(Tit? (fount)) iJecoi'd. KINGSTREE. S. C C. W. WOLFE. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Watered ai the postoftire at Kingstree, S C. as second class mail matter, 1 ~ I TELEPHONE NO- 83- ' TERMS - , SUKSt liiniON KATiSS?: r I Jne copy, one year #1 25 One copy, six mom lis 75 ' One copy, three months 5<' One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 ' _ I THURSDAY, DEC. 8. 1910. 1 "In men whom men condemn as ill, I tind so much of goodness still; In men whom MEN pronounce divine, l I find so much of sin and blot? I hesitate to draw the line Between the two?whereGod has not" 11 - The Issue Joined. The story of the killing of an t inoffensive negro at Lake City J1 i Saturday night and the series of i preliminary acts of lawlessness; s reaching a climax in murder, as| graphically told by opr resident correspondent, is almost incredi- * ble. It staggers belief that here] in tin? twentieth century in one * of the pioneer sections of the original thirteen States, such long- 1 continued lawlessness could lie ' tolerated, except, perhaps, in 1 some sparsely inhabited region ]' where the long arm of the/ law could not reach. But for the ' scene of this saturnalia of erime to V be in a town of nearly two 1 thousand inhabitants, right in v the heart of the business section, I1 and worst of all, for the crown- j I ing atrocity to he committed by! i in-ill who xvnrc the h:ulm> of i ^ a i?eiu*e officer -all this, we say, denotes that our neighltor town a has fallen into evil days and s< the spirit of law is at a' low n ~ebh indeed. . Our correspondent writes from j the scene: "A crowd of armed jt, me.u from this town and com- n iiUinity established a reign of ,, terror on the show grounds * * }$ * * Besides the homicide, it is u said that several of the show people were rohljed at the points C( of pistols, etc." r( Truly a terrible portrayal this a] aii 1 a sad indictment against ,, those in authority, to whom was a, entrusted the life and safety of ^ the community. j) But, however dark the picture, u there is a rift in the clouds. The Ix-tter people of the town have l>een _ aroused to action and liave said in w no uncertain tones that the tnur- s< lerer and his ilk shall not go unwhipt of justice. Their prompt* a and vigorous action will, more s| than anything else possible, tend < , t" vindicate the name and reputa- c tioii of the town, which are now h in the Balance. \ These citizens of Lake City, tin; f men who decry the outrage, are the r wHir.lv l.nilders of the town who ;l haw l?y their brain ami brawn! v huiMtnl Lako fit.v from a crossr??a?ls *hamlet into alown of social j ami commercial importance, an ') ambitious town with a future too. j ori^lit to l?e blasted by the acts of j" .1 lawless ami invs|>onV iv!n*n tln v do ri-e i:i their lnigli Hid IV. "tlie-e tiling- IliU-t -top, 11 M-y -weep away obstacles like ( jiTeiil down the mountain si< 1* ;?n 111?* law-breaker- -link away froi the danger /one. As e i lie or tilt* otlicl" cla-s must rill?* i Like Citv?tin* law-re-jwrting < the law-defying. An excellent l? ginning ha- been*niade; now. wi the good work he kept up? The issue is joined and we sha H* sadly disappointed it", wlie the smoke of hat tie clears, ran [iant vice and open lawlessness i Lake City have not gone down i lefeat. ____________ A man in Atlanta pawned hi ollin recently taper we could get out, to b ure. We welcome to our exehang able the initial number of til kitesburg Enterprise, whose edi orial tripod is graced by M ohn Bell Towill. Editor Towil s no 'prentice hand at the cj*aft laving l>een for several years ed tor and proprietor of the Bates >urg Advocate, (Jet used to tin mell of printer's ink and it': tard to resist the call of tin licking types, however sick anr ircd one Incomes at times of tin i hole business of making a news >aper. Senator Tillman's recent om ihatic declaration: "1 shall nol etire until they hurv me," pub cdld douche upon the heir? pparent anfl prospective to tin jnior Senator's political vestlents. Former Senator John L. reLaurin, in a spat between imself and his distinguished col ague on the hustings at (Jaffey some years ago, jeeringly remrked: "Von never heard ol enjamin, the Tillmanite, giving p any office once he got a rangle hold on it,'' and the re>nt utterance of the gentleman derred to seems to justify the (legation. Doubtless Senator Tilllan will hold on to his office nd its emoluments "till death lent do part'' unless ? well, lere's Cole L Hlease to reckon ?h. Mrs Lucy Dugas Tillman, the iff (?f Senator Tillman's eldest m and namesake, whose dolestic troubles were thoroughly ired less than a year ago when he appealed to the supreirtt oiirt to lx* allowed tla ustody of her two little girls, ias come into the limelight again iow she is suing her lmshand rom whom she has been sepa ated for more than a year, foi 1?>ut thirteen thousand dollars liiieli she alleges the latter spen f her money. If, as 'tis said, ; udgment against the younge rilhuaii would not force tin inynieiit of the debt, it is nil ortunate that .Mrs Tillman slioiih V const rail io*l to bring such ai iction. Having gained her ras n In- first instance, for whiel housands of |>eo[>lc in tin- State ejoieed with her, she should no oiitiniie the litigation with th 1 i 111 in view lititiiili.it he father of her ehihlren. We have 30 dozen fresh countr >ggs. While they last, doc per do: It L D Rodgers & Co. I I TRAINING C I ^ Figuratively speaking we have been for man) w "jlj our guns on December's Holiday Trade and we are no> Jfc fire from our batteries in the way of bargains should c II ft Goods of all kinds, Gents', Ladies' and Children's S | Children's Dresses and all kinds of stuff suitable for gi " | SILkS AND DRESS GOODS f 11, S We have out- stock of Silks and Dress Goods in ample shape one i) g to meet the requirements of the holiday trade. Just listen to to t J this: J I Jjj Black Silk, Peau De Soie Silk. 36 inches wide, guaranteed 42 \ .1 ^ not to split, only S1W0 the yd ^ls \ S Black Messaline Satins, 36 inches wide, very pretty ! quality, only SI.00 the vd vve r Biack Chiffon Taffeta, 3(1 inches wi L iv i; eeks past planning our batteries and training \ opening fire, and the bombshells we shall ^ ;ause the shoppers to look our way for Dry .\ x hoes, Ladies' Coat Suits, Cloaks and Skirts, fts. - j ? > BLACK DRESS GOODS ^ k Suits and Skirts. We flatter ourselves by saying we carry of the prettiest lines of Black Dress Goocis to be found in , , ;own. j t see our All Wool Black Panama.50 inches wide,at $1.00 yd r Black Silk and"Wool Mixed Suitings and Skirtings, nches wide, at $1.00 and $1.25 the yd Ojj o a full line of Black Skirtings and Suitings at 50c and ' . 75c the yd would also call your attention to our line of Colored )ress Goods at 50c, 75c and $1.00 the yd would also call your special attention to a line of Irev Worsted Suitings,(25c values,) in plaids, checks nd stripes that we are closing out at 10c the yd < j iir this may sound sensational, but we repeat again: l line of Grey Worsted, 28 inches wide, made to sell i $j| t 25c the yard, that we are closing at 10c yd j| * iuf Sed, Call and See?10c yd. ^ % MESTIC DRY GOODS * Reached Sheetings, 9-4 Wide, at 27 l-2c yd k 3j ached Sheetings, 9-4 wide, at 30c yd ' ached Sheetings, 10-4 wide, at ~ 32 l-2c yd irge stock of Mattress Tickings and Feather Tickings 1 f all kinds at 8 l-3c, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c and 25c yd irge supply of Cotton Batts for making quilts or com>rts at 5c and 10c the bundle or roll EADY-MADE DRESSES I ime one of the most popular lines )f Children's Dresses, 3 to 50c and 65c per dress jo 14 years old, at $1.00, idea of the styles in which they -^1/ \|/' able gift to any of the little ones. Jlr Ladies' Man-Tailored Coat Suits vl We have enjoyed an exceptionally fine trade on Coat * % nits this season and how as we approach the end of the sea>n we propose to close out what we have on hand regard!SS of DficeS as we do not pare to carrv ot/er a cirirrlo onif i x - - ? ? ? ? wv.? V w VMk i T Vf VI W 0*1IV OUlV? i# adies, if you have not bought your coat suit yet it will pay "rS* i ou to see us as we can do you good in the way of saving on money. Call and see, it will cost you nothing to see and et prices. We we also call your attention to our lines of Black Voile kirts and Black Panama Skirts all at very low prices. Our line of Ready Made Waists and Ladies' All Wool Coat weaters in red and white should command the attention of tie Ladies. A nice all wool Coat Sweater for ladies only 2.25 and $3.00 each. Call and see them. JEWELRY FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS ' | One of our bargain bombshells of the season will be in the shape of a olid Gold Top Beauty Pin that we are offering at 35c the pair Now think of this seriously. A solid gold top beauty pin at 35c the air is something for you to put in your memorandum right now so v ou will not forget it when you come to town. Also a nice line of Sterling Silver Beauty Pins at 25c the pair earl Links for Ladies' Cuffs " 25c the pair . large line of Beauty Pins, plated, at 10 and 15c the pair ents' Pearl Cuff Links at 25c and 50c the pair . large line of Ladies' Shirt Waist sets; one large Broach Pio and three Beauty Pins, only 25c and 50c the set . beautiful and exquisite assortment of Belt Pin of all kinds at 25c and 50c ; . pretty line of Persian Belting at 25c the belt length < i Cleanliness Next To Godliness . large line of Toilet Soap at 10c per box of 3 cakes Iycerine Toilet Soap at 5c the cake "i . olgate's Real Turkish Bath Toilet Soap at 5c the cake 15c the box or two boxes for 25c \ raham Bros.' famous Lava Oil Butter Milk Soap at 10c the cake cakes for 25c he purest and best Talcum Powder ever offered in this town at 10c can A trial can will convince you. both Brushes at 10c, 15c and 25c each Prophylactic Tooth brushes, the best, only 35c each Ladies' Holiday Neckwear Ladies, we have just gotten in an aggregation of Neckwear, gotten p in individual Holly Draped Boxes, ready to send out to your friend. l beautiful and exclusive assortment at 25c, 35c and 50c . v f you want something new and neatly boxed to send your lady friend all and see this pretty line of neckwear. lIso a pretty line of Ladies' Embroidered Linen Collars for Tailored Shirtwaists 15c, two for 25c mamamwJamm One Very Important Item That We Must Mention L line of 27 inch Mecerized White Madras Waistings, in checks plaids and stripes, only jqc y(j j l line of 30 inch wide White Madras Waistings only 10c yd Just think for a moment, a 36 inch White Madras Waisting or Suiting t 10c yd ? you had better put this down in your memmorandum book so ou will not forget to see them when you come to town. L line of imported Mercerised Waistings and Suitings, 27 inches wide, only 20c the yd * line of Imnorted Mercerized Madras Waistinora anH Quit;..,... very exclusive and dainty styles and patterns, only '25c yd t will do you no harm and do you some good to call and see this " I beautiful line of Madresses, onlv 10c, 20c and95c yd I ays ready, willing, eager and anxious to show you buy a cent of us or not. We are anxious *v :-y bargains, f is. Company m r - :