The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 27, 1911, Page FIVE, Image 5

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TRUE PROGRESS consists in substituting the real for unreal. Why' fat substitute a Real bank acexttltiY 4or that unreal one that belongs With'your "Castles in Spain?" You tWftbetter appreciate the progress ycxi have made Trhpn vou build vour account to the point where you can n&ke a profitable investment. No account too small to receive' our most careful attention and consideration. Small accounts grow,why not start yours today? You take no chances when you make this your banking place? j our ample capital and conservative management safe-guard your money. BANK OF WILLIAMSBUR6, HIH6STHEE, S. C. xupuaMWNW' I Mr Melvin Rogers was in town J Friday from Indian town. ft Hon W D Bryan of Taft visited I tfie county seat Saturday. ft Mr Bennett McCullough of Taft I had business in town Monday. F Mr S M Bradshaw was noted in town yesterday from Greelyville. Mr B S Smith of Bloomingvale visited the county seat Saturday. Mr G W Brown of Yorkville is the guest of Rev W E Hurt's family. la Hon John S Graham of Morrisville H spent a few hours in town Monday. Misses Retha Burgess- and Janie Mcintosh spent Sunday in Scranton. Mr S D McKay of Salters Depot favored us with a pleasant call TuesW day. I Col J G Slaughter, the veteran tof bacco warehouse-man, - is here this week. Mrs B W Butler has returned from a visit to Mrs k l, cass ac Lanes. / Mr J E Greene of Greelyrille paid V Kingstree a very pleasant 'visit Saturday. > Look out for the eclipse of the sun to-morrow (Friday) afternoon about sunset. Sheriff Graham's neat tenant dwelling on Jail street is going up rapidly. Among the visitors to town Monday was noted Mr1 R J Nesmith of Morrisville. Hon W L Bass of Lake City was noted in town today (Thursday) between trains. Mr W E Snowden and sister, Miss Sadie,of Benson were Kingstree visitors Tuesday. Miss Artitia Fairy of St George ^ is visiting the family of her brother, R Rev W A Fairy. H G Askins, Esq, of Lake City was here yesterday a few hours on proV fessional business. ' Stephen Thomas & - Bro, the Charleston jewelers, have a new ad this week. Read it. Mr E B Newell, one of Johnsbnville's representative citizens, called at our office Monday. Mr G M Beasley of Gourdins Was here Saturday exchanging greetings with his many friends. Mr P H Arrowsmith, of the State W University,visited his home-folk here F several days last week? mmmmmmmmnftfffflfli Lingerie ? Silk Mull French Nets Persian Nets Black and White Net rr & tr iiuuiiuiuuiiuuiuiiuiuiuui Hon R H Kellahan is back from a trip of pleasure a^d recreation ir the "Land of Flowers," Mr J A Kelley of Timmonsville visited his sons, Dr E T and Mr J C Kelley, in town this week. Misses Alice Beckham and Marie Gregg of Florence spent the weekend visiting friends in Kingstree. Mr E B Khodus, the wide-awake manager of Greelyville Livestock Co, had business in town Monday. IVfr Bishop Burgess of Mouzons shed the"light of his countenance on his friencte here Friday of last week. Mr and Mrs Louis Sherfesee of Charleston visited Mrs Sherfesee's parents, Mr and Mrs T M Gilland, Fsesday. Miss Annye Alsbrook of Manning is spending a few weeke in town as the guest of her cousin,Miss Lyllyan Alsbrook. Messrs T J Cottingham antf Geo C Haselton, the cashiers of Lake City's two banks, were here yesterday a few hours on business. Hon and Mrs J C Graham of Gourdins and Mr J G Lifrage and daughter, Miss Ruth, of Salters were county seat visitors Friday. Miss Judith Lifrage returned from Union last Monday and resumed her duties as manager of the Western Union telegraph office here. Dr Benton Montgomery,a member of the senior class of the State Medical College, Charleston, spent the week-end here with his parents. Mr E B Brockinton, a student at Davidson College, North Carolina, is spending several days at the home of his mother, on Railroad avenue. A course of study at the Confederate Home College, Charleston, is open to some deserving young lady from this county. See notice elsewhere. And. by the is no small un j dertaking to take out one machine from a second floor and put in another ,each weighing about ten thousand pounds. Mr*J SPotter, who was manager of the Western Union office here during the absence of Miss Judith Lifrage, has secured a similar position in Arlington, Ga. Lieutenant Governor Gharles A Smith, Mrs Smith and their son, Mr Ray Smith, motored over here from Trnimonsville yesterday and spent the day pleasantly in town. We never fully appreciated the power of the press until we undertook the job of lifting to and lowering from a second floor window s five-ton piece of machinery. Misses Marie and Selma Thorn re i turned Saturday evening from a dej lightful visit to Florida, their itiner j ary embracing Crescent City, Jack ! -"""I'llo Qf Anrrnofino anfl Pfllatka. I ? ?? Mr Charles A McCrea is spendinj ! this week with his grand mother, Mr i C M Chandler. He will leave Kings I tree Sunday night1 for Atlanta, Ga j to enter the National Telegraph In stitute.* j At a joint meeting of the two lit erSry societies of the University o South Carolina last week, Mr D Ar ! thur Brockinton of Williamsburj : was chosen presiding -officer for tht I Gonzales medal contest. I j It is to be hoped that the fenc< 1 around the monument will be erect ed by Memorial day. It will havt been twelve months since the shaf I was unveiled, which seems ampl time to fulfill the contract in ever; detail. Mr A M Parker, Jr,"Alexande ' Sprunt & Son3M popular "represent ; ative at Lake City, visited'Kingstre j yesterday. Mr Parker lias recentl; j joined the noble arrhy of'benedict and was receiving' the C&ngratula tions of his friends.' . - For Valued aid'id gbtting bur ma chinery in place we are grateful t< Capt W R Funk and son, Mr.jErnest who kindly loaned us the "block an< tackle", without which, a flifffcul proposition would have be^dme ai almost impossible undtettakihgr. mmmmmmmmmmmmmi If It's Silk Chi* MarqtiTsc Persiali; New Bail ts Bordered B U T L E JUMiWIWIWIUUlMUUIUIWi # i; We have been' requested to ai i nounce that the Civile Improvemer league will not hold its meeting o Wednesday,May 3, but will meet th ' following Wednesday, May fO.- A ' members are urged to be presenl this being the first meeting of th , year. On Wednesday, May 10, the ladie of Kingstree will give a dinner 1 the Confederate veterans of Wil | liamsburg county. The dinner wil I be under the auspices of the loca I chapter Daughters of the Confeder acy. All veterans are urged to bi present. The many friends of Mrs S M Mc Clary, who was taken to a Flor ence infirmary one day last weel to undergo an operation, will b pleased to know that the operatior wa< successful ^nd that she is pro pressing ravoraoiy cowards conva lescence. Mr W V Nexsen will in the nea future let the contract for a tw< story brick building on his lot at th< corner of Main and Academy streets There will be three stores on th< first floor an<J the second story wil be made into business offices,accord vug to our information. One of the most delightful fea tures? of the visit of Col Polk Mille to tbh> city was a fish stew given hin at MuJ<hrow's mill by J A Muldrow the Clerk of Court, and his brother at the beautiful mill of the famil; near the city,which was certainly en joyed by the "Two Old Confedei ates."?Florence Tijues, April 27. I Owing to the fact that our dat for the story of the bombardmen of Fort Sumter fifty years ago cam too late for last week we have de cided to postpone it until next week May 11, which will beourMemoria day issue. By that time we hope b have our new press running smooth ly and everything in shape to ge out a good paper. Mr Harris of Greeiyville.who tool the contract to rebuild the founda I tion for our press, worked nearly al 1 night Tuesday to get his part of th< work completed on tire. All of ou employees worked faithfully. Bu ; for their strenuous efforts then | would have been no paper issued thi >1 week. Such loyalty is appreciate and remembered. I Lieutenant Governoi Smith, whil i here yesterday, said that the outlool ! for tobacco around Timmonsville i * /X i- 1 1. - very gloomy. uwing 10 rnca u moisture and the cool nights, thi plants have failed to germinate an< the crop will he cut very short. Th< same condition is said to obtaii through this county and throughou the entire tobacco growing section o , the State. * 1 ^ + ?? ?1?fr???*? I "Mone J Worth s c: ?I ? f 9 C. I have succeeded in gett - burg county with the celet ; " OaKla ?> * a machine that has been lew ] * * fection. t ? a The car is simple, stpon; e the most reliable car offers y " C. These cars are absol' * , the buyer takes no chance, r in your own county their oj r i* logue and demonstration, ij ? <4 pect to be soon. s I C The 1911 Model is r -4? . * _ JA_ * ? competition in its ciass. Just a looK w! h. H. B 1 Mann: m i|I ?|? ?|?* iimmmmmmmmmmmmr New Ion stte Lawn tdeaux ^Tissue R DRY Q lUUUlUUlUUlUiiUiUIUUlUUtU -r* , ... I t-. The contract for repairing the it mercantile building recently occurs pied by L D Rogers & Co, which was <e partially destroyed by fire some 11 time ago, has been let to Contractor t, V A Sedgwick and work is progressed ng toward the re-building. When the store is ready for occupancy, w^ 3 understand that the same firm, 0 Messrs L D Rodgers & Co, will resume business there. 1 The machinist who came from ^ Baltimore to install our press missed * connection at Florence and did not e arrive here till Tuesday. This left him only two days to tear down the .. old machine and erect the new one _ before our day of publication. It k was impossible to get the new press ; 1 L _r TTI_-J e in running uruer ueiwre r i~iuay,wiiiuii t throws this week's paper two days . late. We feel sure, however, that, . in circumstances beyond our control, our readers will make allowance for the delay, r . . I BOYS' CORN CONTESTS. e Same Acre May Be Entered In 1 State and Local Contents. The following announcement has been made by the State department * of agriculture with reference to the ? State corn contest: "All the boys who go into local f 3 corn clubs should remember that, y with the same acre, they may also enter the boys' division of the State contest and have only to write to the State department of agriculture, no* tifying the Commiissioner that they e wish also to be entered in the boys' t- Staae corn contest. The manual in . which to keep the record of their ' crop will be immediately sent them, giving complete and detailed infort mation. "Every boy in the State who is in a contest in his county should take this opportunity to get a chance at " winning one of the State money prizes also. It costs him absolutely ? nothing to enter. A. large number r of boys are already entered in the t State contest, but there is room for e all, tor there is no limit to the num-1 J ber of entries." Clever Man. e "Has Brown any business sense?" k "Lots of it." g "But his wife has to run a millinery * Mtabllshment to support him." "Well, not every man has senso ? enough to pick out that kind of a 1 wife." 2 n Cause For Lapse, t His language seemed a trifle raw, ? Though he had promised to be good, 1 For when the furnace will not draw CImA rMAhitloni UW no wood. ?| ?j|* ijn ?j|? ?|t *i' ^ if f 4 ty s I ff { When a man buys an Auto- T nobile he should ipsist on 1 jetting his money's worth. ing the agency for Williams- * * irated nd Car | Dked upon as the height of per- * ? H g, very pretty and positively d to ,the public today. ? utely guaranteed and ^ Ask the owners of these cars i nnion and ask me for a cata- ?? f you are in the market, or exeady for delivery and has no ??| 11 convince you. ? r dham, ing, S. C. * -?f?*f* *f? ??? ?f?? ? ?>{4y itmmmmmmmmmMmmmtt We Hi French Mull Linen Lawn Wash Chiffon Silk Foulards Mercerized Flaxon 00 DS C0| UJUUUlUIUtiUlUlUlUliUiUUUUU 8 Commencement 5 | Dresses, a::' i During the next few weeks there will be quite a de- Jk " ^mand for Commencement Dresses, and in view of this fact 4ft we have, as usual, quite a nice line of goods and linings 7A i ^suitable for the making up of Commencement and Gradua- 4ft tion Dresses. We are very anxious for you to call and look 7A /I over our line of goods before placing your orders for Com- 4ft mencement Dresses. We have the right goods at the right 7A m\ prices, and more than that,we are ready,anxious and eager W\ 71 to show you our goods and give our best prices. Come, it LA 4ft won't cost you a cent to see our goods and get our prices. jft 8 v Please Give Us a Few Minutes 8 W of Your Time to Read What We Have to Say. fl Jft 45-inch white Persian Lawn that looks quite cheap at W\ 71 25c the yard, our price to you only 15c the yard. 7A. . ift White Lawns, 40 inches wide, only 10c the yard. fft 71 A beautiful line of white Flaxons at 20c, 25c, 30c and 7A * 35c the yard. Famous the world over for their tub stand- 4ft J IM/W MiinhfiAa 7 / in* quaituco' /* j* Our line of Swiss Embroideries and Insertings to match Jf r/ are the daintiest and most beautiful ever shown in Kings- j} (A tree. Come and see. (m 9) You will be surprised and delighted to see the beautiful f) [A line of 27-inch wide Silks we are showing at 25c the yard, (m J) Also a beautiful line of Black Shangtung Silks, 27 inches Wl 7A wide, at 25c the yard. Come and see. ' (A (A Ladies' Ready-Made Qoods. (A 9) Ladies, we know you will be pleased to see the beautiful w) (A line of White Lawn and Black Lawn Shirtwaists we are (A <9\ showing at 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 each. mi (m Also a beautiful line of Ladies' White Embroidered Un- (A derskirts at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 per skirt mi 7A Also a splendid line of Ladies' Corset Covers and Un- [A derbodies at 25c and 50c. ' X J a Also a beautiful line of Ladies' Pantlets at 25c, 50c and * 75c the pair. 2R ' J I Polite lady clerks will show you all of our Muslin Un- YA derwear with pleasure. Call and see. * f) Ladies, you will be delighted and pleased to see the jl A beautiful line of bordered Lawns and Muslins we are yj 9) showing at 25c, 15c and 10c the yard. W* W) Look out for big values next week in Gents', Ladles' w) (A and Children's Gauze Underwear for Summer. (A I Jenkinson Brothers Company. { ... ? ;?J( 1 Building* covered over twenty years ago are as good as new and have never needed repairs. Fireproof?Stormproof?Handsome?Inexpensive. We have local representatives almost everywhere but if none in your immediate locality, write us direct for samples, prices and full particulars. CORTRIGHT METAL ROOFING COMPANY 50 North 23rd Street Philadelphia, Pa. / * Help Yourself by Helping Us. Again we beg to remind our We hope the friends of The Rec- friends that all notices relating to ord, when they come to town to do r"0116^ - making: enterprises, for ...... .? . c"urch, school or any other cause, their trading,will patronize the bum- are charged for ^ advertising at ness houses that advertise in this 0ne cent a word. All cards of paper. Remember that without these thanks, for any purpose whatsoever,. liberal merchants, bankers and other are charged for at the^ rate of one enterprising business men, the price cen" w? \ lt,,woul" 1 of subscription would be at least $3 S?oddeal of troubl.e ??> emharru* a year for such a paper as The Rec- men,t lf you "Tld J 4 4b? ord. You'll find, as a rule, that the word!.and se,?d tha <d?ngw,th men who advertise are wide-awake J " f.?i l?ay5 and orr the alert and can give you keep books on these httle, terns. Yet better bargains than those who do , e aggregate they mean a connot advertise. This applies not only 3ld? b'e lo,s8f,to Ae W" lfnot to Kingstree, but many live and up- f?"?fd'and they are 80 eaolyoverto-date business men of Lake City, m v Scranton and Greelyville recognize JM ou. pa |m . g the pulling power of an ad in The 1 KrrvL , D20H " , .? Are cured by Chamberlain'* Salve. One applies Record. w tion relieves the itching and burning sensation. fntmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfnmmB ive It! I 3 Silks in All Colors 3 Long Silk Gloves 3 New Styles in Neckwear 3 40 Inch Embroidery Flouncing 3 j (With Bands to Match) ? ^ ivtpany i iUiUlUUUUiUUUUUUUUUUUUiUiUUUUUUUUlUUUiUiUWB ' I r J9 m Wi M