The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 01, 1910, Page SIX, Image 6

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| We I | next I td We have also 1 & When you arc fe Always keep I g the meaning i i wilj g| PKONE NO. 11. S to Tt^o <~o <9~-s<y~o LAKE CITY LOCALS. Miss RpssIp Wilkes' Funeral--' Paragrraphs ol Personal Interes Lake City, August 31:?Misses Mollie and Leah Xachman spen Sunday in Florence with their bro ther, Mr Louis Xachman. Miss Julia Sturgeon is visiting hei s'ster, Mrs L H Jennings, at Bishop vile. Miss Bessie Wilkes, who died ir Mallins. was buried in the church yard of the Baptist church here ??r Tuesday of last week. She was the e! lest daughter of Mr and Mrs E J W Ikes aid was about nineteen year* of age. Her life was spent here up to a few months ago, when the) moved to Mullins, where Miss Bessh d ed on the 22nd inst A young anc bnght life ended; the home she lef saddened beyond words. Master Talmadge Askins returne( home Saturday night from a week's s.ay in the mountains of North Car olina. Misses Ruby Severance and Violei Askins visited in Florence last week Mrs Delia D Carter wemt to Car tersville last week in answer to i summons to the bedside of hei grand-daughter, one of Mrs D F Crossland's children. The child hav^ ing recovered, Mrs Carter returnee home a few days ago. Mr Hoyt Carter left last Wednes^ day for Richmond, Va, to take ? course in a business school. The Coast Line has taken up the side tracks across and north of Mair street and moved the switches south of that street. This change is quite an improvement to the appearance and convenience of the Main streei crossing and had been long promisee by the company, but was delayed a; much as possible. Mrs Esther Merritt of Miden, La is here on a visit. She was a Misi Mimms and was born and rearee near Cartersvilie,in Florence county Fifty years ago she married anc moved away to Louisiana and is nov paying a long-deferred visit to hei old home. Her son,Mr H N Merritt took her to her birth-place and t< see her cousins, all other relative! being dead. After an absence o! half a century.what must have beer her feelings on again visiting th< scenes of her childhood days. WLB How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any case of Catarrh thai cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrl Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 We, the undersigned, have knowr d J Cheney for the last 15 years,anc believe him perfectly honorable in al business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation! Kio firm luavi^ uj tuo luut* Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, C Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free, Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. President Buchanan possessed $200,000. I iave JV doo r_t o nia i n b of Eatabies a nice line of Hartf> ; in need of Dry Go* his in mind, there of it is this, "A Place (INS Wl SCRANTON SKETCHES. . Dr. Whitlock Weds?Death ol Mr. t Benton?School Opens Sep. 19. 4 ; Scranton. August .*%' :?Mr E C F!nn? i * Kin est roe was in Scrant :t . Saturday between trains. Mr W R Singletarv has been very r unuell the past week. He has been . confined to his room most of the j time. i Miss Xell Patrick is seriously ill .; with fever. 11 Mr J M Parker made a brief vis1 it to Florence Monday. ' i Mr G M Beasley, of Gour; ' dins was in Scrant ?n Monday -vt1 i ting acquainted with the people of 7 our town. j ' | Dr W Eugene Whitlock, formerly ' j of Scranton but now of Fort White, ' Fla, and Miss Hilmer Graddick of, married Allfflist P. I . ? ? "-"y:"" i ' They will reside at Fort White, 51 where Dr Whitlock is practicing his profession. j Mr Miles Anderson of Timmonst ville was in Scranton last week. Mr . Anderson will have charge of the1 . Scranton Graded school next session.j ij Mrs Horace Carter of Darlington ; visited Mrs R B Cannon Sunday. j 11 Misses Minnie Young and Beulah " j Truluck of Lake City visited friends: I in Scranton Sunday. Mr R E McKnight has established " a new ginnery on his farm near I town. The graded school will open on ? September 19. II Mr Elijah Benton died at his 1 ! home, in Darlington Monday, 29th. '; The remains were brought to Scran' j ton Tuesday morning and taken to t High Hill for interment. The Ma* sonip fraternity, of which the des j ceased was a member, had charge of the burial services. Mr Benton ? formerly lived near Scran ton but 3 moved to Darlington a few years * ago. He was about 49 years old * and a good citizen. He leaves a 1 widow and several children to mourn 7 his death. r The primary election passed off ' quietly here today. On account of } the rain a comparatively small vote 3 was cast, and little interest was manifested in the election. 1 ... ? ^ WKl * The accumulations of blast furnace slag at English iron furnaces in the Nottingham district have been partly disposed of to highway and s other authorities for road repairs 1 and other purposes. j A Fair Proposition. | Every man, woman, boy and girl , desires a wheel. It is natural that s everyone should want a bicycle, as it . i i i is tne one source 01 reai pleasure and healthfulness which all can enjoy equally and at very little cost. The cost to you will be nothing? . just send to the Taylor-Trotwood . Pub Co, Nashville, Tenn.a postal and ' let them tell you how to make $30.00 j and secure a bicycle as a premium. You are not obliged to accept this proposition, but we want an opportunity to tell you what we have to offer- 7-28-tf I in f hi MMI" ? |H V;"^nS?5e$S**-3aH3 uilding. I her from Side Meo A-nre, such as Foo< nth^r thino*^ too ni V/ 1.1 I V 1 ^ ^ ^ - - ods, Shoes, Hats,Nc is a number in the Where the D( holes; -7^-Vl NV N.V NV* S.V ' W" W N-V ^ <^<K '?x?; <p <? <; <c <c: ^ sflx?KOXi I X ; Commercial Charles! N. E. Corner King a CAPITAL We co General and 5?ai f j | A o allowed in Savii : ! 0 quaricily: Janua OUT-OF-TOWN AO TRISTRAM T. HYDE. President J. S. PINKUSSO Dire M. H. LAZAKUS. . JULIUS II. VISANSKA. /? T>T ' T-T T U. r>. 1>L ; E. MITCHELL SEADROOK, AIG. R. RUGHEIMER, i W. A. MOORE, I T. J. HAMLIN, ! ! X =1 ST< 3 Important Am v) Hnn't Mice T I 1/VII V J) We guarantee the very I (A t )bacco if sold on our floo ?) You get the highest pr [J after grading Our facilii best to be had anywhere. (A your grading? w) Our Mr. Mcintosh give: J? to every sale made on 01 f) you are bound to be please (i are oavine. / v> JL Remember we guarantee sati< jr Remember we are paying the fv Remember we are giving mor (A Remember we are giving sam m) Remember the place. g Farmers' V Mcintosh & Ki Announ We are now in our Ni opposite the A. C. Lim show to our customers complete stock of W ? ? j monas, jeweiry ana brought to Kingstree. Call and see our Nev Watches, Clocks < repaired-, All watch months. Watts & The Kingstrc *V*% *"%*-* *-Vx ^vn *V>/'V' x *v-* 4/%-i x)i?r Re iwMPJM-t i^T^-Mwiyagyy^aBr^anc e you will find %> | J A * IK T t up to tne in' i Choppers, Pans imerous to mentior )tions, etc.,rememb Telephone Directo )llar $ Will f>o \LE GF ? <0 <~cAo <o ?C <0 o' i .- ? /". . l^r^+'r. . ?V-* *" -. ' :' ?X Savings Bank :on S. C. nd Wentworth Streets $100,000 I mduct a /ings Department igs Department, computed 1 iv, April, July and October. ; COUNTS SOLICITED ___ o?nr\Trit ?u ni uru n..Lr.. lUunitrcM unci, usmei. \ HN, Vice Pres. I ictors: R. G. RHETT, J. S. P1NKUSSOHN, J. ALWYN BALL, LELAXD MOORE. A. J. BUIST, M. D., R. S. WHALEY, T. T. HYDE. X I>! s nouncement. ; a Word. f) liig^hest prices for your 1 ices for your tobacco ties for grading are the Why not- let us do 0) s his personal attention w) ir floor. By so doing (0 ?a with the prices we f) ?f act ion. jL very highest prices. w e money for same tobacco, w) e monev for Ims tobacco *(M /arehouse, g nder, Props. icement jw Flat Iron Building e Station prepared to ; and friends the most atches, Clocks, DiaI Fancy Goods ever v Store and Stock. and Jewelry neatly work warranted 12 : Watts, i je Jewelers. >X oxoxtx oxoxoxo OX ox ox o. ?; ox OX OX tail Gr< jwali iu JJ ?> < * "V- /^ /" $ /> f r cui ujj=tu=viciis icest Hams. , Saws, Carving S i. er we have them in rv in plain figures its Duty" (OCERY NEXT DOOR ' '?ydvo^ov^dS?y<jvyeKOX0xox ($ Wo Specialize the no hnix'rir.-h. No mi*.I to go farther 1 HORSES anc 2 J. L. STU U LAKE CIT1 8 The Onlv Exclusively Live-Stock D-*al I - .. College Boys We want to say to the boy off to college that we are hei You will need a nice Trunk an got them. You will have at lea: a splendid line of Trunks and S Covered Trunks for $2.50 up. N You will need a nice pair of W Towels and Pillow Cases. We v with a full line of ready-made I and Towels of all kinds. There are many other things t and we have them here at the lc Nothing like being on the spoi "See My Pretty New Dress!" "Mamma Buys All My Frocks at Jenkinson I ocery f \ Line 1 ?? t? lets and many j| any quantity. |jj 11 (eleven) the *jt y co. I A ro nelson House, fcj ^Vf VA^f VM VA^ JfV WE LIVE g ^ IN AN g i Ag'e | ?F Specialties. ? e>' of our customers m VI when you want the best in [A 1 MULES, fi CKEY, 8 r, s. c., X erinWIHia.nsburg County. ? t i nnrl PSrlo li ) aiiu uiiio s and girls who are going JL re with goods they want. 1 id Suit Case if you haven't 3t one or both. We have >uit Cases. Nice Canvas ice Suit Cases from 90c up >. rool Blankets, Bed Sheets, vant to say we are here led Sheets, Pillow Cases ;hat you will have to have iwestcash price, t with the goods you need. \ 4 r A . * ______f ' Misses' and Children's Ready-Made Dresses. Before getting in our Fall Stock of Misses' and and Children's ReadyMade Dresses we would like ever so much to close out the stock we now have on hand. If you want a nice White Lawn or Swiss Dress nicely trimmed, very, Jvery cheap. Here is the place to get the Children's and Misses' Dresses, nicely made and trimmed, at 50c and up. It will pay you to see these dresses. . ~ I Bros. Co. I 4 < ,