Haven't You Been Expecting I To start a BANK ACCOUNT? Been trying to save sufficient to Vmake a good start?" The ''small purchase temptation" makes it hard to accumu,* late any certain sum when you, I keep your money in your pocket I or around the house?probably that has been your trouble. I ^ This bank accepts deposits of j 31.00 and up?why not come in and open an account with us NOW j ?let the bank help you save?it j is the only safe way. Bank of Williamsburg, I KINGSTREE, S. G. fLOCAL^lTEMalt m?^ # Cotton is quoted to-day on the local market at 14i to 14$ cents; seed $28 the ton. Pay for your paper.* Born?to Mr and Mrs James P Adams on Thursday,October 6,1910, a son. I Monday of last week was sales day j ' but no property was sold at public I L outcry. He who dances must pay the pinner, and he who peruses the paper Hfthould pay the printer. A man generally accepts the ad rvice of his wife?when he wants to do what she advises. Nine recruits for the chaingang and one negro sent to the gallows was the net result of the recent term of court. The regular teachers' examination was held here Friday of last week. We regret not being able to secure a list of the applicants for certifies^. ?J?ad over the ads in The Record -carefully. They are a reliable guide to?ie best bargain centers. People have nothing to advertise don't HjArertise. HHtVhen you advertise in the county lifter you are helping to keep money H^Biome instead of its being sent Q^^oad to mail order houses to build Pfother communities. he subscription price of The lord is $1.25 a year. If you want pay it all in advance we give you cents discount. We do not s^ll the per for $1.00 a year on time, tf Trade seems to be picking up every day ond the merchants are relaxing the stern severity of visage superinduced by a long, dull summer in cheerful smiles resultant on the golden promise of a fine fall business. Two notices that all the teachers should read appear in this issue. By the way, it would be interesting to know how many teachers in the county are subscribers to The Record. We know how many ought to be. We are requested to announce ? there will be a festival at the ence of Mr V W Graham, near lith postoffice, on October 19, i for the benefit of the public school. Public is cordially inite a number of the Kingstree ^H^fcttended Harmony Presbytery j^R^Bthe century and a half natal H^Vof old Indiantown this week. VShould be glad to have a write' | Righi IS > Smartest New Fai NEWEST HANDBAGS |g NEWEST BELTS S3 NEWEST NECKWI &L| NEWEST COM igf NEWEST I NEWE |g NE ! up cf the occasion from some one I who can furnish us the data. In enumerating the list of cotton buyers on the local market we inad-i vertentlv omitted the name of W T Wilkins. Old man "~W T" is a warm proposition on the market when it , comes to boosting the price and is ? - ?Li . r ? by no means a negugioie lai-uu m , anything- he goes at. A telegram was received here Tuesday from Hot Springs, Arkansas. stating that Hon R H Kellahan i was critically ill with an attack of pneumonia. Mr Kellahan went to Hot Springs last week to take the: baths for rheumatism. His friends, , here are deeply solicitous about his condition. I 1 c Treasurer J Wesley Cook, for the,k convenience of our subscribers who | do not come to Kingstree often, has i ^ kindly consented to receive money j on subscription to The Record and 1 we have given him a book to issue j 2 temporary receipts therefor. When j c he turns the money over to us we j will issue a duplicate receipt show- i ing date to which the subscription : N is paid. tf. |s By dint of persistent effort the j secretary of the county executively nAmmiuoa iioo in cettiriflr! Ll/UlIIIUVCV uuo ov.wvvv.vv, ... 0 ? statements from the managers of j the primary election covering every L precinct but one?Lanes. If any! j statement of any discription was submitted from Lanes precinct the auditing committee failed to dis- t cover it. Should any of the mana- f gers of the Lanes precinct chance to read the foregoing, he is requested to get up a statement giving the t names of the managers in each elec- \ tion?if the same managers, any or all of them, failed to serve in both primaries?including mileage at the ? rate of five cents a mile one way ( for messenger. No provision is I made for paying clerk or for per diem for messenger bringing the box- ( es?only mileage as stated above. j A REPRIEVE GRANTED. 1 t Stay Order Issued Postponing Execution oi Jonn renaergrass. On motion of Hirsch & Hirsch, at- 1 tornevs for John Pendergrass, who ' J was sentenced to be hanged at the recent term of the criminal court held here, Judge Prince has granted 1 the following order: "That the sentence of the court heretofore im. 1 ' j posed upon the said John Pendergrass on October 6,1910,whereby he was sentenced to be hanged on November 18, 1910, be and is hereby stayed and postponed pending the 1 hearing of the said appeal in this < ! case and final disposition of the said 1 appeal in this case by a court of | competent jurisdiction." Hmw Hrnceries are our special-!, " ? ties. WlLKINS. I 10-13-tf It will be a great day for the. i i j South when there is a general recog- j nition of the fact that upon the fertility of Southern lands the perma| nent prosperity of the South must j be builded. ? Paleigh (X C) Progresi fticc Farmer and Gazette. 400 sacks New Rice jnst received. ; Cheap at Wilkins'. 10-13-tf ! Arrival of Passenger Trains at Klngstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad ; has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Sunday, May 15, 1910: North Bound, i No 80 - - - t :45 a m ^ *No 46 - - 11:36 am : No 86 - - - 6:12 p m South Bound. I No 83 - - - 11:12 am No 47 .... 6:09 p m No 89 - 9:10 p m | * Daily except Sunday. S38S3 t Goods a1 I Dress Goods in All the Nev EAR BS 3ARRETTES ST PERSIAN RUCHINGS [WEST AUTOMOBILE SCARFS OUR B U T L E ! ' ^?*|* *1*?'I* 'I* 4? f*I MILI "r Wednesday and Tl ^ Exclusive Designs in Fre Miss M. M. Mills, o r l T* -? -J ^^ >2 ?L 1 J* T ~3" 3 3 3 PERSOWAL^fti i Mr M F Heller visited Georgetown j >aturdav. ^ J E L' rsch, Esq, went to Sumter : Tuesdi w professional business. Mr He \ Collins, of McAllister's dill,was riwc^i on our streets Satur- ^ lay. Mrs W T Wilkins is in Athens,Ga, p isiting her daughter and grandion. Mr George E Rembert of Benson ailed pleasantly at our sanctum j donday. Mrs P S Courtney and son and \ laughter have been visiting relatives n Florence. ^ Mrs Wolfe and Miss Stella went I o the "City by the Sea" yesterdayi or a few days' visit. Dr L B Johnson of Rome was here his morning exchanging greetings vith his many friends. * a Mesdames H G Askins, W L Bass I ind Miss Sallie Bass of Lake * ]ity attended the millinery openings lere last week. * ?r I Messrs Louis W Walker ana l. v | Smith, the American Tobacco Co's | juyer and book-keeper,respectively, eturned to their homes in Virginia ;his week. Mr Rob Ervin has resigned the x>sition of court crier, which he has illed very capably for several years. Mr D F Edwards filled the position ast week. Mayor Gilland and Mrs Gilland, who have been spending several i weeks across the water in the old 1 country, are now homeward bound. Mr Gilland's health is said to be' much improved by the trip. Messrs E M Rowe. W S Rowe, J N i Evans and William Rowe were here yesterday from Bennettsville "pros- , pecting" witn a view to investing in {' some of our county's cheap and fer-1 tile lands that are attracting the at- 1 tention of real estate bargain-seek-1 ers. ] Mr T B Patrick remembered the editor with a disc of white metal |" while here Monday. We need a good | many of these circular media of cir- j culation to make up for the long dull summer when expenses per week exceeded revenues oft times by $25 or $30. Mr R B McClary, who lives a few miles east of town, had a narrow escape from being seriously hurt in a , cotton ginnery recently. Fortunately he escaped with a couple of lacerated fingers and a bruised wrist. Now is . - . * I.L. | tne lime 01 ine yem me ucaui; gin- i saws take their toll. Too much care cannot be exercised around the sawsand other dangerous machinery. Dr John Porter Hollis of Rock I Hill was here Monday calling on the Legislators-elect relative to reforming or revising the State child labor laws. Mr Hollis was here about a decade ago when he helped to teach a summer school and is remembered pleasantly indeed by many of us who had the privilege of knowing him. Standing 6 feet 4 inches high,broad- j shouldered and erect, he is a fine j specimen of physical manhood and, j better still,is equipped mentally and ! morally in proportion to his splendid j physique. Hollis is the type of man to represent our State creditably in the national halls of legislation. l n. I Klgm ri /est Weaves and Colors. T DRESS C 50-inch Panama 50-inch Brilliantine 50-inch Broad Cloth (all wool) 36-inch Brilliantine 28-inch Silks, for Waists, BARGAINS?NO MOTTO: EXCELLENCE ? DRY hursday, October 5th an< mch and American Pattt ne of Baltimore's best m GALE J* A ?||' ^ y ^ ^NpWADsl enkinson Bros Co.?Cress Good: Silks and Trimmings. Tie People's Bank. Scranton?i Home Institution. Vilkins' Wholesale! Grocery CoWeekly Letter. 'armers and Merchants Bank. Lak City?Start with a Clean Slate, 'atrick & Carr, Agents?Electrc tro-Chemical Ring." -m Cingstree Hardware Co?Get Read ?Make Aim for Our Store. Cingstree Dry Goods Co?A Messag to Ladies. 'has M Stieff?The Standard Pianc lobinson's Shows?Not in the Circi Trust. Meet^Toor Friends In Colombia. There Is one time and one plac vhere everyone, who Is anybod: neets his relatives and friends. It I it the State fair, which will be hel n Columbia, October 31 and Noverc >er 1. 2. 3 and 4. The grounds wl >e open at night this year. n in i I Leaps now nneai The Most Prolific and Best of Milling Wheats Yields reported from our customers from twenty-five to fifty-two bushels per acre. When grown side by side with other kinds this splendid beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels taore per acre on same land and under same conditions as other standard wheats. Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it snould be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Wrice for price and "Wood's Crop Special" which contains new ana valuable article, "How to grow big crops of wheat." T. W. WOOD 0 SONS, Seedsmen, ? Richmond. Vi We are headquarters for r?rm Seeds. Grass and Clover Seec Winter Vetches, Dwarf Essex Rape, Seed Wheat, Oats. Rye, Barley, etc. Descriptive Fall Catalog mailed he Tib' Tn* HOME. SWEET HOME! We foster it and you get th benefit. What do we get out of it YOUR ADVERTISING. . YOUR JOB PRINTINf See the Point? Let us give you estimate mmmmimssm rices at t rimmings, Linings and iOODS 45c yd 45c yd 50c yd 35c yd 20c yd T BLUSTER. WITHOUT EXTRAVAG; ) 0 D S CO ?/ |? ?b?b?^?$-?J*?I" ' OPEN J 6th, we wi!! have on disp! srn Hats. lilliners, will assist us this s & GALE -?? ?'?2>?T??Y f To the j 1 ? On Thursday, Septembe 5. rant will be regularly open Winter. 1 will have an exp x will include the choicest everystyle, Beet-Steak, Ch and Game in season. e Meals to Ord< Bouillon, Coffee, Tea, e! >< Courtney's Ice Kingstr > LARGER AND BETTER 3 THAN EVER BEFORE Annual Sute Fair aft Columbia, 6 31 Nov 12 3 and 4. si ' Jj ' Especially low Railroad Rates, Flm Attraction.'*. Everybody Is Going to Attend This Year. Great Side-Shows and Exceptional Exhibits. Li For more than forty years the Soutl Carolina Agricultural and Mechanica Society has stood for that whioh is bes and most progressive in the lndustria and agricultural life of South Cgro Una. The association will this yea] give its forty-second annual fair There are a great many features, aj the people of this State know, to thi annual fair. But chief among thes< are the gathering in Columbia once i year of the representative citizens o the State and the display of the bes products of the State. President John G. Mobley of the as sociation has had the hearty co-opera tion of the large membership in mak ing this a record-breaking fair. Wit! general prosperity throughout th State, and the promise of special at tractions the fair this year will be un Usually well attended and the exhibit I particularly good. The fair opens in Columbia Octobe a* 31st, and will close Friday night. No vember 4. One of the special feature of this year's programme is that th Is. grounds and buildings will remaii open at night. This will give many ai opportunity or seeing tne exniDits am spending the evening pleasantly 01 I?, the grounds, where they have hereto fore been unable to do so. Th grounds will be kept open on the even ings of November 1, 2, 3, until X o'clock at night, and the price will b Si Adm&jQUi V. course, the purpose Is to make th evenings worth while and have all o the midway special features in full. The premiums are more general an attractive than usual, and it will b 5 worth while for those intending t make exhibits to communicate wit Mr. 1). F. Etird. secretary. Lexingtor S. C., for premium lists: ? 5 The races this year will be bette th \n ever before, and that means tha i tf ey -.v111 be unsurpassed in the Soutl T.'ie racing committee has arranged a attractive list of purses. For the har \ n.ss stakes over $4,000 has been o( f?red. and the running events, not quite popular in this State, have 1 prrz^s of $100 each. The condition can o?: learned from the premium list ?n account of a large number o >h - st and cleanest attractions. A fu day may be put in on this alone, an the \isitor.i will feel fully repaid eve should they see nothing else. All of the railroads are going to se special excursion tickets for the Stat 16 fair this year. There will be '"the usual spirite games of football and other numerou attractions. i . n. vve are now joooing static lsi Goods. When in need of a bolt s< j us. W T WlLKINS. 10-13-tf DR.KING'S NEW DISCOVER s" | Will Surely Slop Thai Cough. he Right Silks to Match All Goods. DOMES 36-inch White Homespun 36-inch Bleaching Chk. Homespun Apron Gingham Onuhio Width Suitin&r 1 Good Calico USCE M P A N Y ?mwm?mmmmm& ?pf^ IING i ay the Latest and Most easors. I *j' Vi' lj? ^ I HBnnnnzHHBiB Public. r 8, my Cafe and Restauand on throughthe Fall and ert Chef and the Bill-of-Fare the market affords: Ovsters icken, Eggs any style, Fish ; ?r at All Hours tc. p ; Cream Parlor. ee, S. C. SPECIAL NOTICES i . ! 1 Transient Notices will be Published in This Column at the Rate of One Lenta Word for Each Issue. No advertisement taken for less than 26 cents. i | ??? Wanted?To buy fuil-blood Jersey j cow that will give 4 to 6 gallons milk ' daily with second calf. ^ ill pay good ? , price. W O Camlin. I 9-'2JMt Bloom Ingvale, S C I j For Sale?Scholarship in Bryant & ! Stratton Fulness College, Louisville. If interested let us hear from you. 8-t l-tf The ( oi nty Record. il Wanted?A share cropper farone11 horse farm and tenant for two-horse t farm. Both farms near Cades. For fur. i ther information aduress J T McElveen. 1 9-22-41 Cades, s C r ?^^__________ ; WON BYA NECK J She had a beautiful NECK. Ha v : bought her a beautiful t- NECKLACE f When you are lookinf fot JEWELRY drop in and 11, SEE US " Walts & Watts d I i The Kingstree Jewelers y * Near the Depot * FOLmHONETHCAR Ourts Coldsi Pravuta PnMnooia Store I TICS j| Sc yd