State of South Carolina,! e County of Williamsburg. 1 r Notice is lierebv given that the Gen- a eral Election for State and County Of- t ficer> will be held at the voting pre- t cincts prescribed by law in said Coun- j e tv, on Tues lay. November s, 1910, i t said day being Tuesday following the |e lirst Monday in November, a-pres<-ri!>- a ed by law. ' t The qualifications for suffrages are t as follows: !n Residence in State for two years, in j the County one year, in the polling J precinct in which the elector offers to vote, four montiis. and the pavment six mouths befo e any election ol tnv poll tax then due and payable: Provided. That inini>t< rs in charge of an organ zed church and teachers of public1 schools ?hal) be entitled to vote after I six it outlis* resid nee in the State, if j ^ otherwise qualified Managers "f election must require of j each voter the production of a regis-1, tia:ion certificate ai.d the proof i?f the j, payment of all taveg. iiicludinj* p??l!, j tax, assessed and ? ??:-ect ib'e during;; th previous year. TV production j ( Other Stat? Officer-.; (:>)State Senator: s (4) Members of House of Repre-enta- J tives; ( ">) County Officer- On which -hall he the name or names of the per- l s son or per-on< voted for a- sm h otlicvis, respectively, and tlie ottice tor which they are vote i. ^ Before the h >ur fixe 1 for opening the polls Manager-and Clerks oust take and subscribe the constitutional oath. ! TheChaiiman ?f the Board of Managers can administer tlie oath to the ? other members and to the Clerk; a < Notary Public must administer the i oath to the Chairman. The Managers < elect their Chairman and Clerk. < Poll< at each voting place mn>i be i opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at j 4 o'clock p. m., except in the city of i Charleston, where they shall be opened i at 7 a. m. and closed at ? p. m I The Managers have the power to fill t a vacancy, and if none of the Mana- I ger-attend, the citizens can appoint | ftom among the qualified voters, the t Managers who. after being sworn, can ( conduct the elction. < At tne s:?10 eo cuon sej'??>a?.c " At-- . will b- provided a: which qualified 1 electors will vote unon the adoption or 1 rejection o!' amendment^ to tin* State 1 Constitution, as nrovided in the fol- ] lowing Joint Resolutions: < The question of adopting each 1 amendment shall be submitted at the t next general election to the electors as follows: Those in favor of the amend- . ment -hall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly printed or written thereon: Constitutional J Amendment of Section , of Article , of the Constitution, relating to ?yes " Those opposed *o said amendment shall cast a ballot with the following worcs plainlv printed or writ- < ten thereon; "Constitutional Amend- ( ment of Section , of Article , of the i Constitution, relating to ?No." ( No. 566. i A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing < to Amend Section 7. Article VIII, ? op the Constitution. Relating to i Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. ? Section 1. Be >t resolved by the i General Assembly of the State of South < Caroline,That the lollowing amend- I ment to Section 7, of Article VIII, of . the Constitution be agreed to: Add i attheerd thereof the following words: c "Provided That the limi'atjon pro- i posed by this Section, and by Section i 5, Article X. of this Constitution, shall i not apply ?o bonded indebtedness in- 1 eurred bv the town of Darlington, t where the proceeds of said bonds are J applied solely for thepurp<>seof drain- ' age of said town and street improve- .< ment8, and where the question of inenrring such indebtedness is submitted I to the freeholders and qualified voters < of such municipality, as -provided in i the Constitution, upon the question of I other bonded indebtedness." Approved the fourth day of February, < A. L>. 1910, ( No. 580. ) A JOINT RESOLUTION To Amend ' Section 7, Article VIII, of the ' Constitution. Relating to Munici- ! fal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto, as toCer- j tain Towns. j Section 1. Be it resolved by the : General Assembly of the >tateof South 1 Carolina, That the follow in* amend- 1 ment to the Constitution of the State J of South Carolina be -ubinitted to the j qualified electors of the St?te at tie next ' general election for Representatives,and s if a majority of the electors qualified to ! vote for members of the General As- 1 -emlly voting thereon shall vote in ' favor of such amendment, and a maj- 1 ority of each branch of the General As- 1 sembly shall, after such election, and { before another, ratify said amendment ( by yeas and nays, that Section 7, Arti- * cle VIII, relating to landed indebted- f ness. be amended by adding at the end thereof the following words: Provided. * That the limitations imposed bv this ^ ' * * * /n p - ? A _ v c ?>ection anu Dy section o, ui arucie a, of this Constitution, shall not apply to c bonded indebtedness incurred by the 1 towns of Aiken, i.i the County of Ai- J ken; Camden, in tlie County of Ker- J flhaw; Cheraw, in the County of ('lies- J tei fie'd; Clinton, in the County of ' reus: Edgefield,in the County of Edge- e field; and St the County of * Calhoun, when the proceeds of said J bonds are applied solely and exclusively y for the building, erecting, establishing and maintenance of waterworks, elec- 1 trie light plants, sewerage system or streets, ai d where the question of in- 2 eurring such indebtedness is submitted to the qualified electors of said municipality. as provided in the Constitution. #1*-*. ? ?.?* /if. K/.rn^A/i in . - upi'li IIJC IJIIC91IUU VI uvuucu Iiiururainess. Approved the 28th day of February, A D 1910. No. 581. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing to AmendJSection 7, Article VIII, of the c0n8t1t0ti0n, relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Section 7, Article VIII. of the Constitution be agreed to: Add at the end thereof the following words: Pro- a vided, further, That the limitations i imposed by this Section,and by Section s ? . f , of Ar.ioJe |X, of this ? onstitution. j hail not apply to the bonded indebted- j duess in and hy any municipal corpo-1 ation when the proceeds of said bonds ' reapplied solely and exclusively for! he purchase, establishment and mainenanee of a waterworks plant or sew- i rage system or lighting plant.and when he question of incurring such indebtduess is submitted to the freeholdernd qualified voters of such munieipaliy,as provided in ihe Constitution upon he question of other bonded indebtcdio-s. Approved the 28th dav of February, V 1? HMO. No. -VSi. V JOINT l'E-OLTION Purporting to Am-nd .Section 7. Article Vlll.oi tin* Constitution. Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Bengal Assembly of the Stale of South Carolina. That the following amenduent o> Se<:i?'ii T, Article VIII, of I he Constitution be agreed to: Add at the uid thereof the following word-: I'roided, further, That the limitations rrmtKid In* tin's Section, and I?V Section >, Artu l X.ol' this Cunstit ?tion. shall 10; app;\ to bond-d indebtedness in urreil by the city of Alton. but *aid itv ot Aik- n may increase its bonded ndehtedues- in tIn* manner provided or in said Section of -aid Ar'icie to an uiiount no" exceeviing fifteen per rent ?f he value of tlm taxable property herein tor the purpose ot establishing, extending, completing and repairing a system titurion shall in t tpply to bonded indebtedness incurreu i jy tiie town of St Matthews, but said own of St Matthews may increase its | bonded indebtedness in the manner provided in said Section of said Article' o an amount not exceeding fifteen per :eut. of the value of the taxable prop- i jrty therein, where the proceeds of sain bonds to the amount of twenty diousaml ($i0,000) dollars shall be .urned over by the town council of said town of St Matthews to the du:y appointed Commissioners of the Cou ityof; Jalhoun. for the purpose ??f aiding in ;he con-truction of public buildings for die County of Calhoun. Approved the 28th day of February. \ D 1910. No. 594. \ JOINT RESOLUTION Rropo-ing t(? Amend Section 12, of Article V, of the onstitution. Relating to Associate J ustices. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Geuiral Assembly of the Matt- of South j Carolina, That the following amendnents to the Constitution of South .'rrolinabe submitted to the qualified 'lectors of the State at the next gen;ral election for Representatives, and if j i majoiity of the electors qualified to rote for members of the General As .embly voting thereon shall vote in fajor of such amendment and a majority >f each branch of the General Assembly shall after such election,and before inother.ratify said amendment by yeas ind nays.that Section 12. of Article V, >f the Constitution, relating to Associite Justices,be amended by striking out n lines 8, 4 and 5 the words: "but if the four Justices equally divide in opinion, ;he judgment below shall be affirmed/' ind b.% striking out the word "two" in Ine 8.and inserting in lieu thereof word 'three." so that when amended, the sauie shall read as follows: "Sec 12. In all cases decided by the Supreme Court,the concurrence of three >f the J ustices shall be nec ssary for a reversal of the judgment below,subject to the provisions hereinafter prescribed. Whenever, upon the hearing of any cause or question before the Supreme Court in the exercise of its original or ippellate jurisdiction, it shall appear to the -Iustices thereof, or any of them, that there is involved a question of constitutional law, or of conflict between the Constitution and laws of this State ind of the United S'a'.es. or between the dutie- and obligations of her citizens under the same, upon the deteruination of which the entire Court is lot agreed, or whenever the Justices of taid Court,or any two of them,ilesire it >n any cause or question so before said Jourt, the Chief Justice, or in his "bsence, the presiding Associate Justice, snail can to me assistance 01 uw oujreme Court all of the Judges of the Jircuit Court: Provided. however, That when the matter to be submitted is involved in an appeal from the Circuit Doui t,the Circuit Judge whotiied the :ause shall not sit. A majority of the Justices ot the Supreme Court and Cir:uit Judges shall constitute a quorum. L'he decision of the Court so con*titut'd, or a majority of the Justices and fudges sitting, shall be final and contlusive. In such case the Chief Justice, >r,in his absence, the presiding Associite Justice, shall preside, Whenever he Justices of the Supreme Court and ,he Circuit Judges meet together for i ,he purposes aforesaid, if the number i ;hereot qualiue l to sit constitute an j ;ven nnmber, then one of the Circuit ludges must retire; and the Circuit Tudges present shall determine by lot vhich or their number shall retire." . Approved the 26th day of February, 1 D 1910. No. 595. i JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 2, of Article V, Relating to Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. Section 1. Beit resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Jarolina, That the following amendnent to the Constitution of the State )f South Carolina be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the lext generai election for Represeuta :. ? ? ,ives, nnu u , that Section 2, of Article V, of the Constitution, relating to Associate Justices. b be amended by striking out the word | a "three" in lines, and inserting in lieu tl thereof the word "four." and striking b out the word "eight" in line 6 and in- f setting the word "ten," so that, when amended, the same shall read a< follows; Sec 2, The Supreme Court shall con- (_ sist of a Chief Justice and tout Associate Justices, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transac- tioc of business. The Chief Justice shall preside, and in his absence, the >enior Associate Justice. They -hall !>e elected for the term of ten years.and shall continue in office until their successors No. 596. | A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article X, of the Con- j; stitution. by Adding Thereto Section 14. to Empower the Cities of Green- , ville, Spartanburg and Columbia and _ the Town cf Manning to Assess ^ Abutting Property for Permanent n Improvements. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Gen- T cral Assembly of the State of South i, Carolina. That the following amend- g ment to Article X. of the State Consti- s tution, to be known as Section 14, of ( saiil Article X, be agreed to by twothirds of the members elected to each t House, ana eniereu on mt juumo. it- L spectively, with yeas and nays taken r thereon, and be submitted to the a qualified electors of the State at the v next general election thereafter fcr c Representatives, to wit: Add the foi- t lowfng section to Article X of the Con- c stitution, to be, and be known, as Section 14: p Sec 14. The General Assembly may a authorize the corporate authorities of c the cities of Greenville, Spartanburg J and Columbia and the town of Manning c to levy an assessment upon abutting t property for the purpose of paying for ( permanent improvements on streets and ( sidewalks immediately abutting such property: Provided, That said improve- c ments be ordered only upon the written 4 consent of two-thirds of the owners of ( the property abutting upon the street, e sidewalk or part of either proposed to be improved, and upon condition that a said corporate authorities shall pay at s least one-half of the costs of such im- a provements, Approved the 26th day of Feflfcuary, t A D 1910. No. 603. a A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing to t Amend Section 6,of Article X, of the k Constitution of 1895, Relating to j Bonded Debt of Counties and Town- a ships. e Section 1. Be it resolved by the Gen- * eral Assembly of the State of South I * Carolina, That the following amendment * to Section 6, of Article X, of the Con stitution of the State of South Carolina ^ be submitted to the qualified electors of s the State at the next general election 1 for Representatives, and if a majority of electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly voting 1 ^ thereon shall vote in favor of sucn J a amendment, snd a majority of each c branch of the General Assembly shall, after such election and before another, f ratify said amendment by yeas and nays, that Section 6, Article X,relating to the f bonded debt of any County or Township be amended by adding at the end there- fc of the following words: "Provided, That the limitations imposed by this ( Section shall not apply to any Township in the County of Greenwood, nor to any- ( Township in the County of Saluda, through which, in whole or in part, j the line of railroad of Greenwood and Saluda Railroad shall be located ( and constructed, nor to the County of Saluda, such said Townships in Green- } wood County and Saluda County, and the County of Saluda being hereby ex- t pressly authorized to vote bonds in aid " " r 11 : J ^ ? 01 ine construction ui uie stuu piu^scu ^ railroad, under such restrictions and limitations as the General Assembly > may prescribe hefeinafter:" "Provided, That the amount of such bonds shall sot ( exceed eight per centum of the assessed valuation of the taxable property of ( such Township.*' Approved the 26th day of February, j A D 1910. At the elo?e of the election, the Man- ] agei : 'and i lerk utu?t proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the I ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same ( pleted, and make a statement of the resuit for each office, and sign the same, j Within three days thereafter,the Chairman of the Board, or some one desig- 1 nated by the Board , must deliver to the Commissioners of Election the poll list, j the boxes containing the ballots and written statements of the results of the i election. Managers ok Election. a The following Managers of Election ? have been appointed to hold the election j at the various precincts in the said county: Kingstree?J J Steele, F W Harper, J W toward. c Salrers?J E Davis. W E Rodeers. J M Salters. Greelyville? J E Keels. C R Burgess, M D DeLorme. Blooming vale?H 0 Pipkin. W O Camlin, J M Mctonnell. / Cedar Swarap?D W Courtney, W E t Snowden, \V I Tisdale. j Gourdins?A W Cliaudler, J B Clark- j son, R H Pittman. f St-ranton?P S Wall, John E Godwin, 3 W J Willoughby. t Poplar Hill?Walter T Britton, Geo F Chandler, J C Owens. Muddy Creek?W H Harmon, GW Johnson, D F Edwards. Hebron?H A Kennedy, S B McElyeen, J P Chandler. , Suttons?S P Cooper, S B Gordon, R D Blakeley. Lake City?Charley F Flowers, B W 1 Stewart. J H V Gaskins. Indian town?H W Nelson, George , Lovetr, S D Snowden. McAllister's Mill?Henry Collins, SJ Kirby, W W H Cockfield . # Trio?James Bryan, W W Bovd, A 1 E McCol lough, Cades?J L McFaddin.J T McElveen, * J E McFadden. ( Vox?E F Prosser, J R Cox, W G Stone. Earls?L A Rogerson, W SCamlin, D W Avant. Black Mingo?John S Graham, L F Rhem, J E Johnson. Taft?W D Bryan, W B McCullough, W E McConnell. s Prospect?L B Gaskins. J F Evans, a S r> Hamer. S D Hanna, Jr. The Managers at each precinct named | n bove are requested to delegate one of heir number to secure the Itoxes and lanks for the election on Saturday, JovemberS, at Kingstree. J L (iOWDY, W E HANNA, N D Lesksne. 'ommissioner- of State ami County Election lor Williamsburg Counlv, sc. Notice of Election. i'l'ATK OK Sot TH < AKOLINA, I 'ounty of Williamsburg. i Notice is hereby given that tin- Cental Election lor Representative in Congress will l?e heidat the voting pieinets fixed by law in the County of Yilliamsburg on Tuesday. No\ emberS, blO, s:iid day lieing Tuesday following lie first Monday, as prescribed b> law. The ?iualifieations for suffrage are as ollow<: Residence in state for two years, in lie county one year, in ili?- polling preinct in which the elector offers to vote, our months, and the payment six aonth- before any election of any poll a\ then oue and payable: Provided, ' in d church and itMCi-crs of j#ui?li?* chools shall be entitled lo vote al ter i\ months' resi encc in the State, if 'therwise qualified. Managers of election must require of he voter the production of a riwfistraion certificate and proof of e paynent of all taxes, including jII fax. issessed and collectible durin the preious year. The production oi a certifiate or the receipt of th~ officer auhorized to collect such taxes, shall be onclusive proof of the payment thereof. Before the hour fixed for opening the oils Managers and Clerks must take inn subscribe to the Constitutional mth. The Chairman of the Board of rlanagers can administer the oath to the ither Managers and to the Clerk; a Noary Public must administer the oath to Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be pened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at o'clock p. m., except in the City of Charleston, where they shall be opened it 7 a. m. and closed at 6 p. m. The Managers have the power to fill i vacancy; and if none of the Managers ittend, the citizens can appoint, from imong the qualified voters, the Manag;rs, who. after being sworn,can conduct he election. At the close of the election, the Manigers and Clerk must proceed publicly o open the ballot boxes and count the (allots therein,and continue without ad A I /inmnl/if<1/1 ournmeru uncii uic same is tumpictru, ind make a statement of the result for (ach office, and sign the same. Within hree days thereafter, the Chairman of he Board, or some one designated by he Board, must deliver to the Commisioners of Election the poll list, the oxes containing the ballots and written tatements of the results of the elecion. Managers of Election. The following Managers of Election lave been appointed to hold the election ,t the various precincts in the said ounty: Tait?S E McCollough, J I Morris, I J Morris. Prospect?W B Brown, W Poston, A {Eaddy. Kingstree?L J Stackley, P A Alsinook, J Z McConnell. Salters-A R Moseley, E T Hamer.H ) Odom. Indiantown?D E McCutchen, S D 'unningham, W R Graham. McAllister's Mill?A W Rodgers, Jeff ifatthews, W A Webster. Trio?J W I^ckliear, J B McCants.T i McDonald. Cades?R E Tarte, R F Epps, B W dcElveen. Poplar Hill?B J Chandler, J T Briton, J C Parsons. Muddy Creek?N M Venters, M V ?ox, W F Joye. Hebron?R C McElveen, R E McEleen, W L Burgess. Suttons?R E Blakeley, H F Gamer. ) C Hinnant. Lake City-J LStuckey,W L Askins, t T Rollins. Vox?D W Thompson, J D Cox, M i Carter. Scranton?A,M Cooke, W M DMcuee, ER B Cannon. Earls?G.W Camlin, J L Blakeley, W ) Crooks. Black Mingo-R W Marshall, V W Jraham, S H Cooper. Gourdins?S W McClary, W D Hanna, { M Gamble. Cedar Swamp?A B Burrows, J H Tisdale, S J Tisdale. Bloomingvale?J K Smith, W J B Jorris, R W Smith. Greelyville?S W Montgomery, RB Ceels, w C Tutle. The Managers at each precinct named ibove are requested to delegate one of heir number to secure the bo " And rtanks for the election on Sa.urday, November 5, at Kingstree. J J Morris, J J Eaddy, C M Hinds, Jommissioners of Federal Election for Williamsburg County, S C. Teachers. Attention! The first meeting of the Teachers' Association for the present year will ake place in the school auditorium at ting-tree Saturday, November 12, at 1:30 a. m. We hope to have addresses rom Prof W K Tate, Mr Swittenberg. Ir Puckette and others. I hope every eacher in the county will be present. J G McCullough. Supt Education Williamsbuig County. 10-13-2t LIGHTNING RODS! SI. L. Whitlock. L?k* City, S.C. Special Sales Agent Representing the Largest Manufacturers of All Kinds mproved Copper and Galvanized Section Rods Endorsedby the Highest Scientific Auhoritiesand FirelnsuranceCompanies) )ure Copper Wire Cables, All Sizes )ur Full Cost Guarantee given with | Each Job. I sell on close margin of profit.divid:ommis8ion with my custemers. 9-29-3mp By helping us you help yourelf. Buy from the houses whoi t? j j I .dvertise in ine necuru duu oention the paper. JENKINSON BROS. CO S. Winter Suggestions t A large line of Cotton Blankets at 75c, $1.00,$1.25,$1.50 Pf* $2.00 and $2.25 the pair. A nice line of big plaid Cotton Blankets for Ladies' Bath and Slumber Robes at $1.50 the pair. Our line of All Wool Cotton Blankets is the wonder of Kingstree?just come and see the line of All Wool I'.lankets at $4.50, $5.00, *6.00 and $8.00 the pair. Don't fail to see our line of Comforts and Down Quilts ?we have them to suit all classes of trade. Comforts at j* *1.00 to $3.00 each. Down Quilts from *3.75 to 85.00 each. I We want it known that our line of Gents', Ladies' and v Children's Wool and Cotton Underwear is one of the most complete we have ever shown?Gents' Cotton Undershirts at 25c, 50c and 75c. Drawers to match. Gents' Wright's Wool Underwear at $1.00 each or 200 the suit, (shirt and drawers. ) Gents' Merino Undervests with Drawers to match at ll*1 tlA am aL /\%? vI'O A/t 4 b /-v r 'OUfilBOOK.lENTITLED V GREELEYfa" MclNTIRE. ONiPATENTSr> SENT.FREE.TO^NY^ADDRESS. . fejl Greeizey &iMcintirev ^pj % fATEmfATTORNErS. WASHINGTON.^O, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X V ~ I?I /\n 141? a iuic I icailll nvviuvui. * INSURANCE Kingsfree Insurance, Real Estate and Loan | i Company o j X Fire Bonds Plate Glass XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX >11 1 i\':3 1 i