Ihr (Tountti iilrcord. KINGSTREE, S. C. C. W. WOLFE. COITOR AND PROPRIETOR. y Entered at the postoffice at Kingstree, S C as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83TERMS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year SI 25 One codv. six months 75 One copy, three months 50 One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and all other reading notices,not News, will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for each insertion. All changes of advertisements and all communications must be in this office before TUESDAY NOON in order to appear in the ensuing issue. All communications must be signed by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements to be run in Special _ colum, one cent a word each issue,minimum price 25 cents, to be paid for in advance. Legal advertisements, $1.00 per inch first insertion, 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion. Rates on long term advertisements very reasonable. For rates apply at this office. In remitting checks or money orders make payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. "In men whom men condemn as ill, I find so much of goodness still; In men whom men pronounce divine, I find so much of sin and blot? I hesitate to draw the line Between the two?where God has not'' KINGSTREE-THE GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1911. A daily paper has been started at Belton, an ambitious burg l>etween Columbia and Greenville with aln>ut two thousand population. Another instance of a maximum of nerve versus a modicum of judgment. __ The Charleston News A* Courier's staff correspondent, Mr S E Bone}', who "covered" the corner-stone assignment here Monday, handled the subject admirably in every detail. So far superior to any attempt ^ qi our part to do justice to the occasion is his article that without L apology we present it in full to our readers. ________ V. ? It isn't worth while getting excited over the decision of the United States supreme court dissolving the Standard Oil Trust until we see what the effect of the decision will l>e as to fixing the ...V. price of oil to the consumer. It will be a barren victory if kerosene oil advances a hundred per cent, within the next year. Nearly every State institution investigated discloses "disgraceful conditions," according the investigators; yet almost without ex_ ception the report concludes with the apologetic assurance that no blame is attached to any of the Li . ? , ,j nonora uie ^uticiucn m vnu?bv V/* the institution. If the alleged disgraceful conditions really obtain, the blame should l>e fixed upon some person or persons who can be held responsible. Why not expose the derelict officials? " ! ^ Quite by accident we learned/ that our city fathers have recent-! iy passed an ordinance forbid-! ding the use of the cement sidewalks-for any sort of vehicle or wheeled conveyance except baby carriages. This Is as it should be, but we submit in all fairness t. that some published notice should have been given in addition to the mere spreading ot the ordinance upon the records. For the benefit of the way-farer we call attention to this ordinance, but really the town of Kingstreo ought K' iL' t?> publish tin* nn?iv ini^x?rt;iut ordinances, and also render an aeeount of receipts and disliursements. The people have the right to know where their money goes. j STATE and GENERAL {j H TOPICS g William Pr>>eclmx ut uic corner-stone of the new Methodist church. He is a prominent Mason 3f Kingstree Lodge. It was with regret we learned of the death of Mr Ruffin Mouzon at Kingstree; though always very quiet md unassuming, he had many Wends. Mr Julius G Lifrage, Jr, was out iriving Sunday af ternoon when his nule began to kick and run and in a few minutes had the buggy torn up. Fortunately Mr Lifrage w;is not limself hurt. The mule was noc seriously injured. We think that the chaingang and the road plow coul d help us if they could come over and do some muchr?n tVip npw road rp 1ICCUCU nvin v?* ? .. cently granted and cut out from Walters toward Greelyville, and I feel sure if our Road Engineer would only :ome and drive over the two miles :>f sand from Salters leading out towards Mr B H Guess's, he would send over and clay this road at once. University of South Carolina. SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION. The University of South Carolina offers scholarships in the School of Education to one young man from each county. Each scholarship is worth $100 in money and $18 term fee and free tuition. Examination will be held at the county seat July 14, 1911. Examination of students generally for admission to the University will beheld at the same time. Write for information to S C Mitchell, President, >-18-3t Columb a, S C. SCHOOL CLOSING AT SALTERS DEPOT, INTERESTING PROGRAMME RENDERED-CROPS IN SORRY PLIGHT ?APPEAL TO ROAD ENGINEER. Salters Depot, May 16:?The closing exercises of the Salters school last Friday evening in the town hall were opened with a neat and appropriate address by Mr Emmet Davis, in which he voiced the regrets of the school that the teachers. Misses Corinne Arthur and Susie White,would not be with us next session, both having sent in their resignations After the address the regular closing exercises took place, which held the attention of the very large crowc the whole evening. Lanes, Greely ville,Kingstree,Taft and other point: in the county and State were rep resented. The programme was wel rendered and teachers and pupil: alike deserve much praise for th< excellent performance. The pro ^JOTONviuE^HIfiH SCHOOL H rr rr rr rr rr: n: rrn r nr rr 7T f Johnsonville, May 13: ? Friday night,May 5, the Johnsonville teachers presented a successful and enjoyable play at the Union High School house. Following is the programme for the eighth annua commencement oi Johnsonville High school: Friday, May 26, 8:30 p. m. Graduating Recital? Florence|Em ily Brockinton, Florence Julia Hem, ingway,Emmie Snow,Louise Wilson. Sunday, May 28. [ 11:00 a. m.?Oommencement Ser, mon, Rev E S Jones, Georgetown. ^ aa _ n n n c ?:au p. m.?sermon, nev n, z r Jones. ; Monday, May 29, 8:30 p. m. 1 Annual Oratorical Contest?Fran cis Marion Literary Society. 3 Tuesday, M ay 30, 8:30 p. m. * Exercises of Graduating Class, 1 Literary Address?Hon F B Gary 3 Abbeville. * Delivery of Diplomas ? Senioi * Class: Florence Emily Brockinton Amy Louise Eaddy, Alexander Ham ilton Haddock, 'Florence Julia Hem 5 ingway, Annie IBelle Moyd, Emmi< 1 Snow, Louise Wilson. Graduates ir ! Music: Florence Emily Brockinton 3 Florence Julia Hemingway, Emmi< Snow, Louise Wilson. i Honor Roll, Seventh Month. Distinguished, i First Grade?Lucy Eaddy, Salli< - Wilson, Eddie Owens, Gertrude Had dock.Irma Lee Eaddy,Frank Rhodes , Venelle Wilder, Willie Hanna, Wil I burn McElveen. Lost?On road between Kingstree and home of James Lpps, Quarterly Conference Record Boo* of the Methodist church. Suitable reward if returned to T Olin Epps, 5-18-lt F.ecord Steward. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamberlain's Liniment wonderfully effective. One application will convince you of ila merits Try it. For sale by all dealers. i i 1 Second Grade?Mary Rhem, Hu I bert McElveen.Elertie Scurry,Gladys ? Johnson, Alton Gooper, John McLau I lin. Third Grade? Louise Munnerlyn Annie Thomas. Mae Scurry, Flin' I Rhem.Ruth McElveen,May Waldron i Fourth Grade?James Waldron r David Johnson. : Fifth Grade?Ella Thomas, Heler Wilder,DI Wilson, Maebel Chandler f Sixth Grade?Lois Carraway, Isle Cooper, Florence Carraway, Verm 1 Haselden. Seventh Grade?Myrtle Cooper, Bennie Waldron, Evelyn Graham. Ninth Grade?Laura Rhem, Lillle i Johnson, Leta Carraway, Charlie t>I ?i lliuilioa, UIOAIC HCllJIUgnajr. Music ? Alice Chandler, Laura i Rhem, Pauline Munnerlyn, Maebel ! Chandler, Lillie Johnson, Lena Hadi dock, Freda Carter. Highly Distinguished, i Second Grade?Baker Wilson.Claudia Haselden. Pearla Fenters, Lee ; Wilder, ReRoy Eaddy. Third Grade ? Leland Thomas, Furney Rhem, Catherine Varner, Louise Haddock. Fourth Grade- Louise Snow,Harriet Bruorton, Winston Eaddy. Fifth Grade?Lillian Cribb,Martie Owens, Lottie Waldron, Willie Hemingway. Sixth Grade?Daisy Rollins, Docia Bruorton. Seventh Grade?Edna Eaddy. Eighth Grade ? Freda Carter, Marie Eaddy, Willie Snow, Annie Wilson. Tenth Grade?Emily Brockinton, Emmie Snow, Amy Eaddy, Florence Hemingway, Louise Wilson. Music? Louise Snow,Emily Brockinton, Ethel Johnson, Louise Wilson, Daisy Wilson, Florence Hemingway, Annie Wilson, Emmie Snow. In the elementary grades the fourth made the highest average,93In the high school grades the eighth made the highest average, 94.44. SPECIALNOTICES For Sale?Scholarship in Bryant & Stratton Business College, Louisville. If interested let us hear from you. 8-11-tf Thk Coesty Record. For Sale?Two lots in North Kingstree 50x150 feet, suitable for building lots. Can be bought at low figure. 4-24-tf R N speigner, Mgr. Real Estate.? If ycu want to sell your real estate write me giving full particulars. I'm interested-can interest you. G G McLaurin, C * ?* Dillon s C. Yfc Below A Letter Which S| IV Timmonsvilh II Mr. Qeo. A. McElveen. JJ Kingstree, S. C. U Dear SirWe have had all . IV on us lately, but you have offerc 11 you care for the policies send in 11 and we will sign them. (l The l\ The above letter ref< JJ contract?The Best Kind, ft Can't we write you ll agree about them. See i 7/ SOUTHERN REALTY & . U GEO. McELVE ommmmmmmmmmmml | DRUGS! MI r P p Pure and Fresh Di ' p and Toilet Artich [ ? Richard Hudnut's | ? Toilet Preparatio j ? Prescriptions and ^ carefully prepare [ ? Pharmacist. ? SEND US YOUR M ? Kingstree Druj gE Next to Stat . owwwuiuiuiuuiiwaiwwwi 9 [For ~ One of the most di Kingstree for a nice an investment. C three-fourths of an t ant houses now on \ ? $100 per year. Spl locality and only tv business part of tow For terms and further infc : W. Martin Real Est E KINGSTREE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?AAi Merry Widow is a rich man's tobacco, but you Brl er. can get get it at a poor man's price from the People's Mercantile Co. ^ 5-ll-13t ?rd t > Eldean ^ and its delicious, consideration not I Order a sack today?II it doei the floor you are now using, pnrc upon return of partially used pack Sold THE FARMERS* SU peaks for Itself i, S. C., May 13th, 1911 H kinds of Insurance Agents IV id us the Best Policy, so if H the three (3) applications l) try truly. W Chas. A. Smith Co. Zr irs to an Aetna Life u for one? All men i( us today. JJ i INSURANCE CO., ? WM ,crN, Krop. u imnmmmmmmmtnmo :dicines i I ru^s, Medicines 3 es of All Kinds. ^ Perfume and 3 iQSi F amily Recipes a d by a Licensed zz 3 [AIL ORDERS 2 r Company |j :klcy'?. 3 4 iiiiiiiiiliiiUUiUiUiUiUiUiO ?mmmmmmm?mam?mmm-mmm ^ * 9 f The Door to Better Baking Is ELDEAN PATENT FLOUR. It is the door that lets in certainty in baking results and lets on' worry, disappointment? sk dark, soggy loaves, etc. Good digestion and health go with every loai A oi bread baked with Patent Flour palatable flavor is another :o be ignored. i not please yon better than hase price will be refunded age. 1 by PPLY COMPANYI Sale!] 4 ? : * esirable lots in t residence or for * Contains about 4 4 acre. Two ten- 4 dace renting for 3 endid, healthy i vo blocks from t Jr Tobias 5 4 :ate < SOUTH CAROLINA 3 4 I. FOR SAlii ck in any quantity to suit purchaa rue Best ury rress jnacmce-maae XBBICE.3: , icial 9hapes made to order. Confidence solicited before placing your era. W. E. FUNK. A