WW * " '.. . . ' ''II ' 'if* ^8 'VOL. XXIV. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOYEMBER 24, 1910. NO. 37 St ?i* if ie i- "i* ??? i4| MR. I 1 jpo you know a g j The best Pow made toda ; ^ Price of Full Combination $6.(X Remember, we have a co '? Call, Hhone or write us \ : KING ^? ? ? ? ??|rother, Mr E L Powell. I would like for some one to tell pho furnishes the young men around his vicinity with wine and whiskey, ^ast Sunday, the 13th inst, there vere several young men of this >lace wno had just a little too much 'tangle-foot". Some of tjjem were ?n the high road to prosper itn'' (or it least they thought so) last Sunday light. It is reported that some of hem were in a fix to be carried lome. Wish some of the people iround here would look after this ;ind of lawlessness. Boys, keep iway from church while trying to vrestle with Mr Tangle-foot. Rev Mr Langston, from near )lanta, preached here Sunday mornng and again at night. Everybody eemed pleased with his sermons. Tie Baptists expect to call him here, understand, to preach for them, lope thev will, There was a box party given at he residence of Mr E RRowell near ?aft last Wednesday night. Everyine had a good time. Among the oung people there from Trio were * T TIT If If n rj loiea: ur l w Moore, Messrs u ju lowell, Allen Thomas, Miss Hattie ^ewis and Master Weyman McDonJd. Mr W S J Flowers and two sons You CAP D A KIL/ offtsfa d&. you-mu&t 4gmfL 4ToLn, Esq, of Spar- 1 tanburg. The appointment of Mr: Grier is a deserve i recognition of j his fine ability an I talents as an at-1 torney, and the news of h.s appoint-1 ment will be received with pleasure by his many friends all over the 1 | State, and especially among his fel-' low members of the bar. Mr. Grier i has accepted the appointment. F. Barron Grier, the new head of j New Lot King Quality Shoes For Men. Alvin Brand Clothin< For Men and Bo^ A size to fit evei form and qualii guaranteed. People's Me ivt/'Vi uvn, iwi One and Two H what we would call the most com OMPAN |i?tfc ?jf? i the legal department of the Chai.tston and Western Carolina railroad, is a young man who has forced his way to the very front in his profession. He is a member of the State board of examiners, appointed by the State supreme court for the examination of applicants for admission to the bar, and has appeared in some of the most important cases in the courts of the Piedmont section in the last few years, He is a native of York county but has made his home in Greenwood county for the past fourteen years. Mr Grier is a graduate of the Citadel nf plane 1&QO HP firnfr practice 1 law at Kingstree and moved from there to Greenwood. He is the senior member of the firm of Grier & Park, attorneys for a large number of corporations in this section,including eigfyt banks, three cotton mills and other large interests ir this county. Mr J B Park is the Star Brand" r Shoes for Ladies and Children srcantile Co. "ICE!' f lorse Sub-Soil " plete Plow on the market, ^ Y, y h? i fc tmp A A ?fc m0 I junior member of the firm. All of the head officials of the Atlantic Coast Line were here yesterday, in conference with Mr Grier, includingMr H Walters,chairman of the board of directors; Mr Alexander Hamilton of Baltimore,chief counsel; General Manager J R Kenley of Wilmington and others. Safes an iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen of West Burlington, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, after eight months of frightful suffering from liver trouble and yellow jaundice,getting no help from other retnedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured . him. It's positively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Only 30c at 1 M L Alien's. " v *, A full quarter of a pound of ther very best chewing /tobacco at Fs Rhem & Sons' for 10c, it is called Penn'sJack. ll-3-4tv' IT* ? *> ?* ? ? C?. Ckfi Dear Friend: Mama said this morning she was very thankful because there was a first-class grocery in town. She never has to send anything back she gets from there I because they won't send out anything that is not the best. We get all our nuts, and celery and cranberries and everything | for Thanksgiving at jthis one place. Your friend, Jacob, P. S. That one place is Wilkins" Wholesale Grocery Co's The place where ihe $ does its duty * * - v