The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 22, 1910, Page SIX, Image 6

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LAKt GII Y WtfcKLY ' NEWS LETTER, SCHOOL OPENING EXERCISESDEATH OF MRS DURANT-PEOPLE COMING AND GOING. Lake City. September 20:?Mr Willie Lee. whose home for the last twelve years has been on the East coast <>f Florida below St Augrustine. is visiting: relative.- in this commun ity. He is a son of Mr George Lee, who lives near McAllister's Mill. Mr* E M Durant died on the l-":h instant. She had been in delicate health for several months? in fact, she never regained full vigor after an attack of measles moiy than six I montns ago. The immediate cause 1 of death was uremic poison. She : left her young husband. Mr E M j Durant. and three children, one less than twenty-four hours old. The j burial was at Florence,her old home, j and the present home of her mother, j Mrs Ida Davis, an i the brothers and ! s;sters. The husband and the moth- j erless babes have have the tender j sympathies of the community. j Miss Leola Rose of Sumter is vis- j iting her cousin, Miss Kuth Williams. i Mr Ashton Williams has gone to j Columbia to resume his studies at i Carolina University. Mr Tracy Askins has returned to Furman University, Greenville. Miss Lutie Singletary is at Red Springs. N C, at the Institute. Miss j Maud Singletary, who went along j with her sister to assist hi r in getting > acquainted, etc, has returned home. , Miss Mamie Green will teach music in the Johnsonville school this session. Little Miss Ida Hall is visiting in Charlotte, N C. Mr Sam Tilton died recently at. his home near Milton, Fla, leaving his wife and and five children. Mrs Tilton, who was Miss Addie Richardson, has a number of relatives in the Johnsonville section. The Graued and High schools opened last Monday. The opening j exeecises were attended by quite a ' large crowd of patrons and friends j Thp auditorium and adioininsr hall i were packed with people. Addresses were made by Intendant Blackwell, Revs W L Waite and B W Boney, Dr W S Stokes, Mr B Wallace Jones and Superintendent Puckett. These speeches were short, spirited and interesting. About two hundred pupils were enrolled, which is an unusually full attendance for the first day. The number will reach three hundred in a few days. The full corps of teachers were on hand, and the work of classifying the pupils, assigning lessons, et( was gone into without delay. The following are the names and home addresses, of the teachers: Superintendent S W Puckett, Coronaca, S C; Principal B B Lowry, Lowrysville, S C; Miss Maud Simpson, New Westminster, S C; Miss Bertha Morrit, Lake City, S C; Miss Kennie Dunkley, Henderson, N C; Miss Amber Wilkes, Lake City, S C: Miss Melville Gibson.Red Springs, N C: and Maggie Henderson, Staunton, Ya. Misses Wilkes, Morris and Gibson were re-elected from the corps of last year w tiTMi i \ r 1 misses wunes ana morns nave niieu the same positions they now have, with great satisfaction, for several years. It !s earnestly hoped that everybody will cut out carping criticism, lay aside captious fault finding, and keep always before them the bare, bald truth that their children are not angels, but ordinary, everyday kids, and that teachers, as a 'rule, are the poorest paid, hardest worked. and most unjustly abused people on earth. W L B Ilnn't Rrpafc Rnun uuu t i#i vun uvnui Severe strains un the vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause break-downs. You can't over-tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious danger to yourself. If you are weak or rundown, or under strain of any kind, '.ake Electric Bitters, the matchless, tonic medicine, Mrs J E Van de Sande of Kirkland, 111, writes: "That I did not break down, while enduring a most severe strain, for three months,is due wholly to Electric Bitters." Use them and enjoy health and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. 50c at M L Allen's. S^KHNTja SCHOOL OFENlxG. Interesting Exercises Mark Beginning o! Scholastic Year. Seranton, September 2P: ? The Scranton Graded school opened its doors for the fail season yesterday morning1 under very encouraging j ausnices. Superintendent M H An-, ders< ?n had been here for several j days making: arrangements for the opening and manv of the minor j matters had i e-n previously arranged. Promptly at the hour Supt Anderson let the gravel fall and stated to the boys and girls that that was his emblem of authority and silence pre-; vailed. Rev Mr Patrick conductedi the devotional exercises, offering an earnest prayer f r the faculty and students. Supt Anderson then made some appropriate remarks which were in-1 teresting and instructive. Dr W S Lynch, chairman of the board of. trustees, in a few well-chosen remarks, welcomed the faculty and students and urged the importance. of laying the proper foundation as j the corner-stone of learning. Mr Ii K Cannon then came forward and in j appropriate words also extended, hearty welcome to the faculty ahd especially on behalf of the Sunday- i school. Mr Cannon is an enthusiastic j Sunday-school worker and his re-' marks were very interesting and j much appreciated. The enrollment has shown a con-1 siderable increase each year and this 1 session promises to be one of the' most prosperous and profitable ones; in the history of theScranton Graded school. The faculty consists at present of three teachers, viz: Superintendent M H Anderson of Timrronsville: Miss Irene Dawson ..1 Charleston: Miss Bessie Felkel of Elloree, who will have charge of the music department of the school. Lake City's New Hotel. While in Lake City .a few days ago a representative of The Record had the pleasure of being shown through i the handsome new Halcyon Hotel by | "M* U T. <onlc nresiHent of the'! Sauls-Baker Co,which own the build-' ing. This is one of the finest and most modern hostelries in South Carolina and this enterprising company deserve much credit for their confidence in the future of their town, looking to the development and upbuilding of Lake City for the profits from their investment. The Halcyon was opened for business last week, and it has already acquired a good patronage. The hotel has fifty-one bed-rooms, all large and airy, outside rooms, furnished with hot and cold running water, local and long-distance telephones and every convenience pertaining to a first-cla?s hotel. The lobby, reading-room, double diningroom,with a seatingcapacity of 100, on/} horVuar.?Vir?n ar#> all r>n the first I floor. There are over 400 feet of hallway in the hotel, and the building has its own private fire-fighting ap. paratus, being also provided with fire escapes. It is lighted throughout with acetylene gas. Mr S A Nettles, who conducted a popular hotel at Lanes for many years, is manager of this hostelry. Mr Nettles knows the hotel business thoroughly and the traveling public will not be disappointed in expecting the best, both as to menu and service. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known i J Cheney for the last 15 year^and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by alD Druggists. . 1* Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. r01EYS ORINOlAXATM r.Stomach Trouble and Constipation QUICK TO LEARN. Tke Timid Young Bride Coached by Her Husband. A young bride who belonged to a charity club aud sometimes bed to go out alone after dark was very much afraid of being stopped and rebbed. Her husband disliked to provide her with a revolver, bur he bought a punching bag and showed her bow to use her fists and where to place the most telling: blow In case of tnolestatlOD. "Below the belt, mind you." he adjured ber?"below the belt. Such a blow if properly planted will make a man sorry quicker than anything. If any one steps our in front of you your course will brt ea?y. If he comes up behind you swing round suddenly and strike out hard. The robber will repent of his evil ways in a hurry." That night was the bride's late evening. and she happened to he comincr up the street just in front of her busbar 1 when iio ?aw her. and the spirit of mischief took possession of him. "Wonder if she'd really do as I told her or If her little fists would hurt any one?" he pondered. Two seconds later he found out. Walking up behind his wife, lie laid a heavy hand upon her shoulder. He had no time in which to say anything, and she made no effort in that direction. She simply obeyed his instructions to the letter, swinging round with a suddenness which completely disconcerted hltn. and delivered a blow that made all the rest of his predictions come true. Then she tied home with the speed and energy of a frightened deer, not even waiting to cast a single glance at the discomfited man who had. as she supposed, endeavored to rob her. She passed the remainder of the evening In alternately weeping out her nervousness npon her husband's sbouldef* and wondering why be looked so pale. A Fellow Named Marty. John Stetson, the famous old theatrical manager of Boston, was a -man of great native ability, but his ea?lr education had been somewhat neglected. and the go-as-you-please fashion In which he handled the king's English was continually horrifying his punctilious fellow townsmen, un one occasion he was interested In the organization of a light opera company and was disappointed to hear that a certain popular prima donna whom tn hoped to secure was about to start south. "I've signed a contract for Mard! Gras." she said, "to sing In New Orleans." "Huh!" grunted Mr. Stetson. "Hope you get your money." 1-ater od he reported the matter to his partner. "Well, we can't get her." he said. "She's gone and joined a fake Grac opera company." "Which Grau Is running the show?" asked the other. "A fellow named Marty," replied Mr. Stetson. "You know Maurice (jras has about 200 second cousins, and tbls mast be one that's jost gone Into the business." Happiness. No mockery in this world erer sounds to me so hollow as that of being told to cultivate happiness. What does such advice mean? Happiness is not a potato In mold and tilled with manure. Happiness Is a glory shining far down upon us ont of heaven. She is a divine dew which the soul on certain of Its summer mornings feels dropping upon it from the amaranth bloom and golden fruitage of paradise.?Charlotte Bronte. Too Willing. Mr. and Mrs. Blank bad bad a series of petty quarrels in their elegant apartment in New York. In the midst of her tears over the latest of these disagreements Mrs. Blank announced that she would make an immediate visit of a month to her mother's borne in the country for a rest from Mr. Blank's abuse. Mr. Blank did bis best to dissemble * <An of thlo H a. a LIU UHie U1S Iliwaiu JV* civ I.uia w*r I'lsioD as be hurried to tbe station, bought ticket*, hurried back home, pulled off bis coat, plunged into the UK SANK DTTO A CHAIR. cellar, lugged out Her trunss ana commenced to pack. Lying upon a couch, she watched him through her tears with great curiosity. From ime to time, in reply to many questions, she advised him what articles would be useful in the country, and they were eagerly included. Perspiring and exhausted after some hours of preparatory detail for her departure. he sank into a chair and said: "Everything is ready now. Xou have abundant time to catch your train." "1 have decided," she softly said, "not to fO." iniiiwiii FROM SHIM DISEASE? He would be a heartless father in; deed who did not allay baby's suffering as did .Mr E. M. Bogan of Enterprise, Miss. He says: 'My baby was troubled with break ins out, something like seven-year i Itch. We used all ordinary remedies, but nothing seemed to do any good j until I tried HUNT'S CURE and in a : few days all symptoms disappeared and now baby is enjoying the best of 1 health." Price 50c per box. .Manufactured and guaranteed by I A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE AO. Sherman. Texas. V i Sold bv \V. V. Brockingt ^ I jl: | .A. :i- JL _l_ jljl HFOR THE BEST I; ilFRUI Tf K Come to Our Store II k j We have Apples. Oranges, c ! j Bananas. Peaches, Large ^ , j Plums, Watermelons, and J i 3 other fruit in season. H H h H BUY YOUR h H GROCERIES f. ! H where you can get the most k . ) good things to eat for the j least money. Have you u | v| tried our store? ^ J Anderaon, Spring & Co., ? j 7-14-3iii Opposite Post Office. p= We are now in the large building formerly occupied by Wilkins Wholesale Grocery Co., where we are glad ! to welcome our old customers as well as new ones. We keep / All Kinds of Meats .. . I in season at Jiving prices, also a choice line of Fruits, Ij Vegetables and Canned 11 Goods. I Epps' MarKet I Cr. AcVdamr <D> Mill Sta. 9 ^ ^ 0 # $ $ # , j WANTED j i to assign first mortgage f.?r . j $2325.70 due January 1, 1911 with J ; 1 interest at per annum after I maturity, secured bv reality col J lateral consisting of 96 m-res of J land on I-enud's Ferry road, join- ? iu-jr farms of E. T. Humer and ^ . i?: _,l I J !. U. tvereu. I'lMJUUiiieu ai i 8% per annum for? a? h. Reason 1 01 assignm-nt necessitate*! by * J need of funds. Title to land J guaranteed. 4 J Apply to J : J, D. GILLAND, i i | Attorney-at-Law J t KINGSTREE. - -S C.# ? Final Discharge. Notiee is hereby given that on the 8th day of October, A D 1910,1 will apply to P M Brockinton,Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for a final discharge :ts guardian of J no A Salters. W B MI-CULLOUGH, 9-8-4t Guardian. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of September. A 1) 1910,1 will apply to P M Brockinton .Judge of Prohate for Williamsburg county, tor a final discharge as administrator of the estate of Prank Scott, deceased. John Scott, 9-l-4t Administrator. (Notice of Teachers' Examination. The next regular teachers' examina- | I tion will hf held in the court house in | Kingstree on rnua>. wi VWI I, "v^in- , ning at 9:30 a. hi. In a<Miti<>u to the I usual branches an examination will be given on agriculture. J G McCYm.olv.h, 1 Sup rintendent of Education for Wil-1 liamsburg county. 9-3-3t 1 | Final DischargeNotice is hereby giver, that on the 22nd day of October. A I) 1910, I will apply to P M Brockinton, .Judge of Prolate of Williamsburg counry, tor letters dismissory as guardian of the er.tate of 1,1) B Mims. .) L Gowdv. 9-22-4t Guardian Notice to CreditorsAll p'rsons having claimsagainst t)ie estate of Mrs.M E Brown will present the san e.dnly authenticated, to the undersigned, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment to them. Robert J Brown, Eli Hanna. Executors of E-tateof Mrs M E Brown, 1 dfcea?e<l. 9-l.rj-4t I A I National Encamp | ATLANTIC CI He Round Trip fro | $22. ZZ With corresponding rates fr B ATI AMTir r ?? /-v i u n ii i i v v | Dates of Sale: Septembe I Slop Overs s! , Jfu- I 1 M* ^ and \\ a ? Philadelphia, by depositing ticl ZZ point with Depot Ticket Agent. ZZ Tickets will be limited to ret night of September 20, but ma: 29, by depositing tickets and pt ZZ Make arrangements for ticl well in advance with B T. E. BAGGETT, Ticket A ZZ \V. J. CRAIG, ZZ Passenger Traffic Manager, ZZ Wilmingtor iiiuiiiuiuuuuiiiuiiauiiiuuai ^ Jm 41 * living / I Hambu | Ground Bone for Youi i Jjj makes hens lay and the 4Q i/\. l _ ^ iuc per pound, o p ^ 67>e Peopled ?; H. A. MILLER, in Our policy in the past a future is to keep faith with < what it costs. For we want their coi want their money, but we si we shall deserve them. In the past we have str dence of this community, it! trust, is the prize that of keep. By our words and ourd the bond of confidence betw selves. To this end we h past to make our annoum guage, impossible to miscon icy will be carried out in th Truth is the very soul ol ? ? I. + S\ U A our auvci U5CII1CM15 iu uc m we say only what we mean, what we can literaly do. Advertising is one or th which the public is reac depends largely npon the w; tisements are taken. There keep faith with the publ nouncements by their ca straightforwardness will bui tures of our policy, courteoi integrity and quality. In si lish a business structure,inte dealing, that will not tumb wind that blows but a reput that will stand four square t( Our Fall Goods are nov and when they all come in 2 will have a line of merchan quality will command the i best people4 of Kingstree anc Yours ti Jenkinson ; 1' ment G. A. R. i IY, N.J. | (j m Kingstree 3 u .30 ff om other points via the ^5 OAST LINE| r 15 to 19, inclusive 1 tys not to exceed final limit 3 llowed on both going and ^2 ips at Richmond or Norfolk 3 ishington, Baltimore and cets on arrival at stop-over 3 urn, not later than midv be extended to October 3 lyment of $1.00. 3 vets, Pullman reservations 2 ] igent, Kingstree, S. C. 3* I t. c. white, 3 1 General Passenger Agent, ^<2 Jj UUlUiUIUiUiUUUUUliUUi^ i U JS Beef and Mutton at ^ 4fl| ?prices. ?? ?H w wv\ ^ irger Fresh Grouna ?* at 15c per pound. r Hens and Biddies ? m little chickens grow. J ounds for 25c. ^ ? Market, * ? Proprietor. ouWV .nd will ever be in the )ur patrons regardless of ntldence more -than we H lall have them both, for iven to win the confi; belief in us, its entire al' others we aim to eeds we seek to establish 'een the public and ourave endeavored in the :ements in simple lanstrue, and this same pole future. f advertising. We wish ken literally. In them and we promise only e great avenues through hed, and our success ay in which our adver- jj :fore it behooves us to A ic. Therefore our anndor, truthfulness and t reflect the salient feais service, value-giving, * H| lort, we wish to estab- fl| :gritv, square and honest |H le at the tirst putf of fl| ation for honest dealing all \rinrk nf hp3Vr?n 1^1 v coming in every day** H md are opened up we dise whose prices and >erious attention of the i Williamsburg County. u|y, Bros. Co. ] ?? i I n