TEXT OF THE NEW GAME FISH LAW ! * ENACTED AT THE RECENT SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO APPLY TO THIS COUNTY. For the benefit of our readers who may be interested in the matter, we publish this week the 4ext of the j new Fish Law, which applies to Williamsburg, Clarendon. Berkeley and sereaal other counties: A DTT T A OiJLIU For the Protection of Gtme Fish in. Berkeley,Bamberg, Colleton, Chesterfield,Clarendon,Dorchester, Or-1 a ageburg ai d Williamsburg Coun- j ties, and for the Repeal of Certain Laws Relating Thereto. Be it er.acted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: Section 1. That in the counties of Berkeley, Bamberg, Colleton, Chesterfield, Clarendon, Dorchester, Orangeburg and Williamsburg, for the j purpose of classification, the follow-i ing fish shall be known as game fish, viz: Jackfish or pickerel, pike, black' bass or pond trout, striped bass or rock fish, warmouth,red belly,robin, J bream, copper-face or bald-bream, I banded bream,' yellow-belly perch, sun perch, red fin trout or yellow pefrch, rainbow trout, speckled trout, flyfcr, crappin, rock bass, goggle-eye and white perch. Set 2. That hereafter, during the months of April,May, June ahd July, no person or persons shall cast,draw, fast en or otherwise make use of any seine or drift net. fyke net of any other description, or use any other appliances for the catching of game fish,except hook and line and ordinary bait, or by spoon, or by artificial fly.or by phantom minnow, or by artific al bait. For the violation of this s btion the party so violating shall be fined twenty ($20.00) dollars or be imprisoned thirty (30) days for each offense: Provided, That this section s all not apply to such person or persons as are catching game fish with a net or other appliance for the purpose of stocking a pond or other stream, and not for commercial purnosps: Provided, also, that any or all ' ~ I persons engaged in catching game I fish for the purpose of stocking a pond or stream must notify the near-1 est magistrate of his or their purpose to s? catch the fish. Sec 3. It shall bo unlawful to poison the streams or waters in the, counties of Berkeley. Bamberg, Dorchester, Orangeburg, Colleton, ChesterficUI.O'aivndon and Williamsburg t in any manner whatsoever for the j ^urpeSv ?f taking fish. The muddy-j ing of sh 'an:s or p >reis.?,r the ir.tro-. duct ion of any substance which re-J suits in making the fish sick, so that they may be caught, is hereby declared to be poisoning in the sense of this act. For violating this section, the person so violating shall be fined five hundred ($500)dollars or be imprisoned six ((>) months. - - . t Ssc 4. No nuvigable stream in tne counties of Berkeley, Bamberg, Dorchester. Orangeburg. Colleton, Chesterfield .Clarendon and Williamsburg shall be obstructed by dam or otherwise unless there be provided a fishway in same. For the violation of this section the person or corporation so violating shall be fined not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each day that such obstruction shall exist without said fishway in same after having been notified in writing by any person that such obstruction exists. Sec 5. Any non-migratory fish,except game fish,may be caught at any time or in any manner not prohibited by this act. Migratory fish may be caught in accordance witn sucn laws as now exist or may hereafter be enacted. Sec 6. That for the violation of any provisions of this act not otherwise provided for, the violator shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, or be imprisoned for not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and for the violalation of any provision of Section 4, upon conviction, be fined not less than one dollar nor more than twen1 t ' ty-five dollars or be imprisoned for not less than one day nor more than thirty days, Sec 7. Such parts of Sections 524525-532 and 535 of Volume II,of the Code, and such other acts or parts of acts,as conflict with the several provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Sec 8. It shall be unlawful to throw, place or put dynamite or any explosive in any lake,stream or inland water in Berkeley, Bamberg, Dorchester, Orangeburg, Chesterfield, Colleton,Clarendon and Williamsburg counties for the purpose of taking fish. For the violation of this section the person so violating shall be fined ! five hundred ($500) dollar* or be imprisoned one year. Sec 9. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sec 10. That all fines collected for the violation of any of the sections of this act shall be turned into the county treasury to be disbursed the same as any ordinary county fund. Sec 11. That this act shall take effect immediately on its passage and approval by the Governor. Special drive on Flour this week. Wilkins' Wholesale Grocery Co. 2-23-tf Tortured lor 15 Years, by a cure-defying stomach trouble that baffled doctors, and resisted all j remedies he tried, John W Moddere of Moddersville, Mich,seemed doomed. He had to sell his farm and give up work. His neighbors said, "he can't live much longer." "Whatever I ate distressed me," he wrote, "till I tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. It's surely a grand, remedy stomach trouble." Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at M L Allen's. A Tribute to Greet. Next in importance to the divine profusion of water, light and air? those three physical facts which render existence possible?may be reckoned the universal beneficence of grass. Lying in the sunshine among the buttercups and dandelions of May, scarcely higher in intelligence than those minute tenants of that mimic wilderness, our earliest recollections are of grass. 'And when the fitful fever is ended and the foolish wrangle of the market and the forum* is closed grass heals over the scar which our descent into the bosom of the earth has made, and the carpet of the in fant becomes the . blanket of the dead.?J. J. Ingalls. iim TO STAY CURED. ilea hlngslree Citizens Can Find Ccaiiildte Relief from Kidney Troubles. If you .-.ufFcr fiom backache? ! Front" urinary disorders? rrom any disease of ihe kidneys, i e cured to stay cured. Poan's Kidney Pills make lasting I C. TVS. Fo grateful people testify. Mere's one case of it: Mrs Jasper Martin. 3 Wood St, Georgetown, S C, says: "My back that I rvtultf hardly get around to at lend to my housework and J suffered all the time from from backache and pains across my kidneys. I hkd little strength or energy and the kidney secretions were unnatural. Hearing about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply and their use, according to directions, cured me. I give Doan's Kidney Pills the entire credit for my present good health." (Statement eiven in March, 1908.) A Permanent Effect. On January 12, 1911. Mrs Martin said; "I have had no occasion to use any kidney medicine since I endorsed Doan's Kidney Pills,for the result of their use has been lasting. You are welcome to continue the publication of my testimonial." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. A DojLt. "I can't fijjnre said Ysv: On son. "whether fro' i v. ha; Km told nie ahon? the cook's ;inswy : the citth, when Jorkins ;>!te'ie ! i": him ahout the birds always loin generally cold, the cook ?ravc hi" a stinging r ; >: t or the bird as lie wanted it." "What did Kniel.or say?*' as'-o.: his friend. "He said. 'When .Torkins r?wO" | on that way, 1 tell yon. the co'j'< handed him a Hot one.'" \ Tt Titaect Gravers. Dillwyn, Va, January 3. To the Farmers of North and South Carolina:? I have been in the warehouse business at Nichols, S C,for the past 13 years and have never advised my customers to plant too much tobacco; but I believe the outlook is Rood for good prices this year for good . 1 2 1 _ A ll I tooacco, ana certainly ao noi tninK you will make a mistake to plant this season. I had rather not sell any than to advise you to plant and not get satisfactory prices. Prices on good tobacco were good the past season, but most of you let country buyers pick out your best curings at home and yon put the undesirable grades on the warehouse floor, and my judgment is that you made a mistake by selling that way. H W McGehee, 2-23-tf Warehouseman. A 8trong App?al. "When Bob Taylor was governor of Tennessee." said ' a statesman. "bd old negress walked into his office,' leading three pickaninnies. " 'Well, Mandy, what do you want?' asked the governor. " 'Ephraim is in de penitentiary an' 1 come to ask you all to parfton him.' "'What did he do?' asked the governor. " He stole a ham of meat.' " Is he a good bov ?' asked the , governor kindly. " 'Xo, sir. He is the biggest scoundrel in this part of the coun- i irji was* iuc PuiniMi^ ausnut. "'I guess we had better let him stay there awhile, then,' the governor answered. " 'But. governor, I's out of meat/ 1 replied Mandy appealingly." < , tlfe Saved af Death's Deor. "I never felt so near my grave," writes W R Patterson of Wellington, Tex, "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds,(in spite of doctor's treatment for two years. My rather, mother and two sisters died of consumption, and that I am alive to-day * is due solely to Dr King's New Dis covery, which completely cured me | Now I weigh 187 pounds and have been well and strong for years." Quick.safe.sure, it's the best remedy on earth for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup and all throat and lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by M L Allen. v Her Sen'.imcn'.s. It is relate! of a clergyman who was the father of a charming and beautiful dan-flit r that one day while preparing his Sunday sermon he was suddenly railed awav from i his desk en a mission of mercy. The j sc.:tor*at wlii !i l:e left ?>T was 5 this: "I nev. r >:e :: y<> ::ig man of M'v aru ;n* prowiM* , a of a clo.'o.i.^ '">!i a!mo.-' real- !j izci la" is :ii!cd with rap- i _ turo jnil ocii-.'ii!." His (l;o! enter i 1 the study, saw the s ?rmon and road j < the words. Sitting down, she wrote < underu< atJi, "My si ntiments, papa, < exactly !'' ; Falls Vlclni to Thieves. I S W Bonds of Coal City, Ok!a. has J a justifiable grievance. Two thieves ; < stole his health for twelve years, j ! They were a liver and kidney trou- J ble. Then Dr King's New Life Pills j throttled them. He's well now. Un- ! rivaled for Constipation, Malaria, ; Headache, Dyspepsia. 25c at M L ; Allen's ? ? A R*c? For Fun. ' The younger Dumas is said to , have thus passed judgment on the efforts of a would be humorist. Of ' this man some one said to him, "Poor fellow, he is always on a chase after a joke." "And the joke always wins," Dumas observed mildly. fZAJ f STONESy/oSI " I /m I il J wlthtmi operating. Pain in Pit of Stomach, Right Side under Shoulder Blideiand Backache. Speliaof Stomach trouble. Indigeation.Sick Headache. Colic. Jaundice. Biliouaneaa, Conatipation. Piles. Bluet. Nervous Weakness. Debility. Loss of Energy, Soreneas. Fullness or Oppression orer region of Liver or Stomach. Chronic Catarrh. Bad Taste. Coatrd Tongue. Weak or Irregular Heart. These are anrniitakable symptoms of Hailstones or a condition prn. ductive to their formation. Each person does not usually have all of these symptoms, but Gall troubles are likely to produce the?* ? ?-?e tunc or other. We will send a copy or our copyrighted MLiAiAL BOOK FREE on Call troubles. Appendicitis and all Stomach and I l.iver.Ai'v t,. ,... or who s itter* from any : ot the above sy.npt m<,or,to avoid delayand sufiering. let > Knu I'lU <1 .. | in ou ON 10 DAYS' APPROVAL V*5 Money refunded fur medicines returned within 10 days if ! not fully satnfir J. Our treattne-t consists of lour different medicines which if taken in conjunction will ctfect a cure j ' in any case. Address. GALLSTONE REMEDY CO. Dept. 33, 225 Dearborn St.. Chic*co, Illinois | FOIEY^HONEY^fAR Cures Cold.',; Prevents Pneumonia / 1 / W W W W w W W w www W ^~w~w~w w : niGSTIEE 1ISISCINl MOTES. We are sorry to say that Mr Swittenberg is detained from school on account of having the mumps. Yesterday being Washington's birthday, the different grades celebrated the day with appropriate exercises. We are glad to have Kirby Green to become a member of the Ninth grade. _ Big stock of all Case Goods; it will pay you to see us. Wilkins' Wholesale GrocpryjCo. 2-23-tf w Card of Thaaki * Editor County Record:? Please allow- me, through your paper, to express' my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the people of Kingstree and other friends for their kindness and sympathy attendant upon the illness and death of my husband. Mrs T E Graham. Kingstree, February 13. Announcement! ?. d.u. ?.a I1UU3UI1 U LH1KC1 aic now open for business at Thomas & Brad ham's former stand and respectfully solicit a share of patronage. Will have always on hand a nice bunch of Horses and Mules, also Buggies, Wagons and Harness of standard quality at living prices. Will feed and stable your horse or rent you a team reasonably. Give us a call. Yours for business, Hudson & Baker, Uvery, Feed and Sale Stables, Kingstree, S C. Ll-17-3m -g Remember We are now in the large building formerly occupied by Wilkins Wholesale Groc1 ery Co., where we are glad to welcome our old customers as well as new ones. We keep All Kinds of Meats in season at living prices, also a choice line of Fruits, Vegetables and Canned Goods. ; Epps' MarKet Cr. Academy Q2b Mill Sts. k i ?__________________ FOR SALE i :i Lots No. 74, 75, 7G, 77,78, S2, ^G, 87 and 103 in "Rut lege Park", Lake City, S.C. J! For full particulars, prices and terms apply to ! j J. D. GILLAND, j j: Attorney-at-Law 4 , KINGSTREE, - - S- C. Igood as luzianne" ma Let no such <%j|i argumentjare- 1 vail, to wean f you from feftf i your time - tried i I Jenkinson Bros. Co. 1 ;' Offer This Week: ^ ,! <' Nice Swiss Embroidery 15 inches wide, suitable for corset covers and flouncing3 for skirts, !only 15c"tbe yard. > Now, remember this, 15 inches wide for 15c theiyard. 1 ' kg A large and beautiful line of Swiss Embroideries [8 'to i 10 inches wide, inserting to match,only 10c the yard. Now, i [ j i"'remember,these Embroideries 8fto 10 inches^wide only ; M 10c the yard. . 9 9 , Ladies, it will do you good to see' ourfline of Swiss 1 V i Flouncings, with insertings to match, only 25c the yard. ^ Paper Doylies, in beautiful floral designs, only 15c |for 4 v 1 i one hundred. I Pure white fine Crepe Paper Doylies only 25c forgone ? I j j hundred. T The most refined Paper Doylies you ever saw. Very < > , dainty floral designs, beautiful borders, only 35c for one II hundred. i > Crepe P^per in ten foot rolls, all shades, only 5c per C. roll. Better grade at 10c per roll. K J Ladies, if you want a nice Black Skirt you will do" well 1 i to see our splendid line of new Spring Skirts. Black 1 1 Vm'ld filrirfa frnm fn 8lrtpar?Vi CViiffnTi Pfl/namft I 11 . Skirts at $3.50, $5, $7.50!and $10 each. * ! { The greatest line of ladies' Oxfords and JPumps ever shown in Kingstree can now be seen at our store.^ They , > < i are perfection in stylish shoemaking and] at the same * time are most reasonable in price. 1, We close by offering 5,000 yards Sea Island Homespun * ' i1 38 inches wide in 5, 10 and 20 yard bundles fori only 5c the yard. We defy competition to hand out a better value ; ', thanthis -38 inches wide only 5c the yard. V Soft finish Bleached Homespun, absolutely" no starch, one yard wide, only 7tc the yard.' i ( < 1 5,000 yards Sea Island Homespun 27 inches wide, only 1 4ic the yard. No better value can be offered. ^ j I Jenkinson Bros. Co. I ^ W S mtm U CLX UICLSIS \ 1 s By mail or wire and we can fill them in twenty-four hours. > ( Always glad, of course, to have our Williamsburg friends f , t ^ call at our store when in the city. * > S Remember, we are headquarters for > everything in j ? Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Silver- ) i ware, Toilet Necessities and Luxuries, < | Repair work by reliable workmen and guaranteed. ^ } Unlimited supply of articles suitable for gifts for any occasion. 1 Stephen Thomas & Bro., } ^ 257 King Street - - Charleston, S. C. ^ Jfffffffffff?fVWTT7TTTTT7?VTTTVTVTVTTTf7TTTT?f it I ^ y?u have any Real Estate, either ^ p country, town or city, to dispose of ^ [