The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 29, 1910, Page FOUR, Image 4

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<thf Counts |Ufoti. KINGSTREE. S. C C. W. WOLFE. VDITO* AND PROPRIKTOR. Sctered at the postoffice at Kingstree, S C. as second class mail matter, TELEPHONE NO- 83TERMS SUBSCRIPTION KATIW>: Jne copy, one year tl 25 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries, Tributes of Respect. Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and ah other reading notices, not Sews, will be charged for at the rate f one cent a word for each insertion. All changes of advertisements and all communications must be in this office before TUESDAY NOON in order to appear in the ensuing issue. All communications must be signed by the writer,not for publication unlets desired, but to protect this newspaper, ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements to be run in Special column, one cent a word each iasue, minimum price 25 cents, to be paid for ia advance. Legal advertisements, 11.00 per inch brst insertion. 60 cents per inch each ubsequent insertion. Rates on long term advertisements ^ery reasonable. For rates apply at aliis office. In remitting checks or money orders wake payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPT. 29. 1910. A Big Journalistic Venture. I? is persistently rumored that efforts are being made to establish another daily newspaper in Columbia. The prime movers are said to be the following persons: Mr(ieorge K Koester, formerly editor of the defunct Columbia Register and later on, editor of the Columbia Daily Record; Hon George R Rembert, who led the [.egislative ticket in the recent Richland primary. Mr Rembert is also announced to be the 'administration leader" on 'the tiour of the House, whatever that may imply. A third active promoter it- said to be Hon As-| bury IF Lever, who recently suc'-xeifced himself as the Democratic nominee in the Seventh Congressional district. That the Governorelect will take a liberal block of the stock goes without saying, and hundreds of other admirers of Governor Blease Mh in the city and throughout the State would doubtless invest some of their surplus capital in the new venture. Mr Koester is a clever and virile newspaper writer and knows thoroughly every detail of the making of a daily newspaper. It is proposed, they say, to start the enterprise with a quarter ?>f a million dollars capital. Should the venture materialize there will Ik* "something doing" in the Capital ( it>* to hark hack two decades to the Tillman regime. The State, then a struggling infant,yet, withal, a journalis ie prodigy, fought its j way successfully against odds that looked overwhelming. The State is now prohahly the l?est paying piece of newspaper property in South Carolina, and, hy the way,! it has lost none of its militant powers. As a business pn?jx?sition we would hesitate to sell stock in he established newspaper, even at <t hi}; premium, to re-invest the proceeds in any other ?laily news-! paper that might U* launehed in Columbia. T?> a "looker on in Vienna" there <ppear to lie other fields where sueh a venture would till a "long felt want" in this respect far I?etter than the opportunity offered at the Capital City, al! tilings considered. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars looks like an almost inexhaustible capital, but in our humble opinion, ... it would take that amount several times over to put the State newspaper out of business or even serii us!y cripple it. An inveterate Inxister does not always prove an effective l?ooster. To affect to despise printers' ink seems to l>e tbe shrewdest way to get free advertising. The crow of the major portion Ct r? t o naf tlif* ui mr pi\ uiv rooster's exultant crow. The way the signs point there will he a Smith presiding over each house of the next State legislature Governor Elect Blease may "cuss" the newspapers, but that does not prevent his press agent from working ov*r time. ' We hear many people pronounce the name of the new Governor as though it were spelled Bleece; the "s" has a "z" sound; and the name Blease is properly pronounced as if spelled Bleeze. Solicitor J Monroe Spears of Darlington has announced that he will he a candidate for f Congress in the Sixth district in 1912 and it has also l>een intimated that Senator J W McCown of Florence will enter the field. Both these prospective candidates are strong campaigners and will make things warm for the present incumlient should they adhere to their present intention. With a clean political record, one of the l>est informed constitutional lawyers of the State and, withal, a brilliant parliamentarian, besides being posses>ed of a presiding dignity that enhances the force of his rulings, Hon Mendel L Smith is probably as well fitted for the high and honorable position of Speaker of the House as any man in South Carolina. With such material available it is to l>e hoped that the House of Representatives will not allow blind partianship to oltscure good judgment in se lecting their presiding ottieer. A stock-holder of the Pennsylvania railroad has made formal demand upon the officials of the company for information as to an alleged indebtedness t<> the road by Theodore Ko??sevelt incurred while the latter was President of the I'nited States by going on junketing tours. The total mileage traveled over the Pennsylvania on these tours is said t?> have lieen over (R),000 miles on private ears, amounting t?? over S100,(HX>, for which the railroad has never lieen oaid one cent. Complaint is rife among the small stork-holders, who are urging the ottieials to take steps to recover what is due the road. The Southern railroad also is said to have claims against the former President aggregating $(?(),< MN>. Mr Motley has Appendicitis. Mr D E Motley was taken with appendicitis Sunday. His condition being very serious, on Monday he was carried to Florence to the McLeod infirmary, where prompt diagnosis disclosed the fact that an immediate operation was necessary to save his life. The operation was accordingly performed as soon as possible and we understand that he rallied very well from the shock. At lnnt nnn.vimfo n.\ nnf nl ei'nAtAmc I<2dl aV.V.l'UUlS i IV' UlUU^OIU OV1I1UMIIO had developed and his friends hope that he may soon recover. Mr Motley was accompanied to to Florence by his father. Mr J R M Motley, Dr C D Jacobs and Sheriff Graham. H STATE AND GENERAL NEWS. * A Chicago & Erie fast train was wrecked near Lima, Ohio, on September 21,killing one passenger and injuring twenty-five. The Democrats of the Eleventh Congressional district of Kentucky have determined to name a candi- , date to make a vigorous fight against i LaieD rowers, the Kepubiican nominee in that district. The Democrats ' hope to get the support of a large proportion of independent Republi- ' cans for their candidate. A wreck on the Rock Island railroad near Clayton, Kansas, Friday caused the death of sixteen persons | and injured thirteen more. The wreck was caused by a cloud-burst { which washed away a thousand feet of the track. The Methodists of Marion are planning to build a $40,000 church, j Between Bluff ton and Fort Wayne, ? Indiana, Wednesday, the 21st inst, two electric cars crashed together, , one an empty, with fearful result. The empty car plowed its way , through the loaded car.killiug fortytwo passengers and injuring seven others ter'ously. Only one mar,,wl o jumped off the passenger car,escaped unhurt. Governor-Elect Cole L Blease has named as his private secretary Mr j Alexander C Rowland of Columbia. Mr Rowland was born in Augusta, then moved to Salt Lake City and later to Columbia,where he has lived tor 5 years. Capt 0 Babb of Laurens will probably be appointed assistant Adjutant General about October 1 to succeed the present incumbent, Col W T Brock, whose resignation goes into effect November 1. A Word to Boys of the CoraClob. 1 Dear Boys: ? j The time for harvesting your corn ^ crop is on us. A committee was appointed in your several communities 3 to measure your corn and the ground, xou have tun instructions from the Department of Agriculture t as to making your reports. These reports must be filed witn the Coun- j, ty Superintendent of Education not G later than October 22. Some time g eaily in November we . will have a 1 corn exhibit at Kingstree, where a g competent committee will see the ? prize ears, examine the reports,hear g the yields and award the prizes. * Don't be discouraged if your yield is low, for other considerations, as H your written report of the crop, the j 10-ear exhibit, etc, may increase [ your chances for a good prize. p J G McCullough, ? Superintendent Education, g ? I Millinery! Milunery!?The lat- c est styles in hats and trimmings. * It will pay you to see our line. I B F Patrick, e Academy St, next to Hardware Co. I 9-29-3t * " \ I For His Sakel; m 2 Bfl "My husband begged me r B to take Cardui," writes Mat- 3x s B tie L Bishop, ofWaverly, HQ F 3 Va., "and for his sake 1 a- B ^ B greed to try it Before I had Kg [ 3 taken 1 bottle, I felt better, gj j B "Before taking Cardui I N <' i H cnffproH micprahlv evprv B month and had to go to n (. M bed until it wore off, but n ; Qjj now I am all right" E J The Woman's Tcnic I You know Ccrdui will Eg [ help you, because it has helped others who were fig n in the same fix as you. H v It is not only a medi- g5 j cine for sick women, but i a tonic for weak women. b| o Being made from mild, H 1 gentle, vegetable ingredi- B ents, it is perfectly harm- M ^ less and has no bad ?j V I Ml" Stateaeat of the Coadltion of fbe People's Bank of Scrantoo, LOCATED AT Scranton, S. C. At the close of business Sept 22, 1910. Resources Loans and Discounts $14,275 86 Overdrafts 286 39 Furniture and Fixtures? 842 96 Due from Banks and Bankers 13,403 33 Currency, 343 00 Gold v>3 00 Silver and other Minor Coin.. 21 92 Checks and Cash Items % 34 Total $29,305 SO Liabilities Capital Str?ck Paid In $ fc 9 50 Undivided Protit>. less Current Expenses and Taxes Pd. 96 Due to Banks and Banker.-, 75 Individual Deposits Subject to Check, S42 33 Savings Deposits / ,95126 Cashier's Cnecks 49 00 Total $29,305 90 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, [ __ County of Williamsburg. t Before uie carueJno M Myers, Jr, i ashier of the above named bank, who, being' duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said bank, as diown hv the books of said bank. JNO M MYERS, JR, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, thii "ttli day of September, 1910. Wm S Lynch, Notary Public for South Carolina. Correct?Attest: r e Mcknight, J M PARKER, R B CANNON. Directors. Tax Hotice. The tax books will be open for collection of taxes the 15th day of. October next. Tax levy ns follows; For State b^miusi " Ordinary county 3^ " " Roads * 1 " " Special roads 1 " " Cons't school 3 " A capitation tax of $1.00 on all male jersons between the ages of 21 and 60 rears, and 80 mills levy on all catile, iheep, goats and hogs in part of Anterson, Penn and all of Suttons town* ihip>; also 50 cts per head on all dogs; ilso 2 mills for retiring bonds and 2 nills for high school in Kingstree ownship; 4 mills for retiring bonds in ^ake City township and 3 mills for reiring bonds in Greelvville School Disrict. No. 22. Commutation (road) tax $2.00 Levy for Special School District as oliows: For Nos 16, 17, 18, 26, 27. 28, 9, 35, 30, 87. 39, 40 4 mills For Nos 14, 19, 20, 21, 25, 32, 1,41 .2 " ForTNos IS, ? " For No. 28 12 " For No 24 6 ? I will be at the following placet) menioned below for colleclion of said taxes: October. lebron 21 unpstrf-e 22 Ireelyvill? 24 and 25 iourdins 28 iuttons 27 'rio 28 larper* 29 alter? ' 31 November. lensoii i tloomiogvale 2 [orriaville 3 Iherns 1 Ihurcii * tome 1 ,ambert> 8 Lrds X Roads 2 ohnsonville 10 'OX 11 'rospect 12 ,eo ? 14 cranton 17 and 18 lingstree 1# .ake City 21 and 22 /auco ? [ingstree 25. 20 and 2t< ,ake City 2M [ingstree 30 December. [irgstree 1,2, 3 and 5 ,ake City 6 [ingstree from 7 to 31 inclusive Upon all unpaid taxes after December 31 a penalty of 1% will be added for amury. \% for February and 5% to 5th day of March, alter which the Kx?ks will be el<?sed and executions isue<l upon all unpaid taxes. Those who de-ire to pay 4heir taxes brongh the mail would expedite maters by dropping the Treasurer a |?ostal .sking for t he amount of their tax so as o avoid sending the wrong a mount, also tating the township or townships (if troperty is owned in more than one) md if possible give school district where uoperty is located, also state wiietlier oil or road tax, or both are wanted, t'fter paying taxes examine your reeipts and see if all of your property ioveretl. if not, see about it at once. By following the above suggestions rtmi Jw'.itinna ?itill .-idd i r.ional cost mav I e avoided. .1 Wesley Cook. 9-22-tf County Treasurer. Citation Notice. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COl'NTY OK WILUAMSBUKO. By P M Brock ini on, Esq. Probate udge. Whereas. H 0 Britton made suit to net<> grant him li tters of administraion of the estate of and effects of S J Jameron, These are therefore to cite and adnonish all and singular the kindred and reditors of the said S J Cameron, leceased, that they be and appear beore me in the Court of Probate to be lelil at King>tre<\ S C, on the 10th day f October next after publication hereof,at 11 o'clock iu the forenoon,to how cause, if any they have, why the aid administration should not be wanted. Given under my hand this 26th day ?f September. Anno Domini, 1010. Published on thej29th day of Septem M-r, 191<', in The County Kecora. P M Brock jnton, -29-2t Probate .Judge. PLECTRIO THE BEST FOR U yjif ' *?JLV, BILIOUSNESS L SITTERS and kidneys, j < I f L .. Advantages to be had by transacting youi are many. We only mentior can talk to you again you wil enced others. For Example The first thing that inspi especially a new one, is the ] "Lime Light" on any of our holders and you will find hot such high grade that will co: and fill you with faith, not oi own earnings with us, but a] friends. You Have He about the New Broom Sweej onstrate that our "Financi NEW, as we are now, anc with not only the latest but Methods known. ? Being a New there are no old notes of dou is concerned there never will Bank being safe and conser tomorrow?always. Come, In and let us give you our han< book for the cornerstone in y Wee Ne< Kingstrec "Wk?r? 0?m*lton Am Q?a ImI HtMj Orfcrs M tt Cltsptf IstM tin Fnt (Mto sr Exprm Or tart I The Soundest Principles Pr< For the past five, years the I BURG has enjoyed a substant ment This is due to the carefu ing attention of a Management nonoraDie men, wnu iui yauo, i fis banking business, and who insis gg rect rules of banking be observe & This conservative managem fig safety of every dollar deposited *? We respectfully solicit your ae 1 Bank of Will | Kingstree | CW StOLL, President E C I F Rhem, Vice-President, C W i QA We Specialize the in horseflesh. No nee<l t<? go farther ? HORSES anc 3 J. L. STU 5 LAKE CIT /I The Only Exclusively Live-Stock Dea S9S9SSC9S969S Quick Sales i In order to close out ot BUGGIES, SURREYS, HARM We are giving for cash or ap discount. Come'see us befo Full supply Wagons and hand. A few Good cheap Horses ( Yours to p Greelyville Live St< QREELYVILI fc-' - I ' E r Banking Business with us, t a coupie now. Before we II have noticed and experi- ^ j res confidence in a Bank, people back of it Turn the Officers, Directors or Stock- ? h character and stability of jhmmand your hearty support .1.. ? l. i. x. my suuuueut to trust, your Iso to recommend us to your ard ring Clean. Time will denial Broom" will always be I intend to keep supplying it the best and safest Banking Bank btful value. As far as that I be. You can bank on this vative; yesterday?today? * M 'Is 1 in greeting, and a pass our financial structure. e Bank % 9* C. "3 rm?t?W mgmimmt L?a*." (Per Cent Interest Psid on TIME DEPOSITS i m . % hMbKb^MWMoyyyiu 4 : Business |i jvail Here | BANK OF WILLIAMS j? I ial growth and develop ig 1 methods and painstak- j*J. comprised of thoroughly j&V lave made a study or the 37 ' t that the recognized cor- 3! id at all times. g j ( ent insures the absolute Sg here. w jcount g: liamsburg | , S. C. gjj 2pps, Cashier. 41 Boswell, Asst. Cashier. *? -i?= j ? WE umeI ' i Age 5 . Specialties. | eeds of our eus turners in &\ when you want the best in 7A 1 MULES. 8 CKEY, g . ler in Williamsburg County, (m ?CS?S?Se3C? Small Profits _ % ir present stock of ESS, UP ROBES, ETC., iproved paper a liberal re they all go. McCormick Mowers on )n hand, lease, >ck Co., Agents, LE, S. C. I .r,.' , tei '