IPll_IO^= y WAR TIME AJ ,J AND RE: l=XQE===30^ * , The following reminiscences and war stories were told to a representative of The Record by Mr S J Taylor of Greelyville, an enthusiastic veteran who finds no greater, pleasure than talking over "old times" with his comrades whenever they nieet together. Mr Taylor served through the whole of the, war from the first battle of Manassas to the surrender at Appomattox court house on April 12, 1SAA and is one of the most inter esting raconteurs on this subject that we know of in this county, being gifted with fluent expression and a very retentive memory. Mr Taylor recalls the following inc'dent while his company was in Virginia: A cavalry-man carrying news from one regiment to another rode up to a dwelling and asked the lady for a drink of water. After satisfying his thirst he asked her if she had heard any news from the front and this was her answer: "An exerter stopped here today and said that the Yankees were mortifying Blacksburg, that Goslin's critter company had been routed, that news had come over the pindergrass wire that the preserves had been ordered out and it was feared the whole State would have to be vaccinated. While he was talking the provoking guard came along and interested him." What she meant was that a deserter had said that the Yankees were fortifying Blacksburg, that McCousland's cavalry had been louted, the news had come over the telegraph wires that the reserves had been ordered out, and it was feared that the whole State would have to be evacuated. While he was talking a provost guard came along and arrested him." Pat Surrounded Them. On one occasion an Irishman in his brigade captured ten men and took them to General Jenkins. "Did you capture all of them, Pat?" asked the general. "I did thot, sor," replied the Irishman. "How did you doit?" was asked. "Begorra, I surrounded 'em!"replied Pat without the flicker of a smile. Couldn't Fight "Nations." A Confederate soldier was seen one day leaving the battle ground in great haste. Someone asked him why he was running. He said that he couldn't fight whole nations; that he had just heard General Grant give the command: "By nations, right wheel!" and he thought it was time for him to leave. Our Valiant Sheriff. While fighting in the upper part of Virginia Mr Taylor's company was once barricaded in an old fort. They were attacked from the front by two or three thousand Federal troops. The other part of the r ? ment was about a half mile dist and the only exit from the t i was on the side the Yankees occUuT. ed. It was too dangerous foe, returning soon with reinforcements for his company. This is the same George J Graham who is now the fearless and popular Sheriff of our county. Captured a "Yankee." We are indebte'd to Sheriff Gra =301 lEjl | JECDOTES jj | MINISCENSES " j t^Ql 30=11 ham for the following joke on a raw recruit, which provoked hearty! laugh among his comrades at the time the incident occurred and even yet causes the features of the"vets" who recall it to relax in smiles: V.mtiir Pi'nrrrr^m Woculrtan nf thp 1 MUlif, IVUI^^V IV* AAM^VIV4Vi*f V* v..~ Johnsonville section of this county, 'a "gosling boy," as he is described at the time, joined the army in Virginia along near the close of the war. When assigned to picket duty the first time, having been told by some of the soldiers that it was customary for the pickets on the opposing lines to exchange courtesies and camp commodities, he conceived the brilliant idea of capturing the enemy's picket should the opportunity arise. With this aim he looked about him and soon espied a lone figure at a distance, which he took to be one of the outer sentries of the opposing forces. Young Haselden accordingly made friendly signs, which were responded to, and the two men advanced so as to meet on middle ground. They soon got in friendly conversation and, seeing a spring hard by, Haselden in the furtherance of his scheme, proposed that they get a drink of water. He drank first and when his intended victim was taking his turn at the spring, HaseWen fell upon him and triad to throw him to the ground. The other fellow, though taken unawares, struggled furiously and soon the tables were turned and he had Haselden completely in his power. The latter yelled lustily for help and Mr W S Eaddy, the officer of the guard, hastened to his relief. When he reached the scene he found Haselden on the ground held firmly by the "Yankee" on top of him, who turned out to be one of our own men, a member of a Georgia regiment encamped near by! Haselden, very much chagrined, explained that "he wanted to capture at least one live Yankee and this looked like a very good opportunity. The young man never heard the last of his exploit while in camp. Stopping the Paper. She came down the street three steps at a time and sailed into the county newspaper office like a whirlwind. She waited for no ceremony, Kiif anlHlv oclroH* "Is this the printin' office?" "Yes, madam." "I want to stop my paper." "All right, madam." "Stop it right away, too." It's stopped," we replied, making a blue line through her husband's name on the subscription list. "Mebbe that will learn you some hoss sense and how to do the square thing next time, and not slight people just because they are poor. If some rich, stuck up " r happen to have a bald-headed, *?ed, cross-eyed brat born ?you're in an awful hurry to put it in the paper and make it out an angel, but when poor people have a baby you can't say a word about it, even if it is the purtiest cffild horned. That's what I'm stoppin' the paper fur. This ort to be a lesson to every paper in Michigan," and she went out of the office as mad as a wet hen?Ex. What Ever}body Wants. Everybody desires good health which is impossible unless the kid neys are Sound and healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy should be taken at the first indication of any irregularity, and a serious illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore your kidneys and blad i- 1 . lier 10 LUfii nuniiai sunt* anu acn\ity. D C Scott. Just received?a beautiful line of wedding stationery and a new series of "Engravers Old English" type. You can't tell it from engraving. Give us your order; satisfaction! guaranteed. . I He Got the Rest. A certain member of Lord Kitchen- j er's stoff Jn India who bail been married a few months previously applied for sick leave, which was readily j granted. A couple of days afterward . Lord Kitchener happened to meet the j wife of the officer. She thanked him 11 profusely for allowing her husband to j] go to the hills and explained that she j' was now m tne miust or pacKipg up- | "Rut there is some mistake." said j. Kitchener. "When I gave Captain ? j permission to go to the hills it was so i that he mipbt have a rest, and I am going to see that he pets it. If you po 11 his leave will be canceled!" ! Perseverance. The tendency to persevere, to persist j1 In spite of hindrances, discouragements 1 and impossibilities?it is this that In j all thinps distinguishes the stroug soul from the weak.-Thomas Carlyle. Needed Scratching. They were having trouble in pettinp a jury to try a case in a county court. There had been a pood deal of feeling aroused, and no one seemed particularly anxious to put himself on record for either side. One man hesitated a long time about stating the grounds on which he based bis claim of exemption. Finally he said: "Well, your honor, the truth of the matter is I have the itch!" "Scratch him off. Mr. Clerk: scratch j him off." instantly replied the judge.? Lippincott's. Got Hit Man. Some years ago In Egypt General THunter was at dinner with some friends when one of bis orderlies entered the room and said there was a messenger outside anxious to see him. General Hunter could not leave the table at tbnt moment and told the orderly so. "What shall I do with hflb. then, sir?" asked the orderly. "Oh, knock him down!" said Hunter impatiently as be turned to his dinner. Five minutes later the man retnrned bearing obvious marks of the fray. He saluted stiffly and said to the astonished general. "I bad a bit of a job. sir. bat I knocked bira down at tbe DH1BU. Next Beet. A certain young In Philadelphia. recently ordained, is still very nervous. aDd sometimes his remarks do not convey exactly the nieauiup be Intended. A few Sundays ago be rose, fumbled with the papers on bis desk, blushed and then said: "My friends. 1?I aui sorry to say tbat I have lost the notes for my sermon. and I therefore cannot deliver it I will have to do the next best thing and read a few chapters frpm the Bible." 8 SPRING AND S (J OF 1 | Barry j&Otke Pair Se We have the famoi 3j All the Latest Stj fl Fr< g $3.50 to $ (m Give us 8 R-O'B71 Greelyvii I 1 T AY" \ i) Dry Gooods, She i Furniture, ( ) and Milli \\ Prices Right,Treai ({ Your Patronage Call to see me whei (/ ~ S. v. T A $ Grcelyvil Citation Notice. STATE OF SOl'TH CAROLINA, cor NT Y OK WILLIAMS B r ltd. By P M Brock ingtcn, Esq. Probate lodge. Whereas, RD Robinson made suit to rue, to grant him letters of admiuis Lration of the estate of and elTect* of Scott Robinson. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ol' the said Scott Robinson, deceased, that they be and appear h*?fn-a mp in ?1ip poin t of nrobate to lie held at King-tree, S (J., <>n the 21sf day of May next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to showeauM', if an v tlicy have, why the said administration should not be granted Given under my hand this 2nd day of May, Anno Domini. 1910. Published on the5th day of May, 1910, in the County Record. P M Brockinton, 5-5-2t Probate Judge. Notice of Election. By order iiji^eCounty Board of Educatioj^^^^^^^nrg Count, v an election'""" . nt. . atTSVing Pond school < , near Trio. S C. on Tuesday, M W, 1910, io determ ewhcther a four r. SI tax shall be lev,* . in Scriool District No 39 for sch/4 purposes. Those in favor of such 1? iy will vote "yes." and those opp^ ed will vote "no." All qualified electors inthe district will be allowed to vote and the Trustees will act as managers. Trust kES School District No 39. o-5-2t per A W Graham, clerk. Notice ofElection. By order of the County Board of Education of Williamsburg county an election will be held at J D Carter's store at Leo, S. (J., on Saturday, May 14, 1910, to determine whether a special tax of two mills shall be levied in School District No 14 (Lake) for school purposes. Those in favor of such levy will vote "yes," and those opposed will vote no. All qualified electors in said district will be allowed to vote and the trustees will act as managers. Trusters School District No 14, 5-5-2t per J Davis I arter, clerk. __________ l KILLThe COUGH ^ ahdCURE 'UJHCS1 nDRJQNGS! UmAlNAUESW liWi/WWimii MBfOUCHS fneia 5CK&*tX)0 VOLDS IrTRliLBOmiFWg AND All THROAT AND LUNG TROUBIES ! GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY ' 1 OR MONEY REFUNDED. TII'll IIB'IMMHf! IIMMMMMWWqtf SSCSCSCSCSCS* UMMER STYLES 8 ["HE?T? V# Shoes. 5 - #5 Us Another.^ ^ 8 as Barry Shoes in fles and Designs. 1 s 5 per Pair. a call. y| R Go. * 8 lie, S. C. Jj Lor | R jj >es, jj MM ook Stoves ^ nery Supplies. \\ tment Courteous, Vt 3 Appreciated, fl n in Greelyviile, V\ ylor, ::n)) 'c* ? i i | Mallard Luml // 6REELYVILLB a General Mer }] We handle a complete II Dl'V frnnil< f!l ^ VI vvwmij V A I : : GROC E R if wholesale or rota U We keep on Land at all time } YELLOW PINE ] ff also Cypress, Oak and other hard woo II see us when in need <>f anytl (I Mallard Lum ? QREELYVILLE, " B 1 "DELORME V When your appetite fails you and you want to eat, let us help you out. n STAPLE AND FANCY CANNED GOOD ? ? <> OUR *n n 1 r\ 1 Vry uooas ut is replete with splendid bargains wh investigate. Call on us when in town. 8 M. D. DBLO I QREELYVILLE, J or??31 IE ?:@:@:@:?.@.?:@:@<@:@:?:i ? WHEN YOU V | A BestMtiM ? BUILT EITHE | WOOD OR B @ WRITE OR i ? O. E- HAF ? (ireely\ille, |j Architect of 12 Year ? Best of References Furnishi | C. E. HAF H GREELYV1LLE, - ?'?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:@:?:?:c KYWrWrWrWtWWTV OVtYrW | : : THE iBank of Gi 5 Offers its services to t ^ with the assurance tha ^ terests will be carefu ^ after. ^ Our last statement ? very healthy condition ^ in our institution and ^ ample security to depos > daxti^ on rsDPF > LIAni\ 1 Viiyi^L > QREELYVILLE, J TW Boyle, President, c WM O'Bryan, Vice Pres. lAfAMAMAAAAMMAAAAMAAVVWi js.HiiHHHUinfUfiimiHUimtwiw) | TO PLEASE OUR ? is our cbief aim in selling goods. p you, we'd rather let you go sorm vou want. | BH BUT ?E we keep 1 SUCH A LARQ ^ AND I SUCH A VA EE that we rarely ever fail | JUST THE THING YOU ARE Come to see us. |C. S. LAND B GREELYVLLL. 3er Co., II otliing, Hats.A.^1 I IIMDCD \I/8H LUIVIDDIX, \ ^ Hi ds. It will pny yon to // ling in our line. Yk ber Co., ( I IAS IT." ; I you can't decide what flH All kinds of GROCERIES, : I iS, ETC. H/|l spartment I II ft ich it will pay you to i v RME, ; MNT ? J . Howse' | i R OF ? -\3 RICK, | J 5EE ? J tRIS, 11 s' Experience. j|j jj A ed on Application . @ tRIS, - - s. c. . ?>::?:@?:?:?@:@? tyyyyyywyyyyyyyvv^- ' reelyville | he public, ? t their in- ^, lly looked ^ showed a ^ of affairs ^ we offer ^ ;itors. ^ iLYVILLE, I S. C. J C E Register, ^ Cashier. > aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ' immmmmmiwwTw" PATRONS x If we cannot please 3 ewhere else for what ^ E STOCK | R I E T Y 1 v to have ^2 ' : LOOKING FOR. 1 I Ar CO.. 1 E, S. C. =3 UlUUUUUUUUUUUUSf 4 * ' 4 ..-i., Li .Am.