The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 10, 1910, Image 1

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' ' . . ' ' ' ?/ . R^' ' ' Set Utt Clly?T . /tf" ^ *?**.i-Ai *Y V .4^..*, ?s\ " Sm lata tllj ii s?ta??.: (j hf vLoillttl) iifCOliX rriM: General Insurance. ^ ^ .- General Insurance.; 'f VOL. XXIV. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLIXA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10,1910. AO. 35 ^?if? *l~- - i?"it?ir? &? T s 1 First Honors wen for the Best Tw o Horse Highest Honors were al< We have the exclusive a Sunny South Combination Pla are the vtry best to be bought t KING V i m* * * * * Democratic party has come back. ZlS*'' l r m TUESDAY'S ELECTIONS SHOW SWEEPING VICTORIES?HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES DEMOCRATIC Elections held throughout the country Tuesday resulted in a political convulsion of far-reaching extent, similar at many points to the famous tidal wave of and apparently more widespread in its effeet. * I The national House of Representatives has been carried by the Demi < l ?1 U ocrats. who will coniroi mai ui-autu k of Congress by a safe working majority after March 4,next.reversing the, present Republican majority of 43. Champ Clark of Missouri has announced his candidacy for Speaker to succeed Joseph G Cannon. The United States Senate will probably have a reduced Republican; majority as a result of Legislative elections helcl in many States. In New York State, John A Dix, Democratic candidate for Governor, ia^ected over Henry L Stimson,Rep^ a plurality of about 65,000,reversing the Republican plural-1 ity of 70,000 in 1908 for Governor ^ ^ughes. In New Jersey, Woodrow Wilson. 1 Democratic -andidate for Governor, is elected over Vivian M Lewis, Republican, by about 30,000 plurality, reversing the previous Republican < plurality of 8,000 for Governor, .Fort. .,. In Massachusetts, Eugene Foss,1 Democratic candidate, has defeated Eben S Draper, Republican candi date, reversing Governor Draper's former plurality of 8,000. In Connecticut, Judge Simeon E Baldwin, Democratic candidate, is elected governor over Charles A Goodwin, Republican, by about 4,000 plurality, reversing the 10,000 plurality of the Republicans. In Ohio, Judge Judson Harmon, Democratic candidate for re-election,' appears to have carried the State by^ about 50,000 over Warren G Hard-* ing, Republican candidate. \ In New Hamsphire, Robert H Bass, Republican candidate for Gov- j ernor, is leading Charles E Carr, i Democratic candidate, by about 6,000 plurality. In Pennsylvania the election of John H Tener, Republican candidate for Governor, is claimed by a large plurality. In Rhote Island, Gov Prothier, j Republican candidate, is slightly in , the lead over Lewis A Waterman,! % ' ~ 1 Democratic candidate,with aplifral-i ity much reduced from that of 1909. In Tennessee the fusion candidate,: Ben W Heoper,is apparently elected plurality. HQQPpiocratic Governors have been s elected in Alabama and South Caro-; lina. j In Iowa the Democrats claim the election of Claude R Porter for governlwr, but this is not yet conceded. In Wisconsin the election of the: republican candidate for governor,1 Francis E McGovern, by a' reduced majority and the return of j I 1-i. TATE s awarded to the Wm. J. 0! Sub-Soil Plow. We have < ;o awarded to the Southern Moline tgency for both the above firms and nters. Captain Kldd Cultivators,Gla Now, all we ask is a chance, if y iSTREE f-??*f'?T'??*f Senator LaFollette to the United' States senate is assured. In Michigan. Chas E Osborne, the Republican candidate for Governor, appeai-s to have a safe lead over L T Hemans, Democrat. ' ! BENSON BRIEFS f Funeral of Capt. Scott?A Runaway Accident---Local Items. Benson. November 8: ?On the afternoon of Sunday. November *;.theremains of Capt. James F Scott were laid to rest at the old "Tisdale famdv burial ground. Capt Scott came from Norfolk, Ya. during the early seventies as captain and owner of a boat named "The' National." He ran on the Santee' from Georgetown to Rice Bluff and, Columbia, freighting cotton.turpentine, rosin and other commodities to and from Georgetown. During | this employment he met, wooed and ? XT I A f n t i A D Tl'c/loltJ ! won 1UALUC 1 iiauair, i.iv ; daughter of the late Samuel S Ti i dale, one of the old inhabitants of Plaek River. Capt Scott, after marriage.moved to the place he has been living conducting a farm, store, saw-mid and i ginnery. j He leaves a wife and four boys? J C.John F.R Cleveland and Roswell! P Scott. Saturday afternoon, returning; from Kingstree, Mr Walter Phillips' j horse ran away throwing him out of his buggy and hurting him j pretty badly. He is now improving. Mrs Josina Chandler is visiting j relatives here. She has been spending some time in Jessup, Ga, with her grand-children. ?? Chamberlain's Cough Remedy | Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. ' dont le xhrou^li yo then"k>u^ will Have Wise old BENJAMIN FRAI $5,000 to the city of Boston. T at compound interest. One I 1893) this $5,000 and the int nearly half a million. YOUR MONEY will grow il Make OUR Banl We pay liberal interest con: Farmers & M( "Absolute LAKE CI FAIR liver Plow Co., of Knoxvill a full and complete stock Plow Co., of New Orleans, for th< I carry a full and complete stock < diatorjstalk Cutters and Disc Plo ou are open for conviction call in Yours for HARDV Wholesale an< - bLyceum Course Signed. Kingstree will have a lyceun course this season. Messrs J D Gil land and W M Tobias signed ; course a few days ago, which i considered the best that has evei been brought here. They signed i after deliberation, for it will tak. good houses to pay for it: but the; felt that it would Ik1 a rejection 01 a town the size of Kingstree not t< have a good course. It is to b hoped that the people will appreci ciate their public spiritedness b} giving them their support. Tin following attractions have beei " A'L-ulmtf- T.nHies' Onnr tette," which gave surti a splendii performance h e r e last season "Rounds' Indies," an aggregatior of ten young ladies and Pro: K-unds, who are all brim full ol good music; "r isher-Shipp Co," i mixed quartette; "Lal)ell-Fox Co," a mixed quartette; and Tom Carwine, or/e of the best entertainers on the Lyceum platform.. There will be no Saturday night was the case several times last year. The tirst entertainment will be presented some time the lasf % of this month. Not Sorry for Blunder. "If my friends hadn't blundered ir thinking I was a doomed \1ctimof consumption, I might not be alive now,' writes D T Sanders of Harrodsburg Ky, "but for years they saw ever attempt to cure a lung-rackin* cough fail. At last I tried Dr King': New Discovery. The effect wa wonderful. It soon stopped th< cough and I am now in better healtl than I have had for years. This wonderful life-safer is an unrivalec remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe asthma, croup,hemorrhages, whoop :ng cough or weak lungs. 50c,$1.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by M L Allen. t It Sup i UP Fingers MKLIN, when he died, willed his money was to be put j out lundred years thereafter (in erest amounted to $431,735? f you'll let us keep it for you. k YOUR Bank. sistent with safety: 4 per cent. jrchants Bank i\y Safe" fY, S. C '^l PREi) !e, Tennessee, for the Best \ of these plows. Call in and :ir Plow, Drill and Planter Demonsti of their goods at all times, such as: ws. The makers of the above plow; and let us convince you. business, /ARE C< i Retail Dealers. -I?*?i?<*-*-*The Question of Good Roads. 1 Editor County Record:? I think the time has come in the i history of Williamsburg county' > whei> there should be some material r K advancement made in the improvet ment of our public highways. There * is no denying the fact that our roads, . taken a.^a whole, are getting in a 1 worse condition every year, and this ? condition is not chargeable to m*g lect on the part of our road engi n"<-r. as some would contend, but / is duo t the commercial importance ? of our section. I thin:: that 1 am l right in saving that there is ten - times the '.o.-.nnce canio ' over our 1 roads nou to what th u < was ten ; 'years ago; ] ;vn s* re t!..-.: mis ratio i will hold g ... i ... ! c ,r most im: ]>ortant road-;, :\r.: w m the amount of money That .?e now pay for i roads, .bridges, etc. in his eountv ' we need never expect tx have bet ter roe.'ls: on the other hanl. they . t New Lol . I I King Quality Shoe; For Men. Alvin i _. Brand Clothin: < For Men and Bo f A size to fit eve form and quali * guaranteed. People's Me _*t?^ HUMS. 1orse Plow, for the Best Tw ! get what you want. rations. One Horse Plows, Heavy One Hors< s guarantee every implement they UMr AN 1 U rj> c^> ?ji ijl >|i i|i ?^i r will retrograde. Taking these alle- |j gations to he true, (and I thirvk thatn any fair-minded man will agree 1 that they are true) it behooves us 1 as patriotic citizens and business men to come together and devise some way in which these conditions will no longer exist. I shall not at- ! tempt in this article to show by. I facts and figures what bad roads cost the farmer and business men in this county every year, for that would be startling. But 1 propose to give what is in my judgment the remedy: Let the c mnty v ite. say $100,000. twenty year bonds, bearing interest at the rate <>f o per cent Levy a tax of two mills on the dollar on the property of :'ne corny and that will pay i the interest n ihe bonds and retire j them in twenty years. Let that money g-> to aeh township according to the value of its property as shown by the Auditor's books; then i Star Brandy j r Shoes for 1! Ladies and Children :rcantile Co. I * 4* 'o Horse Plow and ) i Ml ; Plows, Two Horse Plows ?4* make. The above goods 4* 4? IT, I t I ' 4* *i* 4*?4*?4* *1* place that money in the hands of a commission and let it say how it is to be expended. Then, and not until then, win you see oetter roaus in Williamsburg county. 'Now, I further venture this statement: That if you will spend ?100,000 on the roads of Williamsburg county the property valuation has already advanced two hundred thousand dollars. Now, fellow citizens, don't crticize and find fault with my suggestion, but think it over seriously and if you have anything better to suggest l"t us have it through The Record for something must be done; we can't take a back s at lunger in the matter of roaus in this grand old county of ours. Speak out, gentlemen, and let's keep the bail rolling. Very respectfully J Davis Carter. Leo. November 7. Just one plug of Penn's Jack will convince you that it is the best 10c plug of tobacco on the market, get t from F Rhem & Sons. 1 l-3-4t % jcuies. \ cJcitoo y.^X j J Dear Friend: We were away from home in jelly-making' time, but Mama says she is not going to worry over a hot stove any more to make jelly and jam. She says .she * can buy it cheaper than she can make it and just as good. Do you know you can get a real nice glass of jelly, any kind you nrant, for lOcts. V/Mi-n -P-ri-i Qm ^ I U Ui J. J. J. J Jacob, P. S. It would surprise you to see bow many different kinds of jams and jellies and things put up Ln glasses and bottles you can get at Wilkins' Wholesale Grocery Co's The place where the $ does its duty