The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 13, 1910, Image 1

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, (iljc Coiintu fteftfit || VOL XXIV. KISG8TREE, SOI TH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1910. NO 31 IP J ^ if your aim in life is to L Sjfe of anything but the sake of y< ? I A fu!l and complete line ? * Our stock of Single and Rifles?Anything you c Remember we are Heai i KINC ] r>?v?t?~i ?r?t?v? SUNSHINE AND SHADOW AT LAKE CITY, PAVING CONTR ACT LET-PERSONAL ENCOUNTER-PETIT LARCENY-HAZING AT CITADEL. Lake City, October 11:?Hen J P Hollis of Rock Hi:! sjxmt Sunday night and a portion of Monday in town. Mr Hollis, who was a RepreSentative from York county in the last General Assembly, is traveling | in behalf the commission on factory ^ conditions, he being a member 'f that commission. Miss Eliza Keels of Lynchburg I^Hs vigiting her sister, Mrs \V L h i t e h e al. HB Consequently Judge Baldwin a;>BH^Lears every day in a fresh shirt and HlHpollar and his best"Sunday clothes." ^^^He wears a benevolent smile also. Mr C S Lucas spent Monday in Darlington on business. Mrs HB Green of Florence, who Korl ko?>n vicitinor relatives in town, i returned home a few days ago. Mr Wilbur Joues has accepted me position of day clerk at the Halcyon Hotel and entered upon his duties last Tuesday. W L Pass. Esq, attended court in Florence this week on profes sional business. Mr E F Prosser was in town Monday from Vox. He does not appear to have lost much flesh on account of his defeat in the primary. Mrs Hampton Ward, a sister of Mr W E Carter who married and k went to Florida soon after the Civil B war, is here on a visit. The town council has let the contract for paving to Messrs Beatty Bros of Georgetown. The work will proceed without delay and will be pushed to completion with as lit tie loss of time as possible. Jeff Moulds and Arrie Miles had - " ' t? ii. . rr: ...?_ a ngnt ;saturuay at imwk Hinthouse. Moulds' leg was broken and he is now in a hospital in Florence. Mr J E Johnson of Morrisville stopped over here with his daugh- J Iters, Mrs Dicker and Miss Johnson, last week. He was on his way home from a visit to his old home in Robeson county, North Carolina- ] Thirty-six years ago he left the! "Old North State" and this was th.e: first time since then that he had gone back to visit kindred and friends. To hear him tell of the homes he visited and the reception accorded him will impress one with faft that this was the trip of I a life-time?one to be long rememf bered. j A "coon" pleaded guilty of steal-j ing'H peck of pears before Judge! Baldwin Saturday. He was given $1C.00 or 20 days to go along with the pears. Some few days ago a Williamsburg boy went to Charleston to attend the Citadel Academv. He' \ _ I, was "hazed" by the Citadel boys in a most brutal manner, to say the }east. Reputable men who examined the boy after he came back home j J w jet Ready Economize and to have for your eve >ur pocket book and your bank acco of Lr. M. C., and Peter's League Shi Double Remington Shot Guns alwa >r any other marksman should like, dquarters foi anything in Hardware :<STRFF <tr < <r * <r f * tell us that he was beaten until h:s flesh was as black as a hat. Of 1 course the boy returned home, and this was the proper course. He is a nice boy and not a brute.and such an atmosphere as indicated by the 1 conduct of his inhuman tormentors '< is not the proper atmosphere in which to hrinjr up a pentiemar. } This incident has given the Citadel ] a "black eye" in this community. ^ The farmers are earnestly asking themselves the question: "Are v.v not fools to tax ourselves to support this school where our boys are sub- j jected to such treatment as the one above mentioned received? They nly . want our money; they don't want cull rJi&m nwflv* \vhf>n UUl W%?0 ? Ui 1 ? \ v??v they p<> there." This appears to us a very serious "matter, arv.l one t that oupht to receive serious atten- t tion. . \V L B.* !c i ANDREWS ACTUALITIES. \ Negro's Victim Dead?County Of- t fleers Crlticlsed-Personal Items, j Andrews. October 11:?W J Par- f I ker.the victim of the severe blow of, < Mose Harvin, died at his home near * Goldsboro, N C, last Tuesday from the effects of the injury he received. s Harvin is still at larpe and I don't c DClieve a warrant nas ever urcu iasued for the arrest of this murderer. This is a crying shame on this county that the officials will sit still and not. even make an effort to arrest a murderer. What will be the end of this I do not know. Negroes are killing white men and not even having warrants issued. We may take such car-' rying out of law to be a light matter but watch the out-come in the end. Mr Parker, the murdered man, had been living in ourtown for three years and did an extensive furniture business. ' ^ 1 t.ib.i ' UUT L"\vil fircmjii n ill October 24. We expect a warm con- c test for the mayor's office. } Several horses and mules have died ? in this community in the last ten davs with some kind of strange disc ease somewhat similar to blind stag- , r gers. .Mr Warley Thompson lost a $300 mule last Sunday, and several ^ other stock-owners have sustained similar losses. Farm work was greatly delayed last week on account of the rain. Mr and Mrs L 0 Feagin and children of Eagle I.ake, Fla, are visiting * Mr P H Feagin, of this place. Mr;' Feagin went with his parents to Flor- * ida when only eight or ten years old, 1 - -- - - .4 and we are reliably informed that L this younjr man has made quite a success in his adopted State. We ts wish Luther a pleasant stay among us. Tne prize acre of corn planted by j W G Cam 1 in will be broken next Tuesday and the amount will be re- t p >rted in your next week's issue. J 1 understand that anew furniture ^ business will be opened here in the ^ near future. Subscriber. <. 75 sacks Coffee,all grades, bought before the advance. We are under the market. WlLKINS. ) 10-13-tf |f ? ?/ <r V %r <r </ f -U t rjv ^ -j* -J- *jv ^ ?Make, ryday use Dependable Goods at L unt. to make aim for Our Store an I - ^ *-!4 ~ -4- ~ ciis, vanriuj;c>, en.. ys cciplete. Now is the time to < . \\ *ad. Others follow. < HARDW Wholesale and SCRANTON SKETCHES. Telephone Connection Extended --A Sad Accident?Personal. i Scrant-m, October 11:?Mr P M return >1 Saturday ni^ht from i i trip to Charleston. Miss A7.1 le Coleman of Greenwood las been elected teacher of the Hitrh -Iill public school. An assistant; vili be elected later. Mi?? Mae Farlow, a winsome: chool ma'am of Sophia. X C, i? the I ruest of Mis? Allie Godwin of High j dill this week. Miss Farlow will ! each the public school near Savage, | n Florence county, this fall and: vinter. Rev Mr Boney, pastor of the Bap;i?t church at Lake City, preached in he Baptist church at Scran ton Sunlay afternoon. His discourse wasj ible and impressive. Mr Jesse Kennedy, a Scranton boy j vho holds a responsible position with J he Atlantic Coast Line, is now "do-, ng" the West and having a jolly j rood time according to tidings re- j :eived from him by the "old folk at! lome." A switch-board box has been in-1 ;talled in the long-distance telephone! >ffice here, whereby connection with 1 he local line extending from Scran;on through lower Florence county; :an be had. This improvement in the elephone service will bring: the sec-, ion traversed by tjie local line into ioser conneetiori with the outer vorld and is greatly appreciated by he people served. Mr and Mrs Emmett Graham of .Vilmington. N C, are visiting rela-! ives in Scranton. Mr Hartwell Gra1am of Goldsboro, N C, was also a isitor in town Sunday. The sad and tragic death of Rev ,V H Murphy,, who served Scranton barge as pastor iast year, is deeply t leplored by his many friends here, dr Murphy was superintending a rinnery at Everett, in Marlboro ! ounty.and accidentally got his hand aught by the gin saws which jerked lim against the- gin "breast" with uch force that his skull was fraoured. He lived only a short whi'e ,fter the accident. Miss Daisy Pate of Bishopville is : isiting her brother, Dr C H Pate. Invitations have been issued to | he marriage of Miss Addie Beatrice ?annon of Scranton and I)r Charles 'rue Benson of Atlanta,Ga,at Scranon Baptist church Wednesday afernoon, October 20, at 4 o'clock, tfter November 1 Dr and Mrs Benon will be at home at 300 E North >t, Atlanta, Ga. W K C Kills a Murderer. A merciless murder is Appendieiis.with many victims. But Dr King's sTew Life Pills kill it by prevention, 'hey gently stimulate stomach, liver ind bowels,preventing that clogging hat invites appendicitis, curing Con upaiiwu,, i?iin'w.'?iitcc?, rhills. 25c at M L Allen's. Don't forget the "old reliable", (VlLKINS is headquarters for almost nything you need. 10-13-tf Aim For ( owest Possible Prices, we ask yot d hit the center o* Economical Buy call in and ?et one at a very low pr Coffins and Caskets always on hand fARE C I Retail Dealers. _2,_i -2? !*?-)? I? I. A -> ? <>/> A Type-Writer Paper. The Record has just received a choice lot of bond type-writer pa- 1 l>er,put up neatly in boxes 500 sheets to box,legal and letter size, all sizes and weights, at SI.00 a box. We can save you 25c to 50c besides the expre.^ on this quality stationery. tf iwiwr ?!! ! IT I 'I1?B?TT MTTIIiWI.j fDU I r? i _ -l. *ir> 1 A 1 A I UCL. 1C5, 1S1U; Dear Friend: All flour is made out of wheat, out some wheat is better than \ others; therefore some! fiour is better than other hinds. , When you get real good flour it rises nioely and mahes good bread. We have good i bread at our house. We make it out of Pinnacle flour. Your friend. ' Jacob, P. S. The best flour there is in this town i is Pinnacle flour. It costs S5cts. a sack, and we get it from Wilkins* Wholesale! Grocery (Jo's The place where the $ does ils duly ELECTRO-CHEMICAL RIH6 gk TRADE-MARK. C-C. Copyright. !< /!, 'j, '0, Kjui. v and /yt-o. Nil J by It'. (7, Brownsom. tUf (m i The following di-tca**** arecauaedby acid j i-i the bioudand ire cind b| thhriog, j which takes* from one day to two weeks after the ring commence* to work: aerording to disease ami ' circumstance*. The ring and the arid create an elect m-chemical action* removing the exec** of | .. id. rbich curea the diaeaae and will keep it cured. Bright'* l>i*ea*e. Diatietei*?it in not a habit with ? h:I Jreii. Chorea?St. Vitu*?"* Dance. Chloro*iM? 1 Green Painful and Kxcemdve .Monthly Peri'vis I'reniia. Sn>?*oi?e. Knilepny. NTrvouw Pro*- | tr it.on. N ?-*-Meed. Internnl Hemorrhages Khino- , lith?a atony concretion formed in the none?Ade- I n?dds P i p - Catcract* Goitre* WkoopiDf-Conth. KJieuOi.iti-ni - Intiamuiatorv. Gout. Lumbago. Art:. nlar. Seiatie, .Muscular, Asthma, Headache. Jieurilt i. Neurit#. Valvular Rhviapiatleni ??f Heart. Rheumatic E ?ver, Rheumatic Fu8lnis~Brii&, H lir. E es*. Ear* .Limhx, Fen, < Iperatom. I > pewriters i ?r . Obe*it . Fatty Defeneration of Heart. Ap- 1 pen liciti*. lull nidation of BowelsChronicDyaentry, A i-lily. ??i Stomach, which rau^ the \vnr*t kind of eon*ti? ation?the other kind in caused t?y liver tli-??,*i?e. (\i!icer-;C\ircim>ni;i"(\incerou* Turn r* Congestion of Kidneys Stone in Bladder. Pr "tatiti". Gravel. Gall-stones Calculi.I)ep?*<it on J Teeth. White S|H>trt on Nails Pforiairis Salt-rheum, i \* r; Veiiui nnd Ulcer*, Varicocele?varicono j vein* in the scrotum?Varieoae Vein# and Ulcem in . Rectum?often mistaken for pile* and ti*??*ure. The after tfecTH of Diphtheria. Scarlet, Typhoid r*id Malarial Fever*. Thin ring la not a cure-all: ...II n * tip* liver disease and none of the liver di-ca-??. Price Plain Kin*:. $TUU; Gold-covered outwide ?! ??. By Mail or will *end ">y KxpreM*. Collect on I? -r*. if you ^ tab to pay charges. $2.00 ringn?W on three week* Guarantee. Kin*: can he returned *n 1 monev refunded, if not satisfactory. 5 S#?n<I narrow piece of painT/iw of linper. j for a-Mivional information. Not for ?ile l?y jeuc]. I cr-i or ?**t?*. Awui* wanted at plate* not taken. I flcctro-tttnikil Rim (*., 1225 Hwret St, Ic'rto, Wao. I For Sale and Guaranteed by I PATRICK & CARR, Agts. I ~t ?n?f?T?r-f 3ur Store i. not for our sake, nor for this town's s in*. ice. Boys, remember we have r.U kin OMPANY 1 STARTJrgrf n mm You can save money only while old age comes don't let it be fetter younger days. It is pitiable to be o money and have your money. MAKE OUR BANK 1 Farmers & Merc "Absolutely LAKE CITY; > | Notice Cotton Gi Having purchase tree Cotton Ginneri put in a brand r system and are pre the ginning public f service in every ref We are also in tt your cotton seed ; ways give the hig price for same. Mr W. P. Funk. 1 T Al WWW ? A j considerable experi rating ginneries, is our KingStree pla give you the benefi experience. Give us your busi guarantee satisfaci L. P. KINI 9-15-tf -<??*??b??Is? ? t ake, nor for the sake + ?j? ids of Air Rifles. , 1* ' I \ i ?? ??> (|| A r|> JU ^ you have mon^ When ed by the folly of your Id and poor. Bank your /OUR BANK. :hants Bank Safe" S. C in rowers :d the Kingsies, we have lew ginnery pared to give in up-to-date spect. ie market for jj and will al= 1 hest market | who has had | in I wuvv in upvin charge of nt and will t of his long iness and we tion. DER, Manager.