"a jQpBBKHAeiE / THE SHEE? AND THE COATS Matthew 25:31-46?October 16 ^ ' h J- h: * ?.)" ? ' of ttu .'? /?'( o' ?;iy br-lhr-n. ' > him L'-'xt it unto m<\" P i:].\ i< ?i s stmli?! !mvc :.ite? 1 i:> to the ! >:ii and incited the Lords pe >;.! t ? .v:\vo to Iwfome members ther.'of? Lh : and iTiost^ unto ? ???! ::i association with the Redeemer Today's ^ iy tolls of tin* Kiiiad"tii. I??xl irotu * an-tiier standj??;nt. it explains the tu rh of the Kingdom after it sSiail liave l?oen sot tip after Messiah at ids S?oowor and shall have begun liis Messianic reign of righteousness "under the whole heavens." It is imjuirtant In every study of the Scriptures that we recognize the l>ivine I Man as a whole and properly locate the teaching of each parable. We know that the parable of the sheep and the goats belongs uot to this Age, but to the coming Age of Messiah's glorious reign, because the introduction declares this, saying. "When the Son of nxin shall come in his glory and all the holy ang ?ls with him. then shall he sit upon > te Throne of his glory, and before hit shall be gathered all nations; and he s >all separate them one from another at a shepherd dividetb his sheep from the goats." Those sheep and goats will not Include the Church, to whom the promise is. "When he shall appear, we also shall apj?ear with him in glory"?sharing his Thrnna The salvation of the Church will be fiuished before the salvation of the worid will begin. Today's study pictures the salvation of the world, showlug us how every member of Adam's race will be on trial during the reign of Messiah and. by his obedience or disobedience to the light and knowledge then prevailing, he will be deciding his own everlasting future, either as a sheep or as a goat. It will require the entire oue thousand years of Messiah's reign to complete the testing and separating work. All then obedient will be recognized as children of God and brethreu. All the disobedient will l>e reckoned aa children of the Adversary and worthy to share his fate, because, under favorable conditions, they were rebellious. Such shall be destroyed with Satan in the Second Death, which Is symbolically represented aa Are. be caij^e Are is always destructive, never p^eervatlve. On the contrary, the sheep class at the conclusion of Messiah's reign will have reached perfec \\ wlY/?n>im^^arto*. \ ?* ?// or moh, o^r ore" rwr torn* ww? in flin tri!(l of tho wnrlii ill tlli? j tnre every man shall be tried noor?!iutr to hi* work, not aerordim; to f his faith. In that tinte knowledge will have practically supplanted faith: her. o faith will have no speoial re,wa: Work will then have the rewards. and each member of the rare will be expected to strive for perfect works and to be assistants of the Gre.;t King Kininanuel and his Bride, the fhuroh on the spirit plane. Mankind will ho enabled gradually to attain sneh perfection of mind and <>f l>oi'.- as will f.ak" works pos- i sihlo At "lie e<>! ln-;o:. of the Millen ' nirt! Ac jn?rf?vt works -c.Iy will b? rvwarilfil. Rewards and Pun.siimer.ts V*> havo ai:va?!y !? : rr? 1 t?> tin- rv ' war!ii < ;." ?lass at tin- ? !.?.. .it Messiah's Ki:i_'- *!.r??uir!i <1: uiSe tin- > : i;i- -e .r destrne:i->11 vt-rlas'inc. th Se ->ml I math the destriietion wlmh <; i has alr?>a?]y determined f->r Sit..11 ami all who niv his mosseiiirors and servants, after the manner of this ir??:it o'.uss l?e<*aus.\ with all the favorable tunjties. they fas!?*?l to >[ swh c ha motors as awav 1 ' | ; 3^^ 3 D \ S. x -'V va/zey o/qfi ^ osri^ AS-D {r<5?SS?SSS>rA-) cakcasfs * . y.'w . ' of all l>sao ' ' , .. ' ? .* 'y. i ah!hals of ik ., .. ". "w rue crrr % . ' wens cast rsno V 1\ ' v\ \C rf/evallsrro ?- \ Voir '? thsvne cohpcbtb k ; vj {(' /' obsmc/ct/om l j vji.'lfi i cohf/ctbo > /,/ will, CPIH/HALS AJtB ((7 A\\\ \^V I I BBPVTBD TO MAVB (ill \ I M ill 1 | SMAASD TH/SMTE, W H I s/cv/m/rc rnar i rerer we*? *or bm TtTLBD to a A?sv*?scnw//J' rnrnear Aeronojnc a *r^ J*'** ( i m?5w/j ptc tv kb of tfff i 'sbcoofd ?>?ath~ goats sthbollttd | j ^ /ygv. r/Pe SYM? ouzro DCS t* ucTiatrj | ' into eternal punishment; but the righteous, the sheep class, into eternal life. The contrast Is perfect. The one pets life to all eternity The other gets the I specified punishment of destruction to j all eternity. The Greek word here translated punishment is kolaain, which | signifies restraint, cutting off?in this 1 case cutting off from life?Second i Death. "The wages (punishment) of sin is death." Some one has well said:? "Sow a thought and you reap an act: Sow an act and you reap a habit; Sow a habit and you reap a character: Sow a character and you reap a destiny." The DivlDe intention as respects the salvation of this Gospel Age and the salvation of the world during the com. log Age is that only such as develop ! the God like character shall be perI mitted to enjoy Divine fuvor to all I eternity. God has determined that I the time shall come when there shall ' be no more sighing, no more crying. i do more dying: but instead, every i creature In heaven and In earth and under the earth ehall be heard praising Ood and the I^mb. Classified. Custom house stories are always interesting. The hero of this one, a Swiss missionary, was returning to Basle from South America, taking with him some skulls discovered in ancient Patagonian burying places. At the frontier the authorities insisted en inspecting his trunk. They classified the skulls as "bones of animals'* and demanded duty at the rate of a penny a pound. The missionary protested, and it was presently agreed that as the skulls were for scientific purposes they muat be allowed to enter without payment. The only question was how to classify them for the purposes of the Swiss statistical bureau. This problem was debated at great length, but ultimately the skulls went through as "personal etfects already worn."?New York Sun. Jule* Verne's Romance. The story of Jules Verne's courtship and marriage is a most romantic one. Verne was a shy you. g fellow who had a great dislike to the society of women, and it was only his alfection for his brother which led him to go to the latter's wedding. Verne, however, arrived too late and found that the whole bridal party had left for the church with the exception of the bride's sister, a charming young widow, who ex- ! plained t!: - matter. The friendship tints accidentally begun rapidly developed into a wanner feeling and i ended in a marriage which may be j described as ideal. Johnny's Arithmetic. Visitor?And how is Johnny getting on with his figures? Johnny (aged live)?Oh, I'm i learning my tables, and 1 can do a few sums. Visitor?Good! If I were to give you a dozen apples and you ate three, how many would you have? Johnny?Twelve. Visitor?Wrong. You'd have only ! rone lelt. Johnny?No; 1 should have twelve-? throe inside and nine out. j ?.. udwM Scraps. I Two Strong Reasons. A certain Scotch minister in a west highland parish has never yet. been known to permit a stranger to occupy his pulpit. Lately, however, an Edinburgh divinity student was. spending a lew days in the paris. . and on the Saturday ho caned at the manse and asked the minister to be allowed to preacii the i*oi! >u mg day. "My dear young man/' said the imamier, laymj a i.anu gent;;. on the young man's shoulder, "gin 1 Li I \>* ptv.-u h the morn ami ye gm a Itoiicr si-rn.un than me my fowk; wad iit-v.-r .-main be satistiod wF n.v -him:. ami gin ye're nae a Letter nr?'.-!?!ier than me ye're no" worth listening tae." The Child Actress. i ,'i chhd actress is born, not dnli< Front tin- time she'sits up; and Li<:s baby phrases site lives; in a i ie world. From Che time she Ie.. ; to walk site dances, pirouettes and mineos her way J along. Her "make believe'' world I is fa!! of thrilling happenings, and so when her talent linds an outlet' on the stage acting is no clTort, and : she learns ''lines" as the average [' ! baby girl absorbs and memorizes; ; Mother Goose jingles. ? Francis /-> -11: . 1 W 113011 in COURT 5. I ? A South Arabian Food Plant. Jowari, a tell, slender plant resembling corn and headed with a grain something like millet, is the i Abdali's chief crop, lie feeds the stalks to his camels and eats the grain himself. Three crops a year are produced. Jowari requires little cultivation except weeding, which the Abdali does by hand, and when ripe he cuts it off close to the ground with his hunting knife. New shoots spring up from the roots to become the next crop. For a camel load of about 125 pounds he receives at Aden an average of 2 rupees, or $04.88. A fair yearly yield is twenty camel loads an acre. ?Consular and Trade Reports. Tim* Hung M*avy on ma ninoi. A Chinese laundryman recently had his troubles with a watch that habitually lost time. So he took the timepiece to the nearest watchmaker. "Watchee no good to Charlie Lee," said he briefly, pushing it across the counter. "You fucee him, eh?" "Certainly." said the watchmakrr. "What seems to be the trouble with it?" "Oh, him too muchee by V by," [ said Charlie Lee.?Harper's Weekly. Help Yourself by Helping (Js. We hope the friends of The Rec j ord, when they come to town to do ? tneir trading,will patronize the busi ness houses that advertise in this j\ paper. Remember that without these liberal merchants, bankers and other L enterprising business men, the price L of subscription would be at least $3 o a year for such a paper as The Record. You'll find, as a rule, that the men who advertise are wide-awake . and on the alert and can give you 11 better bargains than those who do A not advertise. This applies not only to Kingstree, but many live and upto-date business men of Lake City, i Scranton and Greelyville recognize } the pulling power of an ad in The a Record. tf I ELECTRTC Til 08 B|TTE RS and kidneys. Old papers for sale cheap by 1 the hundred at The Record " office. Write for Samf Try us on a Mail "SAT LOU] 232 & The Largest WIi New Fall Tail | In exceptionally Smart, up-to-date M | i'ric<- rang< from " Ladies' and Misses* In' Panama. All new nude] I will! Taffeta.Silk r Satin bunas, ri M:\VKST OI: WAISTS R>R fV All pun* -Vhiis* Linen Waists. I'lain ' 1 us and culTs / I "REACH ?>> FOR IT!" 7 '*> / "J, / VP* s ^ \ * * >s * r--v ,. . * | ' w : V* X. ^ Sk^ rHAT IS THE WAY TO GET TRADE. Io reach the people Who have the money To buy your goods ifou Must ADVERTISE I ?i 111 i ppnaimm S i li A V A m i ?1 Ilk j R M I [J ] 3aint Your Buggyl We can make it look like new inv Y. HUE. in r other vehicle loprfiTed 100 Per Cent. i appearance by painting-. ilso Bring Us Your Work. iV. M. Vause&Sonj 6-10-tf )les Order j ISFACTION OR Y< IS COH 234 KING STREET AND 203 M lolesah1 and Retail MJ lored Suits Iodel>. t<>r I-;niies and Misses. $10 to $100 a Suit. WalKing SKirts Is. 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