a member of the graduating class with the degree of Bachelor of Science. Among the prominent visitors from a distance to the corner-stone : laying was Capt Hartwell M ! Ayer, the clever and versatile editor ! of the Florence Times. Our friend paid us a very pleasant call while in | town and we "swapped yarns" to our mutual edification almost till train time. Rev Simon T Russell of Bloomingvale called to see us yesterday. It was a melancholy pleasure to see our old-time friend. His health is so impaired as to necessitate his relinquishing his pastoral work, which is hard indeed for one who has labored so long and earnestly in the vineyard of the Master. The members of the Junior Missionary society of the Presbyterian | church were guests of Miss Rosa | Wilkins at a lawn party given at her ! hospitable home Tuesday afternoon I of last week at 5 o'clock. Ice cream, ! strawberries and cake was served at \ fresco and all the little ones present I fko nnnociAn must hpnrt.ilV. CUjVJCU tut WVWIVU *?VW?r w So many visitors were here Monday chat it is impossible to even attempt to name them. We shook hands with at least a hundred friends, many of whom we had not I had the pleasure of greeting since many moons had waxed and waned. We enjoyed this part of the programme more than anything else perhaps. Mr Cecil Jacobs, who until recently held a responsible position with Louis Cohen & Co of Charleston, is here on a visit to his parents. Mr Jacobs informs us that he and Mr R H Brown of Charleston have leased the Atlantic Beach Hotel for the season and will conduct that popular island resort during the summer months. Mr Jacobs is a young man of exceptional business acumen and is quite popular, both of which qualifications are highly essential in the management of a hotel. All his friends bespeak for him pleasure and profit in his new venture. If our readers see any way by which our, as well as their,newspaper can be improved and made more helpful and entertaining, the editor is not only willing but eager to hear of it. We are always on the lookout for something better,and by helping us you profit thereby, and by benefiting you we gain thereby. Why spend your money for inferior tobacco when you can buy Merry Widow from the People's Mercantile Co at the same price you pay for the common kind elsewhere? 5-n-i3t PERS IN nvas, Velvet BUTLE UittiUiUiUittiUilUttiUiUiUlUlU i from the Southern Presbyterian Col* lege, Red Springs, N C, for vacation and is now at the home of her father, Hon W D Bryan of Taft. Revs W P Meadors and W A Fairy and Messrs B E Clarkson, A M Gordon and N D Lesesne went to Summerton yesterday to attend the Kingstree district conference. Messrs E D Sallenger and Earl C Page, representing respectively the Charleston News & Courier and the Columbia State, spent Friday in town. This is an unusual occurrence. Newspaper solicitors do not as a rule hunt in couples. We are indebted to the kindness of Miss Leila Flossie Epps, a member of the graduating class, for an inviturinn tn thp eiehteenth annual commencement of the Scarrett Bible and Training School,of Kansas City, Missouri, to take place May 12-16. The local truck growers are as busy as bees gathering their bean crop. Prices fere very satisfactory this season, we understand, and if they hold up a handsome profit will be realized by the enterprising truckers who have planted the toothsome esculent. We acknowledge with appreciative thanks an invitation from Miss Frances Eleanor Epps of Kingstree x f n. MUNICIPAL POLITICS | ; Warming Up for August Primary I ?Some Prospective Candidates. While this is an off-year in State and county politics, the political cauldron is hy no means undisturbed locally, for the municipal election looms largely in the immediate future and the aforesaid cauldron is beginning to seethe and lxu! very perceptibly indeed. The municipal primary?which is tantamount to election?comes off in August, and if curb-stone chat or Dame Rumor's gossip is to he relied on. the out-look for a irjt\iu 1 $10, c To Policy Holder i It YOUI lr proi { II Agai I KIN6STREEINSURAN I LOAN ?MM AAMMAMAMMAMW mimmmmmmtmnmmmnn FOR C ALL THL Sr Pumps, Blac Pa R DRY Q( UtUUUUUUUUiUUUUUUUUUUi / lively campaign is full of promise. The offices to l?e filled are a Mayor and six Aldermen, and quite a number of gentlemen have been suggested as prospective or appropriate candidates in l>oth contests. Naturally the chief interest is centred in the Mayor's race. As Mayor Gilland, the incumbent, has announced his intention of not offering for further honors, it lets down the bars for a free-for-all race with no initial advantage or handicap, and this contest promises to be a pretty one indeed, especially if all the candidates suggested should make the race. Up to this time we have heard of four probable or possible candidates, for Mayor, viz: Messrs A M Gordon, L P Kinder,R J Kirk and Thomas McCutchen. Messrs Kinder and McCutchen are now members of the council and we are positively informed that both are in the race to a finish. The other two gentlemen named, so far as we we know, have not yet formally announced their candidacy. While the office of council-man is not genera lly considered a bonanza, yet when election time comes around there is usually by no means a dearth of aspirants for the honors 1 .J.? ?.A?\?v>idninino fKoro. ilS111 tJIll<?iUIlll"llw> laming un-iv to, and from present indications, this year will not be an exception. Albeit we have heard no definite announcement from any candidate for Alderman, it would be by no means surprising if the following gentlemen, some if not all of them, should yield to the solicitations of their friends and offer for the office: Messrs M A Ross. Carol Burgess, M H Jacobs, H E Montgomery, P S Courtney, \V R Scott, E L Fishburne and Dr Taylor. Out of this number we think a very excellent council could be nominated. I For soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or injury,Chsmberlain's Liniment, is avMillant linimunt in nlnn Viich CAWCll&UVi AKtg w ?w ? ?*? ...0.. ly esteemed for the relief it affords in cases .of rheumatism. Sold by all dealers. ?VVWWW VVtYrWTYrYrWi | BETTER BE SA1 | During ? The Fire Companies Rej > OA irk Ik TRIO TOW:* TOPICS. ! | ! What People ol a Busy Coinmu- , nlty Are Sayl:ng and Ilolng. < Trio, May 15:?The same o.d cry can still l>e heard:farmers are want- , ing rain and crop? need it. * Mrs \V E Graham is visiting' j friends in and near Like City; be-i < fore returning home she will also visit her people in Sumter. ! There was a family picnic at Trio 5 landing on Black river last Friday, the families of Messrs F L Morris ' and J B McCants with Miss Hattie I Lewis comprising the crowd. Mr D Ogburn of Georgia visited his brother, Mr C B Ogburn, near ^ here last week. Mr Preston Boyd and sis ^r Ethel ^ and Miss U Crooks were among the ^ visitors to Kingstree Saturday. . Rev Mr Langstori, the local Bap- < tist minister, failed to meet his ap- ^ pointment Sunday, the /tn inst, j but preached here yesterday instead. 4 Rev W T Bedenbaugh also filled his \ appointment here this Sabbath. I Rev S T Russell, who served as J pastor of the local Baptist church for many years, preached his fare- i well sermon at Spring Gulley Sun- < day. He stated that his health had ? failed so in recent years tl at he is < unable to attend to the duties de- * volvinc upon him as pastor. All the people of our comraun ty wish < him speedy recovery from his infirmities. The good wishes of all who know him are with this faithful < servant in the Master's cause. Mr W E Graham has bean indisposed for the past few days hut is J much better at this time. Mr W T Rowell says that he will be able to make a shipment of l>eans < Monday or Tuesday. The beans here certainly are of good quality. Mr J A Salters was a visitor to < Ki.igstree and Charleston several days this week. , Mr Roland F Wooten, ol George- 1 town and Andrews, was a visitor to I his old home here last Monday af- < ternoon. ( Miss Lucile Bryan has returned to her lmme at Taft from Red ' mj V P U'Knffl cllo lioi K^on J ...... .~^.. |attending school. Several of our young m m went to Santee river fishing one day last week. They were gone all day and didn't catch a fish. Two of them fished fyr at least four hours and did not get a bite. Friday and Saturday bting pay j days for the G W railroad and A j C L Corporation, a good many of J our people had a smile on Sunday. j Master Edward Matthews of i Georgetown was a visito* at his J aunt's,Mrs A \V Graham's, last Sun- | day. The Prodigal. 5 wvyyvwyyvyvvw wwww? FE THAN SORIi Y | r 1910 |; ^resented by this Agency < j NEARLY |p 00.00 11 , in Williamsburg. |jj ^ Property ^ t ECTED [ ? J n?t Fire 0 5 < ICE REAL ESTATE & f! COMPANY, |j AAAAAAAAAAAAAVAWA AAA*?' 1 ;omme vlAPPY STYLE K Suedes. tent Leathers, DODS col UMWIUIUillUlMIWUUI \ ' ' V V S One of Our Old Colonial S j Said tl ? Eternal Vigila I Price of our [ And we in like ti L That Eternal Pus [ Price of Su r Yes, every day in the w I the month and every mom ? will find us here pressing j out for business, always a I eager to serve you. I T?*a/1a TA*ilr?c ti i auw i uiuvj One case of Ginghams and Ju Chambrays well worth 8c but [>res they will go at 5c the yard. tern t 2,000 yards of Sea Island id bi I Homespun, 38 inches wide, tj,e , I only 5c the yard. 9 3,000 yards Sea Island 0l I Homespun, 27 inches wide. Hon I only 3 l-2c the yard. Limit- Wor ? only 10 yards to a customer, jviay !Now don't, pass this one. kead carefully: Sea Island Homespun. 27 inches wide, J:en only 3 l-2c?10 yards for % only 35c. *arr The heaviest Sea Island Li Homespun made, 38 inches Vest wide, only 8 l-3c the yard. 50c A full line of the world rei Brown Hose for men, for ladies and I guaranteed to give satisfaction. A full line of Hole Proof Hose If you buy six pairs at one time you i i antee that they will last six months them. New ones given if they do n Silk hose, lisle hose, any kind of ti ithem all at the lowest prices. Ladies, now is the time you \ famous rust proof corsets. If the] you will be given another pair free Also a full line of the famous I> Gents, a full line of Corliss C Cuffs. Collars 15c each or two for j JENKINSON BR( w-VU wVIr" ? 4 They new aeed repairs, neret need any atti coat of paint They're Fireproof?Stormproof aa i We hare local representatives almost everywher locality, write a direct for sample*, prices sad ful ?' C0RTR1GHT METAL ROOI | 180 North 23 rd Street I WEDDING t SUGGEST [ WEDDING PI ? It will be a pleasure to aid you * Mail orders filled the same day T Satisfaction guaranteed. Ai to purchaser may be exchanged < funded. Our line of wedding gifts is e t season. S. THOMAS ^ THE QUALITY JEWELERS ^ 257 KINO STR CHARLESTON, SOU! k 2 A- ^ A ^ ; -A-;\A;nceme ES Vicis, Gun 1 ft PAN Y / tatesmen has Well T " - +u \ nee is the Liberty tianner say ;hirig is the ' iccess. i eek, every week in th in the year you ? forward, reaching T nxious, ready and Jf for May I ist received one case of f is Ginghams, latest pat- L s, plaids and stripes, sol- ? -owns and blues only !0c 19 yard. > 1 v>! ie case of Soft Bleached lespun, no starch, well ? > . th 10c. the yard. Our Price only 8 l-3c. ;e the splendid line of * ? ts' Summer Gauze Unvear at 25c and 50c the nent. , > idles' Summer Gauze is at 5c, 10c, 15c^ 25c and each. Call and see. I J lowned famous Buster for children. Every pair I \ for men and for ladies, are given a written guar- < | \ without holes coming in \i lot come up to guarantee, lose you need. We have \ vant a pair of Warner's / rust from perspiration * t . Only $1.00. lew port Corsets at 50c. loon's Linen Collars and 1 ! )THERS CO. -: I T "VI" wQ fiH ?wWf. - ttjj^TkiXU!?'^ -/; ation in fad except an occinooah <i suitable for all bade of boSdngk e but if nooe in your tmaednte 1 particulars. TNG COMPANY PbiUHeTphU, Pa. ?J BELLS I ircCMTTC , I $ i in the selection. 2 ' received. ny article unsatisfactory A >r money cheerfully re- i ^ ^ Z specially attractive this ? & BRO., I ^ 7 o and engravers, :eet, i m Carolina. ;; <> wmmmmmmmmmK Ml :NT | ~ Metals. |