The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 09, 1911, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Legal Notices I / R Summons for ReliefBf (COMl'I.AlXr NOT SKKVKO) V STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY t')F Wl ILIAMSBURG. In C?urt of Common I'ieas. V Clias A Smith, Plaintiff, chains' .1 Cleave II ,'Ehreen. ivfendant. B To the Defendant J Cleave McElveen: j B Yon are hereby summoned and re-1 quired to answer the complaint in this! B action which has been tiled in the offi'-e, of tlieC lerk of Court of Common Plea* B? d General Se-sions for the county of Williauahonc in the Stat*' of South r Carolina and to serve a copy of your answer to *aid complaint on the >uh? ^ r . i... r*:4.. o r Registration Notice. > The "Ticc of the Supervisor of K-v isirution will be open on the Is Mon- j day in each month for (he purpose ot regi?terin^ any person who is ouali- ! li?-d a.- follows: Who shall have been a resident o |j the State for two years, and of th* j county one year, and of the polling; pre- || oinct in which the elector otferstojl vote four months before the day of;! election, and shall have paid, si>i! months before, any poll tax then due ! and payable, and who can both read j and write any section of the constitu- j tion of 1895 submitted to him by the I Supervisors of Registration, or who j can show that he owns, and has paid | all taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board scrilKT, at his othce at i^aae wij, o v., ( within twenty (2d) days after the service hereof; ex<-lu-ive of the day of such service; and if \o? fail tc answer 'the complaint within the tirm aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply t<> the < ourt for the relief demand- ! e i in the complaint. v. L Bass, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated this January 30, 1911. To the Defendant J < le-'ve McElveen: Take Notice?That the complaint it. thi-? action together with the summons. of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the office of the Cle'kof t' e Court of Common Pleas and Gener. &! Sessions a* Kingstree, S <J. in the county of \Vi!liam-l?urg and Sbt'e of South Carolina,on The third day of February. 1911. W L Bass, Plaintiff - Attorney. Dated February 3. 1911. 2-2-7t Summons for Relief. (complaint served). STATEUF SOl'TH CAROLINA. mons in ine snovetnuueu av.uvu, v.* which the foregoing is a copy, together / roth the complaint herein, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, ^ at Kingstree, S C, on the 25th day of January, A D 1911. m Walter Hazard, HB Plaintiff's Attorney, t Georgetown, SC. Summons for Relief. (COMPLAINT F1LEI>) mm STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, br county of williamsburg, Court of Common Pleas. H E .1 McCallom, Plaintiff. HE against Elijah Witherspooo, Rosa Rollerson, M nee Withersp<?oii. Ida Capers, nee fV Witherspocn, Mellie Morgan, n--e H Witherspoon.Loi.i-a Ke?-ls nee With erspoon. and Hattie With-rspoon, as heirs-at-law <>f lbnrierta Wither spoil and Alex Allston, Defendants. To the al'sent defendnit. Mellie Mor gan. nee Witherspo ?nj m You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this Kg action, which is filed in the office of the Cierk of the Court for said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to ^B the said complaint on the subscribers ^B at their office in Kingstree, SC. within twenty days after the service hereof : ^^^^xclusive of the day of such service; and ^ Bvou fail to answer the complaint withtime aforesaid, the plaintiff in BHDT action will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. i .be & flshburnk. H Plaintiff's Attorneys. Tonnarv Q A D 1911. Take Notice: That the complaint Hb. the above entitled action was filed in ^^^Fhe office of the Clerk of Court of Wil^^^liamsburg County November 10, 1910. WF ' Lee & Fishbi rne, | l-li'-ot Plaintiff's Attorneys. I Citation NoticeB THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, B County of Williamsburg. H Bv P M Brockinton, Esq, Probate Judge. H Whereas, Sarah Burgess madesuir to me ro grant her letters of administration of the estate of and effects of Albert j B Burye?. j B| These are therefore to cite and ad- j ? mw/wiIo*. fko L-inHroH onH ! M IIlU'liMi an ai.u aju^uiai wuc rw<<*v?*^v K creditors of the said Albert Burgess, m deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate to be held at Kingstree S C, on the 1 lib day of February next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given undermy hand this 2Stlidayof .!anuary. Anno Domini, 1911. a Published on the 2nd day of Februfc, 1911, in The County Record. P M Brockinton*, 2-2-2t Probate Judge. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given thaton the 4th day of Marcli,1911. at 11 o'clock in the , forenoon. 1 will apply t" P M Mroekinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, ,or a Fi,;ul i>i-charge n> , administrator of tlie estiu* o? J M Par-! rit\ deceased. w j Mo<:ali?ti.k. 2-2-41 Adinin;strator. j / COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, Court of < ommon Pleas. H H Kinder. Plaintiff, against Atlantic t oas\ Lumber Corporation, a body corporate created and duly organized under the laws of tl*- State of South Carolina, and Industrial Tri^st Company, a corporation created and duly organized under the laws of the State of Thode Island, Defendants. To the Defendants above named: ? x ou are nereoy suiiiiuuhcu wiu iv~ i quired to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office,No 117'.,. Screven St, Georgetown, S C, within twentydays after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the <-ourt for the relief demanded in the complaint. Walter Hazard. Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated January 19, A D 1911. To the non-resident Defendant, Industrial Trust Company: ? Please Take NoTiCE-That the sumA' ?1 AAflAft nf Auditor's NoticeI. or my agent, will be at the following places. on the dates hereinafter given.for the purpose of taking tax returns for the riscal year.lwil. All malts between the ages of 21 and 60 years are liable to poll tax and must return I sam<\ All transfe'sof real estate since ! last return must he repot ted by botb j seller and purchaser. All personal i property must be returned, and don't forget to return your dog or dogs. All parties in the annex territory to Florence county are requested not to make a return until the appointments lor Lake City and Scranton. As a part of Sumter. Kidg.? and Lake town-hip? has been cut off with the annex territory, all parties owning real estate in said town-hips must be pre- , pared to make eorrect rcturus of nil J lands affected by tlii* change by muk- , mg two returns, tine for theold territory, giving the number of acres and 1 buildings, and one lor the annex territory, with number of acres and buildings. January Bt-nson. 10 Blooming vale, U M orris villc, 12 vt Knems. Indian town, 14 Greelvville. 17 and 18 Gourdins, in Salters, -0 Andrews, 24 Trio. 2 "> Suttons. 2H Mouzon, 27 Hebron (J L Guwdv's store), 28 W C Wilson's, * 31 February Cades, 3 Church (Graham's store). J> Home, 7 Lamberts, 8 Ard-X R'-ads, f Johnsonville, 1" Vox, 11 Prospect, 13 Like City, 14 audio S ranton. 16 At Auditor's office from January 1 to February 20, ine'.usive, except above dates. J J B Montgomery. 12-8-tf County Auditor. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas S A rd will present the same, duly attested.and person* indebted to the saM estate will make payment to the undersigned. Ijse & Kishbi rnk. l-26-4t Attorneys, "Pinal Hianliflro'ft. aimwl Notice is hereby jjiventhat on the 27th day of February, A 1)1911. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, we will apply to P M Brockinton. Judjte of Probate of Wiliiamsbury countv, for a final discharge as executors of the estate of Mr> S E McMi'ian. deceased. S M A SKINS. M A Thomas. 26-It Executors Final DischargeNotice is hereby given that on the4th day of March, 1911, I will apply to P M Brockington, Judge of Probate of 1 Williamsburg county for a Final Discharge as administrator of the estate ' of W D McClary, Sr, deceased. i W D McClary, Administrator. ; 2-2-4t Final Discharge- ! Notice is hereby given that on the , 11th day of March, A D 1911, I will ( applv to P M Broekinton, Judge of , Probate of Williamsburg county, for a Final D tcharge as administrator of i the estate of Josephene Crav-on, de- < ceased. H J, Grayson, 2-9-4t Administrator. Citation Notice. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of willi amsburg By P M Broekinton, Esq, Probate J ud ire. Whereas, E H Carsten made suit to i me to grant hiiu letters of administraJ tion ot the estate of and effects of C G | Car-ten. These are therefore to cite and adI monish all and singular trie kindled and creditors of the said C G Cars;en deceased, that they be and appear before m-'in the Court of Probate, to he helrl at Kingstr?e, a C, on the 18th day of February next after publication 11 o'clock in the show cause if any they have, why ilie said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 4th day of February, Anno Domini, 1911. Pnbhsned ?n the 9th day of February. 1911. in i he County Record. P M Brodkinton, 2-9-2t Probate Judge. Notice. On March 1 one per cent will be ridded to all taxes unpaid undone per c ent fur each day thereafter during the month of March. On April 1 two per cent will be added and two per cent lor i each day thereafter during the month of April On May 1 executions will be issued. By order of Town Council, i. w < i li.and, Mayr.' M H .1 .icons, Clerk 2-n-iil VTYVYTVTVTTVVYYTYfVYVVYYY^ Z5/ye Oliver? 5 The Typewriter for the <j busy man. Buiit best, 4 looks best, writes eas- J iest, wears longest. ? Do you Know J That there are more J Oliver Typewriters in 4 Kingstree than all other ^ J makes of standard ma- J chines combined? Do 4 11^ ; you suppose tnis vvouia r be the case if the Oliver < didn't prove to be the * t best. ^ Do you Know J t . That you can buy an Oli- ^ ? \ ver for 17 cents a day. J ?- For demonstration and other 4 ? information apply to i W. Martin Tobias 5 Local Agent 4 ?AAilAAAAiAAAAAitliiAAAAA? FOR SALE. Brick In any quantity to suit i?urrh?> r. The Besi Dry Press Machine-made Special shapes made to order. Correponileiice solicited oeiore placing vom >rders. W. H. FUNK. Summons for Relief... (COMPLAINT SKKVKD). ; STATE OF SOUTH CAROUNA. COUNTY oF WILLIAMSBURG, Court of C-'inmon l'leas. E B Rh'?dus. a? Executor of the last will and testament of W T Rhodus, deceased. Plaintiff. against Louenia Gamble. Aaron (iambic Ma'.fk.Jobn Mack. Mary Mack. Alex Mack. Madis'-n Mack, Lilly Circ'elight.Etta Rivers,Mand? Havenel. Beatrice Conyers, Jennings Rivers, and Jennie Mack, Samuel Mack and Witky Rivers.infants over the age of fourteen years, and Lottie Rivers, an infant under the age of fourteen year>, Defendant-. To the absent Defendants James Gamble, Eita Riyers and .Manda Ravenel You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you. and to serve a copy ot your a!i*werto tile sua complaint on ine subscriber* at their office in Kintfstree. SC. within twenty days after the -ervi e hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if \ou fail to answerrhe complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in thi* action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Kinystree. S C. February 6, A D 1911. Lee A Fishburne, Plaintiff's Attorney. To the absent Defendants,above named: Plkask Takk Notice Thit the original summons and com >lamt hi the above-entitled action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pie-s in and for the county of Wil liamsbur^, Mate of South Carolina, at Kingstree. S C, or. tho 3rd day of February, lull. Lke & Fishburne. 2-!Mit Plaintiff's Attorneys. Deafness Cannot be]Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness. and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have-a rumbling sound or imperfect hearng, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless th? nflammation can be^.taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused Kv Cntarrh which is nothiner but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars. free. F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. His Compliments to the Judge. Bonaventure do Fourcroy, a clever society poet of the seventeenth century, a splendid orator, in eminent advocate and intimate friend of Molicre to boot, on being asked one day by a magistrate what lie meant to do with his son, replied, "If there is anything in him fll make him a barrister; if not I'll uahe him a judge." Wife Got Tip Top Advice.; "My wife wanted me to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boil,"writes D D Frankel of Stroud, Okla. "I said 'put Bucklen's Arnica Salve on it.' She did so. and it cured the boil in a short time." Quickest healer of Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Corns, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings. Best Pile cure on earth. Try it. Only 25c at M L Allen's. OlO'TEmnENT,T?ItESi' ^ -BIBlE-sfODIESTHE PRAYER-ANSWERING GOD I Kings 18:1-40?February 12 "Choose you this day tchom ye will serve."? Joshua !i:15. CHE word of the Lord came to Elijah In the third year instructing him to manifest himself to King Ahab, with a view to the termination of the drouth. This may have been the third year of the Prophet's sojourn at Zarephath, or it may have been the third year after Elijahs announcement to Ahab The land of Israel may already have been experiencing a six-months' drouth when Elijah announced to the king that no rain was to be expected until he. as God's servant. would announce it or bring It. In any event we have the assurance that the entire period of drouth was three and a half years.?Luke 4:25; James 5:17. When the time was fulfilled God directed Elijah to present himself to King Ahab, because the time had come when God was willing to relieve the ltt-i drouth?when a suf- L. flclency of punish- llJjjJj|?>* p ment had come upon LW|j? , the Israelites for their LJ iniquities?when at least some of them had been called to ft * their senses, remind- IWIljMCl ed of their Covenant gl with the Lord and j his engagement to v give them blessings J V | or adversities, accord- I J ing to their obedl- *??11 ] | j ence. On arriving at ... . U the palace Elijah call- ,. ?u . ed for the Royal Su- trouuleth Israel. perintendent. or Prime Minister, Obadlah. He was a godly man and. of course, distressed by the Idolatrous course of the King* and the Queen. If he was not sufficiently courageous to protest openly, he was. nevertheless, courageous, for. in a time when the servants of Jehovah were being persecuted to death by Queen Jezebel, Obadiah hid one hundred of them and supplied them with the necessities of life ?evidently at the risk of his all. When Obadiah met Elijah and was told to tell the King that .Elijah was there to see him, Obadiah feared to do so. He declared that himself and others had searched the entire country over most carefully to find Elijah and found him not. He realized that the Lord had hidden him. He protested that if now he would declare that Elijah was ready to see the King, the probabilities were that, by the time the King would get there, the spirit or power of the Lord would somehow carry Elijah away. Then the King, infuriated, would cause Obadiah's death: but Elijah reassured him. When the King met Elijah his first word was. "Art thou he that troubleth Israel?" I ms 18 llie wuriuiy uusiuui. 111c icm use minister who tells the Truth and relates the Divine prophecy respecting the rewards of evil-doing Is held accountable, as though he had caused the trouble. But Elijah was not Intimidated. He promptly answered, I have not troubled Israel, but thou and thy parents' house, in that y? have forsaken the commandments of th? Lord and followed Baal. Three years before the King would have probably ordered the execution of Elijah; but the fulfillment of his word and the pangs ol hunger had humbled him. He was anxious that the blight should be removed and responded to the demands of Elijah that the eight hundred and fifty prophets of idolatrous Baalism should meet at Mt, Carmel and that thither all the people of Israel, represented by their chief men, should also assemble. Th% design, evidently, was a contest between Elijah, the representative of God. and these murderous priests of Baal, proteges of Jezebel. "Choose Ye This Day" This gathering of the priests and of the prophets required time, but was finally accomplished. When the meeting convened Elijah declared that it was time tc have a testing and showing as to who really was God, Jehovah or Baal. The test was to be that two altars were to be built and two bullocks were to be sacrificed. The Baalltes were to provide the bullocks themselves and to make choice of the one for their own altar. Whichevei God would answer by fire and accept the offering, would be acknowledged as th< only true God. To them came the first opportunity They had the noontime opportunity, wher the fierce heat of the sun seemed almosl warm enough to set fire to the fat of th? bullock. They prayed; they shrieked; they cut themselves with knives, entreating that Baal would answer by fire and prov? himself the mighty god. Hour afteahoui thi? proceeded until evening, wheir they were forced to give over and admit theii inability. Then came Elijah's turn. He commanded that water be brought and that th< altar which he was to use should be thoroughly flooded with water. No one musl have room to say that there was a secrci smoulder of fire beneath. And, since tht sun had gone down, no one could claim ? spontaneous combustion. Then Elijal prayed calmly, earnestly, reverently and in? uivm? answer lann;?u. ii?^ num uct?? en consuming' the sacrifice and licking uj the water in the trough of the altar. Then the people recognized the differ ence. They fell on their faces and said Jehovah is The God! A great lesson had been learned. A lesson for us is that the masses ol Christendom are deceived today, as wen the masses of Israel then. And when, bj and by, God shall open their eyes of un derstanding through the agency of Mes siah's Kingdom, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. The knowl edge of the Lord will fill the whole earth Complying with the Lord's ditc-ctior through Elijah, the Israelites slew all the prophets of Baal. We are not to under stand this to represent the Divine com mand to us today tc put false teacher! to death. We are t( X/y. V remember, as berar* E3\ Pyil suggested. that Israe "?SW was a special natior with which God deali In a sPccial manner and that many ol 'C.CKS^| Divine direction, weri typical of hlghei things to be aecom pllshed In God's King K9K?c?i dom. Ultimately, aft er full opportunity . . every false teachei Fire 1r0mlhhta ~ and every wilful .in umxng the sacrifice. ner w,? be destroysd "All the wicked will God destroy." Th< death of those priests of Baal foreshad owed the destruction In the Second Deatl of all who work iniquity; but thos* priests themselves did not suffer the Sec ond Death. Like all tpe remainder ol Adam's race, their resutrectlon from th< dead was provided for at Calvary, anc they, as well as all others, must b< brought to a knowledge of the Truth an< to an opportunity of reconciliation t< God. Following the Lord's demonstration cam* the long-desired rain, not only physieallj refreshing, but also showing a return ol Divine favor. It fell on the evil and or the good, to make Loth better. " ~~~ I I % cq ., A Guarantee of Safety ?p 11?. \ ?"? :$ Yil r-' Absolute safety in matt rs of ] * :% f ^ bankifg is guaranteed t" tin* p3- , A?i Vgfi/ynstnxix' tr -ii- <r this i-anK by ample capi'al <cl ,yl?r?ynd strict stat?- Supervision, and the ft; $X* i , i , fact that irs loans are resricted to /Aj t? 1 r~~'' a class in which it is practically im- (51 ??| ff ' : ' ?~rJ possible to su-rain a 1??S8 of any dc>- ft j w j)" ] ' ^ ' ' ' >j cription. 1.0.1 ns are made only upon ^ ^ ! ' 1' > ?'' brs'-class coil a tern 1 of guaranteed jxi P * Paid on Savings Accounts. I Bank 0/ Williamsburg', ? -j S Kingstree, S. C. B gf C W StOLL. President. E C Epps. Cashier. ' ? jS F Rhem, Vice-President, C W Boswell, Asst. Cashier. gj i C969SSS9S9SSSSS9S9S9S9S9S9 8 . 1 ; jn I am now in the west selecting a carload of m | UP Horses and Mules for farm work. Will also Up I (Jj have some nice driving horses in the drove. Ja ; f) They will be in my stable Saturday. Don't 9) 8 fail to look them over. W) J. L. STUCKEY, U fl Lake City, S. C. fl I HnHDmnn THE NEWS AT ANDREWS. I "Ollf-fl Oliro" fl Border Rnm Shop Rumored? ; Oil I U UlllU fl Needed, More Boldings. i "I would like tp guide fl Andrews' February 6: "We are ,! M suffering women td a sure H sorry to report that little OdisAvant, cure for female troubles," E the only son of Mr and Mrs J J 1 w/vI' S Avant' is iU ?'th something like g "I have found no rned- m ; pneumonia. The family has the B icine equal to Cardui. I Kj ' sympathy of the community; all H . . rr l I. .. ,.Ai,. e n Inaa sunereu ior auuui h i nope tne me 01 me nine ieuow headachefor a weckaTa I maybe spared t0 his fond parenta- * lime, until I would be R Your scribe has been informed nearly crazy. I took Car- I (that a dispensary will be opened in dui and now 1 never have R this town on February 15, near the the headache any more. ffi *. A ?, , mM center of town. As we all know,the E 53 ^ A fl III coun^ board has the legal right to ? r | | 111R do what it has done over the protest ' Take I illn 11 I 0 eyery man ,n c?un^y- The ! c==s vffll 1 Wl blare for this unlimited power lies ! 1 | on the shoulders of our law-makers. ' The Woman's Tonfc Notice the act of the present AssemIp bly making a law in reference to The pain3 from which 8 the division of profits of the dispenmany women every ? making provision for the new month are unnecessary. * F_ x r It's not safe to trust to Ey dispensary of Georgetown county. Strong drugs, right at the gl Let the wheat and the tares gruw time of the pains. js together; the day of harvest is not Better to take Cardul B far distant; for a while, before and a _ . ., ? ?7 m _ . after, to strengthen the ?3 The writer, with Mr \\ T Evins, system and cure the cause, am Chief of Police Frank Fulton and Thk> is the sensible, IR several others of this town, spent fhp cripntific. the r/irA/wav. 11_?4. r.onr(rotmCT nn t h " gjj l?sl xiiuisuoj in uivin>,v.._ J Our town is pressed to its full ca" i ? pacity for buildings to accommodate ,,, new-comers. We have need for sev_ eral hundred new buildings and the ' SOffi Throat and ChOSt ring of the carpenter's hammer is I am so enthusiastic concerning hea,d on a" sides dailv' What is the'virtues of now needed is a c?tton oil mill and HUNT'S Ll G " T N I" G "Z'prottd'bank wii, soon be . ??'i? ?0ll ready fcr business. that I always keep a bottle of it Farmers of this community are in the house, and to my particular doing quite a lot of two-horse plowfriends I give.a bottle unless they jng an(j weather has been ideal live so near that I can pour out - ?. , r. ^ u from my own supply to tide them 'or this work. Farm work is being over any trouule. 1 use this lin- pushed rapidly. We expect better iment for colds, rubbing it on my preparation and better crops for 19i 1 throat and chest as a counter irri- than have ever been made in th's * * * * 1 wen't say any more community; Subscriber. but you see how enthusiastic I am. Mrs. Ida B. Judd, ? 1 West 87th Street, LIGHTNING RODS! New York City. H. L. WfcitiocK, citr. s.c 50c and 25c Bottles Special Sales Agent Sold bv: _ , t f . f t f yy BROCKINGTON Representing me xjnrgc**, ????* > .?. \ ' Klngstree, S, C. ' ers of All Kinds i 8LAKELY & McCULLOUGH, Improved Copper and Galvanized ' Lanes, S. C. Section Rods t ? ?? ? ?? ?? (Endorsedby the Highest Scientific Au| thoritiesand FirelnsurauceCompanies) , How to cure a cold is a question l in which many are interested just Pure Copper Wire Cables, All Sizes ' now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Our Full Cost Guarantee given with s has won its great reputation and im- Each Job. J mense sale by its remarkable cure of , se|, or HoS(> marj?in of profit,dividj colds. It can alwavs be depended commission with my custeniers. upon. For sale by all dealers. 9-29-3mp i V / ' " v. . Srfa .