The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 28, 1910, Page FIVE, Image 5

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STUDY THE CHECK ACCOUNT IDEA DELIBERATELY ^ Study it from the "flaw-seeing" side. Think of everything you can which m?kes to YOUR advantage to keep money in your pocket or around the house? see if you can find even ONE good reason. Safety, convenience, credit, receipts for a.l bills paid and MANY other sound reasons fav- j or the check account side, i Come in and talk it over with us. I Bank of Williamsburg, i Kingstree, S. G. C. W. Stoll, E. C. Epps, Pres't. Cashier. C. W. BOSWELI* Asst. Cashier. flOCAL^lTEMSif m m See notice of Road Engineer Graham. Jenkinson Bros Co has a new ad, ^ Read it. BH Attention is called to Trustees' Notice this week. |H Note change of date Carvers Bay WOW picnic at Brown's Ferry. LD Rodgers offers "Bargains in Summer Goods" in his catchy r.ew ad. Wilkins Wholesale Grocery Co is making a special drive on groceries. See ad. Stackley's Dry Goods Co offer all summer goods at cost in their new ad. Read it. 8^ The State campaign meeting will Sffl he held in the court house tomor$8 ?w, beginning at 11:15 a. m. ? 'here will be preaching at the .sbyterian chi rch Sunday evennext at 8:30 p m, by Rev H R * * fVlurchison of Bishopville. In every passing breeze floats the ^^^agrance of orange-blossoms and " golden chime of wedding bells comes as an echo in reverse action. Kingstree High school announces the date of its opening and stresses some of the many advantages of this i splendid institution in the new ad this week. The Columbia Record's good roads party are in town today. Mr D H Winslow will deliver an address on the subject of good roads at noon in the court house. Mr J W Dennis, a farmer living about 4 miles east of town, had the misfortune of losing his barn and contents by fire last Sunday morning about 4 o'clock. The loss amounted to about $500. Mr William W Barr,resident agent agent for the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.offers a variety of attractive policies. If you are contemplating taking out a policy it will be good policy to see Mr Barr. Mr W S Camlin of Andrews hf s entered the race for House of Representatives, as will be noted in his announcement card. Mr Camlin keeps posted on questions of polity and seems to be earnestly desirous I of improving rne present ca* laws, which certainly need amendment, j Many people reckon "dog days" ! from Tuesday, July 26,and superstitious folk hold that the weather that day influences the meteorological condition for 40 days. If it rain the first "dog day", they say, th en look out for daily rainfall throughout the entire forty days. It sprinkled a little rain here Tuesday. II Ten cent. 4<Mnch Whl jg Ten cent, 36-inch Pen Sg^Ten cent, 34-inch Colo gj Seven cent Best Calic< gj Fifty cent, 50-inch Pai ?8 Fifty cent, 50-inch Mo 1 THIS ftmmmmmsm r Superintendent of Education McCullough informs us that he has received advices from Clemson College stating that all of the applicants from this county failed to pass the examination for admission to the freshman class of that institution. The examination was held here on July 8 and five applicants came before the board. Rev W Aj Fairv has accepted an invitation to preach the dedication sermon at Cedar Swamp church next Sun lay at 11 o'clock a. m. The church waserected several years ago, * - i _ 1 ? i ?.;*u out tne ruie is, we unuersutuu, wnu the Methodist denomination not to dedicate a house of worship to God until it has been wholly paid for. We congratulate the Cedar Swamp congregation upon at last being in a position to dedicate their new church | building and bespeak a large and appreciative attendance on this occasion. Last Thursday we were presented by our friend, Mr J W Patrick of Fowler, with a dozen fine, large, delicious peaches that were a worthy concomitant to the nectar and ambrosia of mighty Jove and his associate deities on Mount Olympus. Abruptly descending from fancy to fact, they were the prettiest specimens of peaches we have ever seen produced in this county. The largest ones measured 9l inches around and none fell below 9 inches in circumence. They were perfect beauties and the kindly act will cling to our memory even as the luscious crimson-hued fruit clung to its kernel. A Two-Headed Kitten.. Dr E T Kelly has a genuine curi osity, secured a few days ago, in the form of a two-headed kitten, The double-headed monstrosity lived only about twelve hours and the Doctor has preserved the body in alcohol. This freak of nati r? is the average size of a nascent feline, having two distinct, well developed pairs of ears and eyes and two mouths and noses, besides all the other features of a normal cat. Dr Kelley tried hard to keep alive the little fellow but the vital spark scarcely kindled into flame ere it was snuffed out. Prefers Newspaper Advertising. "I have hever in my life." says John Wanamaker, "used such a thing as a poster,a dodger or a handbill. My plan for twenty-five years has been to buy so much space in a newspaper and fill it up with what I wanted. I would not give an advertisement in a newspaper of four hundred circulation for five thousand posters and dodgers. If I wanted to 1 sell cheap jewelry or run a lottery | scheme I might use posters, but I wouldn't insult a decent reading public with handbills."?American Press. Publisher Sells and Rents. j This, from an exchange, sizes up ; the matter to a nicety: "The pub; lisher of a newspaper has one thing to sell and one to rent. He has the | newspaper to sell and the space of , its columns to rent. Can anyone tell J why he should give away either? He . van. ix iiu vuwuoco, v4wv.^ v* I i matter of fact, furnish a good deal } of space rent free. But it does not follow that he should be expected to do so. It ought to be recognized as j would be the giving of sugar or coffee by the grocer. But, strange to say, i it is not looked upon in that light at ! all, and yet everybody knows that I the existence of a newspaper depends upon the rent of its space and I the sale of the paper, just the same as a merchant's success depends upon the selling of his goods instead of giving them away." A tt>vt chmilrt hp n etartincr nmn!" not an axis. vTETeT te Lawn :als red Lawns d lama hair 5 SALE IS 51 BUTLER i V; 4ffPlS0NALfja Mr L P Kinder was in Charleston Fridav on business. Mr and Mrs W P Young have returned from a visit to friends at ; Florence. j Henry E Davis. Esq, of the Florence bar, had business in Kingstree Tuesday. I Mr and Mrs F W Fairey and chilidren returned home Friday afternnnn frnm Rronr?K\'il!a I j Misses Lillie and Belle Ervin left ; thisns-^ing for Montreat and other: X*' ^>rth Carolina. < 'jrosser, of the vicinity of \ pa through town Monday ; on the. to the City by the Sea. i Messrs Eld C Spann and son, Ed! ward, Jr, of Greelyville, spent Sun- j day with Mr W H McGee's family. I ' I ! Misses Clara Yarborough of Columbia and Lillian Salters of Salters : are visiting Misses Martha and Mary , Gordon. i Mr and Mrs Laurie A Carter of Poplar Hill spent Sunday with Mrs j Carter's parents, Mr and Mrs H A I Miller. ! i Mr W E Severance was in town Monday from Lake City, making his hebdomadal tour among the local merchants, ! Messrs Hugh McCutchen and L W: Gilland left Monday afternoon to re! cruit the Kingstree colony at Pawi ley's Island. 1 Mr and Mrs N D Lesesne and chil-1 dren spent the week-end at Cedar: Swamp, visiting1 the family of Mr ; John Y McGill. ! I Capt W R Funk attended the State (board of equalization meeting in Co[ lumbia last week, representing Williamsburg county. ^ Rev W S Stokes, editor of the Lake City News, will fill Rev W A Fairy's pulpit at the usual hour for service next Sunday. Mr W H McGee took in the big 1 veterans' picnic at Olanta Saturday. He says the crowd present numbered between 5,000 and 6,000 people. ] Correspondents who want to make the printers "cuss" wil^ continue to write on both sides of the paper. If! paper is scarce cut the article in half. ; Mr W C Smith, the efficient bookkeeper for Mr H D Reddick for several months,has resigned and accepted a position with Wilkins' Wholesale Grocery Co. i Misses Martha and Gertrude Gam1 j j ble of Greelyville and Master j Wayne Gamble of Heinemann spent ; several uajs last v>cciv mtu wn iu i Gordon's family. i Mr W H Baylor of Cedar Swamp, while in town yesterday, remember- i ed to "see the editor." Would! there were a few more like him in our urgent need just now. Rev W P Gause of Scranton and j Mr A A Brown represented Williams-; burg county at the annual conven-' tion of the State Farmers' Union j iwhich met in Columbia Tuesday' night. Mr and Mrs S K Brockington of, Florence, after spending a few days with Mrs A M Gordon, have gone to Charleston, Savannah, Atlanta and Jacksonville to spend their sum-; mer vacation. I Mr Harry Reynolds, who holds a 1 position as marble inspector at the i Charleston navy yard, came up Sat-, : urday to spend a week's vacation With his wife and baby, who are ; boarding at Mr W H McGee's. Maj E L Fishburne has returned I from his ten-day outing at (Jampi i Chickamauga, where his command j was bivouacked with the Third RegiI ment, of which it forms a part. Major Fisbhurne says that the sol-, i diers were the recepients of many i courtesies and all had a jolly good ! time despite the unfavorable weath, er that prevailed most of the time. I ! ME A' 5c yd | 5c yd Sr vrl I - 3c yd 35c yd 35c yd >0T CASH. DRY G( fflffieasssaawssss ? Mr John S Jenkins, representing the Imperial Tobacco Co, arrived here last week to be ready for the opening of the tobacco market Tuesday. His daughter, Miss Annie.who spent a part of the time here with Mr Jenkins last season, will join him next month for an extended visit. Both Mr and Miss Jenkins are pleasantly remembered and all are glad to welcome them back. Mr C M Galloway,staff correspondent of the Columbia State, was as signed by that enterprising newspaper to write-up the tobacco "break" here Tuesday. Mr Galloway,who is Senator Smith's private secretary, returns to his old love, newspaper work, between sessions. He is a cultured gentleman and it was a pleasure beyond the ordinary to have him with us Tuesday. Mr Galloway is a gifted newspaper writer, having served twelve years apprenticeship with The State,and we publish in full his conservative and accurate report of the formal opening of the youngest and most promising tobacco market in South Carolina. Wanted?To sell two shares Wee Nee Bank stock. Address Box 117, 7-28-11 Kingstree, S C. Here and There. All animals have a weather instinct The approach of rain is-indicated by the flight of swallows, by the cries or water rowi ana oy tne actions of cows and pigs. Think of an acre of ground covered with a pile of silver dollars 32C feet high. That would be the sight presented if the whole wealth of the country were piled together. It amounts to more than $107,000,000 000. Andrew D White, former ambassador to Germany, cannot stand the odor of tobacco. Chancellor Roscoe C Day, of Syracuse university, never follows the type-written copies of his public speeches which he has supplied in advance to the newspapers, Russia is establishing numerous wireless stations over its great territory. An electric machine has been made to wash and purify the air in any room. It is estimated that 60,000 horsepower can be easily developed from the St Lawrence river. Copra is imported for its oil,which is used wholly in soapmaking, the only by-product being a residue used for stock feed, A ten-year-old clove tree will produce about twenty pounds of cloves a year. The latest types of submarine vessels make a speed of from eight to ten miles an hour. The number of horses in the United States January 1, 1900, was nearly fourteen million. A bath tub on wheels that may be moved to the bedside of a hospital patient too ill to go to the regular bath room, is a newconvenience. A Chinese has invented a simple machine with which a person can make straw braid of fine quality twelve times as rapidly as by hand. As flax pulled from the ground yields a longer fiber than that reaped in the usual way, a Canadian clergyman has invented a pulling attachment for binders. Work 24 Hours a Day. The busiest little things ever made are Dr King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength,languor into energy, brainfag into mental power, curing Constipation, Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. 25c at M L Allen's. r-BUT Twenty cent, 45-inch i Gents' Dress Shirts Gents' Pants Ladies' Slippers Children's Sailors Ladies' Sailors THIS SALI )ODS CO Does not Cc AYER'S MA Stops Tailing Hair Destroys Dandruff Composed of Sulphur, Glycerin, Quinin, S Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his AYER'S HA Does not Cc J. C. Am Pour* Carlisle Fit BAMBERG, SOU Eighteenth year begins Sept' ment. Strong faculty. All b and furnished. HOT and COLI dormitory. Unsurpassed healt all purposes. Separate dormi ments for boys and girls. Si library, literray societies, musi One Hundred and Fifty Dollar Nothing can take the place o Our school is owned and contn we prepare your son or daughti in the South. We have accom number. Write at once for ca J. CALDWELL GUILD: 7-21-3t To Tobacco Fan So confident are we in our p< highest prices?grade consider* in the State. Our buyers are unsurpassed. We Guarantee If after the sale you are not \ higher prices are paid elsewher fare to any market in the State sales and judge for yourself. ' lieve that our prices are not as the hogsheads and we will sack railroad for shipment free of c( ROOM F( Improvements sufficient to gi have been completed and we e> welcome. Our buyers represe turers, and our own Mr Slaugh BANNER M Kingstree, . i I i l8r toXSTjl) I I i ifei yinQitoi ?, r>erWe j Norths j Floridai j A passenger service and comfort,equipped h Dining, Sleeping and T For rates, schedule, i tion, write to WM. J. < Gener wHHHnDwnamauMnaB t L E R'S. ivhite Check Goods ? ?o ? m m m m 2 IS ONE WE MPANY. lor the Hair tIR VIGOR An Elegant Dressing Makes hair Grow iodium Chlorid, Capsicum, Sage, Alcohol, opinion of such a hair preparation. JR VIGOR lor the Hair ITT. Lowell. HtM. J < I? 4 f||? M ' ''M '-x4| M ai. rure aitesutu water xur itories and boarding departlcb advantages as athletics, c, expression, etc. s Pays aft Regular Expenses. f PROPER PREPARATION, j )lfed by Wofford College, and 2r for any school or university modations for only a limited italogue or application blank. S, M. A. Head Master. * ?? ners in General * Dsition to secure for you the xl?paid by any other market : "I 5 Satisfaction leased and you believe that e, we will pay your railroad i, where you may witness the Then if you concientiously behigh or higher, you furnish : and deliver your tobacco to >st to you. OR ALL ve us all necessary floor space [tend to one and all a hearty nt all the leading manufacter is mightier than ever. WAREHOUSE So. Car. . . 1 -J IC(^STi|NE IGHFAREorfalVtL n ffec? dSOUTH ?Cuba. unexcelled for luxury ith the latest Pullman horoughfare Cars. maps or any informaCRAIG, ml Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. tOQOQOQOQOOOCfrQPOQOCMCEOP* g^ggoggggggggBgaoa^ 10c yd ?| 1A/, < > - - AUV, 50c gj 65c Sg - \- ioc gg 15c Eg EK; I $K