When You Sell YourCotton f i1 ?. I your stock or other product why not place your money in the bank ' and a\oid the worry and danger ^ (f carrying it in your pocket or hiding it around your home? If you have any bills to pay, pay them by check and have a| LEGAL receipt for each and', every payment made. In addi- J < tion you can have a complete; record of yaur financial affairsI without keeping a complicated set of books. Enjoy the many advantages, fa- [ cilities and conveniences which | we offer patrons by keeping your j account at the $ Bank of Williamsburg, ; KINSSTREE, S. C. Mr L F Tisdale was noted here < yesterday from Benson. Mr B 0 Bristow was here yester- ' day from Darlington. Dr W S Lynch of Scranton had ^^^siness in Kingstree Tuesday. HjAfliss Eleanor Epps has gone to H Himbia College at Columbia. |H^kr M J Hughes of Venters was a at our sanctum Monday. ^f^Br C L Burgess of Mouzon called ! ^^ see us while in town Monday. Mr Jarvis Dubose has accepted a HRosition in Mr 0 H Patrick's store. Mr M L Boyd, of the Trio section, Wgave us the pleasure of a visit Mon day. Miss Elma Hinds left Tuesday afternoon for Coker College at Harts- 1 ville. 1 1 Col B Wallace Jones of Lake City ( (was in Kingstree Monday between trains. ( Mr David Scott left the early part : o$?*he week for Wofford College at j Spartanburg. 11 Rev W T Bedenbaugh of Andrews jj called pleasantly to see us Monday ^^Jrile in Kingstree. j B Mr Nathan Boyd of Trio has sue- , ^Beedtd Dr W C Rogers in Gamble & 1 ^Bacobs' pharmacy. j1 W Hon J C Graham was here yester^Kay acknowledging the congratula- ] WBions of his friends. ,, We regret to note the illness of j Mr J G McCutchen. but hope soon to hear of his recovery. ,1 We were pleased to have a call < from our friend, Mr H J Burgess,of < the Bethel section, Tuesday. j 1 Rev W H Perry, pastor of Salters , circuit, found time to pay us his re- \. frpects Tuesday while in town. i Messrs Arthur Brockington and J John Ross left the first of the week , for South Carolina University. , Rev W H Hodges, pastor of ' Georgetown Methodist church, spent ' the week-end here with relatives. 1 < Mr T J Spring, who has been un- < well for some weeks,is able to resume i Ms position with Jacobs & Scott. Mr W T Wilkins, Jr, left Monday 1 for Charleston to enter Porter Mili- J tary Academy for the ensuing term. ^ L George P Logan,Esq, a prominent i - -/ n -1 L!- i A.I * (ley or V/Oiumuia, spoilt uie end with his mother's family *n. ^ isrs S L Courtney and H G 1 5 of Lake City motored over in v' urtney's Overland car Satur'ternoon. 1 * Our buyer hi line of up-to > Iv. - Mr S F Epps. who has been under treatment for several weeks at the McLeod Infirmary. Florence, returned home Friday. Miss Lizzie McClary is back at her post with the Kingstree Dry Goods Co. and will be please 1 to serve herjfriends in htr department. Misses Mary Gordon. Clara Montgomery and Ada Brockington left the early part of the week to resume their studies at Winthrop College. Mesdames H G Askins, King and E E Lewis of Lake City and Mrs J D Plyer of Cheraw spent the day here Tuesday shopping and sightseeing. Mr Ernest K Epps left the early part of the week for Spartanburg to resume his studies at Wofford. Our young friend is "rising" senior at that historic old institution. Mr James Allen of Florence and his son, Lieut W H Allen, commanding officer of the U S battle-ship Texas now stationed at Charleston, visited Dr M L Allen's family Sunday. Miss Elva C Kendig of Lewiston, Va,passed through town Saturday on her way to the home of Mr W V Strong, near Zeb poatoffice. to take a position as governess for the ensuing term. Miss Annie Bevans of Baltimore has charge of the Kingstree Dry Goods Co's millinery department and will be glad to show the season's offerings to the patrons of this popular establishment. Dr W C Rogers,who has been employed in Gamble & Jacobs' drug store durinsr the vacation Deriod. re turned this week to Charleston to resume his studies at the State Medical College, in that city. Auditor J J B Montgomery was called on Monday to the bedside of his brother, Mr S I Montgomery, who has been critically ill at his nome near Greelyville. We are pleased to learn, however, that Mr Montgomery's condition is much improved at last accounts. Mr R H Godwin has resigned his position with the Kingstree Dry Goods Co and entered the service of Chas M Steiff, the piano man, whom he formerly represented through this section as traveling salesman. He has been assigned to North Carolina as his new territory, we understand. We have heard of the following graduates of the '10 class of Kingstree liigh school entering college. Possibly there are others:?Messrs Frank Rodgers, Walter Harper and rhos Gilland, Carolina University; Junius Mcintosh, College of Charleston: Sam Staridev. Wofford: Miss Emma Cooper, Winthrop. Mr P H Arrowsmith*, who has been manager of the Carolina Commercial Agency until recently, left last Monday afternoon for South Carolina University, where he will inter the senior class in the law department. Mr Arrowsmith is to be congratulated upon being able to inter this class, he having never attended a law school before. Mr S E Evans leaves Friday for Eros,Louisiana, to take a position as instructor in an agricultural college. Mr Evans is a graduate of Clemson College, class of '10, and is a young man of tine attainments and high character. While we regret to sec Mil* laova kio nofi\7Ck kaofk vnf JUL L L ICllVi ita?C IIXO llOUTt uvavu,jw we hope that he will "make good" in every sense and we feel sure that should he fail it will be due to the ?lement of misfortune rather than co fault or lack of effort or energy. Defeated Candidate's Prayer. A Georgia exchange suggests th? following prayer for the defeated candidate: Show pity. Lord! Oh, Lord, forgive? \i;d let a defeated candidate live. Were not their promises full and free? [>id they not promise to vote for me? Fes, but alas! when they went t?? the polls riiey voted otherwise.darn their *oul?." in 1T1 n ir 11 o as just return -date goods It is a BUTLER V / : f Local 5?"items|! :# m Cotton is quoted to-day on the local market at 13 to 13i cents; seed I $30 the ton. Several cotton seed licenses are ; added to the list this week. Attention is called to Bank of Williamsburg's new ads this week. i Note millinerv announcement of .' Johnson & Dicker, Lake City, this i week. '1 Thf^Wee Nee Bank has a good lot r 1 of \y less sense contained in its ad ( in issue. 'j Je -on Bros Company has an ad-tai. unusual excellence this 1 issue. d it. The New Haselden Drug Co, of Greelvville, has something interest1 ing to say to our readers this issue. j 1 Several circuses are touring the I State, but the political circus is all | we get these times, we are sorry to say. i H D Reddick has a seasonable l greeting in his large ad this week. You can't miss seeing it, but don't miss reading a word. The Kingstree Dry Goods Co announce their fall millinery opening this week. Note the dates, Septemi ber 29-30?next Thursday and Friday. ! Farmers & Merchants Bank of Lake City has a message this week it will pay you to heed. Read this message; it is in their space on the front page. J ! We are requested to give notice that the ladies of Cades will serve hot supper at the residence of Mrs A J Tomlinson for the benefit of the j Presbyterian church Friday night, j September 23. ; According to a statement recently printed in the Columdia State there 12,958 automobiles in South Carolina, j of which number Williamsburg | county can boast of 32, as compared j with 4 in 1909. j If your boy or girl goes to college ; we shall be pleased to note the fact, if you will give us his or her name, but it is impossible to get all the ! names unaided, as it would require j the services of one person to watch every train the next few weeks. I The People's Bank of Scranton | makes its bow to the readers of The I Record this week in our advertising j columns. They will be with us for | some time and we hope that, like I most of The Record's advertising patrons,they will find it pays so well that they cannot afford to quit. Attention is called to the announcement of Mrs R B Dickson's millinery opening, published in this issue. Mrs Dickson spent several weeks in Baltimore and New York j this season attending the millinery I openings at these centres of fashion. ! She has secured as assistant Miss Sallie Cox, who has also been at the North taking a special course in millinery. i * Event! "Fall Millinery Opening." Place! Gale & Gale's. Date! Wednesday and Thursday, j October 5 and 8, and thereafter. It i Before ordering Magazines get I our big clubbing catalogue and spe| cial otfers and save Money. ! Southern Subscription Agency, Raleigh; N C A A postal card will do.) 9-22-13t Administrator's Notice Notice i* hereby given thar all persons ?ho haw claims against the estate ??:' S \V MrKenzie. decease"!, will file their claims, duly attested, and all persons indebted to said estate will make pavment to the undersign* d or to Lee A Fislibume at Kirjgstree. S C. w a gowdy, Administrator ^itli will annexed, 9-22-4t Cades, 8 0, RFbi. STYL1SI ed from the N< ^er brought t Pleasure ! DRY G( i ' ' I KINGSTREE SCHOOL OPENING. Good Attendance of Pupils and ! Patrons?Appropriate Exercises. I 4 ^ .x ~ ?i ? ?1. vr j I rt.1 o o ciuck. luuuua,? inunuiig , I Kingstree Graded and High school j j opened with an enrollment of about ! 2u0 pupils. The exercises were be- j I gun with appropriate introductory ! | remarks by Mr N D Lesesne, chair- J man of the board of trustees. Rev 1 I W A Fairy read a passage of Scrip- j ; ture and made a short discourse. ] i! Rev W E Hurt then led in prayer, j Prof J W Swittenburg, superin- j tendent of the school, outlined the course of work for the year. He ex-1 i pressed gratification at the promis; ing prospects of the school this ses-; i sion. He stressed the point thatthe efforts of the teachers towards the ! pupils should be supplemented in the home life. He emphasized the fact that discipline in the school would be , maintained and that ?he property of the school would be taken care of. j He enjoined upon pupils proper con- j duct in going to and returning from | onrl oalfor) narpnts fn rpnnrt ' to the superintendent at once when j they thought the teachers were in j fault. A goodly number of the patrons 1 of the school were present, and they j were ^*ery much pleased with the manner of Prof Swittenberg and the | business-like way in which he as-; sumed charge of the school. Prof Swittenberg was followed in short talks by Revs W E Hurt and E E Ervin and E L Fishburne, Esq, 1 all of whom made very appropriate remarks and offered timely advice and suggestions. Miss Estelle Campbell, the accomplished music teacher,rendered some very pleasing musical numbers dur- i ing the exercises. At 10:30 the exercises were con-; eluded and routine work was taken j up. Following is a list of the teachers: Prof J W Swittenberg, superintend j ent; Miss Irene Robinson,White Post, Va, principal high school. Grade teachers: Misses Daisy Winburn of Sumter, Banner Wilkins of Gaffney, i Leila Fowler of Woodruff, Marian j Lide of Darlington, Agness Erck-; mann of Charleston. Miss Estelle ! Campbell of Newton, N C, music, j It is expected that the enrollment ! this term will exceed 300 and in all j probability another grade teacher i will be added to the faculty. Super- ] intendent Swittenberg comes here | from Pickens, where his work was I kinrhlv pnmmpnHflhle for several "?"V ? terms, and all the assistant teachers! give promise of capable and efficient service. I White Pe*rl| Onion Sets ! are one of the most profitable crops you can plant in ] the falL Can be used for green onions during the winter and spring, or make a splendid crop of dry An.'nna (/>, marlr^t ^nrlv in UIUU1IO IVI limtnvi, v the summer. We have also j Bermuda Onion Sets, Yellow Danvers, and H other varieties for fall planting. Write for prices and our Fall Catlog. giving full information about Farm 6 Garden Seeds. 1 i ' Catalog mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD 1 SONS, j ((, Seedsmen, . . Richmond, Va. j TweH; orthern Markel o Kingstree. ; to Show )ODS CO J \ To the f On Thursday, Septembei ? rant will be regularly open J Winter. I will have an exp< | will include the choicest I every style, Beet-Steak, Chi and Game in season ' Meals to Or da Bouillon, Coffee, Tea, et Courtney's Ice Kingstr ATTTTP A CTURCTggi The public are cordially invited to attenu any of the services of the various churches of Kingstree. Baptist Church. Rev W E Hurt, Pastor. Services every second and fourth Sunday mornings at 11:00 o'clock and evening at 8:30 o'clock. Sunday-school at 10.00 a. m. Rev B J Woodward. .State Evangelist. will preach in the Baptist church at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunlav and ai-o during the week. Public coriialiy invited to attend. Episcopal CPurcti. Rev Dr Robert Wilson, Rector. F.verv second Sundav. morninc prayer, sermon and holy communion at 11 a, m.; every fourth Sunday, e vening prayer and sermon,5:00 p.m. Methodist Church. Rev W A Fairy, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at ll:ti0 o'clock and evening at 8:30 o'clock. Sun iav-ochi?ol at 4:30 p. m. EjAvorth L.- ague meets every Tuesday night a: 8. >0 o'clock. Mil-week prayer meeting every Thursday night at 8:30 o'clock. Presbyterian Church. Rev E E Ervin, Pastor. Preaching first and third Sunday mornings at 11:00 o'clock, second and fourth Sunday evenings at 8:00 o'clock. Sunday-school, o:00 p. m. Prayer-meeting Wednesdays,8pm. Event! "Fail Millinery Opening." Place! Gale & Gale's. Date! Wednesday and Thursday, October 5 and 6, and thereafter. It STEVENS DON'T BUY A GUN until you hare seen our New DeeMe Barrel Matt fitted with Storm Cms* pressed Ferged Steel Barrels? DEMI-BLOC SYSTEM The mode of constructing these superb Trap and Field Guns is fully set forth in our New Shotgun Catalog. Send.for it, it's free. L / ^2 Aak jo?r Dealer r\(K Demi-Bloc Guu, i. STEVENS ARMS U||jW3sr""_ r. o. Bm smz * IH|P Chico^M Falls, Mass. iVE IT ;s with themoi Come and se Vaii I v/u? VI PAN Y. A / l Public. - 3, my Cafe and Restauand on throughthe Fall and trt Chef and the Bill-of-Fare the market affords: Ovsters icken, Eggs any style, Fish m rr at All Hours C. Cream Parlor. aa C r WVf V | 'SPECIAL NOTICES j Transient Notices will be Published I in Th:s Column at the Rate of One Cent a Word tor Each Issue. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents. For Salk?Schola sliip in Bryant & Stratton Badness College, Louisville. If interested let u- h<-ar from you. 8-ll-tf Thk < oi'nty Record. Wanted?A shar- cropper f#r onehorse farm and tenant for two-horse farm.Both farms near Cades. For further information aduress J T McElveen. 9-22-U Cades. S C WON BY A NECK She had a beautiful NECK. Ha bought her a beautiful NECKLACE When you are lookinf (or JEWELRY drop in and SEEJJS Watts & Walts The Kingstree Jewelers Near the Depot Land for Sale. I will sell on easy tprrus a tract of liml, about tour mil -s from Kingstree, cont Sni ig 400 ies. wi h about 75 acn s cleared. This place has 6 good new tenant houses is well draii ed a d balance of laud can be easily cleared. Will make a gcod cotton pi nration. Apply to John A. Kelley. 9-22-31 Kinar-tre . S. I Kl LLTHECO US H1 IANPCUREtmluhCSH OR.KI NG'S NEW DISCOVERY IcAnf OUCHS GcTso^anoo N/K ISOLDS IrTButeomirwti AND All THROAT AND LUMP TROUBLES SUA RAN7??D SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. , 5t complete g ?e our line, 1 mmmmm&s&k