H i ' ;i-c ' * ,v By t:^r J See us for Life, Fire, Health, B See us for Life, Fire, Health, B Accident Insurance,and%ure. W ^ I ^ A / R a, . A A/ A ^ y A H W _AJ Accident Insurance,and Surer ty Bonds, Renl Estaffc Sold B ^ tif * M g'W I /W^ MH - J M% M B ty Bonds. Real Estate Sold and Eichanged, .. : : fig g | W7 WLB J 1 1 I 8 I I Bl W " 1SB I I IB and Exchanged. Lilts City Insurance Agency, Inc. J EL | %/ /% ' # wJW M W W'tyW JV M/ Lake cit* ,nSDranM A&enc*' ,RC> J. Richardson, Manager. Jp > ^ J- L- Richardson, Manager. VOL. XXIV. KiyGSTBEE, SOUTH CAROLINA, TIH RSDAY. MARCH % 1011. >0.~5p I ' wm&mmmmmm ft 1 We An Cj It will more than pay y I ? and Two Horse Plows, ( v |g Remember, we carry a r !g A full line of Shelf Hard GOVERNOR BLEASt | PARDONS L. C. MYERS'' * WAS SERVING A LIFE SENTENCE ?WINTERS PAROLED ON , GOOD BEHAVIOR. 4 ? ; (Special Telegram to the County 1 Record). Columbia, March 1:?Governor j Bleaae parcloned Lonnie C Myers to- ] day. Winters paroled on good be- ] havior. Edwin L Hirsch. * - ^ . j 5 L C Myers, a white man, was con- j *-* dieted of the murder of S W James J1 about eight years ago in this county J. was sentenced to life imprison- [ roent in the penitentiary. The men < f 1 were neighbors and the killing grew < j.. out of a row between the two famf , ilies. J L Wjn^ers was convicted here j last week for violation of the pro- , hibition law and fined $125, (which ' - was reduced to $100) or five months ! in chamgang. - 1 ^ GOVERNOR AND COURT CLASH. , Disagreement Between Heads of 1 Government Costs Horry ISM. 1 y * Governor Bleaae has again locked j horns with the supreme court, re- i fusing U appoint as special Judge C i u rv.,?ftiaUnm Fan who on rec- i X \^UOVVlCVoU(*it 9 oramendation of the Conway Bar ( association was recommended by the supreme court to take the place j of Judge Klugh, who being: ill, is r ^ not able to preside. In refusing to j I appoint Mr QuattJebaum Governor s I u. XSease stated that there was no f reason to appoint 'a special Judge z I because Judges Copes and Memrain- t get were disengaged. On behalf s of the supreme court it. is stated j j- that at the time Attorney Quattle- 6 {r* baum was recommended, they knew that neither Judge Copes nor Judge * Mbmminger would be available to. ( hold court at Conway, as the former . c would be assigned to Richland * county as soon as he had qualified t ahd the latter was ill at his home in j Charleston. * a ? ^ ^ t Meanume m wuwajr wmi ??? called Monday morning and when ^ bo Judge appeared, and there seem- ^ ed no likelihood of one coming, the court adjourned sine die. The citizens of Conway and Horry I are said to be very indignant, placing upon Governor Blease the blame for the imbroglio. It is estimated that the failure to hold the court * has cost the county not less than |500. There are twenty prisoners in the jail and many important cases y on the docket. t The local bar association, though r tn knl/4 Via dftlM linVinlHli I W,I?IVU? w IIV1U wn. vviu>| ?|/uv. B \jChief Justice Jones in his position. A Young Philosopher. ^ Time is a relative quantity. Some ^ minutes seem like hours, and some hours seem like minutes. Hew to PJt control this flight is beyond most I y jjprsons, but the little boy mentioned below seems to have prof greesed pretty well for a youngster. The teacher was surprised to see : that he remained perfectly idle all j through recess and accordingly [ asked him why he did not play. " 'Cause/' he said slowly, "it makes recess too quick if I play, and I want it to ls-a-ast!" g i the Peo ou for reading this ad if y< Jorn Drills, Cotton and Co complete line of Sash, Do 'ware, Etc. When in nee K1NGSTRE COTTON FUTURES DOOMED ME.' lurden of Note Left by M. W.McCouncil, Who Mysteriously Fled Friday morning, February 24 when Mr E C Surgesthe manage] 3f the People's Mercantile Company went to his office the following note 3n the type-writer attracted his at tice: Dear Mr Carroil;? , "Cotton furfcures" have doomed me. Again I am cut down with a loss of nearly a thousand. You have helped me enough. I can't face asking for more help. I can't live any longer with such circumstance* staring me in the face. This world has been nothing but disappointment to me. Collect my insurance if you hear of my death and pay my debts. This feeems my only to pay them. You will bear of death sooner ar later, altho it will be mysterious. M W McConnf.ll. This note?of which the foregoing is a verbatim copy?surprised Mr Burgess very much, as he had no suspicion that anything was wrong svith the affairs of the young man, who had been in hie employ in various capacities for over a year. During the past season McConnell varied his duties as book-keeper for :he firm with cotton-buyer, and a few weeks ago he rented an office in L l..:I j; j :ne new nirscn duuuiuk ?"u i^icu t up as a brokerage office under the lame of the "Southern Mercantile Company." So far as can be ascertained young kfcConnell has done nothing crimilal and his friends say that had he .old his trouble they would have itood by him. He had gotten scviral parties in town to endorse his lotes for several hundred dollars ind it is thought that finding himlelf unable to meet them at maturty, he lacked courage to face the ituation. His father. Rev S J McConnell, rho now lives at Orrum, North Carriina.came down as soon as he heard >f his disappearance and his brother, Srnest, who is in business in Sumer, also came over and we are informed that they have promised o make jrood all his obligations. It is said that McConnell left here rhursday night on the South-bound rain and that he carried no baggage except a snyril hand-bag. Since then tot a trace of him has been found. The missing man is about 21 years rid,is of short stature,medium build, sears glasses, dresses neatly and has tleasant manners and good address. Within the past four weeks we tave received by mail remittances to >e credited on subscription from nore than a hundred different peotle. We have tried to give proper :redit to every subscriber, but with he ny ^plicity ?* other duties in:umbent upon us, it is possible that, hrough inadvertence, some of these emittances were not credited on our woks. Our rule is to give or mail a eceipt to every person who pays tnything on subscription, so if you lid not get a receipt within a reasonible time?say one week?drop us a ?rd and we will attend to it prompty. Also watch the label on your ?per when you have paid. If it is lot changed, then we have failed to :redit your payment. By helping us i little in this way future unpleasint misunderstandings may be avoided. tf sxs mzmmmmzmm pie That i ou will call in and let lis sho> rrj^^nters, Combination P of finds. Lime, Cement, 1 d o, anything, call in and ge A COFFINS AND CASKET IE HARDWARE C( mmmmi?n .NEWS NOTES FROM ANDREWS AND VICINITY i i ( ? i r WEST END "BOTTLED UP" ASTO| MAIL FACILITIES-FARM WORK I J i FORWARD-BIG STORE CLOSED. Andrews, February 28:?It has I been two weeks since anything: has i appeared in your columns from our 1 humble little town, while your scribe has written his regular communication each week and mailed the same. I But, Mr Editor, our people are in a . terrible dilemma; we can't get our mail off, and we have been mailing ' it on the train. Our obliging and , competent postmaster, Mr W B Blakeley,does all he can for our benefit, but our mail has to be sent to "West-End" by hand and about one, half of it is never delivered. We have done all we can to get our , R F D routfc, but it just seems imnnsaihle to cet anv .relief. The writer will take ufcthe matter with Congressman E Ellerbe and ask for some relief. We got The Record last week on Saturday afternoon. Now, : Mr Editor, you know this is too bad. 1 ? ? ? /i i The Kosemary Mercantile uo nas . closed its place of business. Tbe writer is not informed whether it has closed temporarily or permanently. This large store being closed increases the business at "West End'' considerably. Business has been better here, according to our ' merchants,than has ever been known J at this time of year. Some of them claim that their trade is double what it was a year ago. Several notaries public have been commissioned by Governor Blease and all find quite a lot of work awaiting them. A notary public in the suburbs married a couple 6 or 8 days after his commission expired; ? he performed the ceremony February 17. Are these unfortunate peo- j pie married or not? Our officers t had better take The County Record j and read it. Printers' ink is the cheapest in the end. o Our farmers are putting their j farms in up-to-date condition. The ^ large "Company farm" here, we are ^ informed,employs over 100 hands,or laborers. This is the largest farm in the county. Subscriber. " Note?The two communications referred to in the foregoing article have never reached this office?Edi- ^ tor County Record. a t News at Smiths. e Smith, February 27:?Miss Dora s Debery, who has been teaching the t: Sandy Bay school, spent the week- P I end here with her friend, Miss Ivy o J Smith. Mr Tilman Thomas, from Moore's X Roads, visited Mr W J Smiley's family Sunday. e The hot supper at Mr Stuart c Kelley's last night was ( quite a success. The proceeds will j be applied to the McGill school. T Mr W E Nesmith has the finest J oats the writer has ever seen. All j the farmers in this section are well ? i up with their preliminary work, j Nox. 1 A ... . : ire Here 1 v you what we have in Sta lanters and Fertilizer Distr Plaster, Paints, Oils, Glass, t it. "We Lead, Others Fc S ALWAYS ON HAND. )MPANY, Wholesa i BASES BHS8HTEN BENSON HOMES MOVES OUR SCRIBE'S MUSE TO ' RYTHMIC RHYME?PASSING EVENTS. Benson, February 28:?Last Sunday was a notable day at Benson, a day made memorable by. the records upon the blank pages of three family Bibles designed for the register of births. 44Ye scribe" 'phoned Mr Ollie Epps casually to inquire about his health, etc. He answered thus: 4'I feel like Mr Epps," for the reason that: "Her name is little Mary Nell, On Cedar Swamp she is the belle: To womanhood sne'll grow by steps, She's at the home of G Ollie Epps. Sunday?7:20 p. m.?weight eleven pounds; May Old Time be kind to her on his rounds." I On the same day Mr and Mts S B Ogburn were made happy parents by the appearance in their home of | a bright, bouncing boy. ( Mr Eddie Brown also is wearing an unusually broad smile. I This section, which was several | years ago very sparsely settled, is increasing rapidly in population; from the postoffice as a center you may count thirty or more families ' within a radius of three miles. Of ( this number there are left only i >ne or two old men to give counsel , perhaps in time of adversity. ^ We were delighted to be present i it services at Indiantown Presbyter- i an church last Sabbath. Their < Nourishing Sunday-school, for a < country place, strikes one most forci- < sly. The interest taken in and the 1 lystematic arrangement of the serv- i ces and the contributions by the | attendants are worthy of praise and i ihould gratify the efficient officers | md teachers. The congregation i egret that their beloved pastor, | lev A C Bridgman, will soon leave | hem for another held of labor. < )r J S Cunningham, whose ven- < rable age reaches over four score, < ccupied his accustomed pew. < le looks well for a man of eighty- < wo and his carriage is as erect as < hat of a man of far less years. | The diphtheria patients in our 1 teighborhood are reported out of | anger. x At this writing we learn that Mr 2 1H Guerry has been taken sick again 2 fter being up from his recent at- A ack. % During the recent cold it was fear d that the fruit crop had been de troved: but after examining a few rees we find that there will be some caches left if no further disaster ecurs. WES. Prod For Prod! % "This animal, ladies and gents," aid a traveling showman, "is the himpanzee. The remarkable thing % ibout the cliimpanzee is that it ? omes nearest to bein' a humaD ^ )erson of any speshy of the % nonkey tribe. This here is the % :himpanzee, ladies and gents?the me inside the cage. Please stand a 4 ittle farther back, sir," he added to ? i youth who was poking the animal < * his cane, "for the company <> nay make a mistake 1" < Jo With the Goods. I Ik Cutters, Harrows, Sulky Disc Cultivators, One ;|| ibutors. All the latest imoroved farm machinery. | Etc. | >llow." %' tie and Retail. I j I THE B^TTLE^IilPE,. I 9 C.W. L. DOUGLAS, the great Boston shoe manufacturer I m and former Governor of iVlassachusetts, first saved and m m banked $600 he got for making and mending shoes. This M % was his start in business. Today he is worth many millions.' m Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. W M We pay liberal interest consistent with safety?4 per cent. I Farmers & Merchants Bank I t "Absolutely Safe" C I LAKE CITY, S. C. ? ^ ___^__________________ - ' - - ? rhe Record Office carries a full line of Legal Blanks cheap >op papers, plain notes, mortgages, liens, titles, etc. Always the best rorms obtainable and printed on fine grade of paper in neat, clear type. . ??^mmmmmmmm??? * $ $ $ $ $ $ ?*?* a f v' O ? ? ? * I NOTICE: > . * < K * ' 1 ' V' I /..* < > - < > WE are now In good shape to serve our ;; customers better than heretofore. ! I . using tne Dig store tor tne Ketai ;; ???. < Department, where we will carry a fun and '? nice line of almost anything you wish to purr ! chase, cheap for cash. We can save you money 1 \ by seeing us. We buy for cash in big lots and ?will figure with you on a very small profit. "VOLUME, QUICK SALES FOR CASH," out i! * < t motto. Come to see us. Good lot of room in o rear of building for benefit of public. -