The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 25, 1910, Page NINE, Image 9

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1 Qravi < > 1 X-/-V4 I*' I / vS & * * t VH '"I \il 1st. Becaus M cold and hot w J?' 2nd. He go< j|= the highest p for double its \ ^ 3rd. We ha |j quantity and a j| 4th. Gravel ^ 5th. Those irf pniialed. hv liv 7 ~ j -- I These an | High Prices i : , I Below w v>> B. F. Turner, i $ 2$ at $12.00 U> 118 at 22.00 Sj 124 at 40.00 76 at 16.00 f fS 122 at 35.00 $8 h)4 at 25.00 j| 80 at 18.00 t ? Friday? gj So bring or send us JQam NEWS AT ANDREWS. All About Trio PIcn'c?Cr ndldates Well Enteria ned. i Andrews.August 22:?You missed a treat by not being with us at Trio last Friday, Mr Editor; you never f saw such a crowd of good people, f About four or five hundred ladies and children and at least the same number of men, and all appeared anxious to hear the speeches of the candidates. Everybody seemed in the; best of spirits. The picnic was given ! at Mr A W Graham's place, about' two miles from Trio. Nature h.U| provided Mr Graham with a lovely ; spot for his home; acres and acres of shady grove and I never before Saw as many as Uinr. | Mr Graham with his big-hearted lib-; erality gathered bushels of these pears and bade everybody help themselves. All the candidates had a fair chance to present their claims before an intelligent audience. When the county candidates were through speaking Hon P H Stoll was introduced by W S Camlin and made an address to the people on the subject of education. Mr Stoll was at his best; it was the finest 1 have heard on that subject, being a treat to all. When Mr Stoll concluded, Superintend'Jit of Education McCullough madb a shor talk on the same subject. After the shaking the candidates were invited to the table to nsrtake of what the good ladies of | Trio and vicinity had prepared to e&t I have never had the pleasure of partaking of a better dinner and there was an abundance of good things prepared for the crowd and to spare. The people of Trio never do things by halves. The candidates and visitors who came in to Trio were conveyed to the picnic ground ely's W Leads 1 I e Gravelv does not * eather to make. ?s to see the "Boys irket price for ever, alue and steal the ve the best corps o re willing to pay th v's Warehouse is t who are acquainte< ing man. ; the reasons " * > e quote you a 1 W. L. Yarborough 52 at $ 14.00 96 at 20.00 64 at 27.00 142 at 41.00 24 at 30.00 86 at 17.50 , Gravely sold 25,054 lbs fo your tobacco and you shall M. K UNTO ESPDNB by the people of Trio and returned j, to the railroad station in time for, the afternoon train. Every candidate must have a warm spot in his heart for Trio and its hospitable people. We were also made to feel \ welcome at Greelyville. the hospital- ( ity of whose people knows no 1 b<_ unds. Also our reception by the J kind-hearted people of Kingstree will long be remembered. Subscriber. SCRANTON SKETCHES. I Summer Swallows?A Plucky Schoolma'am. Scranton, August 23:?Miss Flora; Barnwell has returned to her home at Adams Run after spending some time with her sister, Mrs D L Lee.1 Rev Mark B Patrick of Salters preached at the Methodist church; Sunday evening, tilling his father's appointment. The young preacher |. made a splendid effort and gave , promise of a useful career in ministerial work. Mr J M Parker is in New York! spending his vacation. He will re-; turn home Wednesday. Rev J W Truluck, the popular pastor of the Baptist church, has re-, turned from a stay at Traveler's, Rest. His family are still "resting" .1 there. Miss Rosabelle Harniann, remembered here as the popular music 1 teacher in the graded school, narrowly escaped personal injury and perhaps instant death a few days afro. While out driving the horse attached to the surrey became frightened and ran away. One of j the young ladies jumped from the surrey and was seriously hurt. Miss I Harmann kept her nerve and soon ' i <?j> <oxo <;ox'ox arehou the State MB W B1 go to the country a " t 1 tries to teli y pound lhey[bring rest you have. f buyers in the Stat ft/ ie highest prices foi he best lighted hou 1 with Gravely kno Why" Gravely few sales: J. N. McKenzie 108 at $17.50 104 at 25.00 208 at 37.50 66 at 20.00 64 at 13.75 AND OTHERS TO NUM r $4809.13, an average of $1 be pleased. . GRAVELY, ENGE : " cl prot the unruly animal under control. Mr onrl \fro Mvaro GroKom oro I si 1U1 UiiU AUlO VilUUUIII Mi V visiting at the home of Sheriff Gra- ^ ham at Indiantown. F Miss Ittie Mae Fulton of Freder- ^ icksburg, Va, will teach the Brown school, near Leo. the coming fall 111 and winter. Miss Fulton is now visiting relatives in Columbia, where ^ she will spend her vacation. ,s Miss Bleeeker Miller of Charlotte, i N C, will teach the primary grades in the Prospect Graded school. pi Mr Winslow Wright has returned from an extended tour out West. ' y< All the typhoid fever patients have recovered. g< The writer ha? just returned from n thrrto trin ^worinnr fnlnni- ' "~"w v iM bia, Charlotte and Charlottesville, I q Va. From Charlottesville he went; with a party of South Carolina! school teachers to Luray Cave and there saw a marvelous revelation of the wonders of nature. YV E C. SALTERS SIFTINGS. is di h< Death oi a Lad?Building Im- M pro vein ent?Up-to-Date Carrier, tt C( Salters Depot, August 23:?Mr J %] G Lifrage, Jr, R F D carrier on C< Route No 2, is now riding his new ^ motor cycle. It is a beauty and as y soon as he gets his schedule changed a to fast time he will be able to make es his trip each day in about two hour?, lu 12 miles to the hour. ^ T Li Mr J C Dees of Bennettsville has b< about completed the handsome six- A room cottage on Railroad avenue for Mrs Wm Salters. Mr James A Ferrell will soon re- c* model his residence, adding 8 rooms ^ y: '?! J * * \ V V- * L se flt Ls in High I inrl rnh thp farmpi l11 vi i vy ny vai v imi i ji vj i them what they f or send him. Rer e, all anxious and f : it. se in the State and vv his judgment ( 's Warehouse I E. McCutchen J 54 at $12.75 124 at 28.00 122 at 41.00 4 OA _i. i O FA iou at io.ou 66 at 12.25 EROUS TO MENTIOiN. 13.75 per hundred. So these Your Friend, Lake City, 5 f\iwv\iv^yvivvwyvyvyvwyvy%^yvi ") his already handsome home. Mr Sam Carroway of Mulberry, 'la, is visiting relatives here. Mrs BSD Muckenfuss of Charles-. i >n is visiting the family of MrR< V Moseley. 1 Miss May Stubbs of Bennettsville j spending some time with her un-; e, Mr Jas A Ferrell. Henry E Davis, Esq, of Florence [ :ent Saturday here with his father, [r Jas E Davis. Mesdames C W Boswell, Chas W owler, James W Whitfield and J M alters are visiting the seashore ana lountains. Mr J M Cook, who has been at ate Springs, Tenn, for his health, j home again much improved. Mrs Wm Salters and Miss Linnie j alters expect to move back here! 5 soon as their residence is com-! leted. Douglass, aged 15 years, the! aungest son of Mrs Fannie Mouzon,; ed at 11:40 Sunday night of con?stive chills. Mrs H 0 Odom and children and :r Thomas Odom are visiting in rangeburg county. The grass widows and confirmed d bachelors had a chicken supper st Friday. Did they have a good me? Ask the guests. The Best Hour of Life when you do some great deed or scover some wonderful fact. This our came to J R Pitt, of Rocky j [t, N C when he was suffering in-1 msely, as he says, "from the worst j >ld I ever had, I then proved to my reat satisfaction, what a wonderful old and Cough cure Dr King's ew Discovery is. For, after takig one bottle, I was entirely cured, ou can't say anything too good of medicine like that." It's the sur?t and best remedy for diseased mgs, Hemorrhages, LaGrippe, sthma, Hay Fever any Throat or ung Trouble. 50c. $1,00. Trial ottle free. Guaranteed by M L lien. 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any ise of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. -28-4m ike City, ^rices. rs out of what they \v< have and sees tha nember,he does not s< ully equipped for an shows tobacco perfec )n tobacco is not su is leading the I. M. Kennedy H. Tui 120 at $11.25 284 at 21.00 220 at 37.50 164 at 17.00 show you that Gravely is the F >. C. WMMMM W msw11 a, WiMZ. yTflQRQUOHR lb North ^nd-5 Florida?Ci A passenger service unexc and comfort.equipped with th< Dining, Sleeping and Thorouj For rates, schedule, maps < tlon, write to WM. J. CRAIG General Passei Wil X ? ? Commercial Savi Charleston, S. < N. E. Corner King and Went CAPITAL We conduct a General and Savings / o allowed in Savings Dep M 0 quarterly:January, Apri /Nt inn /\r TAli;\T A rrAI 1MT uui-ur-iuwn i TRISTRAM T. HYDE, President. CC J. S. PINKUSSOHN, Vice f Directors: M. H. LAZARUS. R. G. R JULIUS M. VISANSKA. J. S. PI G. B. BUELL, J. ALW E. MITCHELL SEABROOK, LELAN AUG. R. RUGHEIMER, A. J. Bl W. A. MOORE. R. S. W T. J. HAMLIN, T. T. H x == * / S.C.1 < ? IvS jg I ce o"> 1x5 < ? f? % jrk hard in H 1 t they get I , ;11 one load $ Qw i unlimited ? tly. |: rpassed, if | State in | rner |? 64 at $15.00 B 70 at 18.00 ? 124 at 35.00 S 258 at 39.00 . B 100 at 15.00 ft? 36 at 34.00 ? 100 at 14.00 ? :armer's friend. 3 (toSTlJP \REoFTR^VEL 6? >OUTH iba. elled for luxury i latest Pullman ghfare Cars.. >r any informa* u figer Agent, mington, N. C. X ngs Bank c. worth Streets $100,000 * . Department ,a -\?f r* r\ ?m 1 "o 1 ', lumpuitu 1, July and October. S SOLICITED IUBTENAY OLNEY, Cashier, 'res. HETT, NKUSSOHN, YN BALL. D MOORE. UIST. M. D., rHALEY, YDE. X