NEWS AND VIEWS AROUND ABOUT TRIO.! X.I1TLE INCIDENTS OF DAILY LIFE , AND PERSONAL NOTES j TERSELY TREATEDJ ] Trio,October l(b?The rain is still falling and it looks as if the farmers 1 mill n.ti K_? oKL tt> iratVini- tVn?ir <*ot- ^ *> 1 I I livv, MV. WUiV WV? A VI?V>* vv. ton crops. The ground is so wet that the hands cannot get into the fields t o pick. Most of the corn crop has t'een gathered and everybody re- j ports a very good yield. Mr J W Lockliear has opened up a small store at his place about two | miles west of this place: he reports ( pretty fair crops in his.neighbor- t hood. ] Miss Minnie Bryan left the liHh i ult for Bristol, Va. to enter Sullins r College and Conservatory of Music, e She was accompanied by her brother f Charles.who saw her safely matricu- \ lated there. ^ -Mr A \Y Graham was in Kingstree ( attending court last week. He was ^ on the jury. ? Mr X W Cooke of Andrews was ^ here for a short while last Friday. o Mrs .Marion Grahhm spent a few days last week visiting her sister, Mrs Waldron, at Andrews. Weyman,the son of Mr and Mrs T a G McDonald,is quite sick with fever. ( He is being attended by Dr W L t Moore. a Mr W P Moore paid a flying visit a o Georgetown last Saturday week, li Mr James Bryan and son, C F s -Bryan, were in Kingstree last Mon- P day on business. . 8 % Jim Bennett, one of our negro merchants, came very near dying v last Tuesday night,being poisoned by ^ panned oysters. The doctor who at- * tead?$ him said if he had not got to 9 him as soon as he did the sick man would have died in half an hour. The ginnery here has ginned about about 200 bales of cotton, which is a f good deal less than at. this time la*t ye*r. It is reported around here that v Mr F L Morris and family are go- p ing to moye to Waycross, Ga, where p his two sons are. Sorry to lose you, g Frank. n Lieut E C Register, formerly of t this place but now in the U S army, v was here for a day or two week be- 0 fore last visiting his father, Mr.J W Register. Lieut Register is now stationed at Washington, D C. Rev S T Russell,pastor of the Baptist church, started a meeting here last Saturday night. I do not know how long it will last, but probably until Wednesday night. Sunday morning we had a new attendant, one who is not on the membership 0 roll. A goat came in while the preacher was in the middle of explaining a very interesting Scriptural point. He (the goat) stayed for a n few minutes, but that was long enough to challenge the attention of n a good-sized crowd. Hope this will not occur again. d Mr J W Fiegister spent last Sun- y day in Georgetown with his family. One of Mr L F Morris's children * is sick with fever. a Sunday was one of the prettiest t days we have had for some time, i: The day was full of sunshine from r morn till dewev eve. 1 i Prohibition seems to be helping a the blind tigers around here, judg- t ing from the number of "boozy" r young men and negroes in evi- 1 dence. One of the most disgusting ( signts that I have s^en for some t time was on last Sunday, October 8. t Tt ree or four young men were here from some of the near-by farms, all s under the influence of "tanglefoot". The boys come of good families, too, ' and it hurts their parents. Boys, if you've got to get diunk, why not do . so some other time than Sunday? And be sure and keep away from , the church when in that condition. Mr E F Martin,representing some 1 medicine company, is here to deliver * his drugs, for which he received or- i ders some time ago. He is accompanied by his wife. They are board- i ing at Mr McDonald's. * Miss Hattie Lewis spent last Sun- ] day visiting friends and relatives in jjeorgetown. Mr D Z Rowell spent Sunday with lis father, Mr E R Rowell, near raft. Mr and Mrs W I) Bryan of Taft vere here for awhile last week visting the former's brother.Mr James Bryan. Well. Mr Editor, 1 will ring off for his time and if I see this in print vill cail airain. The Prodigal. COUNTY UNION MEETS \nd Elects Officers?A Tobacco Warehouse Projected. Williamsburg County Farmers' Jnion met at Lake City in Knights >f Pythias hall on Thursday,October! hat 11 o'clock a. m.. President J Dj >aniel in the chair. Fight local inions were represented. After! outine business the election of oftic-i rs was gone into, which resulted as bllows: A A Brown, Pres; P S Wall, , ice Pres: J T Frierson, Sec-Treas; j V M Melton. Con; (1 W Taylor,! 'haplain; J Fd Godwin, D K; W J Villoughby, Bus Agt; W P Gause, bounty Organizer; S J Kirby rejected member of Fx Com; S Y Jisdale and J M Matthews, members f Ex Com, hold over. The subject of building a tobacco warehouse was discussed pro and on. Everything seems favorable for .nother season to find a Farmers' Jnion tobacco warehouse in operaion in this county. Every delegate I this meeting was requested to act s one of a special committee to so-, icit"members of his union to take tock in the warehouse. There appears to be some $5,000 or more in ight. The next county union meeting rill be held at Lake City on Thuri!ay, November 3,at 11 o'clock a. m. 2ach local union is requested toi end delegates. Respectfully, J T Frierson, Sec. VEST POINT SCHOLARSHIP* lamlnatloi of Candidates, Flarence, Rireiler 19. Notice is hereby given .that there ; * " i (ill be a competitive examination in lorence, S C, November 19, of ap>licants for appointment to a cadethip in West Point Military Acadeay. For further information apply o Hon A H Gasque, Florence, S C, ffio will conduct the examination, r to me at Marion, S C. J E Ellerbe. farion, S C, October 7, 1910. 10-13-4t NATURE'S VARNING. Ingstree People lust Recognize aid Heed It. Kidney ills comequietly?mysteriusly, But nature always warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. See if the color is unhealty? If there are settlings and sedinent, Passages frequent, scanty,painful. It's time then to use Doan's Kidey Pills, To ward off Bright's disease or liabetes. Doan's have done great work in [ingstree. Mrs Louise Alsbrook, E Main St, [ingstree, S C, says: "I do not hesiate to say that Doan's Kidney Pills ,re an effective remedy. I have used hem and they have given entire satsfaction. For a long time my kidieys were sluggish and the secreions from these organs were unnatiral. I was also >ubject to hnadaches ind pains through my loins. Since aking Doan's Kidney Pills the kidley difficulty has disappeared and ny back has not pained me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ents. Foster-Milburn Co., Bulfalo, j *, 20and 2S Lake City 29 Kingstree 20 December. Kingstree 1. 2, 2 and "? Lake City 0 Kingstree from 7 to 21 inclusive I Upon all unpaid taxes after Decem| l>er 31 a penalty of 1% will be added tor I .January. 1"? lor February and 5"0 to ; loth day of March, alter which th>books ill be closed and executions is; -ued upon all unpaid taxes. Those who de-ire to pay their taxes through the mail would expedite matters by dropping the Treasurer a postal asking for the amount of their tax so as - i. 1- .. to avoid sending the wrong aiuouiu.aiso stating the township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district where I property is located, also state whether poll or road tax, or both are wanted. I After paying taxes examine your re; eeipts and >ee if all of your property is ' covered, if not, see about it at once, } By following the ahove suggestions complications and additional cost may I be avoided. ?J Wesley Cook, j lt-22-tf Ounty Treasurer. I PMTEWttL ?MEMS I Kingstree i A r.AUD MO. 97. ?urul MtRIKSI '~^T* ii n'W' 1st and 3rtl Mnndtj ' ^^8^ BP1 j] '" esc'1 \ Xc^S^Sx V2/3U Visiting choppers cor'v ??.?9{ \y/C'// diallv invited tocomt ? 2riup and sit on a stumj ? yi; "W or hainc al>out oil th< > ' ^ limbs. Thos. McCutchen, 27 10m Con. Com. ?w A t'Ait SV HP C\y >"?? 435 E. B. McElveen, 17-4-6m. Con. Com. ic of IF. Kings tree Lodge Knights of pgthias Regular Conventions Every 2nd mad 4th|W?tae?Uy olgbU Visiting brethren always welcome, Castle Hall 3rd story Gourdin Building. U. D. Jacobs, C. C. C. C. Burgess, KRS&MF Seed Cotton Licenses. The following Is a list of those who have bought seed cotton licensee up to and including September 27,1910: Peter Pendergrass, S J M Tisdale, J J Braoham, H D Ferrell & Bro, H J McFadden, Bartell Bros, Marshall Bros, John M Barrineau. F Rhem A ?yns, F Rhem & Sons, A T Cooper, W N Clarkson, Daniel Wilson, B N Stuckey, W E Davis, A B Burrows, W INexson, S J Full more, Blakeley-McCullough Corp, Blakeley-.WcCullough Corp, Blakeley-McCullough Corp, Gourdin Mercantile Co, W Wesley Singletary, Snow Graham, J D Scott, Joint Stock Co, Mouzon, Prusser & Carter, E F Pro?ser, J N Browder, W R Graham, J If Nexsen. S L Thompson. H L Grayson & Bro. W WBarr, R D Gamble, E C Cunningham. A J Prosper. W I Tisdale & Bro, Mack Hammond. Wash Miller, Cooper Bro*, J L Gowdy, J J Hxnna. W A Brockington. F E Huggins. S R Mouzon, Jr. E M McCutchen, M I) DeLorme, T J Pendergrass, W D Harmon. C W Hanoa. W G Hanna. W C Hemingway & Co, \V C Hemingway & < o. W C Hemingway & Co, W l Hemingway Co, T M i'rown. J B Tallevast, Gus Mt Knight. Kelley Thomas, ^ D I OSlUH? Poston & Johnson Bros, Walter Poston & Co, Billie Cooper, Burgees Bros, Jonn Scott, li Wallace Jones & Sons. D E MeCuteheii, M G MeMilKn. G J Graham, Jr. Scott Bros, E T Gaskins & Co, H Edward Eaddy, John Wilson, A K Hill. William McKnight S D Cunningham, W I Hodges Co. W H Wilson, D L & M F'llton, William Adams, B L Gist A Bro. Itoht McKnight. Aiex i-res-iey, W V Strong. G A Brown, Snowden A* Tisdale. .1 T Eaddy, .1 0 Eaddy, S A Guerry & Bro, W M O'Bryan, Hu?:h McCutfhen, J W White, Robt McFaddefl, Jr, Jo<- Wilson. Donnellv Bros, . T M Kellalian. H C' BRH ton. 19-1-3-tf N CCCPAGS ' \ \ NOT IN THE < John Rol in D.* 1U Dig KINGSTREE, fl SATURDAY, U America's Oldest, Richest Circi realization of all that is great in th bined menageries, hippodrome and one greatest show on earth. 1000 Men and Wor ENORMOUS Z00L0 30 MALE and FEfl And Every C T 1 - 1! TTf T\_lf n r\9\lT including rvm. ueiwot, ivay \j vies Rink, Olga Reed, Miss Unice, Mi others. 6*Great Aeria The wonderful DeComas, LeMars, and Miss Davis. The Reckless Jap 50 cowboys, 5 Cowgirls, 50 real bla men. Vaqueros. Russian Cossacks Dancers and Mexicans- Company fancy drills. WARREN STEOUEST 2v?. Lowanda's Eight THE WORLD'S GRE/ 50 CLOWNS! 100 100 ACROBATS an Including the Lininger Trio, DeBc Bellaire The Great and Liningers T Tent. 3 FAMOUS HERDS of PER INCLUDING ROBINSON'S WO GRAND CAMP OJ An entirely new and unique fe strange peoples from the Dark cor $500,000 FREE ! ONE PERFORR AFTERNOON A Doors Open On< CIRCUS TRUST bilWs Shows *| iftT nr I III. LL\ ? is! A modernized, stupendous e circus world. 4 rings, 3 com[ great wild west, all united in ' J nen 4^ Horses J GICAL EXHIBIT IALE RIDERS-301 )ne A Star 1 sney, Fred McCameron, Sidney I ss McCameron. Miss Van and I .1 Thrillers-6 j Leach and Vance, Miss Webb J WILD WEST ,nket Indians. Mexican horsej and Japanese Scouts. Singalese of U, S. Cavalry in all kinds of TRAVIS x-rvxxrs \ Brazilian Riders \TEST HORSEMEN FEATURE ACTS! d GYMNASTS 100 g lien Bros., the Two Ledgetts, I errific Dive from the Top of the 8 ? n/R\ Rrv? (?r*KT?l7? py? TZSEsSmI 9 tSSSi tk u t. unioou^ii pa. IFORMINQ ELEPHANTS NDERFUL COMEDY FOUR F THE NATIONS ' ature, comprising hundreds of ners of the earth. STREET PARADE 1ANCE ONLY T 2 O'CLOCK 2 Hour Earlier