I Good News I H "I write to tell you the B ?1 good news that Cardui E flf has helped me so much Igj gl and 1 think it is just Eg 9 worth its weight in gold," H ?1 writes Mrs. Maryan Mar- Eg j shall, of Woodstock, Ga. g H "I do hope and trust gj g| that ladies who are suffer- Ig Cardui, for it has been a H will certainly help every :%pADnm MUftlftUUI The Woman's Tonic j; H H No matter if you suffer fl from headache, backache B| 3 pains in arms, shoulders fl < fl and legs, dragging-down ; fl feelings, etc., or if you H fl feel tired, weary, worn- fl H out and generally miser- j fl able?Cardui will help yojL fl fl It has helped thousands H ( fl of other weak, sick ladies B 9 and if you will only give B ( fl it a trial, you will be fl fl thankful ever after. B ~ ti HONOR ROLL Heinemann Graded School for January. I The following is the honor roll ( of Heinemann Graded school for 1 month beginning January 3 and ending January :!7: c Second Grade?Lizzie Gamble, t Moultrie 0*Bryan, Edward O'Bryan. r Third Grade?Gertrude O'Bryan, John Clarkson. Fifth Grade?Ethel Mitchum, 1 Wayne Gamble. * uahi uiour intuii viai ivsuii. Ninth Grade?Eunice Garkson, Ginton Garkson. ' Respectfully submitted, ^ Miss Emily A Eichelberger, Teacher. | Hymeneal. Cooper-Cooper. I Married?At the home of the r bride's parerts, Mr and Mrs Ben B Cooper. Suttons, S C, on Sunday, ] January 29. 1911, at 4 o'clock p m. Miss Belle Cooper and Mr Sid j Cooper, both of whom reside in Sut- < tons community. The ceremony was performed by Notaiy Public J W Moore. What's The Use ' to drive fifteen miles to town through sand, nin/l i-Qi'n orirl nnld to buy your merchandise when you can get the best in Dry Goods. Clothing. Dress Goods, , Shoes and Notions, not to mention our Groceries which are famous all through this country for their quality Prices Rock Bottom. A. E. HILL Cooper, S. C. Highest P- ce Paid For Seed Coiton. Wood's Seeds For- The farm ma Garden have an established reputation exter ding over thirty years, being planted and used extensively by the best Farmers and Gardeners throughout the Middle and Southern States. Wood's New for 1911 will Seed Catalog to what crops and seeds to plant for success and profit. Our publications have long been noted for the full and complete information which they give. Catalog mailed free on request Write for it T.W. WOOD 6 SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. H UNION HIGH SCHOOL |i j Home, January 24:?The new offi- | cers of the Francis Marion literary! ( society were installed last Friday af-!( to moon as follows: i( President. Louise Wilson; Vice- I President, Florence Hemingway; f Secretary. Emily Brockintv n; First I Censor. David Smith;Second Censor, ( Lillie Johnson; Treasurer, Pressley I Thomas; Literary Editor. Emmie ( Snow. i The honor roll for the fourth ( month is as follows: I Distinguished. ( First tirade?Lucv Eaddv. Ger- f trude Haddock, Willie Hanna,Frank ( Rhodes. I Second Grade? John McLaulin, S Bertie Owens. Gladys Johnson,Mary 1 Rhem. \ Third Grade?Ruth McElveen, / Catherine V'arner.Flint Rhem,Louise ^ Munnerlyn, Burrige Fenters. Fourth Grade?Tillman Fenters, " David Johnson. Fifth Grade -D J Wilson, Anna Eribb, Lottie Waldron, Helen Wil- j c ier, Maebelle Chandler. C Sixth Grade?Willie Ivy, Winnie * VleLaulin.IslaCooper.Ethel Johnson. \ Seventh Grade?Bennie Waldron, j Ernest Cribb. Melvin Cribb, Fred 5 lohnson. j Eighth Grade?Belton Brockinton. 3 Ninth Grade ? Rosa Bruorton, 3 Haxie Hemingway, Lillie Johnson, 3 Carrie McElveen, Pauline Munner- 3 yn, Laura Rhem, Davis Smith. j Music?Lillie Johnson, Helen Wil- .r ler, Maebelle Chandler, Rosa Bruor- f ;on, Carrie McElveen, Pauline Mun- j lerlyn. z Highly Distinguished. First Grade?Venelle Wilder, Sal- * ie Wilson, Irma Lee Eaddy, Dur- vard Fenters, Eddie Owens. Second Grade?Baker Wilson, Claudia Haselden, Rufus Cribb, Ellen Hemingway, Pearla Fenters,Lee Vilder, LeRoy Eladdy. Third Grade?Leland Thomas, 'urney Rhem, Louise Haddock. Fourth Grade?Winston EJaddy, ^ouise Snow, James Waldron, Hariet Bruorton. Fifth Grade?Willie Hemingway, Martin Owens, Lillian Cribb. Sixth Grade?Daisie Rollins,Docia bruorton, Lois Carraway, Florence rarraway. Seventh Grade?Edna Eaddy. Eighth (irade?Freda Garta, Fdkvin Cribb. Marie Eaddy, Willie Snow, Annie Wilson. Ninth Grade?Leta Carraway, Alice Chandler, Charlie Thomas, Pressley Thomas. Tenth Grade?Emily Brockinton. Amy Eaddv, Florence Hemingway, Emmie Snow, Louise Wilson. Music?Emily Broekington, Florence Hemingway, Lena Haddock, Freda Carter, Emmie Snow, Louise Wilson. Laura lihem. Annie Wilson, Daisie Rollins. Louise Snow, Alice Chandler. Ethel Johnson. Of the common school grades the fourth grade made the highest average, which was 92.90. The eighth grade made 96.20, which was the highest average of the high school grades. Edita Literae. FOLEYSHONEY^TAR 4topa the cou^h and healc lc&gf (Have You a Cold? About one in every ten you pass has. The lucky nine have Drobablv tak en our White Pine and Tar Syrup and been cured. Now we are after that one person that's hacking away and cure him also. Are you the one? If so, then you want the cure for sale by The New Haselden Drug Company Greelyville, S, f. ii> WHtf "* i mi I c V orses g | Load and 5 I of Mules SI f I am now in the west selecting a carload of Ijf! 0 Horses and Mules for farm work. Will also y L have some nice driving horses in the drove. JL r) They will be in my stable Saturday. Don't w) f fail to look them over. if 0 J. L. STUCKEY, v Lake City, S. C. f} ; A Guarantee of Safety oc :$&* ^3^ 4ft" o < :;^USCr^>-f=^' Absolute safety in matters of ? ? ,. banking: is guaranteed to the pa- 3? -' * a'a trons of this bank by ample capital qq . ,i i ^bapPjfb^"11 1 1 iff* and strict State Supervision, ana the ffi i 1 i 1 ? fact lhat its loatis are restricted to $2 , , . I 4 a class in which it js practically im- M fl !t (ms SET' ' possible to sustain a loss of any des- j*[ S ' ' ' I '' i ?S *&*" ' lUp cription. Loans are made only upon 3? j y | i j i| j ' -' ' I ' |j~ first-class collateral of guaranteed QQ Paid on Sarinft Accounts. OT 1 . Bank of Williamsburg, | 1 Kingstree, S. C. ^ ? CW StOLL, President E C Epps, Cashier. 5j xj F Rhem, Vice-President C W Boswbll, Asst Cashier, jg 1 wwwbbwwwTO i < |fff^lWfftlC(Mar llNEi lilKtOASTlj I ^r i^^^jt/lqrpuohfa^eonrdvel t uciwccu 11#^ Northed South Florida?Cuba. A passenger service unexcelled for luxury | and comfort,equipped with the latest Pullman Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. I ' For rates, schedule, maps or any informa- | jj tion, write to 5 | WM. J. CRAIG, I jjj General Passenger Agent, | Wilmington, N. C. jj AT ETfTO Arthur P. Greeley | Wm. Cranch McIntire assistant comhiss*ionc? or patintj | FORTY YEARS IN PRACTICE. 618 F Street N . W. Washington, d.c. u. s. and foreign Patents i Trade- marks Caveatsreissues. | Designs. Attorneys Counsellors,- Mechanical Experts. Practice in all u. s. Courts. FEES REASONABLE AND BEST ADVICE ALWAYS GIVEN. REGARDLESS^ OF ALL INTERESTS EXCEPT THAT OF CLIENTS. BUSINESS CONDUCTED UPON HIGHEST PROFESSIONAL" PLANE "AND UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF MR. GREELEY AND MR. MdNTIRE. ALL LETTERS OF INQUIRY ANSWERED PROMPTLY ON DAY. OF.RECEIPT. INFORMATION AND ADVICE FREELY GIVEN. OUR BOOK. ENTITLED GREELEY & MdNTIRE ON PATENTS." SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. Greeley & McIntire. PATENT ATTORNEYS. WASHINGTON. D. C. Kt' orQS p BETTER BE SAFE THAX SORRY f % During 1910 . ? ^ The Fire Companies Represented by this Agency 5 t PAID NEARLY ? | $10,000.00 I J . To Policy Holders in Williamsburg. ^ ? Property 5 ^ lr" protected [ ? ^ n Against Fire q ^ | KIN6STREE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE & 1 i LOAN COMPANY. i ?MMMAAAAAAAfMMAMAMMAAMMAAAAMMMMMAA ? w ? ? * The Coffins and Caskefs Man ? S offers his services S | Day and Night | 8 FIRST OFFICE OVER STMXIEY'S MY GOODS COS. 8 J Yours to Serve, (v \ L J. STACKLEY. 2 SSS96S696969t6S696SS96969?f . . V | ' f New Year Resolution 1 fe 3" ? Buy your Groceries where you get the most 3 EE for your money. In other words buy from 3 ^ 1 MILHOUS & JENNINGS 1 &E 3 j g= Fancy Groceries, all kinds of Choice Canned Goods, g i ? Fruits?Fresh and Evaporated,?National Bis- 3 j ? cuit Co's Products, Heinz' "57 varieties", 3 J ? Schlesenger's Delicious Confectionery, 3 . I i^l T-k _ J? T"k 1 J ^ I r~ L/noice ceei, rorK ana iviuuon, := ? Cigars, Etc. 2 s? Everything to be found in a high-class delicatessen 3 ? store is offered vou at 3 ? Milhous & Jennings 3 EE Phone 93 King*tree, S. C. 3 iiuuiauuuiuiiuiuiuiuuuiuiuiuiiuuiuiuiuiuiiiiiiiiiiu^ The Spring Term of the i KINGSTREE GRADED AND HIGH SCHOOL J will begin January 5, 1911 "I g All departments are now in Good Working Order. J " O 4 Parents who intend entering their children in the school will please do so during the first week of the spring term. Patrons and friends of the School are cordially invited to visit the school at any rime. / .|j Any further information may be had by 3* applying to <8 T 117 nitAKrv I? f! Pnnc I Ui 11 v. Aippoj Superintend ant. Clerk Board of Trustees. k' w Kingstree, S. C. j t ~ NO PAY NO PAPER FOR 1911. J