NOW I Qve Remember v will convince a j| Remember: V 1 CREDIT AND MORTGAGE SYSTEM Tbese Prevent Farmers Getting Fair Price for Cotton. To the Editor of The News and Courier:?Facts almost withoutnumber have been published from time to time in the papers of this State and its great possibilities. Many of them refer to other sections, with very little relative to this section. The town which is anxious to inter est capital or individuals must set forth some salient points bearing upon its growth. It must work hard for them; work hard and wisely. So with the farms and tbe farmers and along with this hard work,they must right the wrongs. This county is abreast with any in the State,morally, socially and intellectually, and far surpasses some in the fertility of the soil and for nat - ral advantages to home-seekers. The greatest progress they are making to-day is in improved farm methods. Nowhere is practical farm education securing a better hold on the? people than in this county, and nowhere are such magnificent results obtained. The people of this county realized the fact some years ago that they had the soil and that with improved methods and business care, could grow very much larger crops, by two or three times at least, and that the additional cost would not be material,while the increase in profits from agricultural products would treble and the yearly increase be startling as compared with past figures. This "awakening" has not only solved the "bread" question with them for years to come, but it answers the question of how to obtain a larger production of cotton to meet the world's demand. Now there | remains not so much a higher price for the cotton,but a fair price based on cost of production. They want a price that will cover the cost and a fair profit and want to be able to count on some degree of certainty. This is only reasonable, but the difficulties in the way of realizing it seem very great. As a matter of fact the cotton grower has helplessly taken whatever price is offered him for his product, irrespective of the cost of production. With this "awakening" of im-j proved farm methods and the in-' crease in profits from agricultural products and in order that farmers may secure profitable and uniform prices for their products, it appears that our farmers should avoid get-; ting in debt and that struggle with t le credit and mortgage system un- j der which he pledges his crop before even planting it. To review the conditions a little, which only sets forth in a way what exists in most sections: Along about the first of the year the farmer comes to town, calls on the lien merchant,gets his fertilizer prices,makes his arrangements for fertilizers and supplies for the year and gives as security to the merchant for amount wanted a lien (now called a mortis gage) of his entire crop or crops, which lien gives the merchant the j right to enter the farm and seize said crop or crops. The merchant in j return and in order to accommodate i his many customers takes these ; several papers to the local bank and IS THE" r Our Line of I ye carry the most c roxx. New goods ar Polite Sen ^? Lanvrs-k Allf* y c imvc muvtu uui w ?v??/v'Sv-Qv-?*v-tlv4*v-?lv<2vA*v>t?v-^>?lv>??^ | borrows money. That bank, as its 1 demands increase, borrows from the city banks and the city banks that they may be able to assist borrowers possibly of the New York banks,each note falling due earlier than the first and each loan secured by papers, perhaps,given in the first loan, thus forming a chain. Anon, the New j York bank notifies the city bank that its paper is due,the city bank calls on the local bank and the local bank calls on the merchant and the merchant's resort is the farmer. Now 'what are they to do? They have sold their "birthright" for a mess of, pottage,the merchant accepting it in ' good faith and has made sacrifices I for him to tide him over. Certainly his honor demands his "coming across," even if by holding his product longer he may receive more money for it. But what the farmer wants to do now is to avoid this getting in debt and the pledging of his crop before it is planted. This can be done by living at home. The first thing to be destroyed is the credit system, then the one-crop idolatry, and with bacon selling around 20 cents per pound, he must raise his hogs. This will not only do away with this onecrop system, but will necessitate the raising of cotton, corn and wheat. Then will the farmers by these improved methods not only increase their profits from their product, but the prices realized will be far better, ' with a much less cost of production. Nor will he be forced to sacrifice his product for whatever price is offered. It is not my intention to criticise the sale of commercial fertilizers except for their extravagant use. The I soil is the farmer's bank; he cannot I continue drawing checks on the [ bank without making an occasional deposit. The product and that sold at will of producer means his capital; the intelligent use of some particular fertilizer suited to the soil is the cash i invested. But we do urge upon the farmers the necessity of their living at home and their taking up arms against the going so deeply in debt for just exactly such things as can be successfully grown at home and along with improved farm methods and the magnificent results attained, let them make equal advancement along these more practical lines. GAM Kingstree, S C. July 11, 1910. State of Ohio.City of Toledo, 1 ^ Lucas County. J " 1 Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co,doing business in the city of Toledo, county and State aforesaid,ann that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D 1886. A W GLEASON, (Seal. ) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. riME T< )ry Goods, Clo omplete line of Gr< riving daily. yice. Quick Sales i Retail Store down Yours for . T. W NEXT DOOR T< Courtney's IceCi der New Ma Apples and Peaches an?l other Frui Cigars, Cigarettes and Smoker*' G< we liave. Courtney's Ice H. Young's Fresh Bread Receive J' Choici J; i(fl| t ^ Bee ? Ground Bone for Yoi fi makes hens lay and th< 10c per pound,. 3 J; ^ U/>e People 43 H. A. MILLER <#:?:?.@:?:?:@:?:@:?:< | Annour ? ? jgj Having 20 Greenhouses an< vr devoted to Cut-Flowers, Plan J? ing the best floral artists, | We Are Better Equipped Th jgj to furnish you v @ Gut-Flowers,Bridal Bouquel 9 We al S ^Palms and Fei (8) X for the House, Garden or Cei @ most reasonable to be found. ? The Carolina ? 339 King St., C ? I d LIPPIN! VfOVTHI "V 1M | V/ a e ?? m* ? ? J j 42 YEARS YOUNG It is a high-class, pure-spirited contains one complete copyrighted a half-do/en cap'tal short stone; articles, and the jully-best humor s you will find a group of absorbing interest i SPECIAL FE 12 GREAT COMPLETE NOVELS. 6 A 75 FASCINATLNG SHORT STORIES. 5 A 200 PAGES OF N1 2000 Pages Yearly of Fi .' 25c per copy THE BEST OBI LIPPINC East Washington Square SEND FOR OUR SPECIAL 3 STOP thing, Shoes, 1 Dceries in town. . irid Small Profits a by the Depot next business, x ^ ILK I >i [> NELSON HOUSE. earn Parlor Un= 1 nagement. ! erything in stoek^JNew and of I ivst Quality. , E Skrvk: Ice Cream. All Kinds of / Drinks, Crushed fruits. All our i)i8 and Extracts are Guaranteed I ;r the Pure Food Law. I e Skll: Candies in Boxes and Lo#se. ( b Lot Guth'.*, Staeey's and Sehles;r's. Choice Bon Bon< and Ciioco- I ijust in. I ts :>t Finest Quality. >ods. Give us a call and see what Cream Parlor. j ;d Daily. I e Beef and Mutton at ^ I ? I ig prices. , 14 1 mrger Fresh Qrouna ?* f at 15c per pound. &J ur Hens and Biddies ? e little chicken#grow.. ^ pounds for 25c. 's MarRet, \ |> i, Proprietor. ^ ?>:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?@? ? Lcement. ? @ 1 over 5 acres of land entirely ? ts and Shrubs, and employ- jgj ? an Any Florist io the State ? rith all kinds of ? s or Designs for Funerals. | so sell jgj "lis and Plants^? metery. Our prices are the @ Write, telephone or telegraph jgj Floral Store, ? Charleston, S. C. ? =: i | jornkl IAGAZINE WHAT IS IT LIKE? magazine of cleverness. It novel in every issue, besides >, pleasing poetry, readable eetion \<#u ever saw. Every terse and timely articles of ATURES .RTICLES ON OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. lRTICLES ON "THOSE NERVES." EW HUMOR. iction, Fact, and Fun rAlNABLE $2.50 a yaar :OTT'S PHILADELPHIA. PA. . MAGAZINE OFFERS ^r(Jv-4/w?w?v^?v^?v-OvOw*v^/v-*/vtJwJw4 IN AND lats, Notions, AH we ask is a trk Specialty, to Nelson House. S, f)S9S9S9S9S9S9S | Free! * To All of the Farmers a JL in Williamsburg and / jfi Storage and insurance \S in our warehouse this sea< 10 chance to lose. We will be prepared to h 17 any quantity, large or small jr The very highest price gu jl vice and quick sales a speci )R Let us grade your tobacc Ta facilities ior grading, and y highest prices, rA If you sell with us the pockets. A Yours for bi j Farmers' W 5 Mcintosh & Kin mmm i mwjmmm *ct iMZJarjtrrr*',rv* a* r\*?jcfl KV?^.Jd??>..9 tK^vlyZt.iOk (l'A'Uy i'tj., ."'itr; YIoq .-??> ! :!? vr.';nvr A'akiirum J j??:-f;.n-*;*-1<'??-?'f. t' P. rr :? Otrtt J.u ? I-'rtKmip. Pb-mr.ii'vro, HM- B VflMB a<.; CJIL; i?2 Obfjui. wliuto tVal g f^ngflS r-\2*rax&Mz,z?zr~mcrijrvrx*m ye TwTmi A fi S T :i PI 8 y.4! ilimS ("s ,. s?r i V- " -no tt*x r li.tTrrraiB'cd all treatment. Citerrh, 5Cd? a r*V64~J1 W?ratica. Ecr.'ir.*, CLrvz..c Pcicale* (*J&H Comjiiiat?, Slercurtal Pois^u, iitttr, C sgyip Eculdheod, etc., etc. ! P. P. P. 1? a pcnrofr.l tenia ana an JwJ excellent appitiacr, building np the iyttcm r?pi.ll? Tf yon are weuk and ftxbli, ana Jeot ?i?aly trj P. P. P., and RHEUM, To any one in need ^ FOUNTAI would say that we are now 1 brated makes: Waterman's Ideal, $ 1 Aikin-Lambert's, \ 1 The Imperial, \ I The Beacon Shrimp, {I Mercantile Fountain Pens, \ I ALL NEW GOODS Call and examine bef< Watts & Watts' Opposite the look! Etc. I il order. This | ' Free! 1 nd Tobacco Growers jf Adjoining Counties. 71 on your tobacco while ?) >on free. No possible (A andle your tobacco in laranteed. Polite ser- Jr o; we have the best ou are sure to get the 7A :re is money in your (A rarehouse, der, Props. ?r; wnwnMaNMRMk ?-\ veasn* M B T3 E3 nJtom, m :t mil PoULMlCRI.) . PGdUO AND STAGES OF ? ' IIIIIBIIIB?? rAu rogsin ?r?h and strength, jf Tr^iecrenergyandalldtaoaeeeresultijig f L-om tie system an cored by 1 the nee of P. P. P. SLeuiee wboee tyatemflarepolaocedaad i-hoce blood le in as Impure condition doe tomoneirual irregularities ire peculiarly k g benefited by the wonderful tonio tad :S i SCROFULA sj ' blood cleansing properties of P. P. P, | Prickly A?h, Poke Root and Poll?Int. Sold by all Drcggiatt. | F. V. LIPPMAN [ Proprietor Savannah, Ca. atism j I of a tirst-class # IN PEN X 4 leadquarters for the celefhp Antn.Fillpr I 1111# nwiv i iiivi | rhe Beacon Stylographic, led and Black Stylo, lesk Pens, Pen and Red Ink Books 1 Just Received. jre buying. At Jewelry Store, : Depot,