The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 30, 1910, Image 1

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. . : fflic Countp litcorfi. VOL. XXIV. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1910. NO. 10 A A i.4 t Mason': The Mason Fruit Jars are f ing, Tight S?al. These J; ^^We have them in quart and I iriMn IV 111 u ?i? fS<? ejc ^ i^; >^i iji) ^POLITICS IN SIXTH CON. GRESSEONAL DISTRICT, ( LARGEST CROP OF CANDIDATES- 1 ELLERBE WILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN 1 VOTE FOR LUMBER TARIFF. { I Thfe Sixth Congressional district of j i SouthCarolinais also one of the "run- j I ningest" localities of the State. It is the largest district in area,and hence m the average number of candidates for Congress per acre is brought V down,but this year as usual the total ] Jr number of candidates is larger than in any other district. It has more v counties in it than any other district, including Marlboro, Marion, Horry, Darlington, Florence, Williamsburg, k Georgetown and the wee little, fun ny-looking <: ounty of Lee. HB When Lea is a little older it will begin to pr >duce candidates, too, or ^Bather those already budding will ^Blossom. Williamsburg and George own are not much on the output of ^Hongressional candidates, albeit they ^^^the aspirations are there, too: ^B^ups they have mosquitoes and ^^^Btors?you deny the allegation ^H^^faccuse the alligator; that's a ^8H, you know -without going into ^flgitics, or rather into Congress. {Our friend Zach is off as to Lee Hoeing in the Sixth district. Possi^K>ly he means the baby county of ^^)illon?Editor The Record.] s Plentiful. c But all the other counties produce , , C candidates, or harbor in their midst ( a few battle-scared?with one "r"? J veterans in tneir miasts. ine non Scarborough of Horry, like Achil- s les of old, seems to haue retired to c his tent. But there are a few others i round about the 'Borough (that's i still the vernacular for Conway) s dreaming dreams and waiting for the t bream in the Waccamaw to bite. Col r D A Spivey still sits in the buggy \ with the lines on a level with his i chin waitii ? for the horse to start a and I kno' ' one good fellow over v there in the "Independent Republic," r who has even J made overtures to a I prospective secretary to his Con- t gressmanship. t Over in Marion the Hon Norton e has withdrawn from the actual fir- I fwAR/T We have on hand 300 Sj from $1.26 to $18,00 per s hj to $6.00 per pair. Sumr Nice Dress Linen, all gf at 16 l-2c. ?/ White Linon Lawn 36 ^ |g yard. Same in 50c value Beautiful line of Japon jg Good quality India Lin< If ycu are thinking of ta Delivery wagon makes i i?e$t?ij??p|> ^ FRUIl s Improved I the old reliable kind, heavy Z ars are made of a good qualit half-gallon sizes. e? STREE S??4* 4*??4*? ?*?4? ng line, but only to climb a tree and be a journalistic sharp-shooter. In Florence there is still the Hon Ragsdale. Nobody who knows him seriously believes he is sulking in his tent. He's getting some gun-powder; that's what he's doing. The Hon 3oggeshall in Darlington doesn't jeem inclined to project with the thing again for the present,but Darington is to be represented in the oerson of George W Brown. Woods Are Full. Maw Avpr in Marlhnrn and Marion. veil,the woods are full of them; not 'has-beens," but sure enough live >nes. From Marlboro, there are T I itogers, him they call "Tom," and P V Hodges, "Phil," you know. From tfarion we have Ben B Sellers and fames Edwin Ellerbe, the "present ncumbent." And betwixt these five, ;ake your choice. That's an average >f only five-eighths of a candidate to ,he county,but I'll bet some of those people down there before the cam3aign is ovei, will think there are ibout two pe^ acre?that is, if these :ellows can succeed in getting the people interested enough to know vho are running. Ellerbe is the centre of fire. They ire all running against him,and natlrally since he's in he has the advantage. He is strongly intrenched >ehind the "bull works," as it were; >ut the siege is on, and if I am not urprised there are going to have nore of a sure enough campaign Irtum fhorp in tVip Sivt.h district than tnywbere else in our State. "Bull Works." Now,the bull works," of which I i peak, are those which any man in, ffice, with a good salary attached, isually has, something of an organzation, lots of office seekers and ome who are under obligations par- j icularly in the case of a Congress-: nan, the rural free delivery carriers, vho are generally friends of the man ! n Congress,and a secretary who gets' [ good salary to keep up the touch j vith the district. Every Congress- i nan has these "bull works." But; Sllerbe has perhaps a little more, in hat there are some waters in his dis-! rict and he is a member of the riv-; rs and harbors committee of the j louse. So in the regions round about bargaT Men's and Boys' Suits suit. Also 600 pairs Pai ner Coats at prices to suit colors, worth 25c per yan inches wide, a good value ; at 39c per yard, ika Silk at 28c per yard. Dn Lawn worth 12 1-2 to 1. Txuu: .king a trip this summer, yo >ur Groceries are ; two trips a day, leaving s lot assure you delivery. I PEOPLE 8888SS?38888Sm8@S?: *%* *^* *fl* * r JARS! -ruit Jar and inc Caps, Porcelain Liny glass and are standard. :all in or phone us for i HARDW r\ , **~\olesale and ?4*"' - ?|? ?i? rjethe Pee Dee rivers and the Waccamaw and in the vicinity of Georgetown harbor there are people who are his friends because he pulled your Uncle Sam for an appropriation. No matter that these other candidates tell the people that they, too, could have got the appropriations and done something else besides, no matter | that they intimate that they could have got just twice as much for each project, the folks say Eilerbe has already got it, and being a member of the rivers and harbors committee,he [ is in position to get more. On the j other hand,of course,there are those I who say that Eilerbe did not get as much as he might have got and these are figuring on one of the other four. | Real Statesmen. Shere are some,too?but these are "high-brows" and impractical men? who do not consider that the getting of a small appropriation is the only reason for having a man in the Congress of the United States. These are inclined to take an interest in real national questions. But these ? * ? Al are not many, 1 trow, down in me Sixth. Occasionally one of these leaks up to Washingtpn, though,and he goes back home to tell his friends his impressions of just what weight and prominence theicCongressman has in Washington. These are some such fellows as these in all the districts, and, generally speaking, they are a sort of hard proposition, too. One National Question. One national question is entering to a more or less extent into the campaign in the Sixth. This is because of Ellerbe's vote for a duty on lumber in direct opposition to the declaration of the Denver platform and in still more important opposition to what the other candidatesexpect to say are the interests of the great mass of the people of the district. There are some people in the district who are interested in the manufacture of lumber and these are going to be Ellerbe's very staunch friends; but there are others who have lumber to buy and not to sell. To these the four candidates will make their appeals. To what extent they will be successful remains to be seen. Ellerbe will have abundant opportunity to make his defense, and nsTOJT that we are offering at + " ?* 1 fii-? not- noif I i is aL 11 uui irv |_/wi pun the purchaser. J that we will close out at 25c, to go at 19c per Regular price 40c. 5c going at 8 l-2c yard. nlrs, Hand Bag a had better get that Suit C always fresh and [ tore at 9:30 in the mornin - lease bea~' tnis in mina. = S MERCAI B8688888888S888B88888888B f???f*?*y* *? ? ? ? FRUIT J the Improved Our Patent Top Jar's is on large mouth kind with a so fastened tight it's absolutely We have them in Pints, Quai iVHAT YOU NEED AT ONCE 'ARE C( L Retail Dealers. ?4*?^?4^?'4*??4^?14*??"J when he is under fire on the stump they say he is right much of a 1 . T / jl i. 1 " .J !i ] i speaxer, too. n mey get mm mau it 1 will be mighty interesting for the * spectators. i But whether or not the people of the Sixth know enough or care j enough about this matter of a difference of a dollar and a half a thousand feet on lumber to cause any great stir about it is questionable. In ^word, they are after Brother Ellerbe.four of 'em. What they are going to do to him and he to them promises to be about the most interesting thing in Congressional politics this year.?Zach McGhee m The Columbia State. A. C. L. IMPROVEMENTS. I Concrete .and Steel Vladnct 1 across Roanoke River. The Atlantic Coast Line is con- j structing about four miles of double i track line from Weldon to Garys- ] burg, N C, by elevating the track < through the town of Weldon, commencing about one mile south of the present station. A large ptoportion ^ of it will be a continuous steel via- j j duct 3,7UU feet long:, navmg con- t crete abutments, piers and pedes- ( tals. The structure will be 90 feet c above the ordinary level of the Roa- ,r y noke river, and there will be re- t quired in its construction about 15,000 cubic yards of concrete and ; two thousand tons of steel. There will be an elevated passenger station platform, connected by a covered stairway with a passenger station to be built on the surface level of the Seaboard Air Line track. Baggage and express will be conveyed to the Atlantic Coast Line level by elevators. By means of this viaduct all grade crossings in the town of Weldon will be avoided. The work involves an entirely new line, but this will in no wise affect the operation of trains.- Wilmington Star,June 9. A Dreadful Wonod from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds, as also for burns, boils, sores, skin eruptions, eczema, chapi ped hands, corns or piles. 25c at M IL Allen's. rHE WAF Best Dress Cham bray to I Fruit of the Loom and And "LION BRAND", the best $ 790 pairs Oxfords for men at actual Cost. It will pay you to investig anteed to be just us repres ?rp*CTTG T |^1 - - i fs arid Csisg ase or Trunk now so as to be re; )ure, and our prices g and 4:30 in the afterno MTILE OOMF A R S!! I Patent Top e of the best there is made. 1 lid Glass Cap and a Patented \A air tight. This Jar is made ts and Half-gallon sizes. ">MP AN\ t "J* oj* Moody Matters. Trio, June 27:?Rev Mr Bedenbaugh preached an able sermon at Earls Methodist church Sunday. \ large congregation gave close heed . jo the stirring words of the preacher of God's words. Our Sunday-school is thriving licely; both young and old seem nuch interested in the services. Arrangements are being made to celebrate Children's day some time g n July at Harmony church. A handsome tomb-stone has been j erected by his sons and daughters to mark the grave of the late W S 1 Damlin, Esq. Prospects are excellent for a bum- 1 per corn crop through this section, j Cotton, though somewhat retarded by the late spring, is looking letter. ? Mr G W Camlin, while returning from Georgetown in his new auto * ecently, ran into a ditch and the machine capsized. 'Fortunately 110 ?erious consequences resulted. j Kept tbe King at Home "For the past year we hove kept :he King of all laxatives?Dr King's 5 tew Life Pills?in our home and hey have proved a blessing to all >ur family," writes Paul Mathulka, | >f Buffalo, N Y. Easy, but sure emedy for all stomach, liver and udney troubles. Only 25c at M L Mien's, . . >0000000000000 I FARMERS & HER $ Lake Cit 0 "Absolute Q v\w* X V J. S. McClam, President, 1 O S. B. Poston Vice Pres., I X Direct 5 J. S. MCCLAM, B. W. STE\ Q S. B. POSTON, J. D. M CL X T. J. COTTIN Q ww X YOUR ACCOUN XXXXXX50000000 inwi? ye had on any market at 8c roscoggan Bleach at 8 l-2c 1.00 Shirt on the market, f< . ladies and children that ate these bargains, every or en ted. No goods will be Li!E2 IS SISICT1 idy. We have just what you ^ are the lowest, "" Wa n-HQMnfpp nrnmi LMI . T V ^UUl Ullkvv pi VKIJ 'ANY. -*?* e^i ? I i Jar v "hey are the new and ?;? fire Fastener. When 1 of best quality glass. ^ - * ' 3a <* T ^* X 9 e ft I' ?*2*?"2s?*2*?T?*2*?"2* tt f In Memorlam. Willow Grace Clark, the littlelaughter of Mr and Mrs L D Clark, vas born September 17, 1909, and in the 15th day of June, 1910, the >right angels came and took her to hat beautiful home above, where here is no more pain but rest with, he angels of God. *' Jttle Grace is gone but not forgotten. Never shall her memory faile; iweetest iiiougnis siiau ever linger 'Round the grave where she is laid. )ust to thy narrow home beneath, Soul to thy home on high. 'hey that have seen thy look In death. No more may fear to die, jor.g days and nights she bore in pnin. To wait for cure was all in vain; tat God alone, who thought it best. Did cease her pain and give her rest x>ne are the paths and ?ad the bowers, Whence thy meek smile is gone; tat, oh, a brighter home than ours, In heaven is now thy own. t was hard to part with the little one. Oh! s<? sad to see her die; hit then we will try to meet her, Some sweet day,bye and bye. Her Grandfather. / < W. H. W 0 0 D S , I LalK* City, 8. C. { Agent tor , Ford Automobiles. Uemunstratloni given at any time. M)Km cmliri 1 y, S. C. | ly Safe." A w X VART, J. C. YOUNG, Q \M, CHAS. M. KELLEY, Q GHAM. X T SOLICITED. $ ??<XXXXXXXX^ j SS888388S8888888888| rHER I per yard. ?# per yard. Jg >r 85c. |g we are closing out || le of which is guar- fg * charged at these g? LTZ- CASH & vant. pi 88 I pt service at above ^ , I