J A M Who are wil j| Fit and Wear tin H If you are ji {? if you appreciate |j anywhere for les | KING! gggggggggggggg "CAMEO KIRBY." (Continued from Page 3.) his hands until lie resembled an expert bartender mixing drinks. This completed to his entire satisfaction, he spouted out the pasteboards in a deal of lightning-like rapidity, while Mme. Dttvezac and the old judge sat bolt upright with astonishment. At length an extra desperate and well executed bi/ lr fpnm ICirhv checked the old cam bJfT's stirring exhibition, and. covered with confusion, he dropped several cards to the floor'and. in order to hide his flaming cheeks, stooped and began to miserably grope for them. "You see." exclaimed Kirby. "mv secretary is not so experienced as be might be. To speak confidentially. J would have let him go last month if it weren't that he is the only support of a wife and eleven children." "I wish I was in the lower regions." groaned Buuce sotto voce. Til see that you get your wish If you don't sit up here." replied Kirby. But soon it was Kirby's turn to gain tbat state of absentmindedness for which he had censured bis partner, for in the adjoiuing room Adele had commenced to sing, and ell his thoughts promptly weut out to her. his lips mutely repeating the words of the well remembered song, while his eyes grew as dreamy and abstracted as his mind. At length, when It was his turu to play, conscious ouly that he was bo ding a bonk of cards and consequently Inferring that he must be indu'ging in his bread and butter game of poker, be spread his band face up U \ upon the table. "Malheur!" exclaimed Mme. Davezac, aghast at this startling innovatiou. "He expose bis hand." "I fear." commented the judge, rising and pushing back his chair, "tbat Colonel Moreau finds it difficult to play I cards and listen to the voice of a beautiful woman at the same time." "And you cannot say tbat be have not good taste," commented Mme. Da eiiac. "Tiens! We adjourn, then, to tbe music room. You will come, Colonel Moreau and monsieur tbe sec retar T' Adele was still singing. Miss Pleydeli accompanying her, and. drawn by tbe oft harmony, M. Veaudry and Aaron at length forsook the balcony and. as had the others, proceeded to make their way toward the music room. Tkidr goal, however, was never attained, for as they stepped through the window Into the deserted drawing room they were met by Poulette. one of the "French niggers." She carried a small bundle made of a knotted spotted handkerchief, and her manner attested that she was evidently laboring voder the repressed excitement incident upon discovering business not intended for her cognizance. In fact, she had but completed a victory over old Croup. who had persistently annoyed her with his attentions and. when cen enred for so doing by his ample wife, had promptly and quite untruthfully charged Poulette with making bis life unbearable by her unrequited affection for his person. Since then Poulette. smarting under the calnmny, had eager ty sought some method of sssuag'?? L.. .nfnn.4 fullnira aiul anw at ? tost she had secured it "Mlche Aaron." she whispered, plucking Mr. Randall's sleeve as he was boat to pass on?"Mlche Aaron, dat bla 'k man. Croup, he have a secret Pat secret It Is with Mlche Moreau." ? jAv * L - wmmmmfnmmmmmmni 1 B We asser for value,we s ? \r x yt % I *. ' UlUlUUUUUUUUUUiUUUUUi AQE i ESS ling to pay a little 1110 in ordinary ones. ist as particular about perfection in looks, yo s money. 3TREE < CHAPTER XI. < " < a rill AT secret?" demanded yy Aaron, for at the magic i name "Moreau" his com- ! J panion and ho were instaut- J ' ly all attention. "What secret?" ue ;1 again peremptorily demanded. | "I see them speak together sly." said ; Poulette, nodding her head and screwj lng up her eyes in a manner that bod j 1 ed 111 for the amative and untruthful !1 Mr. Croup. "I can tell that they did 1 not wish you to see. Then when you come from dinner Colonel Moreau he i hand this to Croup behind the door, j; Croup he keep it iu he breast pocket until he fall asleep on poarcb just now. j i ! I have look. It is all those camels"? j "Camels?" dryly echoed Aaron, with 1 I raised eyebrows. j "Qui. miche." confidently nodded ] Poulette. evidently no whit amazed at : the idea of the spotted handker hief i being able to accommodate such ani- i mals. "All those camels the colonel ; ^en'eman wenr when he is come, wear i them on his fob chain." And she i opened the spotted handkerchief. "Cameos. M. Aaron!" exclaimed Ana- | roie. an exultant ugut ieapmg iu ma eyes. "See. there they are. Now I know. You saw Colonel Moreau when 1 he started for that meeting this morn- 1 ing. You saw him when Tom Itaudall i has meeting this morning. You saw I' him when Torn Randall has give blm j that pistol of his father's to go and 1 kill?who? But one man?Cameo Kir- j: by!" he cried, leveling his arm at the j i startled Aaron. ' And. as if further proof were need- | ed, evidence which proved beyond a doubt the sinister identity of the unwelcome guest. Croup entered with a note, which he banded to M. Veaudry. i "Man on horseback ride all de way i from de city wif it," he explained. Hastily scanning it. the young creole : handed it in silence to Mr. Randall, and the latter read: I have one more clew to run down, but I stih.ll follow this within the hour. 1 , hear a rumor that Colonel Moreau took the journey with you this morning. If this is true, secure his portmanteau, and if he is still at the plantation do not allow him to quit the place till 1 come.. Use any means to prevent his leaving. Do not hesitate at force. Colonel Moreau was murdered this morning by Cameo Kirby. TOM RANDALL. Aaron gravely returned the letter to , bis companion. and for a long moment J the two men looked at each other lu . alienee. Then M. Veaudry quietly placed the paper lu his pocket, turned , on his heel and strode from the room. , Don/loll j.HoHlontlr fnllnwiiic At iUI< iVO KUUIl VVVVIiVUti^ .-r> last they had arrived at a complete understanding regarding the identity and disposition of the troublesome guest who boldly masqueraded under the name of Colonel Moreau. That no ' words had beeu necessary testified to ' the sinister character of the resolve | upon which they had mutely determined. From the balcony Larkin Buuce. chewing impatiently ou his cheroot, waited for Adele to leave the drawing room. It was Imperative that he should have a final word with Kirby. Escapiug from the music r:" 'Sometimes he is a hero." she replied. steadily me< ting ? is eyes. - * ? ? I._ "And sometimes fit's ;i ion:, uv ;xuued grimly. "Tbii gs come so suddenly sometimes y. a c.-.ji lmrdlv get your breath tjuiek em v.-e I; to tclmvbat to do. Yet." lie musingly. "you do know aii the time, underneatu, what you ought to do. For instance, I know that I ought not to be here now. I haven't any right. And. then. I ought to l>e hunting the nmn who stole a silver mounted pi*loi at the oaks this morning." "But you can't do that." she expostulated. nodding wisely. "Your friends would"? "Miss Randall. I've got only one friend in the world, and lie's out there an the balcony swearing cuss words at me because | don't go." She turned away, evincing sudden and vita? interest in a book she had read twice over and knew by heart. "Do you think you have a right to say that you have only one friend':" Bbe asked gently. "I?I hadn't thought of you as a frieud. Miss Randall." "Why? How do you think of me?" suddenly facing him. her eyes half timid, half daring, demanding a sincere answer. "Why?just as you. Miss Adele?and I ought not to think of you at all." "Do you mean because this unjust charge is hanging over you? Do you think I care for that? Is there any other reason?" He Dodded. permitting the cards to fall from bis band one by one to the table. "Yes: there is another teaaon. rou remember what Mercutlo said or bis wound?' 'Tis neither as deep as a well nor as wide as a church door, but 'twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow; you shall find me a grave man.' The tad prince ought not to stay too long, you know." She seated herself at the table and scrutinized him with grave, troubled eyes, her chin reposing daintily nu the crux of arched bands. "You must make it clearer to me thaD that. What are you afraid of ray finding out''" He shrugged and smiled. "Life makes some pretty queer shuffles. Miss Randall, and you can't fool much with the deck yourself," he said, somewhat irrelevantly, picking up the cards and unconsciously beginning to riffle them. "If you don't play the game square It's only a question of time till you get "aught, and then nobody will play with * J?? ? ?i? r ta. you. 1 uou l kuuiv ? uy liic utrmi luc the hand I bold. All I know is I've got to play the cards according to rule. Sometimes I've found that mighty, hard. I keep wishing and wishing there'd be a different hand dealt, but wishing won't change it It was the shuffle that settled it long ago." "I don't think, sir, that you've said anything that concerns you and me very much," she commented, glancing up shyly. " 'Concerns you and me.'" he echoed wmmmmmmmmmmmn >u're Rigl mg convictior price than an; COM MAR iUUiUiUiUUiiUUilUiUUUiUUi mssmsssmmmsss TO es to secure Shoes that ranee of your shoes as y ,.^11 It! fill M5I1 ::j. ".diss !l:iiul: ii. iet ine rell J you -irmething." !ic u'Jd"d at Ittigth. . imi'.lug ;".a: regarding fa'ec edly. | ' on-.* <*vt ulug toward sunsetj was! Ioaucir ov? r the rc.it of a ?>m j livor v;(?ai:jl< >ai. and. nor bniTny much | piei!- :ii w'.at I was thimcing about. j I put 1 ay baud casmdiy into my pock- i et end drew out a deck of playing | cariis tt had been used?well, j I y. i contemplated tbem a i.inl t!: n let them fall from y h all in blooui that some- i | body had evidently planted too near ! ' a caving back upstream. It seemed ! ns if they kind of hoped to go along with it on its Journey, but it didn't look right. The rosebush was too pretty for laid companions like that. And then, one by one. those shabby j playing cards, lying on their backs in the water, began to sink under and i drown. Then along came an eddy and I caught that pretty rosebush and swung ' it out into the current, and away it went down the stream, happy and proud in just a glory of sunshine and sparkle. It served those old playing cards right. Tliey ought to have been drowned for trying to keep company so high above them. That's what I ? thought looking dowu from the boat's | rail." Without conscious effort or any attempt at elocution Kirby had told the ,! little allegory with simple feeling and ' elnc-rity. his manner growing more abstracted until at the conclusion it j seemed ns if he were speaking to his inner self, taking counsel with all that , was best in him. Silence ensued, while Adele looked dreamily away, and he I continued to stare at the cards, but I seeing them not. "Does a man always stop to think j whether he has a right or not?' she i j ventured at length, speaking so low that he strained forward to catch the words. "Doesn't a woman always want him to?" lie gravely returned. "Ah. but there is something a wo, man wants a man to do more than that?she wants him not to give up anything till?he is beaten." she whls i pered. "Suppose he is the kind of man that j ought to be beaten?' I She arose, throwing the scarf about her shoulders, and walked meditatively | to the door. "But mightn't it be perhaps?perhaps with one woman," she whispered, "he couldn't be beaten even then?" Astonished at her own daring, she gave a little gasp, then incontinently fled, while Klrb.v stood staring after her. fearing to Interpret her words. He turned with a start as Bunce strode through the balcony v'r.d^w. (To be continued next week.) Kills a Murderer. A merciless murder is Appendici- i tis.with many victims. But Dr King's1 New Life Pills kill it by prevention, j They gently stimulate stomach, liver I and bowels.preventing that clogging I > that invites appendicitis, curing Con- I 1 stipation. Headache, Biliousness, I Chills. 25c at M L Allen's. I Before ordering Magazines get I 1 our big clubbing catalogue and spe- I p cial offers and save Money. i i Southern Subscription Agency, i Raleigh, NC I (A postal card will do.) 9-22-13t 1| immrommmmmmmmmmm? ht, Then i of knowing th y other merchar PARE! 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