The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 11, 1911, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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V ? - * A HOWLING SUCCESS. Sjy Th? Pi?? Quidf That Wat Uniqut la Cv."*- Coaxing an Echo. Mr. Howells in his story of early v.. travels In Italy describes an interyrbnng experience and a "unique" > ?uide, both of which he encounPisa. The baptistery stands ' bai 4.?tep from the Campo Santo, ?V. and the guide ushered the party in ^ with the air of one who has held his stroke in reserve until now. I waited until they had looked at I some comparatively trifling sculp tores before he raised his voice and I uttered a melodious species of Im ^owl I . * While we stood in amazement , xae conscious IU C U1 tuc iiv/suv ||augl^i--thrioimd and prolonged it 3reth a variety and sweetness of } ? ;which I could not have dreamed, f? The man poured out in quick succession his musical wails and then ceased, and a choir of heavenly echoes burst forth in response. There was a supernatural beauty in these harmonies of which I despair of giving any true idea. They were of such tender and exalted i rapture that we might well have J l thought them the voices of young ' eyed cherubim singing as they i passed through paradise. They | aeemed a celestial compassion that stooped and soothed and rose again Hfc in*lofty acclaim. ||S We were long silent and then broke forth with cries of admirawhich the marvelous echo 1 made eloquence. W "Did you ever hear such music as J that ?' asked the guide. 'The papal choir does not equal ? it," we answered with one voice. The cicerone was not to be silenced even with such a tribute. K - WW- X BT ne went on: I! _ "Pefhaps, as Americans, yon I; know Moshu Feelmore, the presil> dent? No? Ah, what a fine man! K Well, one day he said to me here, *, 'We have the finest echo in the ^4* world in the hall of congress.' I If. *id nothing, but for answer I | merely howled a little ? thus! f Moahu Fillmore was convinced. I v Said he, .There is no other echo in v the world.' I - "I am unique," pursued the ciceLrone, "for making this echo. But," he added, with a sigh, "it has been my ruin. The English have put me ?in all the guidebooks, and some^J^mes I have to howl twenty times < "vwb^l' fhit -Victor Emmanuel came here I showed him the church, the tower and the Campo Santo. Said the king: Tfuf"?here the f- cicerone gave that sweeping outward motion with both hands by which Italians dismiss a trifling subject. "*Make me the echo!' "I was forced," concluded the cicerone, with a strong sense of in1 jury in his tone, "to howl half an \ hour without ceasing." 11 Legal Notices ? Registration Notice. * The office of the Supervisor of Reg istration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident 01 the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day ol election, and shall have paid, sis months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1896'submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid < all taxes collectable on during the present year, property in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board. 1 pT Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, May 20, 1911, an election will be held in School District No 42 at E F ( Prosser's store to determine whether i or not shall be levied a special Four (4) j Mill tax for school purposes in said dis- 1 trict. Said election having been author- , ized by the Board of Education for Wil- ; liamsburg county, polls will be opened at 8 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 p. m. on the above,named day. The Board of Trustees for said district will act as managers in the said election. J D Cox, i S H Thompson, 1 E F Prosser, ( 6-4-2t Trustees School District No 42. i Notice of SaleNotice is nereby given that, pursuant to an order of the Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, dated the 6th day of May, 1911, I will sell at public outcry < to the highest bidder, for cash, at the 1 residence of the late J Y Tisdale in Wil- ! liamsburg county, on the 19th day of ; May, 1911, beginning at 11 o'clock a.m., ! all the personal property belonging to i the estate of said J i Tisdale, deceased, the same consisting of live stock, farm- 1 ing implements, household and kitchen 1 furniture, farm produce, etc, an exact < list of which may be seen by reference < to the inventory aHd appraisement on file in the office of the Probate Judge of l , said county. S H Guerry, Administrator of estate of J Y Tisdale, deceased. May 6, 1911. 5-ll-2t I j ^ 1. Summons for Belief. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county cf williamsburg, Court of Common Pleas. S B Poston, Plaintiff, against J Andrew McCants, Defendant. To the Defendant, J Andrew McCants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of Clerk of Court for said county and State and to serve a copy of your answer to said , complaint on the subscriber at his office, Kingstree, S C, within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time , aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Robt J Kirk, Plaintiff'8 Attorney. , Dated April 17, 1911. 4-20-6t Summons for Relief. (complaint filed). ! STATE OF SOUTH < AROIJNA. county of williamsburg, Court of Common Pleas. E B Rhodus, as Executor of the last will and testament of W T Rhodus, , deceased, Plaintiff, v8 Rebecca Keels, Thomas Keels, Venus Keels, Sarah Keels,now Mack, Susan Emma Keels, and Chester Keels, an infant over the age of fourteen years, ! and Bertha Keels, an infant under the age of fourteen years, and E B Rhodus, Defendants. To the absent Defendants, Rebecca j Keels, Thomas Keels and Venus Keels:? . You are hereby summoned and re- j quired to answer the complaint in this { action, of which a copy is herewith . served upon you, and to serve a copy of J your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office in Kingstree, s S C, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such , service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Lee & Fisbburnis, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated at Kingstree, S C, April 1, 1911. J To the absent Defendants above I named:? r Please Take Notice?That the orig- s inal summons and complaint in the above- }' entitled action was filed in the office of j the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Williamsburg,State of ? South Carolina, at Kingstree, S C, on j the 21st day of March, 1911. * Lee &Fihhburne, 1 4-6-6t Plaintiff's Attorneys. n Summons ior ueiiei. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 5 COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, Court of Common Pleas. ' S M Bradshaw, Plaintiff, vs Kasia Gamble, Emma Singleton, Fran- <3 cis Murray, Elliott Williams, Anna ? Williams, Lesley Williams, Preciler j, Williams, Alma Williams and Patti v Williams, Defendants. s To the Defendants above named: t You are hereby summoned and re- ? quired to answer the complaint in this t action, of which a copy is hereby served v upon you, and to serve a copy of your c answer to said complaint on the sub- j scribers at their office in Kingstree, S C, ? within twenty days after the service j, hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanaed in the complaint. 5 And you,Preciler Williams, Alma Wil- _ liams and Patti Williams, infant defendants, are hereby required to cause to be appointed a guardian ad litem to represent you in this action, and if you ^ fail so to do within twenty days from j. the service hereof, the plaintiff will ap- g ply to the Clerk of Court for Williams- ^ burg county to appoint a guardian ad f, litem to represent you in this action. ^ Stoll & Stoll, t] Attorneys for Plaintiff, y A??;i m iqii To felliott Williams and Lesley Wil- 0 liams, Absent Defendants: f Take NoncE-Thata copy of the com- e plaint in the foregoing action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg county, South Carolina, on the first day of r May, 1911. Stoll & Stoll, 5-4-6t Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. d All persons having claims against the j, estate of J Y Tisdale are hereby noti- q fied and required to present the same, a duly attested, to the undersigned, and S( all persons indebted to the said estate je are hereby required to make payment to 0] the undersigned at his place of residence y at Zeb P 0, in the county of Williams- a1 burg and State of South Carolina. j S H Guerry, a| l-20-4t Qualified Executor. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the -ird day of June, A D 1911, at 11 o'clock in ? theforenoon.I will apply to P M Brook inton, Judge of Probate of Williams- ^ burg county, lor a Final Id-charge as Administrator of the estate of Buie #? Hanna. deceased. C J Rollins. ^ 5 4-4t Administrator. > Executor's Notice. S All persons having claims against the ^ estate of D E Gordon, deceased, are hereby notified to present their claims, ? duly attested, to the undersigned, and ? all persons indebted to the said estate will make payment to J E Keels, ? 4-20-4t Qualified Executor. ? Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that on Mon day, May 22, 1911, an election will be ? held at the McGill School house, in ^ School District No 49, to determine whether or not a special tax of Two (2) T Mills for school purposes in said district ? shall be levied. Said election having been authorized ? by the Board of Education for Wil- p. iamsburg county, the polls will be open ?d at 8 o'clock a.m. and closed at 4 p. m. T )n the above named day. The Board of p rrustees for said district will act as j managers in said election. | T W J Smiley, i p W E Nesmith, P M Brockinton, ? >-ll-2t Trustees School District No 49. ! ?,i Final Discharge Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of May, A D 1911, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probata of Williamsburg county, for a Final Discharge as Guardian of the persons and estates of Norvell N Newell, Joe Durant Newell, Samuel Davis Newell, Christine Newell, Fanny Newell and Henry Eaddy Newel:. E B Newell, 4-27-4t Guardian. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day.May 23,1911,anelectior will be heir, at the Smith School house, in Turkey School district, No 8, to determine * /<r wneuier ur nut a sprtiai woa vi a Mills for school purposes in said distric: shall be levied. Said election having been authorized by the Board of Education for Williamsburg county, the polls will be opened at 3 o'clock a.m.and closed at 4 p.m. The Board of Trustees for said district will act as managers in said election. W 0 Camlin, J K Smith, R W Smith, 5-1 l-2t Trustees School District. No 8. Notice of ElectionNotice is hereby given :hat on Tueslav, May 23, 1911, an election will be leld at Mulberry School house,in School District No 50, to determine whether or j lot a special tax of Four (4) Mills for i ichool purposes in said district shall be evied. Said election having been authorized >y the Board of Education forWilliams>urg county, the polls will be opened at ! o'clock a. m. and closed at 4n. m. on be above named day. The Board of rrustees will act as managers in the ;aid election. E I Montgomery, T R Vining, J J Bradham, 3oard of Trustees for School District No 50. 5-ll-2t wr_i. ^ ni i.: jjuuue 01 Xiieuiiuu. Notice is hereby given that on Friday, day 12,1911, an election will be held at letreat school house, in Retreat School listrict, No 48,to determi ne whether or iot an additional tax of Four (4) Mills for chool purposes in said district shall be evied, saia election having been authorzed by the Board of Education for Wiliamsburg county. The polls will be opened at 8 o'clock a. m. and closed at S. m. on the above named day. The lowing members of the Board of 'rustees for said district will act as nanagers in said election: J E Greene, C L Montgomery, J W Timmons, -4-2t Trustees School District No 48. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that on Thursay, May 18, 1911, an election will be eld at Black River school house, Wee lee School District, No 46,to determine whether or not a tax of Four (4) Mills hall be levied for school purposes in he said district, said election having een authorized by the Board of Educaion for Williamsburg county. The polls nil be opened at 8 o'clock a. m. and losed at 4 p.m. on the above named ay. The following members of the toard of Trustees will act as managers i said election: J B Gamble, Coke Player, T ERagin, Jr, Trustees Wee Nee School District -4-2t Notice of Election. ia VtAWAktr mwnn fViof An orr I 11UUV?C IO UCICkfT 5IV^U VIIUVVU A. i auuj , lay 12,1911, an election will be held at lodges' store in Belser's X Roads chool District, No 47, to determine whether a special tax of Two (2) Mills or school purposes in said district shall e levied. Said election having been auoorized by the Board of Education for Williamsburg county, polls will be opend at 8 o'clock a.m.ana closed at 4 p.m. n the above named day. The Board of rustees will act as managers in said lection. J E Baker, F H Hodge, A J Ragin, Trustees Belser's X Roads School listrict, No 47. 5-4-2t Notice of ElectionNotice is hereby given that on Saturav, May 13, 1911, an election will be eld in School District No 45 at Warr's rossing to determine whether or not n additional tax of Two (2) Mills for :hool purposes in said district shall be vied. Said election hav ngbeen authorized by the Board of Education for Williamsburg county, polls will be opened t 8 o'clock a. m. ana closed at 4 p. m. ! he Board of Trustees will act as manners. R W Marshall, 1 J S Kirton, DI Britt, 4-2t Trustees School District No 45. J TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT* < Paint Your Buggy! j We can make it look like 5 new. Any Buggy, Car- 5 riage, Wagon orother Vehicle ^ can be improved One Hun- 5 dred per cent in appear- 3 ance by painting. * ;! | 4 Also Wheelwright, Horse- < shoeing and General Repair j Work on short notice. t Bring Us Your Work ^ W. M. VAUSE & SON. < kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* * % ' *v\ | Professional llarfcj DR. R. C. McCABE Opera tive Dentist and Post Graduate Dentist in Crown, d_-J J VI/?L ui lujfc a i iu i iai<; i? ui n. Office in Hirsch building, over Kingstree Drug Company. M. A. WOOD**, DENTIST. Ofllc* oT?r Sla^Utarr Bldg. #'PH INC WO. 62w? LAKE CITY. - s.c W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST. Office over Dr W V Brockl lgton' ( Store, KINGSTHEE, - S. C. 5-21-tf. M. D. No&mith DENTIST. LAKE CITY. - - S. C. W. TL. BASST j Attorney-a.t-Law, , LAKE CITY, S. C. DR. R. J, M^CABE j Dentist j KINGSTREE, S. C J Laurence H. McCullough. Civil Engineer and Surveyor j Road and Drainage Engineering j Land Surveying anc Mapping. Nesmith P. 0., S. C. < j. D. MOU;:O?7S? J BARBER SHOP \ ?in the-- ] KELLAHAN HOTEL ] is equipped with cp-to-date ap- j pliances. rolite Service, i ompetent < Workmen. .V-8-08 , ? ?? ? ????? ? ? ??? I The City Barber Shop j, Next door to L. Staekley's, J 1 Kingstree, S. C. < I Let us do your work and if we * | please you, tell your friends; < I if we don't, tell us. ? I We do all first-class work in a * 5 fr.-st-class shop: < I Hair-cut, 25c Shave 10c 4 1 ? Shampoo, 25c Tonic, lCc ^ S ^ Hair Trim, 15c Electric Mtasa^e, 25c ^ ?i Mustache Dye, 25c. Hair Dye, 11.50 ^ ? Witch-hazel Sham, 'i5c ^ ? f BARBERS: J 4 B. U. Blakeiey, < Abraham Wheeler, < \ 3-23tf Joseph Alston. \ S'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FOR SALE Brick in any quantity to suit purchtu cr. The Best Dry Press Machine-madt ABEBXCOS.* Special shajies made to order. Correpondence solicited belore placing your ordern. W. R. FUNK. }for sale! : i * Lots No. 74, 75,76, 77,78, ? j 82, 86, 87 and 103 in "Rut 1 lege Park", Lake City, S.C. J For full particulars, prices t | and terms apply to 1 J, D, GILLAND, j t ^ | Attorney-at?Law 4 | KINGSTREE. - - S- C. ^ Hacker Manufacturing Go. 1 Successors to ^ George S. Hacker & Son > Charleston, S. C. ^ j We Munufadiir* ^ Doors, Sash ami Blinds; Col- ^ iimns and Balusters; Grilles ^ and Gable Ornaments; Screen ^ Doors and Windows. ^ We Deal In > Glass Sash Coitl and Weights. ^ -v-^V i iA. JU mM SCHOFIELD E I "Have Stoc They have no superior in poi: for Saw Mills, OH Mills, C I required. Wr Manufacture BOILERS. T?sT.enrdpip"kl' Constructed I Sell Snpportiai Writ Steel SUcki, P,^r J. S. SCH0F1ELD1 I Branch OB tfor our numbei writs si 1 OXO. W. SCHWARTZ raiXOlFAX. ZSTAE [ ATLANTIC COAST 1 JACKSON) > Southern [ in ? * [ On account of P LANTIC COAST L special rates. k TICKETS ON S | sive. Returning, $ 1 not later than midi j* EXTENSION: i cure an extension g i depositing ticket w ville, not later tha f ment of fee of $1.0C For schedules, t tien, address nearei ; W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Ma WILM J. rdjj ii -Jt) u 1 " if Go T< ^ WHEN YOU NEEo" A record of more 1 hind him. With a b on hand, he is alway Also Feed J. L. Stuckey, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy To Our Many I We/ Hackney, Piedmont Hackney and Piedn Graft Morseback H Walter A. Wood Bi and Smoothing repairs for san Corn and Hay Chea pers. : Call and see i Greelyville E. B. RH AAAAAAMAMA AMAAAAA NGINESm BOILERS >d the Test of Time" ???? nt of DURABILITY and are Best Adapted Cotton Gins; in fact, where Heavy Duty is ite for prices on Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, etc. We carry for immediate shipment the Best toilers, ranging from 12 H. P. to 150 H. P. e today for our illustrate4 catalog. S SONS CO., Works and Head Office, MACON, 6A. ice, 307 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. SITIONS GUARANTEED I will GUARANTEE you a position If you writs us real soon. We need many more stulents at onoe to supply the enormous demand graduates. As soon as we get the required r of students this offer will be withdrawn. So t once for particulars. BUSINESS COLLEGE UfOOBVOSATI2? ILISHED ISM LOUI8VILLB, KY. LINE RAILROAD COMPANY ? /ILLE, FLORIDA. i Baptist Conention. '! the above occasion the AT--' JNE RAILROAD CO. offers :> ALE May 15th to 19th, inclurood to reach starting point? light, May 31st. Original purchaser may se- f ?f final limit to June 30th, by * ith Special Agent, Jacksonn May 31st, and upon pay-<! > at time of deposit. rates or any other informa-? > st agent, or T.C.WHITE. .! tnager, General Passenger Agent, 1 INGTON, N. C. , j W"1 wQ 5 Stuckey ANYTHING IN HORSEFLESH than twenty vears stands beunch of nice horses and mules s ready for a sale or a swap, and Livery Stables. Lake City, S. C. 11 vv^Yvvyyyyvvvvv wwwvvww? Friends and Customers: | Lre Now Selling J ; and Columbia Buggies, 5 lont Buggies and Surreys. , ^ arness? a Guaranteed Line. 5 nders, Mowers, Rakes, Disc 5 Harrows?also a full line of ^ le. J p for cash or approved pa- *1 lis before you buy. 5 Live Stock Co., % ODUS. Manager, ^ WMAMAMAMMMM MAMMA? . . / ... ,*i