The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 18, 1911, Page TWO, Image 2

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WHAT WINTHROP'S GIRLS ARE DOING. / . THE FUTURE RULERS OF THE WORLD AT WORK AND AT PLAY. | Winthrop College, Rock Hill, May 12:?We are glad that it is customary to celebrate the birthdays of great men, because today is Robert C Winthrop's birthday and we are! having a holiday. * The site for the Industrial Arts and Science building has been staked off and work on the building is soon to be begun. The faculty for the summer school has been completed. Noted speakers and educators are to be here. The commencement sermon this year will be preached by Rev R Seward MacArthur, D D, of New York eitv. The college has out some new bulletins. One is on spraying, by Mr L A Niven. The other is an excellent V. > and fully illustrated treatise on manual training, by Miss Mary Frances Wickliffe. s. . The Coburn Flayers are coming to the college today. They are going to give two plavs from Shakespeare: i "Much Ado about Nothing" in the afternoon, and "Macbeth" in the evening. Girls are applying daily for admission to the college next year. The play-ground celebration last Monday afternoon was a marked success. Much interest was shown by the children in the relay races, games and all of the exercises,which were conducted by Miss Coleman. The fourth grade of the training school won the banner, which was presented to them at the close of the exercises. Miss Downey, our general secretary,has just returned from.a YW C A convention held in Indianapolis. Delegates were there from a great number of the Y W C A organizations in America and also from London, Paris,Berlin and other foreign cities. i At this convention famous speakers from different cities discussed the part that the Young Woman's r"NV Christian Association is taking in the \ world's work. It was urged that the travelers' aid societies, which are v kept up in the large cities by the Y WCA for the benefit of the girls | coming into the city from the coun?~ J ma/\vfAneiifaKr iry, ue auvcruscu muic caicuoi?tij, * v and that a large regalia be worn by ^ the ladies who meet' the trains instead of the small badge of white ribbon which is worn by them at present. The Alumnae Association of Winthrop College will hold its regular annual reunion at the college at 9:30 Tuesday morning, June 6. The indications are that a larger number 1 "1 I of graduates will visit their Alma Mater during this commencement than at any previous commencement for several years. A warm welcome awaits each one who will come ' to Winthrop on this occasion. A limited number may secure board in the dormitories by applying to Dr r? * Johnson at once. E G H. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars) Reward for any case of Catarrh that! cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years,and believe hirti perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to earn- out any obligations fcL - made by his firm. ^ Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all / Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. * .. "a Baxter's Awful Deed may not paralyze a home so comk f pletely as a mother's long illness. But Dr King's New Life Pills are a 1 splendid remedy for women. "They gave me wonderful benefit in con v., stipation and female trouble," wrote Mrs M C Dunlap of Leadill, Tenn. If ailing, try them. 25c at M L Allen's. h.\ i? k - SCRANTON SNAP SHOTS. ( Mr. Wlnslow Wright Will Re-11 build?New Church Projected. Scranton, May 1:?Your correspondent has been absent for some time and returning finds the wheels of progress in this section rolling i forward rapidly. In a short time' we hope to see much more improvement in the little town of Scranton. Mr Winslow Wright, a wellknown business man of this place, is laying plans for a large store, which we all will be very proud to see erected. Within three months we hope to see a ?6,000 church erected by the Baptists on the site where their old f?Vmrr?h ctriWnrp now stands. Other I improvements are contemplated toward the material up-building of our town. Mrs Leoline McCown of Effing- j ham spent a few days with her rela- i tives, Mr and Mrs R B Cannon, last week. Miss Marguerite McCall spent a j few days last week with her friend,! Miss Fannie Cannon. Mr 0 B Carter, a well known mer- j chant of this place, made a brief visit to Bennettsville Sunday. Mrs W S Lynch spent Wednesday j with her sister, Mrs Askins, at Lake i City. Mr Billio Cockfield w; s in town j Wednesday. Mr J W King and two daughters j of Kingstree passed through town | today. Miss French Coward, who has been going to school here for the past term, left for her home near Cowards Saturday. Hope she may have a pleasant vacation and will - - /-* . i be with us again in sepiemDer. Mrs M LMcCollough,of this place, who has been in the infirmary at Florence for some time, is reported better. Mrs R B Cannon and Miss Fannie Cannon, of this place, spent Friday and Saturday with their friend, Mr J C Wiggins, near Elim. > County Supervisor J B McBride was in town Friday. Miss Vishie Floyd, who has been on a visit to Mrs W S Lynch, has returned to her home near Olanta. Dr Myers Graham of Cowards was noted in town Saturday. Mr and Mrs F M Lynch of Cowards spent Sunday with Dr XV S Lvnch's family. L. The Really Longest Word. "What is the longest word in the English language?" asked Uncle , Tom. "Valetudinarianism, I suppose," replied James,who had taken a prize in spelling. "No," spoke up Susie: "it's 'smiles,' because there is a whole mile between the first and the last letters." "I know one," said Jack," that has over three miles between its first and last letters." "What word is that?" asked Uncle Tom. "Beleaguered," cried Jack triumphantly. "I know one," said Philip, "that is longer than that. 'Transcontinental' has a whole continent between its beginning and ending." " Tnteroceanic' beats them all,'' exclaimed Elsie, "for it contains an ocean; and an ocean is bigger than any continent."?Lippinrott's Mntja. zi/ie. Now, to settle the matter tor an time and keep down any future controversy, we submit "un-earth-ed" as the really longest word in the language, because the whole earth is between the initial and final letters. Next! GREENE COUNTY. GEORGIA FARM LANDS FOR SALE. Best and Healthiest Part of Georgia. I have 10,000 acres of farm land for sale in tracts from 100 to 1,000 acres. The land is rich and fertile, excellent climate, good water, and considered the healthiest portion of Georgia. Good schools and churches throughout this section. Lands near Greensboro $25 to $30 per acre. Country farms $15 to $25 per acre, with easy terms. R L McCOMMONS, Real Estate Agent, 5-4-tf Greensboro, Ga. The price of subscription for The Record is $1 25 a year; we allow 25 cents discount when a whole year is paid in advance. If you are sixmonths or a year behind don't expect a receipt for a whole year one dollar. This applies tc all. tf 1 Remember | We are now in the large I building fomrerly occupied I by Wilkins Wholesale Grocery Co., where we are glad to welcome our old customers as well as new ones. We keep All Kinds of Meats in season at living prices, also a choice line of Fruits, Vegetables and Canned Goods. Epps' MarKet Cr. Acidtmy (MX Mill St*. AWNIMfiS TFNTS. GOV ERS, ETC., Jail hammocks, Cemetery Tents, Patent Cog Gear Roller Awnings, Roller Curtains. Waterproof Horse and Wagon Covers. If. A. SEDGWICK, Contractor, KIN6STREE, S. C. Agent for ANCHOR SUPPLY CO., Evansville, Indian?. Let us put up your AWMNG for Summer. The Spring HE GRADED beg Januarj All departme in Good Woi Parents who intend enteri will please do so during the fir Patrons and friends of the to visit the school at any time. Any further inforn applying to J. W. Swittenberg, Superintend snt Kingstri \ i EVERYTHING IN JEWELRY i I i at Watts & Watts' The Kingstree Jewelers NEAR THE DEPOT f REPAIR WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE ! ? Arrival of Passenger Trains at Kingstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad; has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Sunday, January 1, 1911: North Bound. ! No 80 - - - 7:45 a m i *No 46 - - 11:37 am ! No 78 - - - 6:12 p m _ i [ South Bound. No 79 - - - 11:14 a m I *No 47 - - - - 6:09 p m ? , No 69 - - - 9:10 pm i *Dailv except <undav. A ' j V I '1 V will care any skin disease. That's tk4 price of HUNT'S Ul'RE, aid it is absolutely guaranteed. A. B.Richards Medicine Co.Sheiman.Tex. SOLD BV t-i W. V. Brockington, m Ifinottw. S. C. BlakeleyvMcCuHough Cof Lanes, S. C. ^ V>he Oliver? \ < The Typewriter for the * busy man. Built best, * J looks best, writes eas- J , iest, wears longest < Do you Know j J That there are more j ! Oliver Typewriters in <4 j ? Kingstree than all other 3 j r ' makes of standard ma- j j chines combined? Do ? ; ? you suppose this would 7! be the case if the Oliver ^ didn't prove to be the < t best. J . t Do you Know 3 ? That you can buy an Oli- J v ? ver for 17 cents a day. < C ? For demonstration and other 3 / ^ information apply to 3 V > W. Martin Tobias IV Local Agent ^ V Term of the IV I ID HIGH SCHOOL Ijj >an IX r 5, 1911 [I ;nts are now ||z rking Order. 11 ing their children in the school 1i f st week of the spring term. 11J : School are cordially invited I i lation may be had by > E. C. Epps, | Clerk Board of Trustees. J 211 Ji A RED] T X 7E HOLD up Red M V V chew for men. good?better no ever. No spice to make you sore?no excessive sweet make you spit yourself awaj your stomach. Just high-gi Carolina rooacco, propcri^ s a perfect process. Sure s; it's the real thing in g Get busy today and fine Cut out this ad. and mail name and address for our Name_ Address Made only by Liipfert Sca] TOR .... v . |4i2SiSSJ | EL A Nurse Tc r?n#? r?f thp i of the most important, The dainty white] which is the first and health. Besides, pret ing for any child. You need a chiffonier a we can show you how good brass or iron crib m from falling, a rocking < table, also in white. 1 paper, and muslin curb Be careful to ge1 mattress, for it is the means good health, a mind. Even nervous really sound sleep. G for the crib to-day. I not entirely satisfied, back without a word.CAROLINA Fl JXXXXXXXXXX I til ! IDEAL 2-1 ) ' ^ of 80 acres, 45 ^ tion. Made b I Timber on Iai t house and ( k Only three n ^ Quick sale des I interested. ! R. N. SPEI ! KING.' 1 3-23-tf ixxxxxxxxxx I vwvwvwvyyyvwww Loss i HE man wh ___ income, n t&g&l er than h matter how small sense, q This advice is just dollars, as often a* the strong box of i nrrr ajw nil Officers HUGH McCUTCHEN, Presiden W. V. STRONG, Vice-President L. C. DOVE, Cashier. iMAMMAMWMMAM ' ? TaTTI TORSE FARM 11 i acres under cultiva- xl ale per acre last year. X'l id not sold. Tenant X )ther improvements. X liles from Kingstree. X ired. Long terms if X jf GNER, = Mgr. 8 5TREE, S. C. 8 w*vyyyvvvwwvvyywvyyvyyvvb ind Gainfv 10 spends every cent of his ^ o matter how large, is poor- 5 e who saves a part of his, no ^ !. That is sound common ^ as sound: Put few or many 1 i you can spare them, into the : : : : : J NKf Kingstree^S. C. 3; Directors W. V. Strong ?. Hugh McCutchen -*1 L T. K. Smith ** J. K. Smith ^ ^ W. R. Scott ^ H. E. Montgomery 5" W. B. Cooper ^' k mawmawawmmamaw o J w||r i I out for yourselfjl : i iiimwjj |||i I I to us with your { ffl I FREE offer to chewers only. f|[jj (f j LES Co.,Winston-Salem, N.C. 52* jr A?CO WM ooms to make pretty, and one less makes for that cleanliness greatest requisite for a baby's tiness is the only fit surround d bureau in white enamel (perhaps I ' to do over your present pieces) a S ith sides high enough to keep baby B chair, straight back chair and small 'hese with a pretty rug, dainty wall tins, complete the room. 1 t a STEARNS & FOSTER ; best. To a child, good sleep sturdy body, a fresh, retentive iness is often due to lack of let a STEARNS & FOSTER [f after 60 nights' trial you are we will give you your money ?$3.45 to $11.25. ^ URNITURE COMPANY |