I To 1 FL I Ah s~mt m a ? (Jive us a can a $ < V-vr ^ YOUNG McCONNELLHEARD FROM j I Missing Man Wires Here from Clinton,la, for Recommendation. from Clinton. Iowa, came first ti-! dings from Marvin W McConnell.the j yojng man whose mysterious vanishing caused a small sensation here last week. Saturday Mr E C Burgess, the young man's former em- ' p! ?yer. received a wire from the' mining man asking for a reoom-' menuation. The telegram was sent j f: >i: Clinton, Iowa. MeConnell' stated in his telegram that with a ! ret ?mmendation from Mr Burgess he coaid get a good job in Clinton. HOlISEHbLD LAKES Ta; tie fromen of Kingstree the Same as Elsewhere. Fnrd to attend to household duties With a constantly aching back. A woman should not nave a bad bactc, And she wouldn't if the kidneys were well. Doan's Kidney Piils make well kidneys. iCingstree women should profit by the fobowing experience. Mrs F J Whitton, lOo E Darlington St, Florence. S C, says: "I have no hesitation in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills, fer they have benefited me gieatly. For along time I suffered constantly from dull, nagging backaches and pains through my kidneys and often I was hardly able to to get around to attend to my housework. About two months aft > ( got a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills and used them as directed. They relieved my aches and pains and made me feel stronger and bet ter in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cencs. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Psmereber the name?Doan's? an:! take no other. Humorous Suabians. . < i the Americans," said " '<\ "I think that the Sua!? : - i Ike mo.>t humorous peori i-i woi 'd. A Suchian, if he h.i? n;iv, keeps si>.if . ?{.: :i:iijy is unknown anion; this r:t- e. i.: ,1.! in Suahia in my ear- ] * ? ?ii _ c t: _ _ jy i; l canou on a au?msn j 7i: nd'-n. She was very pretty. Per- I lups I staved longer than I should. 1 S'ohi 'iily. at any rate, the young j gil l's mother culled in a load voice I from upstairs: (iretehen! Grctchen!' 4 Yes, mother/ tlrefc-ben answered. a Ireteh v?, it is very cold lierc. I Will you ask that young man to j shut the front door from the out- j Bide?'" i Attacks School Principal. A severe attack on school principal Chas B Allen of Sylvania, Ga. is the* told by him. "For more than; three years." he writes, "I suffered i indescribable torture from rheuma-: tisni, liver and stomach trouble and j diseased kidneys. All remedies failed i till used Electric Bitters, but four; bofles of this wonderful remedy cured me completely." Such re-i suit i are common. Thousands bless them for curing stomach trouble, fsmalc complaints, kidney disorders, biliousness and for new health and vig i\ Try them. Only 30c at M L Allen's. --- The Best Dairy Methods. The best dairymeu now practice intense methods witli their cows, making fhem yield the greatest amount of milk possible by liberal feeding and j tba best of shelter and other care. John W Siekelsmith, Greensboro, I Va.l'fts three children,and, like most ciwldren, they frequently take cold. "We have tried several kinds of cough medicine," he says, "but have never yet .found any that did them as iti'jcn good as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all dealers. Live Bin 4-4 PA J/ 4-4 BES JLL LINE LADII so full line of Rom[ nd we will give yoi 5TACKLE THE GOVERNOR'S LATEST. Tells Supreme Court What Special Judges It May Name. The Governor's latest and most; remarkable outbreak is a letter to the supreme court giving the names , of attorneys who may be appointed ? * i ^ l c*a. -.a. - ! special .juuges m me outie wucu w i casien demands. It must he remembered that in j this fight the appeal of the Governor j was that the judicial and executive i departments of the State should be j independent. He has refused to appoint as social Judges the attorneys recommended by the supreme court, after his attempt to appoint j one independent of the court. Now ; he dictates to the supreme court I whom they shall choose. This letter has.it is understood by inquiry. l>een sent to several friends n various parts of the State and it has been received by several attorneys here. The report was on the streets that such a letter had been received.but there was a general indisposition to give the matter pub licity at this end of the line and after diligent inquiry in the offic?s of every attorney in the city who could be gotten at the substantiation of the story was received. The letter says that he gives a list of names of men who will be recognized and who are learned in the law and then closes with the statement that if none of those men are available he can give more names. It is noticeable that the name of Mr Walter Hazard, who has been asked for at Georgetown, is not among them. Following is the list of the Governor's "eligibles": LeRoy Lee, Kingstree; W P Pollock, Cheraw; S McG Simpkins, Edgefield; Geo W Brown, Darlington: J E Brazeale, Anderson; T G McLeod, Bishopville; T I Rodgers, Bennettsville: W E Graydon, Abbe ville; Arthur Best, Barnwell; C C Sims,Barnwell; T B Butler, Gaffney; G W Ragsdale, Winnsboro; J M Cannon, Laurens; B F Kelly, Bishopville; T F Brantley, Orangeburg; J P Carey,Jr, Pickens; J FPeurifoy, Walterboro; R H Welsh, Columbia; R 0 Purdy, Sumter. It is known that some of'these men certainly did not support the present Governor, while he has omitted many others,equally learned in the law as s?>me that he has named, who did support him, who are probably among those whom he can name in a codicil to his will and testament. ? Fhirmr Times. A fierce Niqhl Alarm is the hoarse, startling cough of a j child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often it aroused Louis Chamblin of Manchester, O, [R R No 2] for their four children were greatly subject to croup. "Sometimes in severe attacks," he wrote, "we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy, Dr King's New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup and for cough, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thousands of others. So inay you. Asthma, La Grippe, I Whooping Cough, Hemorrhages fly before it. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold by M L Allen. Easy Quest. A man of wealth and station Who keeps a maid and cook Can find a poor relation If he will take a look. - The most common cause of insom- j nia is disorders of the stomach, j Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. For sale by all i dealers. \ ^ers in V \MA CHECKS 10c. T NEW BLEACH 10c. 40-INCH S ?S' SHIRT WAI! ?ers for Children u the best values f< Y'S DRY Keep Your Eyes C UNION HIGH SCHOOL i On Border Line Between Two Counties Thrives Marvelously. The Union Hi^h school is in a flourishing condition, with an enrollment of over 150 scholars, under the control and direction of a llrst-; c'ass principal. Prof 0 M Mitclvii. assisted by Miss Stubbs, Miss Cun-1 ninghain.Miss Wilson,Miss Reed and. Miss Huff. If the reader has never seen th's school, he or she will hare a great surj>r.'se coming: when the eye first takes it all in?two Jarge and commodious two-storv buildings, thoroughly equipped, where the children are getting ample training for life's duties under competent and up-to-date teachers, music included. The young people have organized a literary society, and we had the pleasure of witnessing this body at work. Mr Ben Chandler is at the head of this institution, being the chairman of the trustee board, and they could have no better head. Fully alive to the best interests of his community. a gentleman and a scholar, ho is a wheel-horse in himself. Happy the people ? fortunate indeed ? when they have such men in their midst. He is deserving: of all credit?all praise. He is ably seconded by Messrs D D Rhem and Jas Munnerlyn, and they have the unqualified support of the patrons. Perhaps you have heard the quotation, "Bright is the ring of words When the rfght man rings thtm." i Well, that is Mr Chandler.?j (ieorgetwcn Times. Board Township Assessors. The Governor has appointed the , following as members of board of township assessors of Williamsburg i county: Hope Township?W M 0 Bryan, Heinemann; S W Montgomery, J F Montgomery, Greelyville. Laws Township?J E Davis, Dr I N Boyd, Salters; J P Gamble,' Heinemann. Penn Township?A W Chandler, J ; B Clarkson, Gourdins: S E McCullough, Trio. Suttons Township?S P Cooper, Suttons; S B Gordon, Lenud; S R Walters, Suttons. Anderson Township-W S Camlin. Harpers; W W Boyd, W T Rowell, Trio. Sumter Township?R B Fitch. Lake City; H A Kennedy, Cades; S J Gasque, Lake City. Mouzon Township?J W McClam. Mouzons; J T DuBose, Cades; J R Pendergrass, Kingstree. King Township?J P Shaw,Kingstree; J F Rogers, Fowler; H U Kinder, Kingstree. Turkey Township?S H Guerry, Zeb; R D Gamble, T A McCrea, Indiantown. Mingo Township?R B Marshall, R W Marshall, Morrisville; G B Eaddy, Rhems. Ridge Township?W C Wilson. J J M Graham. J J Manna, uacies. Indiantown Township?C C Daniel, R E Wilson, Vox; J J Eaddy, Leo. Johnson Township?D N Johnson,' Chapman; B B ^handler, Rome; H E Eaddy, Johnnsonville. Kingstree Township?W R Funk, 1 J T Nelson. P S Courtney, Kingstree. J J B Montgomery, 3-9-11 Auditor. J _ If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating it properly. There is no reason why a cold should hang on for weeks and it will not if you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.! For sale by all dealers. J r yilliamsb 4-4 MADRAS 4-4 CAMBRIC JEA ISLAND 6c STS, PRICES FR =:= Complete liru or your mone GOOD! C >n Our Winde i iesn j|| writes Lola P. Roberts, of jjj| Vienna, Mo., "I used to be j|jjj *jl suffered villi backache and jg|. |lj headache. My Mother, who 0 0 (be use cf Cardui, cot me P|j jivt two bottles, and I have f.A p2 been weii ever since." fcj; &GAR0i The Woman's Tcnic EjS Cardui is a gentle tonic i&J for young and old women. S?jjj |1 At relieves and prevents E|] | pain. It builds strength. It p3 j jc* iecas tne nerves, k neips gj S| the whole system. $ HI Made from harmless |3 || roots and herbs, it has no H H bad after-effects, does not II interfere with the jse of B H any other medicine and can || B do you nothing but good. B B Try Cardui. It will help B B you. Your dealer sells it B J. lf9|B!BBfliVBM 1 j On evetV c?.o ?f ^j^| K|fVind this jorinted yaja guarantee: ya 1S& tents of this can.you afe S<| t'ot satisfied in every re-?J| Rp> 5 ncct. voiftffocei'wUl itfund&ijw ;( g^... you tJve money .paid lor it. j I Has Millions of Friends. How would you like to number your friends by millions as Bucklen's Arnica Salve does? Its astounding cures in the past forty years made them. It's the best Salve in the world for sores, ulcers, eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swellings. Has no e?|ual for piles, 25c at M L Allen's, | urg County. ! 'OM 50c TO $3.50 |H ; of Ladies' Slippers./ |!H ?o> COMPANY 9 <0>fl V2V2QZQX^&2&iQ?VZQZ?XQ2Q2Q?Q2Q2&KXZXi