I r See for Life, Fire, Health, ^ J^_ ^"""^ ^CC us for Life, Fire, Health, Accident Insurance,and Sure. ^-V" ^ ^ M I W Accident Insurance,and Sure*' msst*: /1 tip II irtillTTII 11prilrl" isrTTa Lake Ciljr Insurance Agency. Inc. 1^/ /lapr jL" J- I ^ ^/ -^// -^W Lake City Insurance Agency, lie.v:.^HbS J. L. Richardson, Manager. ^ ^ J- L- Richardson, Manager. 7 v* ^ VOL. XXV. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911. NEWS OF RECENT NOTE IM ! AKF fllTY. m L1I\L Willi SOME SCR APPING -DEATH OF AN INFANT-THE DROUTH INJURES CROPS REVIVAL SERVICES. Lake City. May S:?Now and then they have a fight at Cades, and occasionally there is one at Florence, ^ but such records are nothing to brag about when they are so far surpassed by Lake City. Why.we have as high as three tights a day, and Hardly a ripple of excitement is caused. This number is the record for May 2, and it was not a good day for fighting, either. The infant ->f Mr and Mrs W H Weaver died last Sunday after an illness of about three weeks. The little fellow was about six months old. Mrs H G Sneridan of Walterboro i i arrived in town Sunday night for a visit to friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs H H Singletary went r to Ebenezer last week and visited Mr and Mrs Reddin P Byrd. Dr W L Whitehead has opened a ^ drug store in the Bank of I^ake City j building. And still n<> rain! The continued cold weather, combined with excessive dryness.causes long faces in this commun'ty. The stand of cotton is poor and such as came up is dying:. " Oats are having: a tough time trying IBB to head. Tobacco is not growing. All |g other crops are at a standstill. 19 Robt J Kirk, Esq, was here from KB Kingstree Friday --n professional I Mrs L L Caldwell is at Golds'ooro, N 0. among her kith and kin in this; her girlhood home. I Capt J Albert Ward of Friend9 field was noted here last Friday. B Some folks msi wonder where he B got this title. Just ask th >se who II tj PEOPLE'S mhhh % r ? ? \\Y handle the DIAMOND Mitt*, Ma-ks. Balls, Bats, et? ? f KINGSTREE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. ? ? # The Wee Nee Literary society held its regular meeting Friday, May 5. The query for debate was: "Resolved, That education makes a man letter fitted for business." The decision was rendered in favor of the negative. We were glad to have Mr E C Epps, chairman of the board of trustees,visit our society. We hope the other trustees will follow his example. Mr Epps presented thesoci ety with a beautiful medal to be worn by each president during his or her successive term of office. This thoughtfulness on the part of Mr Epps is appreciated by each member of the society. This being the appointed time for! the election of officers, the following i were elected: President, Donald Montgomery: vice president, Mordaunt McConnell: secretary, Jennie Lee Stackley; treasurer, Kirby (ireene: literary editor,Marian Hurt: critic. Hallie Hinds; first censor. , ORSETS KaboCor U ^ are leader style and a markable fc great com they give wearer. MERCHAN' msmmmsmma Basebal I HI A NI), tliat insure (|U:ilitv in ?' vim want tlx- verv jvittvrn t n't yi?u knuw thai p* yiiii know it takes the lu-st to stand Kingstree Hardw Wholesale and Ret* C'uyler Harper; second cer.sor, William Gamble. Honor Roll. Grade I. Bernard Dubose MS Bessie McDaniel 94 Grade II. Maudalline Kinder M3 Lucile Nexsen Ml Grade III. Hampden Montgomery MS Serena Lee M7 Rosa Wilkins 95 Bessie Baker M3 F^bie Dubose 92 Grade IV. Edgar Baker M6 I YOU CANT I WITH THE YOU HAVE ? j||^ PUT1T ^5 IN THE BANK < Bank ONE DOLLAR A D. year, and leave it stay for 30 pound interest this will amoi compound interest lhi<* will M sum for old age. I Make OUR liar M We pay liberal interest consi* I Farmers & M< 1 "Absolut ?All The S6t? | s in ItW % re re= >r the fort lljy^ the |W/j riLE C0MPA1 j-ltljim-i i*u^ rir^firyiiwiflj'u^j.igtevvlfvx^jcw .*' ' * ? .*> 1 Goods ry article y luit tlic professionals use? If so, come u can't your 1???t with hum Halls, H;i the racket. Remember: "We Are thi are Company, lil Dealers. Grade V. T Milton Stackley 93 Grade VI. ^ George Ilammet * 98 Zeno Montgomery 98 Lula Sexton 96 /#> Mauldin Lesesne 95 Arthur Fairey 94 Grade VIII. Cuyler Harper 96 Louise Barr 96 * Walter Sullivan 95 Emma Brockinton 92 Grade X. ^ Florence Mcintosh 100 ^ Bessie Swann 99 * Martha Jenkinson 96 $ ujytthiniti : MONEY I SPENT M I I I ? \Y-?$6 a week--for only one m i * ) yerfrs. At 3 per cent, com- M jnt to $758.16; at 4 per cent. % amount to Sl,0l0.88--a snug M + ik YOUR Bank. ~ itent with safety?4 per cert. W ,Z ;rchants Bank i ; :ely Safe" | ; Latest Si Reduci sets a Mat err If! . porters p| teres tii p^aii) cialties [VY, Sale Age ?g@3BSS3Sg8l2g88&gSg3ggg \ ** m >1 <>u want tin* latest in (Moves, here. This i- headquarters its, (Moves, Masks, etc? (?et : People That Lead; Others COFFINS AND CASKETS J or Sr Wilkins W Grocer msmm tyles and j Form I p ng Cormd Kabo jls lity Sup= m i are in- r tig s p e- ^ ' ' ? ' [CZ> ( nts, Kingstr* mmsmsmsamm . vy + he Record Office carries a ful rop pai>ers, plain notes, mortgages, li )rms obtainable and printed on fine p == Headqu, j0 For Almost You Wish chase, I -l[ M 1 1 line of Legal Blanks cheap 'tii ens, titles, etc. Always the best rade of paper in n? at, clear type. r? arters \ b J " ' / ?? :: . i:< Anything to Pur- :: _arge ? i: nail. ' ^ ' 1 9 v jL !\ holesale f V, 4 y Co. jj mrmmmmzmgrn Models! // I Mir ;1 II ?, I ieK S. C. I mmm@s%msa i>