( SIMYTHE CHECK ACCOUNT IDEA DELIBERATELY ^ Study it from the "flaw-seeing" side. Think of everything you j can which makes to YOUR ad- . vantage to keep money in your pocket or around the house? see if you can find even ONE , good reason. ^4 Safety, convenience, credit, receipts for all bills paid and MANY other sound reasons favor -the check account side, j Come in and talk it over with us. Bank of Williamsburg, Kingstree, S. G. C. W. Stoll, E. C. Epps, Pres't. Cashier. C. W. Boswell, Asst. Cashier. fMPESSONALMi ^ XS" V?J Mr J F Scctt is at Glenn Springs. Mr W R Scott has returned from Sal uda, N C. Mr SL Courtney of Lake City was in town Saturday. Mrs W C Claiborne has returned from Danville, Va. Mrs R J McCabe is visiting her relatives in Marion. Col J G Slaughter and family are back from McClellanville. ' Mr J D Gil land spent the week end at Wrightsville Beach. Mr and Mrs D M Ervin left Wednesday for Sullivan's Island. Mr Maurice Milling of Greenwood spent the week-end in town. Mr R E McElveen of Bethel was noted on our streets Wednesday. \k ** t,r n n ? ^ P/nI^wKIo uroo Mr W f IvOOper Ui unuuiuia tiiu in Kingstree Friday on business. Mr A W Graham, of the Triosecwas noted in town Saturday. 1 Miss Martha Gourdin left last week to visit, friends at Pendleton. Mrs L W Gilland and children are ' 'spending the summer at Shelby,N C. Mrs C A Milhous of Lake City is visiting her father,Mr H D Reddick. Congressman Ellerbe was in town! Friday looking after his political fences. Mrs Amelia Scott and Mrs Jarvis are spending several weeks at Mt Pleasant. Born, to Mr and Mrs Thomas McCutchen, on Wednesday, July 13, 1910, a daughter. Miss Li la Pendergrass. who has been visiting relatives in Camden, has returned home. Mr J H Gill, proprietor of a large foundry' at Raleigh, N C, spent last j Thursday in town. Mrs J F McFadden and Miss Sue Stoll are at Wrightsville Beach for the month of July. Hon George W Brown, candidate for Congress in the 6th district, was noted here yesterday. Mrs C M Chandler spent Saturday and Sunday with the family of Mr J C Graham at Gourdins. Misses Edith Nelson and Clara Tetter have gone to WrightsvilleBeach, N C, to spend a few days. Mrs Belle Blakelev and Miss El-j mer Hinds have gone to Pawley's J Island to spend a few weeks. Mayor L WGilland, who has been in Charleston under medical treat- j ment. returned home Monday. if Ten cent, 40-inch Whi ?? Ten cent, 36-inch Per ?3 Ten cent, 34-inch Cole JS Seven cent Best Calic Fifty cent, 50-inch Pa ?3 Fifty cent, 50-inch Mc i " Mr Marion Stutts, foreman of tht Thornwell Orphanage printery al Clinton, is visiting relatives in town Mr A G Hart of Laurens,a student at "Carolina", has been visiting his college mate, Mr D A Broekinton, in town. Mr S B Poston <>f Johnsonville was in town rriaay ana iounu nine tu drop in for a pleasant chat at our sanctum. Teachers' summer school opens Monday. The exercises will be held daily in the auditorium of Kingstree High school. Mrs John S Jennings and daughter, Elizabeth, and Miss Hannah Gale left this week for the Eastern Shore of Maryland. "Sheriff" J D Daniel of Lake City was here Monday between trains. He says they are having more rain over that way even than here. Miss Mittie McGill left Friday for a visit to ner brothers, Messrs S B McGill of Jacksonville, and W P McGill, Jr, of Tallahassee, Florida. Mr S E McCollough of Taft was a visitor at our office Saturday. Our genial friend's visits are always as welcome as the flowers of spring. Mr M B Thomas of Lake City, statement carrier for the two tobacco warehouses,is back ready to go to work. Mr Thomas held the same position last season. Mr W Martin Tobias, foreman of the Record office, was on Monday called to the bedside of his father, who is sick with typhoid fever at his home at Manning. Mr R W Lewis has resigned his position with Anderson.Spring & Co His successor is Mr John Tarte, whc will be glad to serve the patrons of this popular establishment. Mr and Mrs F W Fiirev and children are \isiting the family of Mi Fairey's mother at Branchville. Mi W W Barr meantime is doing relief work for Mr Fairey at the Bank of Kingstree. Dr and Mrs D C Scott left Satur day morning for Fayetteville, N C, where Misses Helen Scott, Douschka Alford and Mrs Maggie Alford will join them for an extended summei trip. Their itinerary includes the New England States, various cities and resorts, extending to Niagara Falls and over the line into Canada, They expect to be gone several weeks. Mr Louis W Walker, the populai representative of the American Tobacco Co, came in yesterday to look over the field before the market opening next Tuesday. Mr Walkei speaks very enthusiastically of Kingstree's prospects as a tobacco market and promises to do his utmost tc make it one of the best in the whole State. That is the kind of talk we like to hear. Now, all pull together and work for this market. Notice to Veterans. The Spartanburg Herald is preparing to publish a mammoth "Veterans' Edition" of that paper or August 17 and wants sketches (anc photographs if possible) of all the signers of the Ordinance of Secessior from each county, the signers frorr Williamsburg were: Anthony W Do zier.John G Pressley and R C Logan We have already secured a sketch oi Col Logan, with photograph, and forwarded to The Herald?now, car anyone furnish a biographical sketch of Anthony W Dozier and John G Pressley, either or both? If handed in at this office we shall be pleased to forward these sketches to The Herald. 7-21-tf How's this for a cut? Our entire line of Summer Goods is sold at cosl price. We are compelled to do this to make room for our new fall line It will be to your advantage to set us. . S. Marcus. 7-14-tf. hTTET ite Lawn - - cals >red Lawns o - nama ?hair 5 SALE IS BUTLEI : ftLOCAL ?^]TEMS.f . # ^ # 1 Rah! Rah! Rah! 1 Ree! Ree! Ree! Kingstree?Kingstree? ; Greater Kingstre-e-e!!! ' See ad?"Meet Me at Butler's." Thursday is the Good Roads meet-1 ing. Something doing all the week' next week. Monday the Summer School for , Teachers meets. Every tobacco planter should ; rgftdJJ^-^Sgnner Warehouse ad this < \ J tate candidates will ( t n ualifications for oft. . ' / Mr ;2pps wants to quote you , prices vour building material. See him. We heard a man remark the other day that this was fine weather for ' the hook-worm. t Services at the Episcopal church next Sunday at 5:30 p m. Note the # change of hour. Mrs Lou Arrowsmith has charge i of Gale & Gale's millinery store dur ing Miss Gale's absence at the North, j By the way, why not require the railroad to keep their right-of-way through'the town in better condition? > The rainfall here on Monday, July j 18, was 2.35 inches, according to j 5 the local weather observation bu reau. > Tinacrlni- tho tnhappn spason for mally opens, when the American Tobacco Co's representatives enter the markets of the State. [ Every tax-payer should carefully [ peruse the supervisor's quarterly re: port published this week. It shows where the money goes. In some sections crops?even cotton?are fine. Mr C F Everett, near ,l Salters.is said to have one of the best ' cotton crops he ever made. ! A petition is being signed by most 1 of the business men of Kingstree 1 urging the local telephone company tq put in long distance connection. I ' It is reported that lightning struck the dwelling of Mr J T Sexton, two mjles north-west of town, Saturday afternoon, but no damage resulted. : The extremely hot weather is bad ' i enough, but the sudden change of 'I temperature,such as we experienced '! yesterday,is scarcely more desirable. ?I LOU : * : MID-SUM I I; CHi^IBLESTi The Largest W r AT WH i DRY GOODS, ' MATTINGS; Write for Sam l Try us on a Mail i -A.11 G-ooc ;! SPECIAL! 1 ? i iniro I" LUMP J "SA' ME A' 5c yd 5c yd 5c yd - 3c yd 35c yd 35c yd POT CASH. * DRY G( assssssssssasas? y A communication postmarked Andrews,signed "W C T",had to be declined because we had no idea in the world who "W CT" is. If you can't sign your name why waste a stamp? The chaingang has been doing considerate work on the streets for the past few days. The work is sorely j needed and what has been done seems to be "a lick and a promise." We received a communication from Gourdins this (Thursday) morning too late for publication. Tuesday, noon, is the latest?the very latest?time we can receive articles of length for the current issue. Tobacco sales are going on daily at both warehouses; although the quality is poor, prices are fairly good. The real opening will take place when the American Tobacco Co's representative gets on the market July 26. . It will be interesting news to her many friends in Williamsburg, her old home,to know that Mrs D J Pipkin, until lately a resident of Manning, was married recently to Mr M W Joye of Lamar, which place will be her future home. Candidates who want blanks for filing pledges may obtain same by applying at this office either in person or by letter. If by letter enclose two-cent stamp. Assessments will be received at any time and receipts issued therefor by the treasurer, at this office. The Kingstree Social club gave a danc'in the opera house Wednesday night in honor of the visiting ladies. Those participating were: Misses Mamie and Lyda Taylor of Eutaw, Ala; Hattie Taylor of Due West; Burnside of Columbia; Claire Seiling of Aiken; Eleanor Gourdin, Ada Brockington and Bessie, Louise, Mabel and Flossie Harper; Dr J G McMaster of Florence, Messrs J H Scott, David Scott, Burrie Brockinton, Lamar Montgomery, Wilmot Gilland and W M Tobias. The chaperons were Mesdames E G and W N Jacobs. Death of Mr. C. L Saunders. Died?On Tuesday morning, July 19, at the home of his daughter, Mrs H M Cooper, of Fowler postoffice, Capt C I Saunders, aged 78 years. Capt Saunders' home was at Rocky Mount, Va, but he had lived in this county for about ten years. He was a gallant Confederate soldier in the Civil war and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He is survived by his wife, five daughters . _ J ana one son. The funeral and interment took place at Indiantown church Wednesday morning, Rev A C Bridgman officiating. iTcofi 14 KING STREET AND 203 ME MER CLI Ci^T'S liolesale and Retail M OLESALE OR RETAIL WE OB NOTIONS, SH UHHOLSTERY GOOD! iples. Order. is 3E3ed.-u.ced. F*xc I LADIES' SPRING TAILOR-MAD rn fllH nRFN'S HFAnV-Tfl nilU UlllliVISUIl V mmm~B .W . _ _ TISFACTION OR ^ F BUT Twenty cent, 45-inch 1 Gents' Dress Shirts Gents' Pants Ladies' Slippers Children's Sailors Ladies' Sailors THIS SAL1 30DS CO i Weak Throat?^ Cold after cold; cough after con taking-cold habit? Better breal< confidence in Ayer's Cherry Peel medicine like it for weak throat your doctor for his opinion. 1 His approval is valuable. Follov No alcohol in this cough medicine Alwayskeepa good laxative in the house. Takeado is the best iaxative for this? Ayer's Pills. Ask ym I Carlisle Pittii BAMBERG. SOUTH < Eighteenth year begins Septemb* ment Strong faculty. All buildi and furnished. HOT and COLD AI dormitory. Unsurpassed health, all purposes. Separate dormitori< ments for boys and girls. Such library, literray societies, music, ei One Hundred and Fifty Dollars Pa Nothing can take the place of PI Our school is owned and controlled we prepare your son or daughter fc in the Soulh. We have accommod number. Write at once for catalo J. CALDWELL GUILDS, J! 7-2l-3t I To Tobacco Farme So confident are we in our positi highest prices?grade considered? in the State. Our buyers are unsurpassed. We Guarantee If after the sale you are not pleas higher prices are paid elsewhere, v fare to any market in the State, wl sales and judge for yourself. Thei lieve that our prices are not as hig the hogsheads and we will sack an( railroad for shipment free of cost t ROOM FOB Improvements sufficient to give i have been completed and We exten welcome. Our buyers represent i \ turers, and our own Mr Slaughter BANNER WA King'stree, [EN & C ETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. E AR ANC E AIL ORDER HOUSE in 'FER THE LARGEST VARIETIES 0 IOES, MILLINERY 5, FLOOR COVERINC Visit our Store w to the a> Half to a, Qu. E WORSTED SUITS A RE NOW ? l-WEAR GARMENTS A SPECIALT) YOUR MONEY BACK' L E R'S. white Check Goods ^ m m 5 IS ONE WEE MPANY. yVeak Lungs igh! Troubled with this : it up. We have great toral for this work. No s and weak lungs. Ask He knows all about it v his advice at all time* . J.C.Ayer Co.,Lowell, Man. sew hen your cokl first comes on. What ir doctor his opinion. Let him decide. rig School :aromina, 5r 21, 1910. New managengs thoroughly repaired 1TESIAN BATHS in each Pure artesian water for js and boarding departadvantages as athletics, , cpression, etc. ys all Regular Expenses. tOPER PREPARATION, by Wofford College, and >r any school or university ations for only a limited gue or application blank. /I. A. Head Master. rs in General I on to secure for you the paid by any other market Satisfaction jed and you believe that re will pay your railroad lere you may witness the 0 if you concientiously beh or higher, you furnish 1 deliver your tobacco to 0 you. 1 ALL is all necessary floor space d to one and all a hearty ill the leading manufacis mightier than ever. .REHOUSE So. Car. I AJ., c. SALE TZC STOBE i the South. F CARPETS, IS OF ALL KINDS hen you come City. .arter, suf Price i fK < ? < 2 10c yd ^ 20c gf 50c m 65c gg 10c gg 15c m K. 1 $ I *